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ABOLITIONISTS, melting into the new par-
ty, 150; trying to convert Mr. Lincoln,
155; not yet ready to follow him, 170
Anderson, Maj. R., in command of Fort
Sumter, 195

Anti-coercion meetings at the North, 228
Antietam Creek, battle of, 325; President's
doubt as to its being a victory, 334
Armstrong, Jack, of Clary's Grove, wrest-
ling match with Lincoln, 76
Armstrong, Hannah, appealing to Lincoln
to defend her son, 164; forebodings of
Lincoln's assassination, 198
Armstrong, William D., son of Jack and

Hannah, accused of murder and de-
fended by Lincoln, 163
Arlington House, Lee family mansion,
Rebel flag on, 235-238
Army of the Potomac, representative ar-
my, 884

Army organization, complications of State
and National authority, 268; difficul-
ties, 271; formative processes, 284
Assassination, conspiracy and prepara-

tions for, 458; accomplished, 459; com-
ments of European powers and press,


Ashmun, George, Chairman of Chicago

Nat. Rep. Convention, 184; appoint-
ment to meet President, etc., 459

BAKER, E. D., Lincoln's withdrawal in his

favor as a candidate for Congress, 128
Baltimore, Secession feeling in, 204; attack

upon Massachusetts 6th Reg., 230; city
captured by troops under Gen. B. F.
Butler, 232-236; National Convention of
Rep. party held there, 428

Bates, Edward, appointed Attorney-Gen-
eral, 215; resigned, 442

Beauregard, Gen. P. G. T., in command of
Rebel troops at Manassas Junction, 254
Berry, business partner of Lincoln in New
Salem, 94-96

Big Bethel, fight, 254

Blackhawk War, outbreak of, 81; Still-

man's defeat, 85; Independent Spy
Company, 88

Blackstone's Commentaries, borrowed of
John T. Stuart by Lincoln, 101
Blair, Montgomery, Postmaster-General,

215; opposed to Proclamation of Eman-
cipation, 333; resigned, 442
Blockade of Southern seaports, first pro-

clamation of, 250; effectiveness of, 262
Bloomington, Ill., State Convention of

Anti-Nebraska men held there, 155;
speech of Mr. Lincoln, 157
Booth, John Wilkes, actor and assassin,
459; death of, 460

Border States, saved to the Union, 197, 221,
350; furnishing volunteers for the ar-
my, 355; disturbed by Emancipation,
865; reconstruction of, 374

Brandy Station, battle of, 888
Breckinridge, great speech in murder-
case and repulse of young Lincoln's
compliments, 58

Breckinridge, John C., Vice-President, 160;
nomination for President, 184

Bryant, William Cullen,

presided at
Cooper Institute meeting and intro-
duced Mr. Lincoln, 179

Buchanan, James, nominated for Presi-
dent, 160; character of his administra-
tion, 190-196; accompanies Mr. Lincoln
at his inauguration, 208

Bull Run, battle of, 255; effects of, 257;
false accounts of, 265

Burnside, Gen. Ambrose E., succeeded

McClellan in command, 326; successes
in North Carolina, 350; plan of cam-
paign on Potomac, 356; removal from
command, 358; commanded in Ohio,
378; further services, 414

Bushnell C. S., and the construction of the
Monitor, 298

Butler, Gen. B. F., commanding Massachu-
setts troops in Maryland, 233; sus-
pends writ of Habeas Corpus, 236; cap-
ture of Baltimore, 236; declares fugi-
tives from slavery contraband, 277
Butler, William, friend with whom Lincoln
boarded, 118

CABINET, the, formation of, 189, 214; Opin-
ions with reference to Fort Sumter, 222
Calhoun, surveyor of Sangamon County, 95
Call for troops, first, 224; from four States
to repel second invasion, 389
Cameron, Simon, Secretary of War, 214;
resignation of, 316

Campbell, J. A., at Peace Conference in
Hampton Roads, 446; action with ref-
erence to Lee's surrender, 455
Carpenter, Frank B., painting picture of

first reading of Emancipation Procla-
mation, 332; conversations with Mr.
Lincoln, 333

Cartwright, Rev. Peter, candidate for Con-

gress against Lincoln and defeated, 133
Central Illinois Gazette, newspaper nomi-
nation of Lincoln for the Presidency,

Civil war, threats of, in case of Lincoln's
election, 160; termination of, 455
Champaign County, Ill., Lincoln retires
from a murder-case in, 140; received
there the news of his votes for Vice-
President, 160; nominated first for
President in, 174

Chancellorsville, battle of, etc., 386, 887
Chantilly, battle of, 231

Charleston, S. C., forts in and about har-
bor of,195; capture of, by Union troops,

Chase, Salmon P., candidacy at Chicago,
183; Secretary of the Treasury, 215,

270; resigned, 442; appointed Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court, 443
Chicago, Republican National Convention
in 1860, 183

Clary's Grove Boys, character of, 76; elect
Lincoln their captain, 82
Clay, Henry, political idol of Lincoln, 128;
defeat of, for Presidency, 180; put
aside, 135; funeral oration by Lincoln,
Colonization, chimerical ideas entertained,
etc., 145; recommended in Emancipa-
tion Proclamation, 365

Commissioners, Confederate, not recog-
nized, 217

Committee on the Conduct of the War, 290
Compensation for slaves of loyal owners,

Confederacy, Southern, formation of, 195;
first army of, 225

Congress of United States, call for extra
session, 227; first war-legislation, 259,


slavery, 445

Amendment prohibiting

Cooper Institute speech, 178

Copperheads, name given to Northern
Rebels, 214; useful allies of the South,
287, 389

Crawford, Josiah, owner of "Weems' Life

of Washington" spoiled by Lincoln, 45
Crisis, financial, of 1837, 119
Crittenden Compromise, failure of, 213
Cruelty to Animals, lecture and essay by
young Lincoln, 43.

DAVIS, DAVID, appointed to the Supreme
Court, etc., 443

Davis, Jefferson, President of the Confede-
racy, 213; predicts a bloody war, 222;
urges Virginia to hostilities, 232
Dayton, William L., candidate of People's
party for Vice-President, 159
Debating Club, of Gentryville, Ind., 56; of
New Salem, Ill., 91

Decatur, Ill., town of, near first settlement
of Lincoln family, 65; Lincoln's first
stump-speech in Illinois made there,


Democratic party, condition of, in 1854, etc.,

146; division of, in 1860, 184; conven-
tion of, in 1864, 431, 435
Dennison, Gov. W., of Ohio, Chairman of
Republican National Convention, 430;
Postmaster-General, 442

District of Columbia, compensated emanci-

pation is advocated by Lincoln, 136:
political condition of, in 1861, 205, 349
Dorsey, Hazel, one of Lincoln's Indiana
school-teachers, 36

Douglas, Stephen A., rival of Lincoln in
courtship, 121; author of Kansas-Ne-
braska Act, 146; speech at Springfield,
Ill., replied to by Lincoln, 147; candi-
date for re-election to U. S. Senate, 167;
elected, 173; nominated for President,

Draft Act, recommended to Congress, 371;
opposition to, increasing, 383, 387, 396;
riot in New York City, 397, 400

EDWARDS, MATILDA, story of, 122

Edwards. Ninian, brother-in-law of Mrs.
Lincoln, 121

Eighth Regiment Massachusetts Militia,
reach Maryland under Gen. Butler, 233
Election, results of, in 1860, 187; in 1863,
416; in 1864, 441

Electoral Colleges, report of votes in 1860,
187; in 1864, 442

Ellsworth, Colonel, death of, 246
Emancipation, right and power, 329, 331;
Congressional preparation for, 830;
reading of, 332, 334; second proclama-
tion, 365, 368

England, sympathy with and support of
Confederacy, 249, 261, 383; warned not
to interfere, 263; declaration of neu-
trality not received, 264; conduct in
Trent affair, 352

Enquirer, Richmond, Va., newspaper de-
mand for resumption of ownership of
District of Columbia by Virginia and
Maryland, 219

Everett, Edward, candidate of Constitu-
tional Union party for Vice-President
in 1860, 185

Executive Mansion, Washington, D. C.,
packed with office-seekers, 215; busi-
ness arrangements of, 248; mails of,

FEDERAL PARTY, death of, 90

Female suffrage, assent to, in Lincoln's
address, etc., 112

Fessenden, William P., appointed Secretary
of the Treasury, 442; resigned, 452
Fillmore, Millard, Vice-President, 135;
nominee of Constitutional Union party
for President in 1860, 160

Finances, United States, Lincoln's training
for, 106, 113; Congress makes first war-
loan, 260; European opinion of, 261;
new loans and national banking sys-
tem, 372, 373

Floyd, Secretary of War under Buchanan
Administration, 196

Forebodings concerning assassination, 198
Fort Sumter, siege of, begins, 195; bom-
bardment of, 220; news of capture re-
ceived at Washington, 222

Fourth of July, celebration in Washington
in 1863, 411

France, sympathy with Confederacy, 249,
261, 383; warned not to interfere, 268;
declaration of neutrality not received,


Fredericksburg, battle of, 356, 358
Frémont, Gen. John C., nominated for
President by the People's party in
1856, 159; appointed to command De-
partment of the West, 309; proclama-
tion of confiscation, etc., issued by,
311; services, 313, 350; reference to, in
letter of President, 831

GAME and hunting in Indiana, 53
Gentry, Allen, Lincoln's companion in first

flat-boat trip down the Mississippi, 60, 64
Gentry, Gentryville, store and village in
Indiana, 36, 49; Lincoln's clerkship
there, 56; at Gentry's Landing and on
flat-boat owned by Gentry, 60, 64
Germany, sympathy with Union cause, 883

[blocks in formation]

Grant, Gen. Ulysses S., President's letter
to him, 415; appointed to Military De-
partment of the West, 421; Lieutenant-
General in command of all armies,
423; Lincoln's opinion of him, 424; cor-
respondence with Lincoln on army
plans, 443; in front of Richmond, 453
Greeley, Horace, and the Niagara Falls
Commissioners, 435

Greene, Bowlin, helps buy Lincoln's effects
at sheriff's sale, 97; took care of him
during melancholia, etc., 109
Grigsby, Aaron, brother-in-law of Lincoln,


Grigsby, Nat, Lincoln interrupts a speech
to step down and speak to him, 129
HABEAS CORPUS, Writ of, suspended in
certain parts of Maryland, 236; Gen-
eral Proclamation, 339, 371; test-case in
Ohio, 378

Hall, Levi, married Lincoln's step-sister

and emigrated to Illinois with him, 65
Halleck, Gen. H. W., appointed General-

in-Chief, 318; views of Pope's cam-
paign, 3:22

Hamlin, Hannibal, Vice-President, 183
Hancock, Gen. W. S., remark in council of
war at Gettysburg, 394

Hanks, Dennis, cousin and playfellow of
Lincoln in Kentucky, 19; in Indiana,
27; goes to Illinois, 65; works with
him, 67

Hanks, John, settled in Illinois and drew

the Lincoins to follow, 65; caused Lin-
coln's first speech in Illinois, 68; com-
panion in flat-boat voyage, etc., 69;
gave him the name and fame of "Rail-
splitter," 181

Hardin, General, Lincoln withdrew in his

favor, as candidate for Congress, in
1846, 132

Harper's Ferry, arsenal burned, 235; sur-
render of troops in 1862, 825
Harris, Miss C., with the President when
he was murdered, 459

Harrison, George W., returned from Black-
hawk War in company with Lincoln,


Harrison, political campaign, 120
Hay, Colonel John, Private Secretary to

the President, 216; sent to meet Con-
federate envoys at Niagara, 436
Hazel, Caleb, second schoolmaster of Lin-
coln in Kentucky, 18

Herndon, I. and R., brothers, business men
of New Salem, Ill., intimate friends of
Lincoln, 94

Herndon, William H., law-partner of Lin-
coln, 131; corresponded with him in

Congress, 134; report of Lincoln's de-
spair of political affairs, 142; prevented
by Lincoln from going to Kansas, 154;
signed Lincoln's name to the call for
the Bloomington Convention, 156;
makes half of his next audience, 158;
shrinking consequences a little, 169; the
old law-sign not to be taken down, 198
Hill, Samuel, Lincoln's infidel manuscript
read and burned in store of, 103
Holt, Joseph, Secretary of War at the
close of the Buchanan Administration,

Hooker, Gen. Joseph, succeeded Burnside
in command of Army of the Potomac,
359, 385; resigned, 392; further services,
House Divided against Itself, preparation
and delivery of speech, 169, 172. (See

Hunter, R. M. T., at Peace Conference in
Hampton Roads, 446

fee demanded by Lincoln, 162
Illinois, State of, Lincoln's emigration from
Indiana to, 65; politics and financial
excitement in, 92

Inauguration, Presidential, features of, in
1861, 208; in 1865, 448

Indiana, Territory and State, 19; Lincoln's.
first home there, 25

Internal Improvements, a hobby of Lin-
coln's early political life, 92, 106, 118
Invalid Corps, on duty in New York dur-
ing Draft Riots, 398

JACKSON, Gen. ANDREW, Lincoln a "Jack-
son man," 92

Jayne, William, nominating Lincoln for

the Legislature without authority, 150
Jewett, W. C., of Colorado, with the Rebel
commissioners, 435

Joint Debates of 1856, 160; of 1858, 173
Johnson, Andrew, nominated for Vice-
President, 430; Military Governor of
Tennessee, 488; escapes assassination,
etc., 458

Johnson, Herschel V., Douglas-Democratic
candidate for Vice-President, 184
Johnston family, at time of marriage of

Mrs. Johnston with Thomas Lincoln, 32
Johnston, John, step-brother of Lincoln,

32; partner in second flat-boat voyage,
69,71; letter to him in last illness of
Thomas Lincoln, 144

Jones, keeper of country store in Gentry-
ville, hired Lincoln as salesman, 56
Journey to Washington in 1861, speeches
and incidents, 201, 204

Senate in 1854, 146

Kansas Territory and State, troubles in,
154: stumping tour in, by Lincoln, 177;
political troubles concerning military
management, 404, 406, 428

Kean, Laura, actress at Ford's Theater at
assassination of the President, 460
Kentucky, neutrality of, 258
Kirkpatrick, competitor of Lincoln for
captaincy in Illinois Volunteers, 82

LAMON, WARD H., associate counsel with
Lincoln, 140; duties at the White
House, 243

[ocr errors]

Lane, Senator James, of Kansas, speech in
defense of Lincoln, 429
Lane, Joseph, proslavery Democratic can-
didate for Vice-President in 1860, 184
Lee, Gen. Robert E., offered command of
Union forces, 236; takes command of
Virginia State troops, 240; surrender
of, 455

Letters of marque, Jefferson Davis issued
proclamation offering, 250
Lincoln, Abraham, birth and childhood,

13-24; brother, 21; schooling, 18, 35, 37,
42; bodily strength, 37, 55, 98; books,
40, 44, 46, 78; writing, 43; first stump-
speaking, 48, 68; early temperate hab-
its, 48; clerk in a country store, 56;
first law-studies, 51, 56; sociability, 54;
first flat-boat voyage, 60; removal from
Indiana to Illinois, 65; second flat-boat
voyage, 69; inventor, 70; clerk of elec-
tion, 74; miller, 75; wrestler, 72, 76;
captain of volunteers in the Blackhawk
War, 82; private soldier, 88; candidate
for the State Legislature, 91; merchant,
94; law-student, 94; surveyor, 95; post-
master, 95; bankrupt, 96; first love, 99;
elected to the State Legislature, 101;
skeptic, 103; temporary insanity, 108,
122; correspondence with Mary Owens,
111; antislavery protest in Illinois
Legislature, 115; admitted to the bar,
118; betrothal to Mary Todd, 121; duel
with Shields, 124; marriage, 125; ad-
mitted to practice in U. S. Circuit
Court, 127; elected to Congress, 188;
death of his father, 144; first reply to
Douglas, 147; defeated candidate for
the United States Senate, 152, 169, 173;
Bloomington speech, 156; candidate for
Vice-President of the United States,
159; "House divided against itself"
speech, 170; editorial nomination for
President of the United States, 174;
Cooper Institute speech, 178; rail-split-
ter, 181; nomination for the Presidency
by the Republican National Conven-
tion, 183; elected President, 186; policy
before inauguration, 190; farewell
speech to citizens of Springfield, 202;
inauguration, 209; selection of Cabinet,
214; military student, 245; read no let-
ters, 282; procures the construction of
the Monitor 298; Proclamation of
Emancipation, 330, 332, 334; visiting
Army of Potomac, 340; loss of little
Willie, 345; letter to the armies on Sab-
bath-keeping, 347; watching armies in
the West, 351, 415; harassed to petu-
lance, 382; calumny and abuse of, 402,
425; "last, best, and shortest speech,"
408; consciousness of wearing out, 408;
nominated for a second term, 429, 481;
elected, 441; inaugurated, with ad-
dress, etc., 448; last visit to the ar-
my, 452; entry of Richmond after
evacuation, 454; assassination, 459
Lincoln, Mrs. Mary Todd, engagement to
marry Abraham Lincoln, 121; author

of the "Lost Township Letters," 124;

[blocks in formation]

Lincoln, Mrs. Sally Johnston, step-mother
of Abraham Lincoln, 32; his love for
her, 34; care of her in later days, 131,
144; visit to her before going to Wash-
ington, and her forebodings, 198
Lincoln, Robert Todd, son of Abraham

Lincoln, childhood. 133; at school, 180;
serving in the army, 418

Lincoln, Sally, or Nancy, sister of Abra-

ham Lincoln, 17; marriage to Aaron
Grigsby, 48; death, 49

Lincoln, Thomas, father of Abraham Lin-
coln, personal character, etc., Chapter
I.; treatment of his son, 60; death,
Lincoln, Thomas, son of Abraham Lincoln,
"Little Tad," birth of, 144; illness, 344
Lincoln, Willie, son of Abraham Lincoln,
birth, 133; death, 344

Logan, Stephen T., law-partner of Lin-
coln, 131; defeated for Congress, 188;
urging Lincoln not to give way for
Trumbull, 152

Long Bridge over Potomac, slenderly
guarded, 235; crossed by Union forces,


Long, Dr., condoling with Lincoln, etc.,

Long Nine, the, Sangamon County dele-
gation in the Illinois Legislature, 115
Lost Township Letters, written by Mary
Todd, story of, 124

MACAULEY, Commodore, in command of
Gosport Navy Yard, etc., 218

Manassas, military importance of, 254: Sec-
ond Bull Run, battle of, 321

Manchester, England, letter of working-
men to President Lincoln, 412

Maryland, State of, ready for secession,
204, 231, 234, 349

Massachusetts Sixth Regiment, mustered

for service, 229; mobbed in Baltimore,

Massachusetts War-bill passed, 201
Meade, Gen. George G., in command of
Army of Potomac, 390, 392, 420, 424
Metzgar murder-case, 163
Mexican War, opposed by Lincoln in Con-
gress, 134
McClellan, Gen. Geo. B., appointed to com-

mand, 273; systematizing Army of Po-
tomac, 284; reports condition of army,
autumn of 1861, 286; army idea of him,
294; President's opinion of him, 300;
return from Peninsula, 304, 321; re-as-
sumes command, 305, 324; political as-
pirations, 313, 315; removed from com-
mand, 826; nominated for President by
the Opposition, 437
McCulloch, Hugh, appointed Secretary of
the Treasury, 452

McDowell, Gen. Irwin, in command of

Union troops at the battle of Bull Run,

McNamar, McNeil, desertion of Ann Rut-
ledge by, 100

Milk-sick, nature and ravages of, 28
Mill-dam at New Salem, on Sangamon

River, on which Lincoln's flat-boat
stuck, 70; all now left of town, 73
Mississippi River, control of upper waters
retained, 197, 818; of mouth secured,
850; entire control secured, 393
Missouri, State of, saved from seceding,
350; political troubles in, 404, 406, 429
Monitor iron-clad, fight with Merrimac,
297; story of her construction, 298
Montgomery, Ala., first seat of govern-
ment of Southern Confederacy, 194

NATIONAL RIFLES, Washington, D. C., sig-
nificance of its history, 206, 236
Navy of United States, beginnings of, 250
Needham, Daniel, wrestling-match with
Lincoln, 72

New Orleans, effect of the capture of, 350
New Salem, Ill., character and population
of, 71, 78

New York Seventh Regiment, set out for
Washington, 230; in Virginia, 241
New York War-bill, passage of, 201
Nicolay, John G., Private Secretary to
President Lincoln, 216

OFFICE-SEEKERS, first disappointment of,

by Lincoln, 188; throngs of them at
White House, 207, 215

Offutt, Denton, employs Lincoln, etc., to
build flat-boat, 69, 70; ditto as salesman
in New Salem, 74; failure, 81;
Oglesby, Gov. Richard, action at Decatur
Convention, 180

Ohio, political speeches in, by Lincoln, 177
Ord, Gen. E. O. C., member of President
Lincoln's last council of war, 453
Ordinance of Secession of Virginia, 239
Oregon Territory, governorship of, refused
by Lincoln, 138

Owens, Mary, correspondence with Lin-
coln, 111, 120

PAIN, JOHN, with W. H. Herndon, Lincoln's
audience at State House in Springfield,
Peace Commissioners at Niagara Falls,
435, et seq

Peace Conference in Hampton Roads, 446
Peace Congress, failure of, 218

Pendleton, George H., Democratic nomi-
nee for Vice-President, 437
Peninsular campaign, plan for, adopted,
295; close of, 300

Pennsylvania, War-bill passed, 201; 5th

Reg't Militia reaches Washington, 229;
invasion of, by Lee's army, 890
Pensacola, Florida, navy-yard surrendered
and forts besieged, 195

People's party, organization and National
Convention of, 159

Peoria, Ill., speech by Lincoln in reply to
Douglas, 149

Pickens, Governor, of South Carolina, 220
Pickett, Gen., leader of last charge of bat-
tle of Gettysburg, 294

Pirates, Confederate privateers so declared
by proclamation, 250

Polk, James K., President, course of, on
Mexican question, 184

Pope, Gen. John, in command of the Army
of Virginia, 303; drifted out of it, 805;
conduct and reports of, 321, 822
Posey, reply to his speech at Decatur, Ill.,
by Lincoln, 68

Press, liberty of, restricted, 876, 377
Private secretaries of the President, 216;
offices and duties of, 243, 282
Protest, antislavery, in Legislature of Il-
linois, by Lincoln and Stone, 115
Punch, London journal, versified obituary
on Lincoln, 402. (See Appendix.)
RADFORD Store in New Salem mobbed, etc.,

Rail-splitter, origin and occasion of title,

Rathbone, Major Henry, with the President
at Ford's Theater, 459
Reconstruction, beginnings of, 874, 375;
act providing for, passed and vetoed,

Regular army, increased at the beginning,
etc., 237
Republican party, elements of, 148; in

Congress, 162; first State Convention
of, in Illinois, 168; second ditto, 180;
first National Convention, 182; second
ditto, 426

Richmond, Virginia, latent Unionism in,

Riney, Zachariah, first schoolmaster of
Lincoln, 18

Roby, Polly, anecdotes of, and Lincoln,
43, 61

Russia, friendship for United States, 884
Rutledge, Ann, story of her first betrothal,
99; to Lincoln, 107; death, 108
Rutledge, James, mill-owner at New Sa-
lem, prevents fight, etc., 77; urged Lin-
coln to run for Legislature, 91

SANGAMON RIVER, house built and work

done on bank of, by Abraham Lincoln,
67; flat-boat built there by him, 69;
piloting flat-boat down it in a flood, 74;
testing it for steamboat navigation, 79
Sangamontown, strolls into, 70
Schoolmasters of Abraham Lincoln, Zach-
ariah Riney, 18; Caleb Hazel, 18; Ha-
zel Dorsey, 35, 40; Andrew Crawford,
42; Minter Graham, 78

Scott, Gen. Winfield, directing organiza-
tion of District of Columbia militia,
206; co-operating with President Lin-
coln in 1861, 207; advising appointment
of Gen. McClellan, 273; resignation and
retirement, 274

Secession, original purposes, 211; ripened
by Lincoln's election, 192; cotton-States
act, 194; Virginia Act, 240; recognized
only as sedition, 224, 227, 374
Second term, beginning of political cam-
paign for, 421, 428

Seventh Regiment, N. Y. N. G., 230
Seward, William H., "Irrepressible_Con-

flict" services, 171; candidate for Presi-
dential nomination, 182; appointed Sec-

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