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[blocks in formation]

media, 241

otitis media in, 206

Tumors, connective-tissue, of au-
ditory nerve, 267

Tuning-fork in test of hearing-
power, 86

Tympanic cavity, catarrh of, 173
(see also Catarrh of
Middle Ear).
mucous membrane, histology
of, 33

ossicles, mechanism of, 32
muscles of, 31
Tympanum, anatomy of, 28
diseases of, 173

fice of Eustachian tube,

VALSALVA's method of inflation,


Vertigo and ear disease, 117
Vision, reflex influence of ear dis-
ease on, 118

WATCH-TICK in test of hearing-
power, 85

Weber's test for hearing-power, 89
Whispered conversation in test
of hearing-power, 84

Whistle, Galton-Edelmann's, in
test of hearing-power,


[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Arranged Alphabetically and Classified under Subjects See page 20 for a List of Contents classified according to subjects


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