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ROTHER HOUSE SCHOOL FOR YOUNG GENTLEMEN, COLLEGE PARK, LEWISHAM.-Principals, The Misses BARTON In the above School the pupils are under the special care of the Principals, who study their health and comfort. Terms moderate. Pupils are prepared for the Local Examinations.

DENHAM HOUSE, LEE, near BLACKHEATH, KENT.Principal, Miss VIDLER. The above Ladies' School has been established over twenty years. The pupils are under the special care of the Principal, who studies their health and comfort. Terms moderate. Pupils are prepared for the Local Examinations.

SUNDAY SCHOOL ADDRESSES, suitable for distribution amongst the young, by JOHN PRIOR, a teacher in Gower Street Chapel Sunday School. No. 1, GRACE; No. 2, REMEMBER THY CREATOR; No. 3, THE BIBLE. 1d. each, or 8d. per dozen, post free. C. A. BARTLETT and Co., Warwick Buildings, Paternoster Row, London; or of any bookseller.

A GODLY PRAYER FOR UNION, COMMUNION, AND SAFETY, BY THE SPOUSE OF CHRIST.-A Sermon preached at Heybridge Baptist Chapel, Essex, on Friday evening, September 8th, 1882, by ALFRED DYE, London Road, Maldon, Essex. Price Twopence, to be had only of the Author.

FOUR SERMONS BY THE LATE F. COVELL, forming No. 2, New Series, price 6d. The publication of these sermons will be continued at intervals, if sufficient are sold to cover the expenses. London: J. Gadsby, 18, Bouverie Street; Croydon: W. G. Covell, 26, High Street.

PATENT UNBREAKABLE WASHING BASINS.-They are handsome in appearance, and, if dropped from the hand, thrown forcibly to the ground, remain perfect and uninjured. Even if placed bottom upwards and stood upon they cannot be broken. Size 15 inches and 12 inches. Sent on receipt of Postal Order for 28. or 1s. 6d. J. DUNK, Furniture Stores, Post Office, Pevensey Road, Eastbourne.

HUBBARD'S EMBROCATION (No. 2) FOR HORSES AND CATTLE.-Sanctioned by Her Majesty's Government. Protected under the Trade Marks' Act (38 and 39 Vict., ch. 91.) Enacted by the "Queen's Most Excellent Majesty," 13th August, 1875. The Genuine "Hubbard's Embrocation" bears the Registered Trade Mark, to copy which is felony. The Embrocation possesses properties which render it invaluable to owners of Horses and Cattle, as is proved by its having gradually acquired a world-wide reputa tion as an indispensable stable requisite, the ultimate verdict of the Public being that no stable is complete without it. The many testimonials we have received prove the truth of our statement. It is a safe remedy for Bruises, Sprains, Lameness in the Shoulders and Hip Joints, Strains in the Back Sinews, and Stiff and Contracted Muscles; for Poll Evil, Strangles, Influenza, Swellings, Inflammation, and Foul in Beasts' Feet; for Cuts, Green Wounds, Escape of Joint Oil, and Running Thrush.

May be obtained through any Chemist or Medicine Vendor throughout the United Kingdom, 1s. 6d. and 3s. per bottle. BARCLAY and SONS, Wholesale Agents, 95, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.; and W. TROUGHTON, 101, Beaufort Street, Chelsea, S.W.

Testimonials may be had on application to W. HUBBARD, Pakefield House, Lowestoft. Respectable Agents wanted. Liberal Commission allowed."

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RECEIVED.-W. S.; R. F. R.; G. H. M. R.; Hopeful; R. E. B.; T. W.; Daisy ; H. S. L.; J. S.; T. N.; Ebenezer; M. B.; S. F.

BOOKS RECEIVED." The Regular Baptist Magazine" (America). "The Banner of Truth" (New York). "The Protestant Times " (W. Cox, 37, Aldermanbury, London, E.C.) "Reasons for Abjuring Allegiance with the See of Rome (3d. R. Steele, Racquet Court, Fleet Street, London, E.C.).-The two latter contain some very interesting information for Protestants. We have also received "The First Annual Report of the Pure Truth Mission."-The object of this Institution is to circulate truthful magazines, tracts, &c., among the sailors who visit Hull. The secretary is Mr. G. Stephens, 12, Crown Terrace, Anlaby Road, Hull. Help is solicited. Back numbers of truthful magazines will be acceptable.

PRINTING FUND.-The Editor again tenders his sincere and hearty thanks to those warm-hearted helpers who sympathize with his endeavour to scatter broadcast suitable reading for young and old, and he hopes that, while atheists and Romanists are energetically working against the best interests of the rising race, and of men in general, all lovers of truth will strive to help to circulate that teaching which accords with the Word of God. The following are gratefully acknowledged :Anonymous, 10s.; Mrs. M., 3s.; A Thank-Offering from Mr. J. H., £5 5s.

AGED PILGRIMS' FRIEND SOCIETY.-Mr. R. Funnell, 218.; S. L., 21s.; Mr. T. White, 14s.; Mr. F. Winser, 10s.; Mrs. Mitchell, 7s. The Editor hopes that all those friends who can do so will favour him with their votes at once, in behalf of a needy candidate for the Ten Guinea Pension.

PROVIDENCE CHAPEL, LOWESTOFT, SOUTH.-The Anniversary of this place is fixed for the 12th of June. Mr. Hull will (D.V.) preach morning and evening, and Mr. W. Smith in the afternoon.

BACK NUMBERS OF GLEANER AND SOWER can be had at three shillings per hundred, or we would forward them to schools and other places for free distribution, where we know they would be gladly received, if friends would kindly remit the cost of a few to us for this purpose.

ADVERTISEMENT CHARGES IN THE SOWER AND LITTLE GLEANER.-Twenty words, 1s.; every additional twelve words, 6d. A series at a reduction. Advertisements must be forwarded by the 20th of each month to appear in next issue.

All Advertisements and orders for Magazines to be addressed to Mr. E. WILMSHURST, Bookseller, Blackheath, London, S.E. P. O. Orders to be made payable at Blackheath Village.

ALL communications for the GLEANER and SOWER should be addressed to Mr. T. HULL, 117, High Street, Hastings. Post Office Orders may be made payable to him at the BRANCH OFFICE, High Street.

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A SITUATION REQUIRED as CLERK, MANAGER, or any place of trust, by an active middle-aged man (thoroughly acquainted with the Drapery business); well up in figures. Can give the highest references.Address J. P., care of Mr. WILMSHURST, Bookseller, Blackheath, S.E.

Just published. Price 6d. paper; 9d. cloth.

WHY THE CHAPEL WAS BUILT; or, The Stir made by the Gospel in a Country Town. By a deceased Minister. From E. WILMSHURST, Blackheath; or W. WILEMAN, 34, Bouverie Street, London.

A BRAND PLUCKED FROM THE FIRE.-The Conversion and Happy Death of Mrs. Knipp. Third Edition. One Penny.

"This is a brand plucked from the fire indeed."-Gospel Magazine. "Well adapted for distributing.”—Gospel Advocate.

London: W. WILEMAN, 34, Bouverie Street; E. WILMSHURST, Blackheath; or of the Author, W. BROWN, Mersea Road, Colchester. Two for 2d., or 9d. per dozen, post free.




"Moreover concerning a stranger, that is not of Thy people Israel, but cometh out of a far country for Thy name's sake (for they shall hear of Thy great name, and of Thy strong hand, and of Thy stretched out arm); when he shall come and pray toward this house: hear Thou in heaven Thy dwelling-place, and do according to all that the stranger calleth to Thee for."-1 KINGS viii. 41-43.

THESE words form a part of Solomon's prayer at the dedication of the temple, which he built according to God's promise to David, and by divine direction. Solomon was a lively type of the Lord Jesus. His very name is blessedly applicable to Christ -the word "Solomon" signifying peaceable, perfect, or who recompenses. And truly Jesus is peaceable; His errand to earth was an errand of " peace" (Luke ii. 14). He is emphatically called “our peace" (Eph. ii. 14). The covenant of which He is the Surety is designated a "covenant of peace" (Isa. liv. 10); the legacy He has bequeathed to His people is a legacy of "peace" (John xiv. 27). What a mercy for those who can truly say of Him, "He is our peace"! All of us who have a hope of peace with God ground our hope upon something. Rotten in itself, and perilous to the soul, is every other ground of peace but Jesus.

Jesus is indeed perfect. As a Person in the ever-adorable Trinity, He is perfection itself. As Man He is perfect; nothing of human perfection was absent from this "fairer than the children of men" (Psalm xliv. 2); and nothing of human defection (to use an obsolete word) was ever, or can ever be, present in this "holy, harmless, and undefiled One" (Heb. vii. 26). God-Man, or God and Man in one glorious Christ, He is perfect. "He is the Rock; His work is perfect" (Deut. xxxii. 4). Oh, how perfectly fitted for His work! Was obedience, human obedience, called for? The obeying Man could give it. Was human suffering demanded? The bleeding Man could endure it. Was infinite worth and almighty power required? God in human flesh had it. How perfectly fitted was this glorious Christ to pay, in human flesh, an infinite debt, to satisfy infinite justice, and exemplify and open a free and righteous channel for the outgushings of infinite mercy! And how perfectly suited is this glorious Christ to heal the gaping wounds, cleanse away the guilty stains, clothe the naked soul, and fill the empty heart of a poor sensibly-lost and No. 54, NEW SERIES, JUNE, 1883.


ruined sinner! Truly Jesus, the great Solomon, is the "perfection of beauty"; and, in His Person, work, names, offices, and fulness, He is indeed to every sensible sinner suited, "let his wants be what they may."

Christ mystical, or Jesus, the Head, in union with all His members, is for ever perfect. "Clear as the sun, fair as the moon, and terrible as an army with banners" (Sol.'s Song vi. 10). Jesus, the antitypical Solomon, is truly One that "recompenses." He made, by His obedience and suffering, recompense or reconciliation for the sins of His chosen people; He restored that which He took not away (Dan. ix. 24; Psa. lx. 1); and the Holy Spirit brings all the elect to be so sensible of the breadth of the holy law, and their own exceeding vileness, that they can hold up nothing else before the throne of God's holiness, and at the bar of equity, but Jesus for a recompense. And truly, when the soul has faith to lay hold of, and shelter in, this blessed Solomon as his own, it is a sweet recompense for all the painful stripping and humbling work that he has been led through. Oh, then he admires the wisdom displayed in all the Lord's dealings with him, and is thankful that ever he should have been wounded by conviction, to be cured by such a balm as Jesus' blood; stripped of his filthy rags, to make room for such a glorious dress as Jesus' righteousness; and brought off from every other foundation, and driven from every other shelter, that he might realize the blessedness of being built upon this precious foundation, and find in this great Rock, this sweet HidingPlace, a refuge from the wind and a covert from the tempest (Isa. xxxii. 2). And will He not be, in the kingdom of eternal glory, an endless recompense for all the toils of the desert? One wave of the tide of immortal bliss, flowing from His right hand, will for ever efface the deepest print that tribulation has made upon our hearts while in the desert, as the rising tide obliterates every foot-mark from the sandy beach which it covers. Oh, when He comes, "He will come with a recompense; and 66 we shall be satisfied when we awake with His likeness" (Isaiah xxxv. 4; Psalm xvii. 15).

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We might, now we are upon Solomon's name, as applicable to Christ, add His name, Jedadiah, "beloved," or Lemuel," God with them," each sweetly applicable to "Immanuel, God with us," the Beloved of the Father, the beloved Object the Holy Ghost reveals, the Beloved of the heart of saved sinners, and the beloved theme of the heavenly songsters; but this we will forbear enlarging upon, and draw nearer to the text.

Solomon was a lively type of Christ in building a temple for Israel and Israel's God to commune in, and to be the object upon which God's eye should rest and Israel's eye be directed to. And the Greater than Solomon, by His incarnation, and by His resurrection,

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