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a n


tree, al-
lied to

YEAR, yeer, s., twelve months.--The YEW, yew,
Solar year comprehends twelve
calendar months; the Lunar year
is the space of twelve lunar
months; the Bissextile, or Leap
year, occurs every fourth rear;
the Great year is the time in
which the fixed stars make an
apparent revolution, arising from
the course of the sun through the
heavens, which has been com-
puted at 25,000 years.
YEARN, yern, v.n., to suffer; to feel
an earnest desire; to grieve.
YEARNING, -ing, a., having longing
desire.-s., strong emotions of de-
sire; tenderness.

YEAST, yeest, s., the foam, froth or
flower of beer or other liquor in
fermentation; barm.

YEASTY, yeast'-e, a., frothy; foamy; spumy.

YELK, yelk, s., yellow part of an egg; the yolk.

YELL, yel, v.n., to cry out with a
hideous noise.-s., a sharp, loud

YELLING, -ling, a., uttering hideous
outcries.-s., the act of screaming
YELLOW, lo, a., of the color of

gold, sulphur, &c.-s., a bright color, like gold or sulphur. YELLOWISH, -ish, a., somewhat yellow.

YELLOWNESS, -nes, s., quality of being yellow.

YELLOWS, -lose, s., a disease of the
bile in horses, cattle, and sheep.
YELP, yelp, v.n., to bark as a hound,
or other dog, after his prey.
YEOMAN, yo'-man, s., a freeholder;
a gentleman farmer; an officer in
the queen's household.
YEOMANLY, -le, a,, pertaining to a

YEOMANRY, -re, s., the collective
body of yeomen.
YERK, yerk, v.a., to thrust with a
sudden spring.-s., a sudden or
quick thrust.

YES, yes. ad., a term of affirmation.
YESTERDAY, yes'-ter-da, s, the day
last past.
YESTERN, tern, a., relating to the
day last past,
YESTERNIGHT, -nite, S., the last
YET, yet, conj., nevertheless; not-
withstanding.-ad., besides; over
and above; still; after all.

pine. IEL D, yeeld, v.a, to give in return for labor; to allow;

[merged small][graphic][merged small]

to produce; to concede; to admit; to give up; to surrender.v.n., to give up the contest; to submit.-s., amount yielded; product.

YIELDING, -ing, a., inclined to give

way flexible.-s., concession; submission.

YOKE, yoke, s., a bandage on the neck of beasts; a mark of servitude; bondage; a chain. -v.a., to join in a yoke; to couple; to bring into bondage.

YOLK, yoke, s., the yelk of an egg. YON, yon, or YONDER, '-der, a. and ad., being at a distance within


YONKER, yunk'-er, s., a young fellow.

YORE, yore, ad., of old time; long ago.

YOU, yoo, the pronoun of the second

· person

YOUNG, yung, a., not old; being


tender; having little experience. -s., the offspring of animals. YOUNGER, -ger, a. comp., not so old as another. YOUNGEST,'-gest, a. superl., having the least age. YOUNGISH, -ish, a., young. YOUNGLING, -ling, S., any animal in the first part of life. YOUNGSTER, -ster, s., a young person; a lad [you. YOUR, yoor, pron. a., belonging to YOURSELF, -self', pron., a compound of your and self. YOUTH, yooth, s., a young man; a young person, male or female; young persons collectively. YOUTHFUL, '-ful, a., young; full of youth; fresh; vigorous.-S., youthfulness.

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Z zed, the last letter of the alpha- ZERO, zero, 5; (tal.), cipher; noth

bet; merely a vocal S.

ZAMBO, zam'-bo, s., a child of a negro and a mulatto. ZAMIA, za'-me-ă, s., a genus of plants.

ZANY, -ne, s., a merry-andrew buffoon.


[a zany. ZANYISM, za'-ne-ism, s., the state of ZEAL, zeel, S., passionate ardor; enthusiasm.

ZEALOT, zel'-ut, s., one engaged warmly in any cause. ZEALOTRY, -ot-re, s., behavior of a zealot. ZEBRA, ze'-bră,

S., a quadruped of Southern Africa, allied to the horse, striped

with numer

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ing; the point of a thermometer from which it is graduated. ZEST, zest, s. (Pers.), relish; some

thing that gives a pleasant taste. -v.a., to give a relish or flavor to. ZETETIC, ze-tet'-ik, a., that proceeds by inquiry.

ZIBET, zib'-et, s., a small quadruped. ZIGZAG, zigzag, a., having short

turns.-s., something that has short turns or angles.-v.a., to form with short turns.

ZINC, zink, s. (Ger.), a semi-metal of a brilliant white color, with a shade of blue.

ZINCOGRAPHY, zin-kog'-ră-fe, s., the art of drawing upon and printing from plates of zinc. ZINCOUS, -kus, a., pertaining to zinc.

ZIRCON, zer'-kun, s., a mineral containing the earth zirconia and silica. ZODIAC,



ak, s..a broad


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growing in

the East In







holder of a large portion of land under the government in India. ZEND, zend, s., a language formerly prevalent in Persia ZENDAVESTA, zen'-dă-ves-tă, a., a sacred book of the Guebres or Parsees, ascribed to Zoroaster. ZENITH, -ith, s., that point in the

heavens vertical to the spectator. ZEOLITE, ze'-o-lite, s., a family of minerals, which are hydrous silicates of alumina. ZEOLITIC, -lit'-ik, a., consisting of or like zeolites. ZEPHYR, zef'-er, s., the west wind; a gentle breeze.


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through which the sun passes in its annual course.

ZODIACAL, -ă-kal, a., pertaining to the zodiac.

ZOLLVEREIN. zol'-ver-ine (Germ.), a commercial union of states for establishing a uniform rate of customs. ZOOGRAPHICAL, -o-graf'-e-kal, a., pertaining to the description of animals.

ZOOGRAPHY, -og'-raf-e, s., a description of animals, their forms and habits. [of animals. ZOOLATRY, ol'-a-tre, s., the worship

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pertaining to zoology. ZOOLOGIST, -ol-o-jist, s., one who is well versed in the natural history of animals. ZOOLOGY, -je, s., that part of natural history which treats of the habits, &c., of all animals. ZOONOMY, on'-o-me, s., the laws of animal life.

ZOOTOMY, -me, s., the anatomy or dissection of animals. ZOSTER, zos'-ter, s., a kind of tetter. ZOUAVE, zoo'-ave, s., a member of a French military corps, wearing the Arab dress.





fite, s., connecting link between plants and animals, as corals, sponges, &c. ZOOPHYTOLOGY, -fe-tol'-o-je, S., natural history of zoophytes. ZOOTOMIST, zo-ot'


o-mist, s., a comparative anatomist.

ZOUNDS, zownds, s. or interj., an exclamation of anger or wonder. ZYGOMATIC, zig-o-mat'-ik, a., per

taining to the zygoma, or cheekbɔne. ZYMOLOGY, zi-mol'-o-je, s., a treatise on the fermentation of liquors. ZYMOMETER, -mom'-e-ter, s., an instrument for ascertaining the degree of fermentation. ZYMOSIS, -mo'-sis, s., fermentation; an epidemic or contagious affection.

ZYMOTIC, -mot'-ik, a., pertaining to an epidemic or contagious affection; feverish.

ZYTHUM, -thum, s., a liquor made from malt and wheat.


Strictly speaking, there are no two words in the English language whose meanings are precisely the same; but they may be so nearly alike in signification that they may be used to convey the same thought, in which caso they are considered as synonymous with, or synonyms of, each other. Writers are frequently puzzled to find a suitable word to express their ideas without repeating one occurring in the same or the preceding se tence, and often the word which first suggests itself does not possess the exact shade of meaning necessary to convey a thought correctly. To meet these and similar emergencies, we append a Table of Synonyms, which is of the greatest value to those who would write smoothly and correctly. The following table is alphabetically arranged and carefully compiled, and it covers nearly all cases in which doubts may arise as to a choice of words. It contains from two to twelve synonyms for upward of 2,500 words, crediting every word with its various significations, and giving each of the latter its share of synonyms.


ABANDON-forsake, relinquish, give | ABSURD-ridiculous, foolish, preposup, desert. terous, silly.

ABASH-bewilder, disconcert, con- ABUNDANT-copious, ample, plenti

found, confuse.

ful, teeming. ABUSIVE-offensive,

graceful, scurrilous.

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ABODE-habitation, dwelling, residence.

ABOLISH-destroy, revoke, abrogate, invalidate.

ABORTIVE-fruitless, inoperative, fu-
tile, vain.

ABRIDGE-lessen, diminish, shorten,
contract, curtail.
ABROGATE-repeal, revoke, abolish,
cancel, annul.
ABRUPT steep, rough, rugged, sud-
den, unceremonious, harsh, hasty.
ABSOLVE-clear, acquit, release, for-

ABSORB engulf, engross, swallow,
imbibe, merge.
ABSTAIN-refrain, forbear, withhold.
ABSTRUSE-difficult, obscure, hidden,

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ACCEDE-comply, acquiesce, consent,
agree, assent, yield.
ACCELERATE-hasten, expedite, des-
patch, quicken.
ACCEPT-receive, admit, take.
welcome, pleasing.
ACCESSION-increase, addition, aug-


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ACQUIRE procure, obtain, gain, win, attain, secure.

ACTIVE-agile, busy, brisk, industrious, nimble, quick.

ACTUAL-certain, positive, real, genuine. [suade. ACTUATE―move, impel, induce, perACUTE-keen, penetrating, piercing, sharp, subtle, shrewd. ADAGE-maxim, aphorism, saying, proverb, apothegm, axiom. ADD-increase, join to, put to. ADDITION-accession, increase, augmentation.

ADEPT-expert, quick, apt, skillful. ADHERE-hold, cleave, attain, stick. ADHERENT-follower, partisan, dis


ADHESION-attachment, adherence, sticking, devoted.

ADJACENT adjoining, close, contiguous, near. [prorogue ADJOURN-defer, postpone, delay, ADJUNCT-appendage, appurtenance, dependency.

ADJUST-adapt, fit, accommodate, suit, settle. ADMIRATION-esteem,


wonder, regard, surprise. ADMIT-tolerate, grant, permit, concede, allow.

ADVERSE-Contrary, unfortunate, opposed, hostile. ADVERSITY-misfortune, affliction, calamity, distress.

ADVERT-allude, turn, regard, notice. ADVOCATE-argue, plead, defend, support. AFFABLE-pleasing, courteous.

civil, urbane,

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ALLAY -appease, assuage, mitigate, soothe, alleviate.

ALLEGE-affirm, assert, adduce, advance, declaré. ALLEVIATE-abate,

lighten, ease, soothe, mitigate, relieve. ALLOT -appoint, distribute, assign, apportion.

ALLUDE-hint, intimate, refer, suggest.

ALLURE-attract, decoy, entice, seduce, tempt.

ALTER-change, modify, re-arrange, vary.


ALTERCATION-dispute, quarrel, dissension. AMENABLE-accountable, answerable, responsible. AMEND-better, correct, improve, mend, reform, rectify. AMENDS-reparation,


restitution, restoration. ANGRY-hot, hasty, irascible, passionate, enraged. ANGUISH-agony, distress, pain, suffering.

ANIMATE-enliven, exhilarate, cheer, impel, encourage, incite, inspire, urge.

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