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and Codeine Tablets are exceedingly trustworthy.

If the irritation.

or spasm prevails at night, the patient should take a 5-grain tablet, containing 434-gr. Antikamnia and 4-gr. Sulphate Codeine, an hour before retiring and repeat it hourly until the irritation is allayed. Allow the tablet to dissolve slowly in the mouth, swallowing the saliva. After taking the second or third tablet, the cough is usually under control, at least for that paroxysm and for the night. Should the irritation prevail in the morning or at midday, the same. course of administration should be observed until subdued. In neuralgia, in short, for the multitude of nervous ailments, he doubts. if there is another remedial agent so reliable, serviceable and satisfactory, and this, without establishing an exaction, requirement or habit in the system, as morphine does.-New York Medical Journal.

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The Only One. “I am glad to be able to give you the following testimony regarding a patient who had been an invalid for many years, and has had great trouble with her diet, I think due to a subacute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and bowels. For months at a time she has been unable to take a particle of starchy food, and naturally a number of the prepared foods have been tried and different ones have seemed for a time to agree with her, but Imperial Granum is the only one she can always rely on, often using it exclusively as a diet for weeks at a time. In one or two instances we feel that it has almost saved her life."

We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of the Robinson-Pettet Co., Louisville, Ky., which will be found on another page of this issue. This house was established fifty years ago, and enjoys a widespread reputation as manufacturers of high character. We do not hesitate to endorse their preparations as being all that they claim for them.

"For nearly two years I have been using Ahtiphlogistine in a large variety of inflammatory affections with the most satisfactory results. Particularly in pneumonia and diseased conditions where the old flaxseed poultices have formerly been used. I consider it a very valuable remedy and conscientiously and cheerfully recommend it to physicians generally."-A. D. Yorke, M.D., Brockton, Mass.

J. H. Goethe, M. D., Varnville, S. C., says: "Celerina was given to a patient suffering from nervous prostration, the result of habitual alcoholic excess. Under its administration his system was not only completely renovated, but he was enabled to overcome the habit of indulging in strong drink, and is now enjoying good health. I regard Celerina of great value to the profession."

Malt Tea, especially brewed for the Imperial Bottling Works of Denver, Colo., is taking the lead as one of the very best malt tonics beneficial to those suffering from want of healthy blood, neuralgia, pulmonary troubles, catarrh and in fact all stages of most of the diseases. It supplies the want for a strictly pure medicinal drink, palatable to the taste and paliating to the sufferers, giving proper and immediate relief. Manufactured at Denver, where thousands of consumptives, etc., are treated, it has been found the superior of all malt foods, to benefit and relieve suffering humanity in every part of the world.

Syphilitic Headache.-Headache is often the sequelae of syphilis and for this headache we have the Elixir Six Iodides, a remedy which is entitled to be placed in the list of specifics. It is always advisable in the treatment of continuous, persistent headache to enquire as to the possibility of a syphilitic taint, which may be inherited, or may have been contracted by indiscretion. We can frequently trace the specific poison to people that have innocently contracted it. Elixir Six Iodides never fails to effect a cure in this ailment. The Army and Naval Magazine.

The following letter, from Mavrogeny Pacha, Physician-inChief to His Majesty the Sultan, is but one of many to show the esteem in which distinguished physicians hold the well known tonic wine. Vin Mariani:

"CONSTANTINOPLE, Yildiz Palace, July 2, 1895.

"Sworn enemy of the proprietary medicines which have of late years inundated all countries, and whose only object is the aquisition of gain for the proprietors, without the least benefit to science nor to humanity, I make a single exception in favor of one preparation as meritorious, and which is thoroughly praiseworthy. I refer to Vin Mariani, which, without guise of deceit and mysticism, is valuable in its fortifying qualities, and has conferred high benefits upon weak and suffering humanity.


"Physician-in-Chief to His Majesty the Sultan." During the past thirty-five years Vin Mariani has gained more ardent admirers among the medical profession throughout the world. than any other preparation, and justly so, as there has never been a dissappointment from its use. This is specially noteworthy on account of the attacks made from time to time against Coca (generally from interested parties), and on investigation it is shown that the many so-called Coca wines are only shameful mixtures of the cheapest, inferior wine, and variable solution of Cocaine unscrupulously sold as Coca wine, simply for mercenary purposes. It is in this manner that really useful drugs are brought into discredit. M. Mariani has gathered the written opinion, clinical notes, etc., of many thousand physicians from all parts of the world, showing the universal high opinion of practitioners who have subjected Vin Mariani to thorough test.

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JANUARY, 1899.



Owensboro, Kentucky.

Creationists, or those who believe in the Mosaic account of the genesis of the world and the inhabitants thereof, especially those who deny individualism to any of the lower animals, hold that all ideation in such creatures is purely instinctive, that they never reason from cause to effect; in fact, that thought in all animals save man is non-correlative and the offspring of immediate and spontaneous germination.

This is an error which, in the main, is attributable to faulty education. For, as soon as one grasps the idea that man is bur the last link in a chain which leads back to the very beginning: of life, he begins to perceive that ideation in the lower animals is the same in kind (though differing in degree) as it is in human beings.

Man has so long boasted to himself that he holds a unique niche in the scheme of animal life that he is loth to abandon the idea and to confess that this position is purely an imaginary one. Even Romanes, acute and far-sighted as he was, when he entered on the study of the psychology of the lower animals, had no idea of yielding the possession of abstraction to any animal save man; and yet, before he had finished gathering the data for his great work, "Mental Evolution in Animals," he was compelled to admit that many of the lower animals gave unmistakable evidences of being able to formulate concepts which required abstract thought! Of course, the mental abstraction that was evinced by such creatures was far below that of the most psychically immature of the very lowest of mankind, yet it was present in a certain degree and could not be ignored. I do not intend, however, in this paper, to institute a comparison between the finer shades of psychical acuteness as observed in man and

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