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Nasal Catarrh.-Try iodide arsenic, gr. To to after each meal. This is very useful in uterine catarrh, erosion and ulceration of cervix.

Carl L. Jensen's Crystal Scale Pepsin. This world-renowned pepsin will hereafter be manufactured and sold by the Carl L. Jensen Company. If you want the gratitude of your dyspeptic patients prescribe Carl L. Jensen's Crystal Pepsin Tablets. Write to the Company and mention MEDICAL BRIEF and they will mail you free samples. See ad. page 8.

Paralysis of the Orbit.-When the muscles of the orbit are paralyzed, without any apparent local trouble in the eye or brain, rheumatism will be the most likely cause, or else some lesion of the spinal cord.

A Fair Offer -The manufacturers of Malted Milk give practical evidence of their belief in its merits by inviting any physician to send his name and address and receive in return FREE a sample of Malted Milk; the efficacy of which can be tested without cost. If you have a sick infant, or an adult, requiring nutrition in a form very easy of assimilation, you should send a postal card to Malted Milk Co., Racine, Wis. Mention the BRIEF.

Vaginal Examinations.-It is far better to use two fingers for vaginal examination, not only because the middle finger is longer than the index, but still more because with two sensitive surfaces, the relative position of which can be varied, we can find infinitely more than with


Hoff's Malt Extract.-In order to get the original and genuine Johann Hoff's Malt Extract, see that Tarrant & Co.'s name is on the bottle. It has been imported by this firm since 1869. Read their ad. on page 25, and when you write to them for full information note their address at 278 Greenwich St., New York. Don't forget to mention the BRIEF.

Cut Rates.-I. Phillips, of Atlanta, Ga., will have his new catalogue of surgical in. struments, etc., ready for delivery by the first of March. When you wish to buy any thing in this line it will pay you to get his prices. See ad. on page 23. Don't fail to have your name enrolled for a copy of this catalogue. Mention the BRIEF.

In writing to advertisers, mention Medical Brief.


The Oldest Authority on Baby Food Question is Doctor Cupid.-We are in receipt of an exquisite calendar for the year 1889, from the agents of Nestle's Milk Food. The face of the calendar contains a well executed picture of Doctor Cupid whispering into the ear of the Stork his advice to give the babies Nestles' Food. We congratulate the designers of this calendar on the happy transformation of Cupid into a Doctor prescribing for the little ones. Professional skill and maternal instinct unite in a loud Amen to Doctor Cupid's advice, and so say we all.

Pomade for Antiseptic Dressing.

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To be taken in the morning, fasting, and without preliminary preparations. It is not disagreeable to take, and operates promptly.

Carmel Soap.-Ask your druggist for this soap, and if you can not get it elsewhere, write for a sample cake to the importer, A. Klipstein, 52 Cedar St., New York. Read the ad. on page 31, and when you write say you saw it in the MEDICAL BRIEF.

Aluminum.-A metal that is cheaper and superior to silver, and equal to gold in brilliancy, durability and lustre. Investigate this by writing to the Newport Aluminum and Steel Co., Newport, Ky. See ad. on page 42, and when you write them mention the BRIEF.

Rubber Feet and Hands.-A. A. Marks, 701 Broadway, New York City, will send to physicians and surgeons, free of charge, a treatise of 400 pages, nearly 200 illustrations, and 1000 testimonials. If physicians know of any one needing legs or arms, they can get a copy of this interesting work by sending their name and address, and mention the BRIEF. Note his ad. on page 7, as it is interesting.

Indications for Sulphurous Acid. Tongue yellowish; thickened papilla; reddened beneath papilla, and redness of fauces.

Digestive Ferments.-Messrs. Fairchild Bros. & Foster-DEAR SIRS :-Accept my thanks for the copies of the Bedside Record. I find them valuable, as, indeed, I find everything else from your house. Your Digestive Ferments are a necessity with me-without them,very often, I could not use milk-without milk it would be difficult for me to practice my profession. HUNTER MCGUIRE, M. D. 513 E.Grace St., Richmond, Va.

Attention is called to Messrs. Thos. Christy & Co.'s card on ad. page 32. A chance for a manufacturing house wanting a representative in Paris.

Yellow Oxide of Mercury in Ophthalmia.-Dr. Jonathan Hutchinson says, since he has come to appreciate the value of yellow oxide-of-mercury ointment in the treatment of chronic inflammations of the eye, he has been enabled to abandon almost entirely the use of blisters, setons, and like painful measures.

Price Reduced.-Dr. Martin's Vaccine Virus. Send orders by mail or telegraph to Dr. Henry A. Martin & Son, Roxbury Station, Boston, Mass. See ad. page 24.

Renal Calculi and Hypertrophy of the Prostate.-In a case of renal calculi and hypertrophy of the prostate, I prescribed Nephriline, manufactured by Messrs. A. G. Brown & Co., of Elmira, N. Y. Its action was most overwhelmingly satisfactory. ERNEST L. ANGUS, M. D.

Clarksville, Tenn.

If you will write to Messrs. A. G. Brown & Co., Elmira, N. Y., and mention MEDICAL BRIEF, they will forward you free samples of Nephriline, Dyspeptine, etc. See new ad. on page 41.

Menorrhagia.-In menorrhagia, where all remedies have been tried without success, pass in a sharp curette, and thoroughly curette the endometrium. I have yet to see the case in which this mode of treatment fails.-Goodell.

Rheumatism.-The Alkaline, Salicyl and Ferric methods of treatment combined. The Wm. S. Merrell Chemical Co. have an ad. on page 19, calling attention to this valuable combination. When you write them in regard to it, mention the BRIEF.

Mellin's Food.-A nutritious diet for infants during the winter and spring months has a very important bearing upon the ability of the little ones to withstand the strain of the heated term during the ensuing summer. Mellin's Food is noted for its nourishing properties, and for producing firm flesh, hard bone and tough muscle.

Lead Colic.-Alum will cure lead colic, and relieves the pain and nausea.

Nutrolactis-Mother's Milk for Infants. Dr. E. L. Angus, of Clarksville, Tenn., says "Nutrolactis has proved to be the best galactagogue. I am having marvelous success with it." The company will send a full-size trial sample bottle free to any physician who will name his express office, agree to pay express charges, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF. See ad. page 37.

Succus Alterans.-I can heartily endorse the use of Succus Alterans. I prescribe it constantly in cases of syphilis, scrofula and various skin diseases, and must say that the results from a proper use of this preparation are always satisfactory. CHARLES DAKE, M. D.

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Diphtheria.-Dr. Lewellyn Eliot directs the constant employment upon a stove, over a water bath, of turpentine, so that its vapor fills the room. In every instance where it has been employed thus no other case has occurred.

Colden's Liquid Beef Tonic.-" This is to certify that I have made use of 'Colden's Liquid Beef Tonic' in several cases of consumption and general debility, and found it to act admirably in such cases as a nutritive food and tonic." Memphis, Tenn. H. R. HOPSON, M. D.

Relief in Hay Fever.-Equal parts tincture of opium and spirits of camphor painted inside the nostrils, combined with internal administration of small doses of arsenic, liquor arsenicalis, three minims, three times a day, will frequently relieve and restrain virulent attacks of hay fever.

Malarial Neuralgia.

R. Quiniæ Sulph.

Liq. Tong. Sal.......

.50 grains.

........ 8 ounces.

M ft. sol. Sig.: Teaspoonful every hour until relieved.

American Pocket Battery.-The Electro Medical Battery Co.-GENTLEMEN: My American Pocket Battery works to a charm, and has all the power, and answers every purpose of one costing sixty dollars. V. A. COOK.

Boulder Valley, Mont. To Prevent Gripes.-Lime water mixed with castor oil will prevent nausea and gripes.

Pleasant and Elegant Preparation.I am much pleased to announce that the trial of Milne's Compound Syrup of the Hypophosphites has proven eminently satisfactory, especially in cases of sedentery employment and overwork. Relief has been instantaneous and repeated doses permanently beneficial. I congratulate them upon their success in providing such a pleasant and elegant preparation. Boston, Mass. BARON FRANKS, M. D. See ad. page 11.

Listerine vs. Carbolic Acid.-I have used Listerine in the same class of cases in which I have been accustomed to use carbolic acid, and have been much pleased with results.


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Diphtheria.-Dr. Merriam says, I have used an agent which is in my opinion superior to any which has been used in the treatment of diphtheria, and that is sulphide of calcium in one-fourth to onehalf grain doses every hour or two hours. 1 especially wish to impress on you the value of sulphide of calcium internally, in one-fourth to one-half grain doses, every hour or two hours, given constantly and persistently. This is in my opinion one of the most valuable remedies in the treatment of diphtheria.

Gout.-Dr. John T. Metcalf, of NewYork, Emeritus Professor of Clinical Medicine, College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, says: "I have for some years prescribed the Buffalo Lithia Water for patients, and used it in my own case for gouty trouble, with decided beneficial results, and I regard it certainly as a very valuable remedy."

Hiccough-Sick Headache. I have obtained the very best results with Peacock's Bromides in three cases of sick headache, and a severe case of hiccough was relieved in just a few minutes. Since using Peacock's Bromides I do not believe that I could practice without it. Anna, Ohio.

S. B. Lusk, M. D.

Pulv. Hypophos. Comp.-Jos. S. Tyree, MY DEAR SIR: I have been using Tyree's "Pulv. Hypophos. Comp." with much success during the past eighteen months in cases of pulmonary phthisis, chronic bronchitis, and other wasting maladies, and this experience confirms me in the opinion that you have formulated a most desirable compound, possessing all the therapeutic value of the best prepared Syrups of Hypophosphites, and which contains, in addition, a proper proportion of pure Pepsin, thereby contributing an additional element to successful nutrition. I trust you will be able to place this valuable agent within the reach of the entire medical profession. D. W. BLISS, M. D. Washington, D. C.

Progressive Physicians. - The educated physician studies medicine in the broad sense of the term and accepts truth wherever it may be found. Physician, unlimited by any narrowing adjective, is his only proper title; and medicine and surgery in their entirety is the field of his practice.

Easy and Soothing Cathartic.-I. Leo Mingle, M. D., Harrisburg, Pa., says: I have used Acid Mannate for some time, and found it to answer very well in all cases where an easy and soothing cathartic is required. Entirely painless, yet prompt and efficient.

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Habitual Constipation.-A pint of warm water, taken on an empty stomach in the morning, is the safest and surest of all remedies for habitual constipation. It dissolves the fecal matter and stimulates peristaltic action, thereby giving a normal action without pain. If the tongue is coated, squeeze a lemon into the water and drink without sweetening.

Chronic Pulmonary Catarrh.-J. S. Swain, L. K. Q. C. P. & L. R. C. S., 37 Park Lane Terrace, London, England, says: I have used S. H. Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis in the following case: Mr. C., aged about 35, suffering from chronic pulmonary catarrh, with pain in left side and great expectoration, cough paroxysmal and lasting some minutes; gave Extract Pinus Canadensis internally; after second bottle the expectoration was less, pain in side left, and felt more in throat, and he coughs less, and feels better in himself.

Convertible Saddle Bags.-"The Saddle Bags was more than we expected. I call them the 'Wizard.' On taking them off my horse, by taking both hand holds in my right hand with my left I bring down the rods and fasten the clasp, in less than half a minute I convert them into a genteel hand satchel. On return to my horse in less time I reconvert them into saddle bags. Please ship my partner, Dr. D. P. Ruff, a pair like mine (36 black leather-$15.50) C. O. D., to Russellville, C. L. KIRKSCEY, M. D.


Dover, Ark.

P. S.-Drs. W. H. Hill, J. W. Pruitt, J. M. Yancy, and R. M. Dromons of Russellville, were well pleased with mine.

Tuberculosis.-Dr. G. J. Johnson, in the Boston Medical Journal says he believes that nearly all cases of human tuberculosis are caused by eating the flesh of animals and drinking the milk of cows affected with the disease.

Diabetes Mellitus.-In cases of diabetes, Lambert's Lithiated Hydragea has proved very valuable in my practice. Lamar, Mo. J. K. COLE, M. D.

Typhoid Fever.-I have used Peacock's Fucus Marina in typhoid fever, in twenty to thirty drops according to age, and have always obtained excellent results from its use. J. S. FISHER, M. D. Wichita, Kan.

Wounds, Accidental or Operative.— A popular dilution is one part Listerine to ten parts water; frequently used one to twenty; stronger where there is tendency to suppuration, one to four being generally used. Four drachms Listerine to one pint water, constantly applied, is excellent to maintain cleanliness.

Papine vs. Opium.-I have used Papine. It was administered in all cases where an anodyne was indicated, regardless of sex, age or temperament. Its effects were carefully noted, and I must say that it is all, or more than claimed for it. It is an anodyne without any of the narcotic, nauseating, depressing or convulsive elements contained in opium or any of its other preparations. W. S. BELL, M. D. 1122 C St., Washington, D. C.

Rabies and Syphilis.-It is true the bite of the rabid canine is sometimes attended with fatal results; so is contact with the fille de brasserie, but the patient with rabies carries his poison with him to the grave, while the syphilitic infection may be entailed from generation to generation.

Torpidity of the Liver.-I find Chionia an excellent remedy in torpidity of the liver. A. P. MURRAY, M. D.

Albany, Ind.

Gonorrhea, Gleet and Leucorrhea.J. J. Diet, M. D., Grand Island, La., says: Having used S. H. Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis in several obstinate cases of mucous irritation, especially gonorrhea, gleet and leucorrhea, with such satisfactory results, I can but add my humble recommendation in unison with so many worthy practitioners in endorsing its merits.

Hot Water in Gastric Hemorrhage. -The safest and most pleasant remedy for hæmatemesis is said to be water, drank as hot as it can be borne, in quantities of half tumblerful to a tumblerful. No further hemorrhage occurs, and fragments of clots are vomited.

Nervous Depression.--Kennedy Douglas, M. D., Mont Place, Scone, Scotland, says: I have found Celerina (Rio) act like a charm in the case of a young woman suffering from an excruciating facial neuralgia. I have also found it useful in relieving nervous depression due to physical fatigue.

Whooping Cough.-I have made trials of Bromidia for the relief of paroxysms of whooping cough. It certainly acted in a very satisfactory manner to mitigate the severity of the disease.

H. M. LYMANN, A. M., M. D., Prof. of Physiology and of Diseases of the Nervous System, Rush Medical College. Chicago, Ill.

Diphtheria.-Unless my patient is not seen in the first stage of the disease, I take as much hydrarg. bichloridi as will lie on the point of a small pen-knife, put it in half a tumbler of water, with two drachms of iron tincture and half & drachm of chlorate potash. I cured a case of diphtheritic croup, not long since, by putting my swab in the top of the trachea, when all who had seen the child said it would die. Altoona, Pa.


Menopause.-D. B. Hoffman, M. D., San Diego, Cal., says: I have tried Aletris Cordial (Rio) in a case with good results. The patient is forty-six years old. Always healthy until about eighteen months ago, when change of life commenced, since which time she suffered in various ways, and was not relieved until she used Aletris Cordial, though she tried every thing during the time. I think the remedy has done all you claim for it in the case, and I shall continue to use it in my practice.

To Prevent Vomiting.-Fowler's solution in drop doses before meals arrests vomiting of pregnancy; also vomiting from chronic gastric catarrh from alcoholism.

Phthisis. I have given Fucus Marina (Peacock) in two cases of consumption with excellent results. Both cases were harassed with cough and hectic fever, loss of appetite, emaciation (very marked) and general debility. Received no permanent relief or benefit from any remedres until I prescribed Peacock's Fucus Marina, when a marked change was noticed after three days. Hectic fever diminished, appetite increased and strength began to return, and now both patients are able to attend to their duties without any seeming effort. I can not too highly recommend this valuable preparation in all cases of phthisis pulmonalis.

J. H. LEE, M. D. 177 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, Ill.

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