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Pepsin.-The very attractive page in this issue of the BRIEF of the New York and Chicago Chemical Co., on Ford's and Golden Scale Pepsin can't fail to attract your attention. Read their ad. on page 14, and when you send for samples or further information, say you saw their handsome ad. in the BRIEF.

Gastritis.-Arsenic has been proved to be wonderfully useful in gastritis. A good indication for its administration is when the tongue is furred and covered with red papillæ.

The Cincinnati Polyclinic. This is a clinical school for graduates in medicine. If you or any of your friends desire a course, it would be well for you to read their ad. on page 42. Mention the BRIEF when you write to them.

Phytolacca.-Indicated in all cases where the lymphatic glands are involved, and where there is a tendency to formation of pus; for instance, pustular eruptions, suppurating ulcers, etc.

Leucorrhea.-A. R. Allen, M. D., Huntsville, Ills., says: I have used S. H. Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis, in three cases of leucorrhea, with the very best results. I find it also beneficial in pulmonary difficulties, using it by inhalation. In gonorrhea and gleet entire satisfaction was the result of its trial. It satisfies me in all ulcerated mucous surfaces, and if properly used will not deceive any physician.

Jambul in Glycosuria.-Dr. G. Mahomed reports a case of glycosuria markedly improved by two-grain doses of jambul, thrice daily.

Restorative Wine of Coca-Febricide-Cocanized Beef, Wine and Iron-Natrolithic Salt.-These preparations come so highly recommended that they must necessarily attract the attention of every wide-awake physician. Who has not read on ad. page 2, the various excellent remedies brought out by the Health Restorative Co.? If there are any such, don't let this issue escape without thoroughly reading it. They have enough faith in their preparations to send you samples, to test their virtues, free of charge; but don't forget to mention the BRIEF when you send.

Entirely New.-The Vienna Fountain Syringe, with automatic-self-opening and self-closing-valve. Dr. C. P. Gildersleeve, Visiting Surgeon to St. Peter's Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I use the Vienna Fountain Syringe daily, and consider it the best I have ever employed. The automatic tubular valve renders the regulating of the stream easy, and that with one hand, leaving the other free, which is extremely important in irrigating wounds, especially when without an assistant." Write to the manufacturer, C. B. Dickinson, 660 Atlantic Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., for a catalogue and prices of his great variety of useful hard and soft rubber appliances for physicians, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF. See ad.

page 36.

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Gonorrhea and Gleet.-H. D. Champlin, M. D., Cleveland, O., says: It affords me great pleasure and gratification to testify to the merits of S. H. Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis as an injection in gonorrhea and gleet. It stands alone, without a peer. I have used it in some fifty odd cases in the past year, and it has done all I could desire. I also found it valuable in leucorrhea, and other uterine disorders.

Hoff's Malt Extract.-In order to get the original and genuine Johann Hoff's Malt Extract, see that Tarrant & Co.'s name is on the bottle. It has been imported by this firm since 1869. Read their ad. on page 34, and when you write to them for full information note their address at 278 Greenwich St., New York. Don't forget to mention the BRIEF.

Dysmenorrhea.-R. G. Price, L.R.C.P., Treorky, Pontypridd, Glamorganshire, Wales, says: I find Aletris Cordial (Rio) a highly useful remedy in menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea. In the above conditions it is the most certain remedy I know of.

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Medical Works.-J. B. Lippincott Company's ad. of new and valuable books on page 37 will be found interesting reading. This is a good and thoroughly reliable house, and you should make a liberal selection from their list.

Collinsonia.-In the treatment of hemorrhoids, this drug has no equal. Dose, five drops, twice daily.

Asthma.-A. G. Brown & Co., Elmira, N. Y.: I have had excellent results from your preparations in the cases in which I have used them. But it is to the Asthmatacine to which I wish to speak more particularly. I have been using it in a case of Asthma with Bronchitis and Emphysema in a person of upwards of fifty years of age, who has been subject to repeated and long attacks of Asthma for past thirty years. He has derived

more benefit from the Asthmatacine than any combination of remedies he has used during that period.


Rural Retreat, Va. See A. G. Brown & Co.'s advertisement on page 41. Samples of their preparations sent free if MEDICAL BRIEF is mentioned.

Habitual Constipation.-W. J. Maddox, M. D., Washington, D. C., says: In regard to results produced from the use of Acid Mannate, I will give two cases: Case 1, Mrs. N. C., applied to me for treatment for habitual constipation. After trying several remedies without any good effect, I put her on the Acid Mannate treatment. Since taking it she has had marked improvement, and at this date is not troubled with constipation. Case 2, Mrs. F., pregnant, was troubled with constipation. I gave the Acid Mannate, and find that it acted like a charm with her. She, at the present time, is not constipated. Both of the above patients told me that the Acid Mannate operated very mildly. It is the remedy for constipation, either habitual or caused from pregnancy. I shall continue to use it, being very much pleased with its action.

Hiccough.-Stillé records the history of a case where it seemed that a fatal termination would certainly ensue, unless the symptom was controlled, and, having exhausted many remedies without relief, finally stopped it with quinine.

Mellin's Food." In all fevers; in inflammatory conditions; in the acute gastric upsets which occur with delicate children and phthisical patients; in all gastric diseases; and in those conditions of gastric catarrh which follow upon obstructions in the pulmonary circulation, whether due to disease in the heart or lungs, liquid food containing a sufficiency of carbohydrates in soluble form, as in Mellin's Food, is essential to life."

A Reliable Hypnotic.-I have given Bromidia (Battle) a fair trial. I have found it to be a reliable hypnotic.

L. CH. BOISLINIERE, M.D., LL.D., Professor Obstetrics and Diseases of Women, St. Louis Medical College.

Cycles.-The season for the enjoyment of cycling has put in its appearance, and in fact, the handsome roads of St. Louis have been alive with them all winter, it being mild enough to allow the lovers of the exhilarating sport to enjoy the bracing air. The Pope Mfg. Co., of Boston, Mass., have a finely illustrated catalogue which they will send free to any one who mentions the BRIEF. They have high grade and a fine line to offer this season. See their ad. on page 40.

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Gardner's Syrup Hydriodic AcidTherapeutic Indications.-Hay Fever; Rose Cold; Poisoning by Lead, Mercury, or Arsenic; Acute and Chronic Rheumatism; Asthma; Chronic Bronchitis; Catarrh; Congestion of Lungs in children; Adenitis; Eczema; Lupus; Chronic Malarial Poisoning; Lumbago; Acute Pneumonia; Psoriasis; Scrofulous Diseases; Goitre; Enlarged Glands; Cold Abscesses; Indolent Sores; Excessive Fat; Fatty Degeneration of the Heart, to absorb nonmalignant Tumors; and in the latter stages of Syphilis; Syphilitic Phthisis. Details of treatment furnished physicians upon application to R. W. Gardner, 158 William St., N. Y., without charge. See ad. page 27.

How to Kill the Smell of Liquor and Disinfect the Mouth After Drinking. Pour a teaspoonful of Listerine in a glass of water, and rinse the mouth, after taking each drink, and no one will be able to detect from odor that you have drank any liquor.

New Specialties.-It will pay you to keep your eye on the second page of cover and note the many specialties that the well-known house of McKesson & Robbins continuously present to the profession. The formulæ in this issue specially recommend themselves. Read their ad. carefully and when you write for their valuable monographs or for information concerning their goods mention the BRIEF as the source of your information.

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Nervous Prostration Headache.S. Goldberg, M. D., Buffalo, N. Y., says: I have prescribed a great deal of Celerina, and have yet to meet the first case of disappointment. I prescribe it especially in those cases of neurasthenia so often met with in women having the care of a large household. These women are in an almost constant state of nervous

worry. I have seen some wondrous changes in their condition after a course of Celerina. These same women are also often troubled with an inveterate headache, which, before using Celerina, I was only able to temporarily relieve, but by the use of Celerina I have the satisfaction of seeing some perfect cures. One lady patient in particular, who had been to the seaside by my advice, without relief, was completely cured of a constant, boring headache after taking but three bottles.

When writing to advertisers, mention Medical Brief.

American Pocket Battery.-I can cheerfully recommend the Improved American Pocket Battery, as being the most compact and convenient battery with which I am acquainted. Its strength of current is a constant surprise, and its cleanliness mitigates one of the annoyances usually attending the use of a battery. W. O'DONOUGHUE, M. D.

Albion, Mich.

Chrysarobin.-Don't forget to caution a patient to whom you have given chrysarobin, not to touch his face with his hands after applying the drug, because if you do, you will have either a mad or a frightened patient in your office.

Painful Menstruation.--N. A. Herring, M. D., Bremen, Ind., says: I have given Aletris Cordial (Rio) in severe cases of painful menstruation, and found its action prompt and very satisfactory; have also tried it in a case of tardy menstruation, caused by taking cold, in which it acted like a charm. I certainly take pleasure in recommending it as a very useful remedy for every physician to have at hand.

Lying-In Institute.-The address of a lying-in institute is a good thing to make a note of. We therefore call your attention to the ad. on page 42. Mention the BRIEF when you write to them.

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Dandruff.-Applied to the scalp every day, either full strength or with one or two parts water, Listerine is almost a specific. Hundreds of cases have been reported by physicians as yielding to this treatment.

Papine vs. Morphia.-It affords me much pleasure to say that I have used Papine in several cases recently with most satisfactory results. One special advantage it seems to possess over the ordinary preparations of opium is that its use is not followed by the nausea which often succeeds the use of morphia and laudanum, which makes it exceedingly valuable in all those cases where an ano. dyne is indicated.

J. STINSON HARRISON, M. D. Washington, D. C.

Colden's Liquid Beef Tonic.-Dr. S. W. Hunter, Baltimore, Md., says: Having become familiar with 'Colden's Liquid Beef Tonic,' I take pleasure in recommending it as an excellent preparation, combining as it does food and tonic in a remarkable way, producing good blood, health and strength."

Jaundice and General Hepatic Derangement. I commenced (last May) using Chionia in a case of jaundice and general hepatic derangement. The patient had not been able to do any work for more than a year. Now, after using five bottles of Chionia, she is able to do her work, the yellow has left her eyes (which color, by the way, had been there for at least one year), her skin has a healthy appearance, and what I considered a hopeless case, is now out of danger, and I attribute it to the use of Chionia, as I had exhausted my skill in her case with my most favorite remedies. C. D. HOWARD, M. D.

Epperson, Tenn.

Puncta Dolorosa.-In sore spots (puncta dolorosa) of muscular tissue, with the feeling as if the part had been bruised, five-drop doses of arnica, every hour, will


Spring Diet.-A nutritious diet for infants during the Spring months has a very important bearing upon the ability of the little ones to withstand the strain of the heated term during the ensuing Summer. Nestle's Milk Food is noted for its nourishing properties. It is prepared with water only and is nutritious and economical. Its digestibility recommends its use. Sample and pamphlet sent on application if the BRIEF is mentioned. See ad. on page 29.

Renal and Cystic Cases.—Having used Lambert's Lithiated Hydrangea in renal and cystic cases with favorable results, I thought I would say so.

Philadelphia, Pa.


In writing to advertisers, mention Medical Brief.

Fucus Marina (Peacock) is an antipyretic, and may be used, in twenty-drop doses every two hours, to lessen temperature in rheumatism, erysipelas, pneumonia, phthisis and intermittent fever.

Gluten Flour.-If any of our readers wish a four-pound sample of these goods, they can apply to Farwell & Rhines, Watertown, N. Y., for circular showing mode of securing it. It is worth the effort. Send to them, and mention the BRIEF. See ad. page 24.

Gonorrhea.-Dr. C. L. Mitchell, 1016 Cherry St., Philadelphia, will send his pamphlet "On the Treatment of Gonorrhea" to physicians, free, on application by letter. See ad. page 35.

Chronic Infiammation of the Bladder, whether resulting from Stone, Enlarged Prostate, or Neglected Gonorrhea.—Dr. Robert Battey, of Georgia, Suggester of Battey's Operation, says: "I would state that I have been using the Buffalo Lithia Water, No. 2, in my practice for three years past, in cases of chronic inflammation of the bladder, whether induced by stone, by enlarged prostate in the aged, or by neglected gonorrhea, and have secured excellent results, which encourages me to prescribe it for the future."

In writing to advertisers, mention Medical Brief.

Ingluvin in the Vomiting of Pregnancy.-Dr. Popp (Pester med. Presse, No. 40, 1888,) reports having achieved considerable success with Ingluvin in the vomiting of pregnancy. Having a very obstinate case, upon which he had exhausted the entire resources of the pharmacopoeia, he administered three times daily, onehalf hour before meal time, eight grains of Ingluvin, and directly afterward two tablespoonfuls of one per cent hydrochloric acid solution. An improvement was observed after a few doses had been taken, and a cure effected after the treatment had been continued for three weeks. -Deutche med. Wochenschrift.

Digestive Ferments.-Messrs. Fairchild Bros. & Foster-DEAR SIRS :-Accept my thanks for the copies of the Bedside Record. I find them valuable, as, indeed, I find everything else from your house. Your Digestive Ferments are a necessity with me-without them, very often, I could not use milk-without milk it would be difficult for me to practice my profession. HUNTER MCGUIRE, M. D. 513 E.Grace St., Richmond, Va.

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The Best Preparation of Iron.—E. M. Bean, M. D., Pleasanton, Ohio, says: I have used Liquid Iron-Rio in two cases of anæmic females. It gave satisfaction in each case. I consider it the best preparation of iron I have used.

Malted Milk.-" We have used it in the St. Louis Childrens' Hospital, as likewise in the Good Samaritan Hospital; and it is unanimously recommended by the Medical Staff of both hospitals."


A free sample of Malted Milk will be sent to any physician who sends to the Malted Milk Co., Racine, Wis., and mentions the BRIEF. See ad. on front cover.

Syphilis. I have used Iodia (Battle) in a number of cases of secondary and tertiary syphilis, and find it to be a reliable agent. M. F. COOMES, M. D. Professor Physiology and Ophthalmology in the Kentucky School of Medicine. Louisville, Ky.

Seeley's Hard Rubber Pile Pipe.This instrument is made for the application of the ointment to the affected parts in the treatment of Piles. The principle is certainly a good one and courts the attention of all. They will mail their "Mechanical Treatment of Hernia and Illustrated Catalogue" to any physician who mentions the BRIEF. See ad. and cut of Pile Pipe on page 40.

Miscarriage.-W. F. Toombs, Morrilton, Ark., says: I have used several bottles of Aletris Cordial (Rio), and find it all that is claimed for it. For amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, metritis, leucorrhea, I don't think it has an equal. I have used it in two cases of threatened miscarriage, and the trouble was obviated. 1 think for a general uterine tonic I know of nothing superior.

A Portfolio of Portraits of Babies fed on Lactated Food, together with a sample of this food will be forwarded, and all charges prepaid, by the Proprietors, Messrs. Wells & Richardson Co. of Burlington, Vermont, if you will apply to them and mention MEDICAL BRIEF. They claim Sugar of Milk as the basis of Lactated Food, with no cane sugar, and free from starch. See ad. page 28, opposite Index.

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