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Uterine Styptic.-John Adderley, M. D., Skibbereen, County Cork, Ireland, says: It gives me great pleasure to add my testimony to the great value of S. H. Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis, which I consider a most valuable uterine styptic, seeming not only to possess the power of arresting uterine hemorrhage, but also to produce a healthy action of the parts. I used it with a patient who had been suffering for a number of years from menorrhagia, depending upon ulceration of the os and cervix uteri, with whom I had tried all other remedies for menorrhagia, lasting during a period of five months almost without intermission. Extract of Pinus Canadensis applied to the os uteri on cotton wool, and also used as a lotion, arrested the hemorrhage immediately, and the Aletris Cordial, which was taken internally, helped to invigorate the system and promote a cure which I had at one time considered incurable. I should not wish to be without these remedies in similar cases, and shall continue the use of them in my practice, as I consider they gave most satisfactory results.

To Reduce the Weight.-Eat to the extent of satisfying a natural appetite, of lean meat, poultry, game, eggs, milk moderately, green vegetables, turnips, succulent fruits, tea or coffee. Drink lime-juice, lemonade, and acid drinks. Avoid fat, butter, cream, sugar, pastry, rice, sago, tapioca, corn-starch, potatoes, carrots, beets, parsnips, and sweet wines. Exercise freely.

Bromidia.-I have used the Bro nidia (Battle), and the results obtained have been really excellent. It certainly combines all the advantages of other preparations of this nature, while at the same time it possesses none of their disadvantages. The fact that it produces no unpleasant sensation on awaking, renders it specially valuable. DR. LUD. MARC.

St. Nazaire-sur-Loire, France.

In writing to advertisers, mention Medical Brief.

Mustard, according to Burginski, is, in doses of from two to four drachms daily, without effect on the assimilation of nitrogenous substances; while pepper, in doses of from eight to sixteen grains, delays digestion from 0.4 to 2.3 per cent. Mustard stimulates the appetite, pepper diminishes it.

Milk Jelly.-Heat one quart of milk with one pound of sugar, and when the sugar is dissolved continue the heat, at a boiling temperature, for about ten minutes. Now cool it well, and then add, slowly stirring, a solution of one ounce of gelatine in a cupful of water. Next add the juice of three or four lemons and three wineglassfuls of wine, brandy, or other liquor. Set the glasses containing the mixture in a cold place, so that the contents may gelatinize. It is necessary to have the milk quite cold before the other ingredients are added, as it would otherwise curdle.

Alterative.-I have used Iodia for the last three years, and it has fully realized my expectations as an alterative, tonic and tissue changer. J. M. BIGELOW, M. D.

Albany, N.Y.

Iron.-Indications, pallor, passive discharge of pale blood, sheer exhaustion. Dose, Liquid Iron-Rio, one drachm, three times a day.

Treatment of Boils.-A strong alco. holic solution of boric acid, painted frequently on boils, is said to be the treatment.

Insomnia.-My attention was called to the valuable preparation called Bromidia, by Prof. J. K. Bauduy, some time ago, and since then I have used it largely. I believe that in insomnia of old people it surpasses any other combination I know of, as it is followed by a quiet, refreshing sleep. J. M. KEATING, M. D.

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M. Sig. One teaspoonful, three times a day, before meals.

In uterine hemorrhage, good results can be attained by a combination of Kennedy's Dark Pinus Canadensis, ergot and hydrastis.

To Remove the Craving for Stimulants.-Thos. S. Bulmer, M. D., late Quarantine Supt. for Victoria, Australia, says: Having experimented with Celerina, on both myself and others, I am of opinion that it is an excellent article, when administered judiciously. It relieves tension after excitement, gives relief in distressing headache, and removes the craving for strong stimulants.

Dressing for Wounds.-Prof. Gross uses as a dressing for wounds, when brought together by sutures and in situations in which other dressings can not be conveniently applied, collodion containing ten per cent of iodoform; this is to be painted on after introducing the sutures.

Dr. Linquist's Abdominal Supporter, as shown in cut and advertisement, provides a simple and convenient appliance to support the abdomen, and at a reasonable price. Note his rule of measurement, and when ordering mention MEDICAL Brief.

In writing to advertisers, mention Medical Brief.

Passive Congestion, indicated by aching in the back of the head, and general weariness, is best met by such remedies as gelsemium.

Gardner's Syrup Hydriodic AcidTherapeutic Indications.-Hay Fever; Rose Cold; Poisoning by Lead, Mercury, or Arsenic; Acute and Chronic Rheumatism; Asthma; Chronic Bronchitis; Catarrh; Congestion of Lungs in children; Adenitis; Eczema; Lupus; Chronic Malarial Poisoning; Lumbago; Acute Pneumonia; Psoriasis; Scrofulous Diseases; Goitre; Enlarged Glands; Cold Abscesses; Indolent Sores; Excessive Fat; Fatty Degeneration of the Heart, to absorb nonmalignant Tumors; and in the latter stages of Syphilis; Syphilitic Phthisis. Details of treatment furnished physicians upon application to R. W. Gardner, 158 William St., N. Y., without charge. See ad. page 27.

McIntosh Batteries.-McIntosh Battery & Optical Co., Chicago, Ill., will send free, if MEDICAL BRIEF is mentioned, their complete illustrated catalogues of all their goods. Liberal discount to physicians. See ad. on page 35.

Phytolacca.-This is the remedy for many forms of sore mouth. It is one that has a marked curative influence in sore throat, whether simple or diphtheritic. It will not cure all cases of true diphtheria, but probably as many as any other

method of treatment.

Cystitis.-Lambert's Lithiated Hydrangea has given me good results in treatment of cystitis.

Fairfield, Neb. G. M. PRENTICE, M. D.

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In writing to advertisers, mention Medical Brief.

Indications of the Tongue.-Tongue red in center; papillæ as if stripped from center; coating along the edges; indication-phosphoric acid dilute. Tongue coated at base; red tip; with dryness; indication-nitro-muriatic acid.

The Star Vaginal Recurrent Syringe Point. This syringe allows the copious use of injections without disturbing the patient-the mode being fully illustrated in the cut. It does away with all exposure of person and lessens liability to take cold. See their handsome ad., for prices, on page 37, and when you have occasion to write them mention the BRIEF.

An Important Communication to Physicians.-You will find very good reading on ad. page 4, as Scott & Bowne consider it a favor to send you, absolutely free, samples of the goods they there enumerate. Read their ad. and when you send for samples mention the BRIEF.

Creasote in Diabetes.-Two cases of diabetes have been treated with excellent results by Valentini, by means of creasote administered internally. In one case, four drops per diem were given at first, this quantity being afterwards increased to ten drops. Under this treatment, the sugar disappeared, and did not return when the patient began to eat starchy food. The other patient was given six drops per diem, and did equally well.

Urethral Powder Applier.—“It is a beautiful instrument and the idea rational and in conformity with antiseptic treatment of modern surgery."

CHRISTIAN FENGER, M. D. Chicago, Ill. Prof. Clinical Surgery. | See ad. on page 32. Mention the BRIEF when you send for full descriptive circular.

Remedy for Warts.-Kaposi recommends one part of bichloride of mercury, dissolved in thirty parts of collodion. A little of the solution is painted on and around the base of the wart once every day.

Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery.-Don't fail to send for particulars and announcement. See ad. page 34. Mention the BRIEF.

Facial Neuralgia of the intense and atrocious kind is often well and speedily cured by large doses of muriate of ammonia and gelsemium combined, where either singly fails. In some cases, a reliable extract of ergot may be added, to excellent benefit of the patient.

Tested.-Fellows' Hypophosphites has been thoroughly tested. Write to James I. Fellows, 48 Vesey St., New York, for sample. See ad. fourth page cover.

High Potencies.-Dr. Samuel Swan of 13 West 38th St., New York, claims to have discoverd that the various poisons which cause zymotic diseases remain in the morbific product of the disease; and that he has discovered the process of collecting and potentizing said poisons, which he regards most curative when used in the very high potencies, because most Homoopathic to the diseases. He offers them, with price list on ad. page 34.

The Treatment of Some Forms of Chronic Laryngitis.-Dr. Sajous reports touching the thickened vocal cords by means of a protected applicator slightly coated with chromic acid. Cases were reported of complete restoration of voice under the treatment indicated.

Vaccine Virus.-Write to the New England Vaccine Co., Chelsea Station, Boston, Mass., for pure vaccine. See ad. on front cover.

Stricture.-The Century Chemical Co., of St. Louis, present to the readers of the BRIEF a new principle in the treatment of this trouble. It can't fail to interest you, owing to the fact that the old methods are painful and very unreliable. Read their ad. on page 39 carefully and see how well physicians think of it. Send five two-cent stamps for a sample.

Nocturnal Seminal Losses.- Nocturnal seminal losses, as respects mechanism of production, are analogous with nocturnal incontinence of urine. This trouble may be considered a morbid state only when the losses are frequent and the health affected. Peacock's Bromides best relieves spermatorrhea, when due to plethora; belladonna is indicated in a relaxed condition of the genitalia, the emissions flowing without force, and without a distinct dream.

Capsules.-Send to the old reliable house of H. Planten & Son, 224 William St., New York, known for more than a half century for their excellent manufacture of capsules, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF and they will mail you a free sample of their goods. See ad. page 40.

Kava-Kava.-Piper methisticum. Dose, fluid ext. twenty to thirty drops. A remedy for toothache and neuralgia. Small doses of this drug will give relief quickly.

St. Ann's Lying-In Hospital.-This Hospital is conducted by the Sisters of Charity. The Lying-In Department is entirely private, and patients will be securely kept free from exposure; everything being conducted with great discretion and privacy. Patients can be accommodated according to their circumstances. Read the ad. on page 41, and when you correspond say you saw the ad. in the BRIEF.

Aconite.-The child's sedative is aconite, and it serves a most important purpose in the treatment of diseases of children. The indication is the small and frequent pulse.

Eucalyptol.-Physicians who desire to get the pure and reliable Volatile Eucalypti Extract will bear in mind that Meyer Bros., wholesale druggists of St. Louis, are the sole agents. Write to Dr. Sander, Dillon, Iowa, for sample of genuine Eucalyptol. See ad. opposite third page cover.

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Mastitis.—In the Columbia Hospital for Women, a liniment composed of half an ounce of camphor, dissolved in three ounces of turpentine, has been found most effective in checking the secretion of milk in mastitis; it alleviates pain, lessens induration, and is more effective in reducing inflammation than any other remedy that has been tried.

Nestle's Milk Food.-When cholera infantum begins its savage onslaught on infant life in our large cities, as well as smaller places, it would be well to read up on the value of giving a suitable food. Thomas Leeming & Co., 18 College Place, New York, will send samples of Nestle's Food if the BRIEF is mentioned. See ad. on page 29.

Fairchild's Pepsin. The manufacturers of this elegant and staple article guarantee it to be unchangeable, to maintain its activity and quality under all ordinary commercial conditions. If the BRIEF is mentioned they will send samples to any physician who may wish to ascertain for himself the relative activity of this pepsin, or to submit it to any practical test. Send to the address given on third cover page for prices and full information.

Jaborandi in Labor.-Dr. Hardcastle says: Having for years noted the fact that parturition does not progress favorably till diaphoresis occurs, I have for some months past induced this condition, in the early stage of labor, by giving fl. ext. jaborandi (green-the brown has proved worthless in my hands). When called to a case, I order a warm brick to be applied to the feet-which are always cold—and then to give one-third of a teaspoonful of fl. ext. jaborandi in half a wineglassful of water, and repeat the dose every half hour until perspiration occurs.

Rectal Speculum.-Yount's DoubleSlide Wedge-End Rectal Speculum commands the attention of every progressive physician. When you send to Dr. S. T. Yount for one mention the BRIEF. Don't forget the monograph on Piles as it is worth the price of the syringe. See ad. on page 24.

Odontalgia.-Ten grains of salicylate of soda every half-hour, for three or four doses, is said to be a sure cure for toothache.

In writing to advertisers, mention Medical Brief.

Reliable Thermometers.-Send $1.25 to John Barry, 62 Fulton St., New York, and he will send one of his reliable thermometers, post-paid. He has a new thermometer for taking the temperature under the tongue. See ad. page 37.

Magnesia Sulphate in Dysentery.Magnesia sulphate is especially adapted to the acute stage, where there are fever. pain, tenesmus and stools of mucus and blood. It lessens hyperemia and causes fæcal evacuations, and relieves the pain and the distressing straining.

Abdominal and Uterine Supporters. -If you will refer to page 4 you will find a description of these supports that may be of great interest to you. The Hastings Truss Co. also request all physicians to send for price list of elastic goods. Please mention the BRIEF when you write.

McMunn's Elixir of Opium.-If you are not acquainted with the virtues of this preparation of Opium, send to E. Ferrett, 372 Pearl St., New York, for a sample. See ad. on page 19. Mention the BRIEF when you write.

Radical Cure of Fistula in Ano.Wash out the tract with a five-per-cent solution of hydrogen peroxide. Inject a ninety-five-per-cent solution of carbolic acid, plus an equal quantity of a ten-percent solution of muriate of cocaine. Draw about ten to fifteen minims in the syringe. Push the flexible needle to the depth of the fistula, then inject slowly as you withdraw the needle. Inject oleum eucalyptus and glycerin, equal parts, and the operation is finished.

The Victor Safe.-Thousands of physicians and druggists carry their valuables on their persons and thus make themselves the mark for foot-pads. Or they place their valuable papers away, at times so safely, that they can not themselves find them when they want them. A small investment in a "Victor" will save worry about valuables. See ad. on page 41, and when you write to them mention the BRIES.

Glycerine of Starch, as a surgical dressing, is highly recommended by Dr. Charles E. S. Flemming. He dissolves in the glycerine some antiseptic chloride.

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Ideal-Coated Pills.-Send to the Upjohn Pill and Granule Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., for one of their elegant 12-bottle pocket cases. The bottles are filled with 125 granules each. Physician's name printed on the case. See their ad., for terms, on page 7.

Drainage Tubes in Abdominal Surgery.-Drainage tubes should be left in the wound as long as there is the slightest trace of blood in the discharge. When it becomes serious, they should be removed, as they are liable to cause irritation and delay convalescence. A practical point worth remembering is, to turn the drainage tube round every day.

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