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Brief Gleanings,

In corresponding with advertisers please mention the MEDICAL BRIEF.

Truth is as indifferent to public opinion as public opinion is to truth.

Peptogenic Milk Powder.-Fairchild Bros. & Foster, 82 Fulton St., New York, have a large and increasing demand for their Peptogenic Milk Powder. Write for samples. See front page cover.

Diseases of the Liver.-I have the pleasure of adding my testimony to that of others, in saying that Chionia is very efficacious in diseases of the liver, produced by hyperæmia of that organ. SAMUEL D. JENNINGS, M. D.

Beer's, Pa.

Chorea. I have given Peacock's Bromides a thorough trial in sick and nervous headaches, and find it unsurpassed; also in chorea, in combination with arsenic. It is a very valuable remedy.

GEO. S. HAZARD, Ph. G., M. D. Providence, R. I.

Sick Headache.-I have used Peacock's Bromides in cases of sick headache, with good results, where other remedies had failed. ISAIAH FREDERICK, M. D. Bevier, Mo.

Acid Phosphate.-Horsford's is the genuine. Write to "Rumford Chemical Works," Providence, R. I., for sample. See ad. page 16.

Wounds-Accidental or Operative.A popular dilution is one part Listerine to ten parts water; frequently used one to twenty; stronger where there is a tendency to suppuration, one to four being generally used. Four drachms Listerine to one pint water, constantly applied, is excellent to maintain cleanliness.

Scarlet Fever.-As a wash, gargle and spray in this disease, Listerine is extensively used, diluted with from five to seven parts water. Of course when used in a steam spray apparatus or atomizer the solution should be less diluted, say one part Listerine to two or three of water.

Intermittent Fever.-It is with much pleasure that I bear testimony to the efficacy of Peacock's Fucus Marina. A very stubborn case of intermittent fever came under my care some time ago, and after persistent treatment, with all known antiperiodics, I failed to make a cure. I at last concluded to give Fucus Marina a trial, and can truthfully say that it had the desired effect. My little patient is in the bloom of health, and her father is extremely happy. E. C. KLINE, M. D.

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Serpent Venom.-Jaborandi,by mouth or hypodermically, will undoubtedly counteract serpent venom.

Renal Disorders.-If you have a patient suffering from renal disorders, and diseases arising from a defective action of the kidneys send to Dr. W. R. Hayden, Bedford Springs, Mass., for reports of cases treated with Uric Solvent and mention MEDICAL BRIEF. See their new ad. on page 15.

Post-Puerperal Dressing.-To the obstetrician, for post-puerperal dressing, Listerine is a boon to the patient and a blessing to her attendants.

Detroit, Mich. PHIL. PORTER, M. D.

In writing to advertisers, mention Medical Brief.

New Remedies.-We take pleasure in calling the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Messrs. John Wyeth & Bro., on page 13. The new remedies they bring forward in the form of their compressed tablets will be of interest to every physician.

Chancres.-Applications of Listerine in full strength make an admirable dressing for chancres and chancroids. It also assists materially in modifying the odor of iodoform when used in conjunction with it.


Preparations. - Morrhuol, Pure Beef Peptone, Peptone Wine, Pure Dialysed Pepsine (in pearls), and Santal-Midy, manufactured by Rigaud & Chapoteaut, Manufacturing Chemists, Paris. Wholesale Agents for America, Fougera & Co., New York. See ad. on page 6, where their compositions and uses are fully explained. See next month for change of ad. Samples of the above can be obtained free on application to E. Fougera & Co., 30 N. William St., New York, if you mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

Listerine.—I use Listerine constantly, and like it very much.


Richmond, Va.

Capsules.-Send to the old reliable house of H. Planten & Son, 224 William St., New York, known for more than a half century for their excellent manufacture of capsules, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF and they will mail you a free sample of their goods. See ad. page 42.

Eucalyptol.-Physicians who desire to get the pure and reliable Volatile Eucalypti Extract will bear in mind that Meyer Bros., wholesale druggists of St. Louis, are the sole agents. This valuable preparation is sold only in one-ounce vials secured with green band bearing Sander & Sons signature and location. This mode of sale had to be adopted to prevent alcoholic dilutions. Write to Dr. Sander, Dillon, Iowa, for sample of genuine Eucalyptol. See ad. opposite third page cover.

Enlarged Prostate.-The medicinal treatment of enlarged prostate is not very satisfactory; the use of ergot has been followed by good results. Its power to stimulate non-striated muscular fibre renders it as applicable here as in uterine myoma. It has also a beneficial action on the blood vessels and walls of the bladder, lessening congestion and improving the weakened muscles of the bladder in atonied conditions. Langenbeck has used it for this purpose with success.

Lactopeptine.-You can procure & sample of this well-known and reliable digestive agent, by writing to N. Y. Pharmacal Association, Box 1574 N. Y. City. See ad. page 12.

Dysmenorrhea.-Alexander Cook, L. R. C. P., Aston, England, says: I have had most satisfactory results in all the cases in which I have used Aletris Cordial (Rio) especially in cases of leucorrhea and dysmenorrhea. I had an entirely satisfactory result in two cases of threatened abortion.

Send to A. A. Marks, 701 Broadway, New York for his 400-page Treatise on Artificial Limbs and Amputation, with 190 illustrations, which will be mailed free of charge if MEDICAL BRIEF is mentioned.

Menopause.-D. B. Hoffman, M. D., San Diego, Cal., says: I have tried Aletris Cordial (Rio) in a case with good results. The patient is forty-six years old. Always healthy until about eighteen months ago, when change of life commenced, since which time she suffered in various ways, and was not relieved until she used the Aletris Cordial, though she tried everything during the time. I think the remedy has done all that is claimed for it in the case, and I continue to use it in my practice.

Gonorrhea.-Dr. C. L. Mitchell, 1016 Cherry St., Philadelphia, will send his pamphlet "On the Treatment of Gonorrhea" to physicians, free, on application by letter. See ad. page 35.

Bromidia.-Robt. Smith, M. D., Durham County Asylum, Sedgefield, Ferryhill, England, says: I have tried Bromidia (Battle) and found it so very satisfactory that I have used it constantly ever since. I think I need say nothing more in its favor.

The Latest Invention.-Can you conceive of a better offer than that made by Geo. K. Hopkins & Co., on page 15. "Sent by Express to any part of the United States on receipt of price, subject to return at our expense if not satisfactory.”

Dysmenorrhea. -Francis E. Kane, L. R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Leeds, England, says: I have tried Aletris Cordial (Rio) in two cases of long standing dysmenorrhea, with excellent results. One of these patients has spent a week in bed every month for two years. After all the usual remedies, I put her on Aletris Cordial, and for the last two periods she has been out and about all the time. I have also tried with good results the Aletris Cordial in the case of a man suffering from hyperexcitability and spermatorrhea.

McMunn's Elixir of Opium.—If you are not acquainted with the virtues of this preparation of Opium, send to E. Ferrett; 372 Pearl St., New York, for a sample. See ad. on page 35. Mention the BRIEF when you write.

Renal Caluli.-A careful examination of the bladder revealed no stone, but suspecting one of the kidneys, I prescribed Lambert's Lithiated Hydrangea in one or two drachm doses four times daily, and before eight ounces had been taken more than twenty small calculi were passed, having the appearance of being components of one calculus dissolved and disintegrated. So far as the pain in the kidneys was concerned, her relief was immediate, and the dropsical condition materially improved. The relief continues permanent, and indicates the efficacy of Lithiated Hydrangea in such extreme cases, as well as in all morbid urinary conditions, for it has never yet failed in my hands. JAMES M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Colony, Mo.

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Vaccine Virus.-Write to the New England Vaccine Co., Chelsea Station, Boston, Mass., for pure vaccine. See ad. on front cover.

Syphilis.-I have tried Iodia (Battle) in many cases of syphilis, with very good results. GEO. H. CArrington, M. R. C. S., L. S. A. Howich, Bolton, Lancashire, Eng.

Phospho-Muriate of Quinine.-A reliable general tonic and antiperiodic, made from wheat phosphates with quinine, iron and strychnine. See foot of front cover for ad. of the Chas. H. Phillips Chemical Co. Mention the BRIEF when you write to them.

Loss of Nerve Force.-In quite a number of cases in which there was a loss of nerve force, and irritation of the nervous centers, such as hysteria, hypochondriasis, spermatorrhea and chronic alcoholism, I have used Celerina, in connection with tinct. nux vomica, with the very best results. I think Celerina is the best nerve tonic that I have ever used during my twenty years of practice, and it should be used by every physician who has the welfare of his profession and patients at heart. J. M. BARROW, M. D.

Sheldon, Ill.

Caulocorea is an excellent nerve tonic, and has met with much favor by those who have used it in practice. It is of intrinsic value in painful menstruation and is worthy of careful trial.-Med. Summary.

Send to Caulocorea Mfg. Co., South Portland, Maine, for their Hand-Book giving definite directions. Sent free, if MEDICAL BRIEF is mentioned.

Insomnia. For the past three years I have prescribed Bromidia (Battle) very frequently, and have never yet been disappointed in securing the results required. In cases when there is insomnia without pain, in the delirious stages of acute fevers, in delirium tremens, puerperal mania, in short, in all those cases requiring soporifics, I find Bromidia invaluable.

JOSEPH P. Ross, A. M., M. D., Professor Clinical Medicine and Diseases of the Chest, Rush Medical College. Chicago, Ill.

McArthur's Syrup.-The McArthur Hypophosphite Co., Boston, Mass., will send to any physician who mentions the BRIEF their valuable pamphlet on th "Curability and Treatment of Consumption," free. They will also send a bottle of their Syrup without charge except the expressage. This is a splendid chance to test this palatable and meritorious article. See their ad. on page 35.

Menorrhagia.-F. D. Miller, M. D., Newmansville, Fla., writes: Aletris Cordial (Rio) gives more than satisfaction. I used it in a case of menorrhagia that had resisted every known remedy to myself and colleagues, and I prescribed it more as a forlorn hope than for any other reason. I had heard nothing more of the case for six weeks; the patient now informs me that the first dose gave relief, and she is now entirely cured. Patient's father was a physician, and had used every means known to the profession to control it, and being unable to do so, put her under my charge. I made a careful physical examination, but found no organic lesions. I first used the usual remedies, acid sul., aromat. sul., magnesia, tamponing, styptics, etc., without relief, and as a last resort gave Aletris Cordial and Celerina in equal parts, with instantaneous relief.

When writing to advertisers, mention Medical Brief.

Papine for Children.-I have used Papine (Battle) in my practice to some extent and so far am well pleased with its effects. It does all that is claimed for it. It is an excellent anodyne for children, and for adults where there is a tendency to constipation. J. S. PHILLIPS, M. D. Allegheny, Pa.

Food for Infants and Invalids.-By sending your name and address to the MALTED MILK COMPANY, Racine, Wis., they will send you sample and pamphlet free, if BRIEF is mentioned. See their ad. on margin of cover.

Morphine Habit.-Cramer accidentally discovered in the tincture of castor (castor 1, alcohol 5), a remedy for breaking off the morphine habit.

Svapnia. Purified Opium. For it is claimed the Anodyne and Soporific Alkaloids, Codeia, Narceia and Morphia, in exclusion of the poisonous and convulsive alkaloids, Thebaine, Narcotine and Papaverine. It is claimed to conform to a uniform standard of opium of ten per cent morphia strength.

Write to C. N. Crittenton, Agt., 115 Fulton St., New York, for a sample of Svapnia and mention MEDICAL Brief.

Savine in Cancer.-According to Dr. Lucæ, the persistent application, three times a week, of powdered savine and burnt alum has cured a case of cancer of the ear.

Ideal-Coated Pills.-Send to the Upjohn Pill and Granule Co., Kalamazoo, Mich., for one of their elegant 12-bottle pocket cases. The bottles are filled with 125 granules each. Physician's name printed on the case. See their ad., for terms, on page 7. Doctor. Upjohn, the head of the firm, is a physician of wide practice and extensive pharmaceutical information.

A Good Doctor.-Good, earnest doctors are too busy to find time to slander their brethren or their rivals. It is all the same with lawyers, ministers and teachers. The truly good and truly great do not detract from the reputation of others; they are generous and magnanimous even to rivals.

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