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Treatment for Catarrhal Affections of the Throat.-Dr. G. B. Hope, 34 W. 51st Street, New York, Attending Surgeon Metropolitan Throat Hospital, and Professor Diseases of the Throat, University of Vermont, says: "For a long time I have been employing Hosford's Acid Phosphate as a constitutional treatment for catarrhal affections of the throat. I consider it to be among the very best tonic excitants of the vocal organs, and particularly applicable in relieving the fatigue and huskiness of voice incident to those who pursue a professional career of actor or vocalist, and far preferable to the various forms of wines now so generally recommended for this purpose. I have seen no other allusion to its employment in this direction, which I believe you are perfectly safe in recommending both from a theoretical and practical point of view."

Seven Springs Iron Alum Mass is said to be the finest Iron tonic known. Ask your Physician about it. It is a regular medicine prescribed by physicians. Cures dyspepsia, headaches, kidney troubles, etc.

An Excellent Hypnotic.-Bromidia (Battle) is an excellent hypnotic, and I have used it with most satisfactory results, in every sense of the word, in the following cases: 1st, with children suffering from cerebral excitement; 2d, with aged persons suffering from sleeplessness, nervous oppression, and, in fine,with various nervous diseases. I should state that when the patients awake I do not observe any of the various unpleasant symptoms which generally attend the use of preparations which are simply opiates, and which are, therefore, to my mind, inferior to Bromidia.

DR. A. SYMON DE VILLENEUVE. Rue du Jeu-de-Paume-Quintin (Cotes-duNord).

An Alvine Motor.-Various are the means resorted to for the relief of chronic constipation, but unfortunately most of them are, in a sense, futile since the effect is but temporary. Dr. George W. Hoagland, of Columbus, Ohio, writes that he uses "Elixir Purgans” (Lilly) with the very greatest satisfaction and cordially recommends it to other practitioners.

In writing to advertisers, mention Medical Brief.

Satisfactory.-Dr. Willis H. Davis, Keokuk, Iowa: DEAR Doctor-Buggy Case No. 1 received a few days since. It is just as represented, and in every way satisfactory. THOS. SANDERSON, M. D.

Kent, Ind.

See ad. of this case on page 40. Mention the BRIEF when you send for one.

Sterilizing Milk for Babies.—A steam sterilizer for preparing infants' food has been placed on the market at a rate that will place it within the reach of every one. See article in this issue, and also ad. on page 41. Don't fail to mention the MEDICAL BRIEF.

Constipation.—I make a specialty of Rectal Diseases. I have employed Crystalline Phosphate in constipation and find it very efficient.

Cincinnati, O. C. M. BECKLER, M. D.

I have prescribed Succus Alterans in two cases of recurrent iritis, advising a continuation of the medicine after all inflammatory action had subsided. It is now some months since the patient was under my immediate treatment and no recurrent symptoms have occurred. New York. F. W. RING, M. D.

After using Tongaline for several years in the treatment of Neuralgia and Neuralgic Rheumatism, I am convinced that it is a meritorious compound and possesses curative properties superior to any other remedy. THOS. H. CRAVEN, M. D.

Canon City, Colo.

Bathing. The necessity of bathing frequently is absolutely necessary to health, therefore every physician should call the attention of his friends to the Universal Bath, as appears on page 40 of this issue. When you send for circulars, mention the BRIEF.

Benzoate of Ammonia and Soda.Benzoate of ammonia is given when the urine is ammoniacal causing chronic cystitis and incontinence of urine. Benzoate of soda is given in diphtheria, scarlet fever, consumption and whooping cough.

I am very much pleased with Mellier's Standard Buggy-Case, and find it exactly such an article as I have long desired. Camilla, Ga. W. S. WOODS, M. D.

Febricide Pills. From the Philadelphia Medical Times of April 1st, 1889, page 452. The observations conducted by Dr. Gates showed that the best of the antipyretics for phthisis is antifebrin, so far as the limitation of the daily temperature fluctuations is concerned. It is, however, more depressing than phenacetin, and has no appreciable effect upon the number of bacilli to be found in the sputum. Its continued use has also been followed by colliquative sweating of unusual profuseness and obstinacy, followed by diarrhea of the same character, in a case where doses gradually increased to forty grains per diem failed to keep the temperature below 103°. The substitution of Febricide Pills gave better results. Each pill produced a reduction of temperature equal to about five grains of antifebrin, and the depression of the latter was more than neutralized by the tonic effect of the other ingredients.

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The writings of the late Dr. J. Milner Fothergill contains many passages which are true aphorisms. No truth could be more tersely and forcibly said than that in the passage from his "Manual of Dietetics": "A suspicion that there is a difference between merely getting food down into the stomach and its digestion, is abroad; and that a tablespoonful of milk and Mellin's Food which is digested, is really better for the patient than a beefsteak which simply passes through the alimentary canal. To supply to the muchtried organism that which it really requires is to give the most efficient help to it."

Uses of Gelsemium Semper-virens. -Dr. G. M. Garland says: The dose of gelsemium depends upon the preparation used and the effect which one desires to obtain. For the relief of neuralgia, one should give three to five drops every halfhour or hour, according to the intensity of the pain. To produce sweating, one drop every half-hour is sufficient, provided the patient be well wrapped up in bed; one drop of the fluid extract will relieve the cough and discomfort of acute bronchitis.

The Rio Chemical Co.-The Liquid Iron-Rio, the new preparation introduced by this enterprising concern, bids fair to be as great a success as Pinus Canadensis, Celerina, and Aletris Cordial. It is palatable, easily assimilated, does not nauseate nor irritate the stomach, nor does it cause headache nor constipation. Its greatest advantage, however, is that it does not stain the teeth. Nothing ensures success like success, and this company, with branches in London, Paris, and, in fact, every trade-centre on the globe, shows that it is successful. They are liberal advertisers, but advertising alone, without salable goods, will not continue a large business any more than good goods without advertising will bring business.-Med. Digest.

Seven Springs Iron Alum Mass, the great mineral water remedy, the finest tonic and appetizer known. Cures dyspepsia, sick headache, chronic diarrea, etc.

Plant Pepsin.-The difficulty in pro ducing a substitute for mother's milk, is, to change the caseine into peptones. Gorup Besanez, late Professor of Chemistry in Erlangen, Germany, has proved, that there is ferment in well grown and dried malt, which possesses the same action as the active ferments in the gastric juice and the pancreatine, this he named "plant pepsin." The milk in Malted Milk has been pre-digested by the action of the plant pepsin, a natural incredient of the malt, hence the reason why Malted Milk is so easily assimilated, and why it is preferable to milk which has been treated with impure artificial pepsin or pancreatine. A sample of Malted Milk, sufficient for trial, will be sent free, on application to Malted Milk Co., Racine, Wis., if MEDICAL BRIEF is mentioned.


Threatened Abortion.-Chas. Clay, M.R.C.S., L.S.A., Manor House, Dewsbury, England, says: I find the Aletris Cordial (Rio) has been of great service in two cases of threatened abortion, after other remedies seemed to have failed; a well-marked and speedy amelioration of symptoms following, and a great change in the feelings and spirits of the patients.

Gonorrhea, Gleet and Leucorrhea.Ernest B. Bayle, M. D., Springfield, Tenn., says: I have used S. H. Kennedy's Extract of Pinus Canadensis as an injection in gonorrhea, with good results, and I do not hesitate to recommend it to the profession as an injection in gonorrhea, gleet and leucorrhea.

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Caulocorea. This preparation is claimed to have no superior for allaying the many distressing symptoms of dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, menorrhagia, and all the so-called female diseases. Dr. J. D. Hudspeth, Reedley, Cal., in a letter, dated June 18, 1889, regarding Caulocorea, says: "I am pleased with the use of Caulocorea in a case of amenorrhea, where I have used it. A young lady, age 19, caught cold at the time of her monthly returns, and a few doses relieved her." See ad. page 42. Send for hand-book of directions and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

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Hot Water Enemata.-One who has ever witnessed the magical effect of a warm or hot water clyster in colics and griping pains of the bowels, will never hesitate to resort to the remedy before trying anything else, when called to see a case of the sort.

Pulv. Antiseptic Comp.-Read the ad. of this preparation, on page 22, and take advantage of the liberal offer Mr. Tyree has made to our readers. Read the testimonial of the Surgeon General of the G. A. R., and you will be fully impressed with the excellent results he has obtained. Mention the BRIEF when you take advantage of his offer.

Rheumatism.-Have you tried in this troublesome complaint the Ferro-Salicylata (Liquid) of the Wm. S. Merrell Chemical Co.? If you have not you should in the first case you meet. See their ad. on page 19. Mention the BRIEF when you write to them.

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Capsules.-Send to the old reliable house of H. Planten & Son, 224 William St., New York, known for more than a half century for their excellent manufacture of capsules, and mention MEDICAL BRIEF and they will mail you a free sample of their goods. See ad. page 40.

St. Ann's Lying-In Hospital.-This Hospital is conducted by the Sisters of Charity. The Lying-In Department is entirely private, and patients will be securely kept free from exposure; everything being conducted with great discretion and privacy. Patients can be accommodated according to their circumstances. Read the ad. on page 6, and when you correspond say you saw the ad. in the BRIEF.

Dietary of Rheumatics.-If, as we are taught, free lactic acid in the blood is the exciting cause of rheumatism, then by diminishing those articles of food whose partial oxidation produces this acid, its formation may be lessened. Hence, from the dietary of the rheumatic we cut out sugars and starches, and find that the practical results bear out the theory.

Eucalyptol.-Physicians who desire to get the pure and reliable Volatile Eucalypti Extract will bear in mind that Meyer Bros., wholesale druggists of St. Louis, are the sole agents. Write to Dr. Sander, Dillon, Iowa, for sample of genuine Eucalyptol. See ad. opposite third page cover.

Carl L. Jensen's Crystal Scale Pepsin.-This world-renowned pepsin will hereafter be manufactured and sold by the Carl L. Jensen Company. If you want the gratitude of your dyspeptic patients prescribe Carl L. Jensen's Crystal Pepsin Tablets. Write to the Company and mention MEDICAL BRIEF and they will mail you free samples. See ad. page 8.

Croup. In the early stages of croup, say in a child from two to five years of age, a single two-grain quinine pill, given when itis gasping for breath at about two o'clock in the morning, will be followed almost immediately by relief.

Nestle's Milk Food.-When cholera infantum begins its savage onslaught on infant life in our large cities, as well as smaller places, it would be well to read up on the value of giving a suitable food. Thomas Leeming & Co., 18 College Place, New York, will send samples of Nestle's Food if the BRIEF is mentioned. See ad. on page 29.

Rectal Speculum.-Yount's Doubleslide Wedge-End Rectal Speculum commands the attention of every progressive physician. When you send to Dr. S. T. Yount for one mention the BRIEF. Don't forget the monograph on Piles as it is worth the price of the syringe. See ad. on page 24.

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