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from a too strong solution, too much or too deeply applied, or from some underlying dyscrasia or constitutional taint, which would fare no better under any other operation.

Like all new methods accidents may occur before perfection is attained, yet these Solons make no effort to investigate the cause and obviate the results, but condemn without a hearing. The whole point in the matter lies in the selection of a suitable excipient to hold and confine the action of the acid to prevent diffusion and absorption.

It seems hard to get these men, who have a penchant for cutting and tieing, out of the old ruts. Does not the doctor know that few sufferers of hemorrhoids will submit to the knife, while most any of them are willing to be cured by a comparatively bloodless and painless operation. Can we be surprised to see people flock to the itinerant, pay their cash and be cured, when you, their local physician, have failed; they will not submit to the knife, and you don't know any other plan, or have never investigated any other plan, because it is not considered scientific.

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One man rises up in out midst and argues the use of an ointment on the loop-hole theory. My friend, how are you going to get your indurated piles through that loop-hole? He speaks derisively of the "old and exploded bolic acid treatment. If he could talk with a patient that I have just cured of piles and prolapsus of thirty years standing, who had been operated upon previously by the "old and exploded" cutting and tieing process, he might be induced to look farther than petroslinum and loop-holes.

When I first commenced the carbolic acid treatment I ignorantly injected anything and everything that looked like a pile, or that I thought might become one,

prolapsed and prolongations of mucous membrane, tabs of flesh, varicosed appearance of internal veins, etc. All came out in good shape, no extensive sloughs; no contraction nor induration, where these places sloughed and healed, as I have seen after the use of the knife. I am confident that many mistakes, much confusion, incompleteness and lack of success grows out of the need of a suitable rectal speculum. Most rectal specula are made from a mechanical standpoint, and from ocular inspection seem just the thing, but are found wanting when applied to practice. The objections, as all who have had experience know, are pain on introduction, pain during examination, inability to distinctly see the part exposed, which coufuses, and pain on withdrawing the instrument.



Having tried many instruments, and finding some one or more of these drawbacks decidedly marked in all, I had a rectal speculum made with a special view to meet these points as nearly as possible, which I have tried on some of the most delicate and tender subjects, as well as on the rough, strong and burly man, and no longer feel a temerity and lack of confidence in examining any case that appears. A cut of the instrument is herewith produced, but does not show the three facet inclined end, or the mechanism of the adjustable rubber plug that lifts out the prolapsed mucous membrane or hemorrhoids, to admit of a circuitous examination without withdrawing the instrument. W. P. AGNEW, M. D.

San Francisco, Cal.

Mucus Discharge from Bowels.

I would like some of the experienced readers of the BRIEF to give me a remedy for mucus discharge from bowels, of many years standing. The patient has had ulcer of the rectum, but that is cured and there remains a mucus discharge of bowels that is troublesome to manage.

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Substitute for Morphia.—I have made use of Papine (Battle) for some time past, both in hospital and private practice, and find it a most agreeable substitute for morphine and opium. It is the anodyne par excellence. CHARLES H. MERZ, M. D., House Physician to University Hospital. Cleveland, O.

Headache. I used Celerina in nervous sick headache with the happiest results. Kansas City, Mo. F. COOLEY, M. D.

Etiology of Typhoid Fever.-Dr Edson sums up the etiology of typhoid fever in the following words: First, typhoid fever never infects the atmosphere; second, that it never arises de novo; and, third, that the causes of the disease, in order of their frequency, are as follows: First, infected water; second, infected milk; third, infected ice; fourth, digital infections; fifth, infected meat.

Leucorrhea.-A.A. Henske, A.M., M.D., St. Louis, Mo., says: I have prescribed Aletris Cordial (Rio) in several cases of profuse leucorrhea, and other complicated uterine diseases, and have had remarkably good results.

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Insomnia.-Dr. D. Thompson, Feeny, Ireland, says: I have tried Battle's Bromidia lately in several cases of sleeplessness with most satisfactory results. One patient who is now making a good recovery would, I am convinced, have now been in a lunatic asylum, but for its use. I consider it a valuable hypnotic safe and reliable.

Acute Coryza.-For cold in the head, there is no better remedy than gelsemium, while in the acute congestive stage. One good, large dose, say ten minims of the fluid extract, taken upon retiring at night, will effectually dispose of this troublesome and uncomfortable affection. One dose is usually sufficient.

Enlarged Prostate. -I prescribed Lambert's Lithiated Hydrangea in a case of enlarged prostate with good result. J. W. MCGOWAN, M. D.

Oakland City, Ind.

Stings and Bites of Insects.-Listerine applied freely in full strength will mitigate the pain, prevent excessive swelling, and in a great measure counteract the poisonous effect.

Phthisis. I have used Peacock's Fucus Marina in quite a number of cases of incipient phthisis with positive curative effect. For the advanced stages of the same affection it undoubtedly does much good, lessening the cough, rendering the expectoration easier, increasing the appetite and promoting sleep. As an adjunct to Peruvian bark in the treatment of malarial troubles it stands without a peer. J. T. YOURTEE, M. D.

Brownsville, Md.

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Electricity.-Faradization of the thorax is very beneficial in spasmodic asthma and chronic bronchitis. The dyspnea of the latter is by this treatment much diminished in gravity.

A Safe Hypnotic.-Dr. I. H. Hall, State Asylum, Milledgeville, Georgia, says: Allow me to state that I have used Battle's Bromidia extensively, with patients under my care in the Georgia Lunatic Asylum, and haye found it to be an excellent hypnotic-efficacious and safe. I have obtained the best results in cases of insomnia, where other remedies have failed entirely.

An Expectorant Potion.

R. Powdered Ipecac.

Oxymel Squill, fi..

Syrup Ipecac fl...

Infusion Senega fil

Make potion.

5 grains. .5% drachms.

1 ounce. .31⁄2 ounces.

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Chronic Constipation -I have used Chionia (Peacock) in chronic constipation of the bowels and find it tones up the liver and bowels. I will continue to use this valuable preparation.

Eliottsville, Ky. C. H. PORTER, M. D.

Psoriasis.-Guibaut recommends the following: Sodii arsen., gr.; ext. gentian,

one and one-half grains. In pill form. Two or three pills after each meal. Also frictions twice daily with adipis, three ounces; acid. pyrogallic., two and a-half to four drachms. Also a thorough cleansing with soap every two days.

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Bathing. The necessity of bathing frequently is absolutely necessary to health, therefore every physician should call the attention of his friends to the Universal Bath, as appears on page 41 of this issue. When you send for circulars, mention the BRIEF.

McMunn's Elixir of Opium.-If you are not acquainted with the virtues of this preparation of Opium, send to E. Ferrett, 372 Pearl St., New York, for a sample. See ad. on page 25. Mention the BRIEF when you write.

Eucalyptus in Neuralgia.-Gimbert has used eucalyptus with success in neuralgias intermittent type even when he could obtain no history of malarial infection.

Viburnum Compound.-Send to the New York Pharmaceutical Co., Bedford Springs, Mass., for illustrated Hand-Book. Sent free, if you mention MEDICAL BRIEF. See their new ad., foot of Book Notices.

In writing to advertisers, mention Medical Brief.

A Physician, who understands human nature, plays with the baby, makes friends with the children, and listens to the woes of the good wife and mother, is the fellow to whom the master of the house most cheerfully pays the largest bills. It's the comfort, the consolation, that mark the broad line between an unsuccessful and a popular physician.

Dilating the Os.-Cimicifuga is one of the best remedies to cause dilation of the os during labor, as it causes contraction of the longitudinal fibres. Dose, five to ten drops of the tincture in one-half glass of water.

Reliable Thermometers.-Send $1.25 to John Barry, 62 Fulton St., New York, and he will send one of his reliable thermometers, post-paid. He has a new thermometer for taking the temperature under the tongue. See ad. page 37.

Milk of Magnesia.-The Chas. H. Phillips Chem. Co., 77 Pine St., New York, desire to call your attention to their ad. on front cover page. Their Milk of Magnesia should be given a fair trial in the Acid Diarrhea of Children, Cholera Infantum, Vomiting in Pregnancy, food souring on the stomach, or kindred ailments. It will be found a superior agent. Mention the BRIEF.

To Abort an Abscess.-It is said that if aconite, opium and belladonna in equal parts be brushed over an affected part an abscess will be aborted.

Fairchild's Pepsin.. The manufacturers of this elegant and staple article guarantee it to be unchangeable, to maintain its activity and quality under all ordinary commercial conditions. If the BRIEF is mentioned they will send samples to any physician who may wish to ascertain for himself the relative activity of this pepsin, or to submit it to any practical test. Send to the address given on third cover page for prices and full information.

Nitro Glycerin is a most potent heart stimulant, and may be given in doses of 1-100 grain. Cases of pneumonia and typhoid fever are not well treated without the use of this remedy, if threatened with heart failure.

The Cincinnati Polyclinic.-This is a clinical school for graduates in medicine. If you or any of your friends desire a course, it would be well for you to read their ad. on page 41. Mention the BRIEF when you write to them.

Hemorrhage of Typhoid.-Fluid ext. Ergot in doses of ten drops every hour, is the best treatment of hemorrhage in typhoid fever.

Price Reduced.-Dr. Martin's Vaccine Virus. Send orders by mail or telegraph to Dr. Henry A. Martin & Son, Roxbury Station, Boston, Mass. See ad. page 40.

Compound Talcum.-If you wish literature on the subject of a good dermal powder, write to Julius Fehr, M. D., Hoboken, N. J., and mention the BRIEF. See ad. page 43.

Ovarian Neuralgia.-Tincture of gelsemium in five-drop doses, every three hours, will relieve ovarian neuralgia.

Buggy Case.-Only $7.00 for this elegant Buggy Case. See ad. page 37 for illustration. It will pay you to send to H. Peake, 121 N. 7th St., St. Louis for illustrated catalogue. Mention the BRIEF when you write.

Sterilizing Milk for Babies.—A steam sterilizer for preparing infants' food has been placed on the market at a rate that will place it within the reach of every one. See article in this issue, and also ad. on page 43. Don't fail to mention the MEDICAL BRIEF.

Granular Conjunctivitis.-Dr. Cheatham recommends the local application of sulphate of copper as the best remedy for granular conjunctivitis, regarding yellow oxide of mercury as next in efficiency.

Malted Milk contains no starch. Requires no cooking or addition of milk, but merely to be dissolved in water. Malted Milk has already asserted a leading position among the dietetic preparations, either as a food for infants or adults, and it has received the hearty endorsement of many eminent physicians, who prescribe it largely with very gratifying results. Give Malted Milk a fair trial in many cases requiring nutrition, easy of assimilation, combined with simplicity of preparation, and you can not help being pleased.-So. Pract.

In writing to advertisers, mention Medical Brief.

Hiccough.-Dr. Dresch says: "The sufferer closes the external auditory apparatus with the tips of the fingers, making firm pressure. At the same time he is given water to drink in small swallows. The hiccough ceases instantly.

Caulocorea. - This preparation is claimed to have no superior for allaying the many distressing symptoms of dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, menorrhagia, and all the so-called female diseases. Dr. J. D. Hudspeth, Reedley, Cal., in a letter, dated June 18, 1889, regarding Caulocores, says: "I am pleased with the use of Caulocorea in a case of amenorrhea, where I have used it. A young lady, age 19, caught cold at the time of her monthly returns, and a few doses relieved her." See ad. page 4. Send for hand-book of directions and mention MEDICAL Brief.

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