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Liq. Hypophosphis Comp. Hayes.This is an acid solution of the Hypophosphites, and recommended on account of the absence of syrup. If your druggist does not have it, write to J. F. Hayes, 1400 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, and mention the BRIEF.

Swollen Feet.-Useful to policeman, mail carriers, printers and others whose business keeps them upon their feet all day, is composed of three parts salicylic acid, ten parts starch and eighty-seven parts of pulverized soapstone. This, sifted into the shoes and stockings, keep the feet dry and prevents chaffing.

Important.-W. H. Schieffelin & Co. report that Phenacetine-Bayer, the new drug, does not develop any disagreeable after effects, it is tasteless and while more energetic than Antipyrine it does not cause lassitude or any other disagreeable symptoms. Write to them for pamphlet and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

Syr. Hydriodic Acid - Hostelley.See ad. page 27. Write W. H. Hostelley & Co., P. O. Box 210, Philadelphia, Pa., and mention MEDICAL BRIEF.

Vomiting of Infants.-Dr. Atkinson advises to avoid giving alcoholic stimulants to young children if possible. If a stimulant is absolutely necessary, give aromatic spirits of ammonia. For the vomiting of small children with dyspepsia give of carbolic acid one drop in lime water one ounce, one teaspoonful to as much milk every two or three hours.

Reed & Carnrick's Page.-On page 10 you will find three valuable preparations: A new use for Liquid Peptonoids, it being successfully used in dissolving the false membrane in diphtheria. Pancrobilin, designed to increase the digestion and absorption of fats. Phospho Caffein Comp. for headache, neuralgia, neurasthenia, etc. These are all valuable preparations, and their ad. should be read carefully. Mention the BRIEF if you have occasion to write to them.

Disinfectants.-"I have used 'Platt's Chlorides' with entire satisfaction. It acts promptly and rapidly in deodorizing and in disinfecting, while its cheapness is an important consideration in its use in hospitals and dwellings."

W. W. DAWSON, M. D., Prof., Prin. and Prac. of Surgery and Clin. Surg., Med. Coll. of Ohio, Pres. Med. Staff Good Samaritan Hospital, Etc., Etc. Cincinnati, O.

A sample sent free to any physician mentioning MEDICAL BRIEF. See 43.

Diphtheria.-Benzoate of soda in the treatment of diphtheria receives renewed praise from Brondel of Algeria, who claims to have had marked success with it in this disease. He gives it internally in drachm doses, repeated hourly, and uses a ten per cent solution as a spray to the fauces, applied half-hourly day and night.

Carl L. Jensen's Crystal Scale Pepsin. This world-renowned pepsin will hereafter be manufactured and sold by the Carl L. Jensen Company. If you want the gratitude of your dyspeptic patients prescribe Carl L. Jensen's Crystal Pepsin Tablets. Write to the Company and mention MEDICAL BRIEF and they will mail you free samples. See ad. page 8.

Calculus in Pelvis of Kidney.-Borotartrate of potassium is the first remedy. A weak solution must be used, and for a long time, a strong solution being detrimental.-Bartholow.

A Fair Offer -The manufacturers of Malted Milk give practical evidence of their belief in its merits by inviting any physician to send his name and address and receive in return FREE a sample of Malted Milk; the efficacy of which can be tested without cost. If you have a sick infant, or an adult, requiring nutrition in a form very easy of assimilation, you should send a postal card to Malted Milk Co., Racine, Wis. Mention the BRIEF.

Ulcers.-I have found Listerine to be an admirable agent in cancerous and other foul ulcers, and also in cleansing wounds, promptly removing all fetor. As a mouth-wash and gargle, it is excellent. St. Louis. T. F. PREWITT, M. D.

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Veratrum Viride. - Indications.'Rapidity of the pulse, this and nothing more." In all diseases, of all ages, and under all circumstances, no matter how excited the system, or how prostrated the patient, rapidity of the pulse is the indication for the use of veratrum.

Imperial Granum.-This is one of the pioneer food preparations of the country. The proprietor very uniquely describes it 88 "A solid extract derived by a new process from very superior growths of wheat -nothing more." He has our admiration for the pains-taking care with which he has handled his preparation. It has always been advertised with marked good judgment and taste; and has held its own, and more, against many good preparations which come into the market later. Give it a trial-and when writing mention MEDICAL BRIEF. See ad. page 11.

Belladonna for Sterility.—Women with good health and who are nevertheless barren, have become pregnant after a few weeks' use of belladonna.

Muriate of Ammonia in Myalgia.Dr. Henry calls attention to this once popular treatment of myalgia. For a number of years he has used nothing but muriate of ammonium in these cases with almost uniform success. He gives it in large doses-twenty to thirty grains three or four times a day.

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Phthisis Pulmonalis.-I gave my wife Fucus Marina, who was suffering with incipient phthisis pulmonalis. She was suffering greatly from cough and general exhaustion. From beginning of Peacock's Fucus Marina, she began to improve. The inflamed lung healed, cough lessened, appetite improved, and she also gained in weight. Previous to this, she had been taking the usual remedies for lung trouble, with but little benefit. I am well pleased with this preparation, and am satisfied, if given where indicated, it will work wonders.


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Miss Lois M. Royce, one of the sufferers by last winter's blizzards in Nebraska, says, in a letter to a friend in Bethel, Me., that she has received a pair of artificial limbs with rubber feet of the Marks' patent, to provide for which teachers and others in Boston contributed the means, and that they have already proved wonderfully efficient. She writes: "They fit so far admirably, and I walk very well with them. I walked to the carriage this afternoon, just by taking hold of my father's arm." This is but one of nearly a dozen last winter's blizzard sufferers whom the firm of A. A. Marks, of New York city, has supplied with pairs of rubber feet during the past few months.-The National Tribune.

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Papine is recommended by Dr. Merz, of Cleveland, as a substitute for morphine and opium.

Nervous Prostration.-Joseph Duggan, M. D., etc., Coolarne, Ireland, says: I have given Celerina (Rio) a fair trial in the case of a man, aged fifty-seven, suffering from the effects of great nervous prostration, loss of memory and brain-fag. He has received marked benefit from its His nervous system, which was completely unstrung, is now much improved, and the mental worry gradually declining.


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Insomnia.-Dr. Esguive, Colonization Physician to the Paris-Lyons-Mediterranean Railway, Bon-Medja, France, says: "I tried Bromidia (Battle) on two cases of insomnia,which I had already treated for some time with a mixture of equal parts of bromide of potassium and chloral. I noticed that hypnotic results were produced with much smaller doses of Bromidia than of the mixture of bromide and chloral. I believe Bromidia is destined to be of real value, particularly in insomnia of cardiac origin, and I deem it vastly superior to the simple mixture of bromide of potassium and chloral."

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Constipation in Pregnancy.-T. L. Putman, M. D., Riverton, La., says: I have found Acid Mannate a very pleasant and efficient aperient during gestation, particularly the last three months. I use a great deal of the medicine, and it has never disappointed me in doing all that is claimed for it.

Diarrhea. For chronic diarrhea in feeble or nervous women, give five drops of fluid extract of epilobium four times daily.

Wheeler's Tissue Phosphates.-N. Watkyns Buel, M. D., Professor of Physiology and Botany, N.Y., says: "After having used your Comp. Elixir of Phosphates and Calisaya for over two years in my daily practice, I must give it my unqualified approbation. During a practice of over twenty years, I have used many scientifically prepared compounds, made to fulfill the same therapeutical indications as your Elixir, but none of them proved with me as valuable as yours. To the medical profession I would especially recommend it as the best remedy with which I am acquainted for the successful treatment of that large and constantly increasing class of overworked and nerve-exhausted women."

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The Oldest Authority on Baby Food Question is Doctor Cupid.-We are in receipt of an exquisite calendar for the year 1889, from the agents of Nestle's Milk Food. The face of the calendar contains a well executed picture of Doctor Cupid whispering into the ear of the Stork his advice to give the babies Nestles' Food. We congratulate the designers of this calendar on the happy transformation of Cupid into a Doctor prescribing for the little ones. Professional skill and maternal instinct unite in a loud Amen to Doctor Cupid's advice, and so say we all.

Cravings for Morphia.-Sparteine and nitro-glycerine relieve the craving for morphia, in morphinomanir.

Nervousness in Women.-Peacock's Bromides, combined with Aletris Cordial (Rio), is one of the best remedies I ever tried for nervousness in women, and in almost all forms of uterine troubles. Peacock's Bromides is all that is claimed for it, and even more; it acts much better than the bromides combined the ordinary way, for I have tried both.

Louisburg, Kan. J. D. ERNEST, M. D.

A Chill can be aborted by inhaling five drops of amyl nitrite. This is also a certain remedy for sea sickness.

Glandular Diseases-Antipyretic.I have found that Peacock's Fucus Marina is a most excellent remedy for all forms of glandular disease; also in certain forms of rheumatism. It is a superior antipyretic, and safer than antipyrine. L. J. W. LEE, M. D.

Bridgeport, Conn.

Varicosed Veins.-Tinct. collinsonia is a specific in the treatment of varicosed veins, if there is a specific. Ten drops, four times daily, all other conditions of the patient receiving proper attention, will produce prompt benefit.

Nutrolactis-Mother's Milk for Infants.-Samuel R. Woods, M. D., of New York City, says: "At the Summer Hospital for women and children near that city, Nutrolactis was used last summer successfully in fifty cases of agalactia. Even when the mother's breasts had been almost dry for several months a copious flow of nutritious milk was always obtained on the second or third day." Write the company for particulars, and mention the MEDICAL BRIEF. See ad. page 37.

Salicylic Acid in Scarlatina.-Dr. Shakovosky claims good results in scarlet fever from:

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