Annual Report of the Secretary of Internal Affairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Industrial statistics. Pt. IIIDepartment of Internal Affairs, Bureau of Industrial Statistics, 1936 |
Industrial Trends in Pennsylvania | 1 |
Iron Steel and Kindred Metals | 13 |
Establishments Reporting Kinds of Industry Individuals Partnerships | 51 |
22 other sections not shown
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Common terms and phrases
allied products bakery products brazing Bread bronze and copper Butter-creamery Carbonated and soft Castings-iron Chemicals and allied cleaning and dyeing Clothing-men's Clothing-women's and children's Concrete products Confectionery copper products diesinking electric motors Electroplating elsewhere classified Females Males Females Females Total wages food and kindred glass and stone Grand total granite-cutting and polishing Grist mill products Hardware and specialties Ice cream Ice-manufactured including rayon iron and steel job printing kindred products Laundry Lumber-planing mill products Machine repair shops Males Females Males Males Females Total Marble and granite-cutting meat packing medicines and compounds Miscellaneous products naphthalene Nationality Sex Wages Newspapers Paper and printing Patent medicines periodicals and job Potato chips Primary ber printing industries quarry products railroad repair shops Secondary production Slaughtering and meat soft drinks stacks and drums Steam railroad repair stone products Terra cotta textile products Textiles and textile Unclassified food Unclassified metal products Value of production yarns and thread