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No. IV.

Prayers composed and used by Samuel John son, LL.D. in his Preparation for receiving the Sacrament, at the Festival of Easter.

ALMIGHTY God, heavenly Father, who desirest not the death of a sinner, look down with mercy upon me. Grant me that grace without which I can neither will nor do what is acceptable to Thee. Pardon my sins; remove the impediments that hinder my obedience; enable me to redeem the time mispent in idleness and sin, by a diligent application of the days yet remaining, to the duties which thy Providence shall allot me. O God! grant me thy holy spirit, that I may repent and amend my life; grant me contrition, grant me resolution, for the sake of Jesus Christ, to whose covenant I now implore admission, and of the benefits of whose death I implore participation. For his sake have mercy on me, O God! for his


sake O God, pardon and receive me! Amen.

ALMIGHTY and most merciful Father, who hast created me to love and to serve thee, enable me so to partake of the Sacrament in which the death of Jesus Christ is commemorated, that I may henceforward lead a new life in thy faith and fear. Thou who knowest my frailties and infirmities, strengthen and support me; grant me thy Holy Spirit, that, after all my lapses, I may now continue stedfast in obedience; that after long habits of negligence and sin, I may at last, work out my salvation with diligence and constancy; purify my thoughts from all pollution, and fix my affections on things eternal. Much of my time past has been lost in sloth, and indifference to religion. Let not what remains O Lord, he given me in vain; but let me from this time lead a better life, and serve thee with a quiet mind, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

ALMIGHTY and most merciful Father, look down upon my misery with pity, strengthen me that I may overcome all

sinful habits; grant that I may, with effectual faith, commemorate the death of thy son Jesus Christ, so that all corrupt desires may be extinguished, and all vain thoughts may be dispelled. Enlighten me with true knowledge, animate me with reasonable hope, comfort me with a just sense of thy love, and assist me in the performance of all holy purposes, that after the sins, errors, and miseries of this world, Ι may obtain everlasting happiness for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

ALMIGHTY and most merciful Father, who hast nothing that thou hast made, nor desirest the death of a sinner, look down with merry upon me, and grant that I may turn from my wickedness and live. Forgive the days and years which I have passed in folly, idleness and sin. Fill me with such sorrow for the time mispent that I may amend my life according to thy holy word; strengthen me against habitual idleness and vice, and enable me to direct my thoughts to the performance of every duty; that while I live I may serve thee in the state to which thou shalt call me, and

and at last by a holy and happy death be delivered from the struggles and sorrows of this life, and obtain eternal happiness by thy mercy, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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ALMIGHTY God, by whose mercy I am now about to commemorate the death of my Redeemer, grant that from this time I may so live, as that his death may be efficacious to my eternal happiness; enable me to conquer all evil customs; deliver me from all evil thoughts, grant me light to discover my duty, and grace to perform it. As As my life advances, let me become more pure, and more holy. Take not from me thy Holy Spirit, but grant that I may serve thee with diligence and confidence, and when thou shalt call me hence, receive me to everlasting happiness, for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

ALMIGHTY and most merciful Father, suffer me once more to commemorate the death of thy son Jesus Christ, my Saviour and Redeemer, and make the memorial of his death profitable to my salvation. by strengthening

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strengthening my faith in his merits, and quickening my obedience to his laws. Remove from me, O God! all inordinate desires, all corrupt passions, and all vain terrors, and fill me with zeal for thy glory, and with confidence in thy mercy. Make me to love all men, and to use thy gifts, whatever thou shalt bestow, to the benefit of my fellow creatures. So lighten the weight of years, and so mitigate the afflictions of disease, that I may continue fit for thy service, and useful in my station. And so let me pass through this life, by the guidance of thy holy spirit, that at last I may enter into eternal joy, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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