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must be of God: apparently it cannot be destroyed. After a hundred years of vicissitudes it is to-day more easy of realization than ever before. "God has made us neighbors, let justice make us friends," and let the needs of the world make us brothers for the service of humanity. Never was there so great an opportunity for this service as to-day, when many people are declaring that the war has so weakened Europe that the world's hope lies in America.

As we give ourselves to building this America, we find that, fortunately, the North and the South are complements the one to the other. This is true in the physical realm, where precisely the things that one is rich in are things the other lacks and vice versa. In the moral realm, while the North American is energetic, inventive, resourceful and practical, the South American is courteous, refined, openhearted and idealistic.

When, therefore, the ideal American appears, he will not be altogether the cold, organizing Anglo-Saxon, worshiper of truth, nor entirely the warm, philosophizing Latin, worshiper of grace, but he will be a combination of the two— he will be like the only perfect Man, of whom it was said that he was full of grace and truth.

Sources of Further Information on Next Steps in InterAmerican Friendship

Bulletins issued by the Inter-American Section of the American Association for International Conciliation: among the most important are:

BLAKESLEE: Our Relations to South America and How to
Improve Them.

GIL: Pan Americanism and the International Policy of Ar-

GOLDSMITH: The Next Step in Inter-American Relations.
MOORE: Henry Clay and Pan Americanism.

NABUCO: The Approach of the Two Americas.

OLIVEIRA-LIMA: Relations of Brazil with the United States.
ROWE: Possibilities of Intellectual Cooperation Between
North and South America.

SHERRILL: The South American Point of View.

The University as a Factor in Pan Americanism.

CALDERÓN, F. GARCÍA: El Wilsonismo.

INMAN, SAMUEL G.: Intervention in Mexico, Christian cooperation

in Latin America.

International Relations of the United States, an enlightening series of addresses by American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 1914.

REYES, RAFAEL: The Two Americas.

SHERWOOD, G. A.: Glimpses of South America.

SPEER, ROBERT E.: The Unity of the Americas.

Files of South American, Inter-America, Pan American Bulletin, Pan American Magazine, Pan American Review, Hispanic American Historical Review, La Nueva Democracia.


AKERS, C. E.: A History of South America, 1854-1904; New York, E. P. Dutton & Co., 1912.

ALBERDI, JUAN BAUTISTA: Estudios Económicos, Buenos Aires, "La Cultura Argentina."

ALVAREZ, AGUSTIN: ¿Adonde Vamos?; Buenos Aires, "La Cultura Argentina.”

ARANDA, RICARDO: Congresos y Conferencias Internacionales en

que ha tomado parte el Peru (5 vols.); Lima, Peru; Publicación oficial del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores; 1909. ATLAS AMERICA LATINA: New York, General Drafting Company; 1919.

BARRETT, JOHN: The Pan American Union; Washington, D. C., Pan American Union; 1911.

BARRETT, RAFAEL: El Dolor Paraguayo; Montevideo, G. M. Bertani; 1911.

BIGELOW, JOHN: American Policy; New York, Chas. Scribner's Sons; 1914.

BLAKESLEE, GEO. H.: Mexico and the Caribbean, Clark University Addresses; New York, G. E. Stechert & Co.; 1920.

BLAND, J. O. P.: Men, Manners and Morals in South America; New York, Chas. Scribner's Sons; 1920.

BLANCO-FOM BONA, R.: Grandes Escritores de América; Madrid, Spain; Renacimiento.

BOMFIN, MANOEL A.: A. América Latina; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; H. Garnier.

BONSAL, STEPHEN: The American Mediterranean; New York; Moffatt, Yard & Co.; 1912.

BULNES, FRANCISCO: Las Grandes Mentiras de Nuestra Historia, Mexico, Vd. de Ch. Bouret.

CALDERÓN, F. GARCÍA: Creación de un Continente; Paris; Librería P. Ollendorf.

CALDERÓN, F. GARCÍA: Latin America, Its Rise and Progress; London; T. F. Unwin; 1913.

CASTAÑEDA, FRANCISCO: Nuevos Estudios; El Salvador; Imprenta Nacional San Salvador; 1920.

CHANDLER, CHARLES LYON: Inter-American Acquaintances; Sewanee, Tenn., University Press; 1917.

COESTER, ALFRED: The Literary History of Spanish America; New York; The Macmillan Company; 1916.

COOPER, CLAYTON S.: Understanding South America; New York; Geo. H. Doran Company; 1916.

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF LATIN AMERICA: Marion Wilcox and G. E. Rines; New York; Encyclopedia Americana Corporation; 1917. EL IDEAL LATINO-AMERICANO: Colección de documentos raros, protocoles, de diversos Congresos, memorias, de eminentes pensadores, etc., que se refieren a la projectada unión y confederación de los países centro-y sudamericanos; Mexico; Imprenta de la Secretaria de Gobernación; 1919.

GARCIA, MERON MARTIN: Historia de la Diplomacia Americana, Buenos Aires; 1902.

GARRIGO, ROQUE E.: América para los Americanos; New York; Garrick Press.

GAVIOLA, JOSÉ: La Frontera de la Raza; Madrid, Spain; Tipográfico Artistico; 1917.

GODOY, F. GARCIA: Literatura Americana de Nuestros Días; Madrid, Spain; Sociedad Española I Libreria.

GOLDSMITH, PETER H.: Brief Bibliography of Books in English, Spanish and Portuguese Relating to Republics Commonly Called Latin America; New York, The Macmillan Co.; 1915. GONZALES, LUIS FELIPE: Historia de la Influencia Extranjera en

el Desenvolvimiento Educacional y Científica de Costa Rica; San José, Costa Rica; Imprenta Nacional; 1921.

HUERTA, CARDUS: Arado, Pluma y Espada; Barcelona, Spain; Imprenta Domeriech.

INMAN, SAMUEL G.: Intervention in Mexico; New York; Geo. H. Doran Co.; 1919.

International Relations of the United States: Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences; Philadelphia, Pa.; 1914.

JONES, CHESTER LLOYD: Caribbean Interests of the United States; New York; D. Appleton & Co.; 1916.

KIRKPATRICK, F. A.: South America and the War; Cambridge University Press; 1918.

LATANÉ, J. H.: Diplomatic Relations of the United States and Spanish America; New York; Doubleday Page & Co.; 1920 (Revised edition).

LOBO, HELIO: Cousas Diplomaticas; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Leite, Rebeiro y Maurillo; 1918.

LOCKEY, JOSEPH B.: Pan Americanism, Its Beginnings; New York; The Macmillan Company; 1920.

MACKENNA, B. VICUNA: Estudios Históricos; Santiago, Chile; "La Voz de Chile"; 1862.

MANERO, ANTONIO: México y la Solidaridad Americana; Madrid, Spain; Editorial Americana; 1917.

MARKHAM, CLEMENT: Incas of Peru; New York; E. P. Dutton Co.; 1912.

MARTI, JOSÉ: Los Estados Unidos; Madrid, Spain; Sociedad Español de Libreria.

MAURTUA, ANIBAL: La Idea Pan Americana y la Cuestión del Arbitraje; Lima, Peru; Imprenta La Industria.

MOORE, JOHN BASSETT: Principles of American Diplomacy; New York; Harper Brothers; 1918.

MUNRO, DANA G.: Five Republics of Central America; New York; Oxford University Press; 1918.

New Pan-Americanism: Boston, Mass.; World Peace Foundation; 1916.

OLIVEIRA-LIMA, MANOEL DE: Evolution of Brazil Compared with Spanish and Anglo-Saxon America; Stanford University, Cal.; Stanford University; 1914.

ORTIZ, FERNANDO: La Reconquista de la América; Paris, Ollendorf.

Pan American Conferences and Their Significance: Philadelphia, Pa.; American Academy of Political and Social Sciences; February, 1906.

PEREZ, ABEL J.: América; Montevideo, Uruguay; "El Siglo Veinte."

PETRE, F. L.: Simón Bolívar; New York, John Lane Co., 1918. PINOCHET, TANCREDO: The Gulf of Misunderstanding; New York; Boni & Liveright; 1920.

POSADA, ADOLFO: En América, Una Campaña; Madrid, Spain; Francisco Beltrán; 1911.

PRADO, EDUARDO: A Illusão Americana; São Paulo; Brazil; Livaria Magalhaes.

Proceedings of the Second Pan American Scientific Congress: Washington, D. C.; Government Printing Office; 1917.

QUESADA, ERNESTO: La Doctrina Monroe, su Evolución Histórica; Buenos Aires; Casa Editorial Coni; 1920.

REINSCH, PAUL S.: Public International Unions; Boston, World Peace Foundation; 1911.

Reports of the Panama Congress on Christian Work; New York; Committee on Cooperation in Latin America; 1916.

REYES, RAFAEL: The Two Americas; New York; Frederick Stokes Co.; 1914.

ROBERTSON, WM. SPENCE: Rise of Spanish American Republics; New York; Appleton & Co.; 1918.

RODÓ, JOSÉ ENRIQUE: Ariel; Valencia, Spain; Editorial Prometeo. ROOT, ELIHU: Latin America and the United States; New York;

Harvard University Press; 1917.

Ross, E. A.: South of Panama; New York; Century Company; 1915.

SARMIENTO, DOMINGO F.: Conflicto y Armonia de las Razas; Buenos Aires; "La Cultura Argentina."

SHEPHERD, W. R.: Latin America; New York; Henry Holt & Co., 1914.

SHERRILL, CHAS. H.: Modernizing the Monroe Doctrine; Boston; Houghton, Mifflin Co.; 1916.

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