AN IMITATION FROM THE GODODIN. [See "The Death of Hoel," p. 98.] Have ye seen the tusky Boar, Conan's name, my lay, rehearse, TRANSLATION OF A PASSAGE FROM STATIUS. [This was made by Mr. Gray while at Cambridge in the Year 1736, and at the age of 20.-It is placed here as a curiosity, Mr. Mason having expressed his belief that it was Gray's first attempt in English Verse.] THIRD in the labours of the Disc came on, Artful and strong he pois'd the well-known weight, His vigorous arm he try'd before he flung, The theatre's green height and woody wall M The ponderous mass sinks in the cleaving ground, Cambridge, May 8, 1736. THE FIRST SCENE OF A TRAGEDY, DESIGNED IN 1742, BY MR. GRAY, ON THE SUBJECT OF THE DEATH OF AGRIPPINA[47] [Mr. Mason's account of this Fragment is as follows: "The Britannicus of M. Racine, I know, was one "of Mr. Gray's most favourite plays; and the "admirable manner in which I have heard him 66 say that he saw it represented at Paris, << seems to have led him to choose the death of "Agrippina for this his first and only effort in the "drama. The execution of it also, as far as it 66 goes, is so very much in Racine's taste, that I suspect, if that great poet had been born an En"glishman, he would have written precisely in the 66 same style and manner. However, as there is at "present in this nation a general prejudice against "declamatory plays, I agree with a learned friend, "who perused the manuscript, that this fragment [47] See Tacitus' Annals, Book xiii. xiv. "will be little relished by the many; yet the admi"rable strokes of nature and character with which "it abounds, and the majesty of its diction, prevent 66 me from withholding from the few, who I expect "will relish it, so great a curiosity (to call it no66 thing more) as part of a tragedy written by Mr. 66 Gray. These persons well know, that till style " and sentiment be a little more regarded, mere "action and passion will never secure reputation "to the Author, whatever they may do to the Actor. It is the business of the one "to strut and "fret his hour upon the stage ;" and if he frets and "struts enough, he is sure to find his reward in the 66 plaudit of an upper gallery; but the other ought "to have some regard to the other judgment of the "closet: For I will be bold to say, that if Shakes"6 peare himself had not written a multitude of pas"C sages which please there as much as they do on "the stage, his reputation would not stand so uni"versally high as it does at present. Many of "these passages, to the shame of our theatrical "taste, are omitted constantly in the representation: "But I say not this from conviction that the mode "of writing, which Mr. Gray pursued, is the best "for dramatic purposes. I think myself, that a “medium between the French and English taste "would be preferable to either; and yet this me"dium, if hit with the greatest nicety, would fail of "success on our theatre, and that for a very obvious 66 reason. Actors (I speak of the troop collectivé"ly) must all learn to speak as well as act, in or"der to do justice to such a drama. "But let me hasten to give the reader what little in"sight I can into Mr. Gray's plan, as I find, and |