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Subscriptions received at the following Homœo-
pathic Pharmacies :


Philadelphia: 1011 Arch St., 125 South 11th St. and 15 N. 6th St.

worse in dry, raw weather, especially during northeast winds. The patient is not troubled at night, but there is consumption in the family and his ailment appeared after an attack of influenza that had not been well treated. An examination showed a certain enlargement in the lungs. The regular,

New York: 145 Grand St., 15 West 42nd St. and periodic return of the attacks pointed to Arsenicum,

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Chicago: 44 East Madison St.

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Baltimore: 228 N. Howard St.
Cincinnati: 204 W. 4th St.

Washington, D. C.: 1007 H. St., N. W.


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Newark, N. J.: Broad and W. Park St. MINNEAPOLIS PHARMACY CO.

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Translated for the HOMEOPATHIC ENVOY from Leipziger Pop. Z. f. Hom.


I. A young woman had for some weeks been suffering from facial neuralgia. The pains occupied the whole of the left side, were assuaged by heat, aggravated by cold and returned periodically, especially in the morning, the afternoon and at night. At night the pains appeared about midnight and became so violent, that they compelled the patient to leave her bed and to walk about or recline on the sofa.

Arsenicum every two hours quickly effected a cure. We often must wonder at the indifference of people, this patient, e. g., only asked for relief when she had to go to the doctor any way, to get her child vaccinated.


II. A gentleman, forty years of age, had been suffering for one and a half years with asthma, having two attacks a day, one in the forenoon at nine o'clock and the other at five in the afternoon; it is

which also shows aggravation during dry, rough winds. It was prescribed, a dose every two hours. In a week there was a considerable improvement; the attacks now are very light and now and then intermit altogether. The same medicine was continued. Later Arsenicum 30 was given, which soon completed the cure. I may here add, that on account of his hereditary burden a dose of 7uberculinum seemed necessary, of which I gave him the 1000 potency. I am well aware that many homoeopaths have a pronounced opposition to giving medicines in alternation; but it cannot be denied, that in inveterate cases alternation is frequently useful; even Burnett does this in severe cases, and I believe that in this case there were reasons for giving both medicines. The cure is then effected more quickly, and we are not so likely to have relapses.


III. A woman has been suffering with hæmorrhoids ever since her confinement, more than year ago. She has used many remedies against it, also homœopathic ones, but without effect. At every stool there is prolapsus of the rectum, and it has to be pushed back, which is always attended with more or less pain. Such a prolapsus not only occurs during stools, but also when stooping or lifting a heavy article; thus there is a great debility of the sphincter anus. This also appears from the fact that in

flatulent discharges some evacuation always accompanies them. There is also frequent ineffective tenesmus, and the stool is too large and of too thick a formation.

Also in this pretty severe case, I found it useful to employ two remedies, for the symptoms clearly and plainly pointed to Aloe and to Nux vomica. So I gave both these remedies in the 6th potency, alternating them every two hours; an improvement appeared at once. After four weeks, as the progress seemed retarded, I interposed a few doses of Sulphur 30, after which I returned to the first two remedies, which, in another month, completed the cure.

It is very satisfactory, indeed, if we can cure a case with one single remedy, or at least with

only one remedy at a time; the case then remains more clear and instructive for the physician. But when this can not be done, we should not by adhering to theory lengthen the sufferings of our patients, but in order to hasten the cure we should at times also give two remedies in alternation, only we should see clearly why we do this.


IV. Lately there was a case of neuralgia in my family and some time ago also a case of exanthema. Cases which we can observe daily can much better be treated with doses at long intervals than such as we see but rarely. The facial neuralgia was on the left side, occupying the eye and the cheek; there were lancinating pains in the eye and photophobia; aggravation by moving the body and watery secretions from the left nostril. The patient reclined comfortably with closed eyes in an arm-chair. To test the duration of action of the medicine I did not, as usual, put the Spigelia drops into a cup of water, giving a sip every half-hour, but gave a single dose of Spigelia 3 and waited. In a few minutes the pain had disappeared, and when I shortly after returned to the patient I found him reading in a book. After four hours the pains returned. Spigelia 30, one Spigelia 30, one dose, had as speedy an effect. After four hours there was another relapse. One more dose of Spigelia 30 with the same prompt result, and this time it was permanent.

The case of eczema I have already published in this journal, so I will only mention that a scaly, itching, dry spot on the skin as large as a silver dollar, which had existed for two days on the right arm, and a similar smaller spot on the left arm, disappeared in a few days, after a single dose of Silicea 30.


V. The public demands considerably more from the homeopathic physician than from the allopath. What the allopath, after a most careful examination and after many fruitless visits, has not been able to effect, the homoeopath is expected to effect without any examination, or even without having seen his patient. For the homoeopaths are thinly scattered; a long journey to a distant patient costs much money, and, last but not least, it is difficult to do this without the allopaths becoming aware of it, and this the patient does not desire, for he has to depend on this physician on future occasions. Nor will an allopath usually be willing to consult with a homoopath, although in the cultured, so-called "better"

families, he may be inclined to humor the desires of the patient.

So one day a woman came to me, describing the state of another patient for whom she wished to obtain medicine. The patient, a woman between twenty and thirty years old, had been confined not long before and had in the last two weeks had attacks of great excitement, talking continually, and confused in her ideas. In mania during confinement a number of remedies suggest themselves, so I asked her about the state of the patient by night, and I heard that the patient always wanted light at night; as soon as twilight sets in, she at once has the lights lit and the lamp must burn till next morning. "How is it when she is alone?" "Then she cries out, she must always have some one with her." I gave her Stramonium 30, and added, “If it does not help her right away, I must visit the patient, so as to get a clearer view of the case." I was, however, convinced that it was the right medicine, and I asked her to report to me when the medicine was used up. The report came by letter that the medicine had acted well and that she wanted more of the same remedy. This was accordingly sent and completed the cure. Stramonium, as is wellknown, has among its symptoms: great excitation, delirium and desire for light and company.


VI. A young girl, since five weeks, sees double, but only with the left eye; if she closes the left eye she does not see double. This is attended with weakness in the legs, so that the knees give way and her legs "go to sleep" and feel as if they were lame. She first had an itching all over the body, for which she had used what is called "universal tea” to "cleanse her blood;" this stopped the itching, indeed; but was succeeded by the other ailments. Since then her fingers feel numb. Constipation. Heaviness in the legs, as if they had lead in them.

I diagnosed the case as the commencement of disease of the spinal marrow, and called her attention to the seriousness of her case. I gave her Cocculus 30 and 3, one powder every evening, and advised her to wash her whole body every morning, à la Kneipp, e. g., without fully drying off, and after washing to go back to bed for half an hour. In two weeks all the symptoms were better. In two weeks more there only remained some stiffness and heaviness on rising from a seat, and a certain sensation in the fingers, worse when washing. I prescribed Rhus tox. 30, after which I lost sight of my patient and may well suppose that she fully recovered.


The Belladonna headache is throbbing, blinding, and worse from light or jarring.

The splitting frontal headache that is worse from motion is the Bryonia call.

The Gelsemium headache is dull, listless, heavy and stupid.

Daily headache, China.


FROM DR. SCHAPER'S POLYCLINIC IN BERLIN. Translated for the HOMEOPATHIC ENVOY from Leipziger Populære Z. f. Hom., October 1, 1903.

From an interesting article on this subject we excerpt the following cases:

I. Frieda Sch., ten years old, has been suffering since her seventh year from tuberculosis of the bones

Sick-headache, blurr before eyes, sour vomit, Iris of the big toe on the left foot. Soon after the dis


Pure Unfermented Grape Juice is not only a good remedy for habitual headache, but also for all weakly ones—a pure, rich, invigorating FOOD.

When a person's liver is out of order two or three drops of the tincture of Chelidonium twice a day for a few days is one of the best general remedies.

ease set in she was operated on in a clinic, and the last phalanx of the big toe was taken off. But in spite of the operation, of remaining in bed, and having her bandages renewed daily, the suppuration would not cease. So the whole toe was to be excised, but this the parents would not agree to; but soon afterwards they agreed to the excision of the rem-second phalanx. But the suppuration did not cease until two months afterwards, and the wound only closed after being treated with ointments, so that the cure could hardly be considered as due to the operation. But after the wound had closed pains, and especially lancinations, frequently appeared. months later the process was renewed, and this brought the child to Dr. Schaper's Polyclinic. He prescribed Sulphur, three times a day, and after two weeks the suppuration and also the pains ceased.

For earache in children Pulsatilla is the best edy. If it fails, try a pledget of cotton well soaked in Mullein oil stuffed in the ear.

Thousands use Arnica tincture externally for bruises and blows, but few think of using the same remedy potentized 3d to 30th internally, and yet the latter is a grand way of using Arnica.

For acne Sulphur 30 and Carbo veg. 30 are good



Boils, fiery-red and throbbing, Belladonna. Other- The child has, during the last year, remained under wise, Hepar sulph.

Toothache in decayed teeth, Mercurius.

Don't ask for "strong" medicine, even in Homoopathy; the potentized remedy, 3d, 6th or 30th, acts better and quicker. An exception to above rule is when you feel you are going to "catch cold," take two or three Camphora 0 pellets every fifteen minutes to abort it.

When you have a combination of piles, constipation and headache, Nux vomica 30 may give relief. Wherever the keynote "stitching pains" is present Kali carb. is probably the remedy.

Ledum is a fine remedy for rheumatism of the feet travelling upward.

our observation. She still receives three times a day a dose, alternating with Sulphur, Hepar sulph. and Silicea. From this it appears that such cases may also be cured without excising the parts affected, and the cure is quicker and more agreeable, and there is a fair prospect that this cure will not be merely a temporary but a permanent one. In any case the child was not mutilated any more.

II. L. St., nine years old, was, when five years old, seized with suppuration of the ear, caused by tuberculosis. The mastoid process was chiseled off by a specialist, then for four years the ears were regularly rinsed and tampooned, but without result. When she came under our polyclinic treatment, she received Hepar sulph. six times a day for four weeks, while the rinsing of the ear was stopped. After this time there was no more suppuration from the ear, Burnett found Pyrogenium 6th the best general nor has it come back since. It is now three years remedy for typhoid fever.

As a last resort in the most obstinate cases of asthma try Blatta orientalis 3.

Wherever there is a pronounced yellow discharge or secretion Kali sulph. 12x will probably give relief. Prostration, weakness, torpor and drowsiness are pointers to Gelsemium in any disease.

since the cure was effected.

III. The same girl was seized about a year and a half ago with suppuration of one of the tubercles, with an abscess due to tuberculosis of the bones, appearing on the inner side of the left thigh. Since

circumstances at home did not permit regular nursing she was taken to the hospital. Here a plaster of Paris cast was applied, and an incision was made on the inner side of the thigh to facilitate the discharge of the pus. Two incisions, each three to four centimeters long, were also made at its back for the same purpose. These lancinations were doubtlessly necessary. But there was too little effort made to act on the process of suppuration by internal medicaments. The patient could not take cod-liver oil, the appetite was entirely lacking. The plaster of Paris cast had been long removed, but still the fistulas would not close; the girl became daily more wretched. The child was taken back home. She received Sulphur 3 six times a day. Four days afterwards the mother reported that the child showed an unusual appetite and was cheerful, while the wounds discharged but little pus. In four weeks after further doses of Sulphur and of Hepar sulph. and Calcarea the wounds closed up completely, and in four more weeks the child could again walk about.

The cure of this case I ascribe to the homoeopathic treatment and not to the surgical operation, for, though the latter may have been necessary at the time, yet it could not produce a cure.

FROM MY LAY PRACTICE. Translated from Leipziger Pop. Zeitschrift f. Hom. I. An ecclesiastic of high degree indicated to me one day that he would like to see me. He had been for a week troubled with a bad cough, and as the remedies prescribed failed to relieve him, he wanted to give the homoeopathic remedies a trial. The patient over fifty years of age and lean of body was compelled to cough almost incessantly; the irritation apparently originating in the larynx. He could not rest or sleep a minute and looked very much exhausted. I was present when he was seized with one of his attacks of coughing; his throat seemed to be constricted as it is with children in whooping cough, or as in an attack of asthma. I was myself alarmed, thinking that a catastrophe might set in. When the cough let up, he, with great difficulty, expectorated some tough, thread-like mucus. Though it is often found difficult to find out the right remedy from the many recommended for cough, I promised the patient to try my luck and send him a homœopathic remedy. I sent him on the same day Senega 6, directing him to dissolve the pellets in water and take a spoonful every hour. After taking

the medicine he slept for several hours; the cough had much diminished, and when I called on him next day, he asked me whether I had sent him a soporific? In the course of a week, continuing the use of Senega, the trouble disappeared without leaving a trace.

Senega is really also a part of the allopathic treasury, but it is now only rarely prescribed in cough, and only by some of the older practitioners. The knowledge of the specific curative effect of this drug seems to have been lost with the later generation, else the allopathic doctor preceding me would have probably used it.

II. The pastor at E. had passed through an attack of pleurisy, but a considerable exudation made it advisable, in the opinion of the physician, that the pastor should go to one of the springs to hasten the resorption. This was, indeed, a considerable expense for the young pastor, who was by no means well off, but to regain health a man will do almost anything. So he made an application to the ecclesiastical authorities for a furlough of four weeks, and looked around for a substitute during this period. In this matter he also applied to me, and as he still had several weeks to wait, I advised him to take every morning and evening a few pellets of Scilla maritima 6. In four weeks he told me that the exudation was entirely absorbed and no trace of it left. In order to be perfectly certain, he had himself examined by a clinical professor in Vienna, who had expressed to him his astonishment, that the resorption had been effected so suddenly, and he had ascribed it solely to his strong constitution, youthful vigor and strict attention to dietetic direction. If the pastor had told him, that for four weeks he had been taking homoeopathic medicines, the professor would probably have laughed at him and accused him of superstition. Anyway, the expenses at the springs were saved.

C. ASSEM, Prior.

A STATISTIC RATHER CONCLUSIVE." In 19011902 Philadelphia, Pa., had 1,878 cases of smallpox; of these only fourteen were under fourteen years of age, and each and every one of the fourteen had been vaccinated. Of the 1,532 persons treated in the hospital, 901 had been vaccinated and 68 per cent. of them had "good marks." The regular-line editor actually parades this report as a striking evidence of the efficacy of vaccination."-Modern Medicine.



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