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NOTICE.-Friends of Homoeopathy, in various parts of the country, frequently subscribe for the HOMEOPATHIC ENVOY, to be sent to individuals, or entire communities. If any one, therefore, receives the paper without having subscribed for it he or she may know that the subscription has been paid by some friend.

Subscribers can always ascertain the date to which their subscriptions are paid by referring to the date on the mailing tag.

The receipt of the renewal of a subscription is acknowledged by changing the date on mailing tag.

THE FUTURE OF HOMOEOPATHY.-The Homeopathy of to-day, with its magnificent hospitals, numerous colleges, journals, and societies, and its superb clientelle among the best classes, has for its foundation old-fashioned Homoeopathy that prescribed the 3d, 6th, 15th and 30th potencies. And the success of these old practitioners was so great that the present condition of things homoeopathic (so far as the good things of the earth is concerned) was made possible.

The question was asked the other day: "Is not Homœopathy dying out? Can it last?" Our reply to this would be that with individuals-how many no one knows-it is dying out, or dead, but being founded on the eternal verities, Homœopathy per se can never die. A man from being a Christian may become a pagan, but that fact concerns only himself and those he can influence. Christianity remains serenely the same.

The tendency to-day seems to be towards ever "stronger" (gross) doses of drugs. We heard the other day of a lady who went back to her allopathic doctor because the homoeopathic (!) doctor gave her so much stronger medicines that they "made her sick."

No. 3

pharmacopoeia, in which it is asserted that, according to modern science, "which must be accepted," the limit of divisibility of matter is reached at about the 12th potency. No deductions are made from this in the pharmacopoeia in question. But what must the thinking man and student deduce from such teachings, if he believes them? The deduction is very apparent, namely, that all cures with drugs above the 12th potency ever reported by the founders of Homoeopathy were, and are, simply mind


But "modern science" is a shifting body on which to build and now, since the discovery of "electrons," "atoms" become crude and gross in comparison. And so the above-mentioned book after, in the name of science, knocking (so far as it could) the props from under Homoeopathy, finds the same science in its turn knocking the props from under the aforesaid pharmacopoeia and unintentionally backing up the "Homoeopathy of Hahnemann," so far as the finer dosage goes.

Let us hope that the tendency toward crude, allopathic doses may be changed and turned again towards the more effective doses of the earlier and more successful homoeopaths. The "survival of the fittest" will be found in this class.

OLIVER TWIST's “More.”—A correspondent of our esteemed contemporary, The Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal, opens a two and a half page letter as follows:

"Upon the subject of the early antitoxin treatment of diphtheria your views doubtless coincide with those of the leading teachers of medicine in this country and Great Britain; and, since you are familiar with the latest literature, we venture to act on the repeated suggestion of our medical advisers and ask your assistance in disseminating certain

Can this sort of Homœopathy last? It isn't truths which are unassailably sound and correct, Homœopathy.

Some of this drift towards crude drugs may be ac

counted for by a recently published homoeopathic

but which have by no means the vogue that they


"McCollom, of Boston (Boston Medical and Sur

gical Journal, Dec. 25, 1900), expressed the opinion three years ago that 'small doses are of little avail in the treatment of grave types of the disease;' that in order to obtain the best results the serum must be heroically administered.""

The same old allopathic story-if a little seems to do a little good, "heroic" doses-God save the term-will do more good.

If a little salt makes your food savory, "heroic" quantities will make it still more delicious, is just as good logic.

A SERUM FIASCO.-The British Government or

The re

upon, alive and well. You pays your money and takes your choice."-The Critique.

The above is taken from the "Notes and Personals" of The Critique. Editorially that journal says:

"Fatalities following almost one hundred per cent. of the operations for appendicitis in the city of Denver, during a period sufficiently recent to be readily remembered by the reading public, should lead the aforesaid reading public into making a systematic search for some more satisfactory method of treatment, even though that same be much less spectacular and dramatic."

of our prominent people who become ill with this much-dreaded disease, or 'something just as good,' may be permitted to struggle along to the end with what works the good Lord intended they should retain during the period of their natural lives.


The same editorial concludes as follows: "Denver has had a pretty good run of removals dered, during the South African war, 4c,000 doses by death, owing to the 'successful operation' for apof the serum that was to protect everyone against pendicitis, and we honestly believe it is now about typhoid-the latest (at the time) and the greatest due a long-suffering public that less successful surachievement of serum science. Wisely the govern-gical measures be adopted, to the end that what few ment did not put in the always longed for "compulsory" feature, and so the serum men could not compel the soldiers to accept the serum. sult was summed up in the Court Journal: "Great and needless pain has been inflicted on our soldiers absolutely for nothing. Enteric fever has been as prevalent in the present campaign as ever it was, and has carried off more men than have fallen by the bullets of the enemy." This is not very late news, but the point is that notwithstanding this worse than mere failure the serum dance goes on as gaily as ever and scarcely a week passes without the "discovery" of a new serum for something or other. There is one point the Court Journal overlooked, namely, the harm done to the bodies of those unfortunate enough to submit to this prophylacticso-called.

And in the meantime these serum gentlemen look with lofty scorn on Homœopathy, which can not only cure, but protect.

And also, incidentally, a huge wave of faith-curers, mind-curers, "new thought" curers, physical culture curers, and what not, is engulfing the country. It is a rebellion against allopathy in its widest form, against serums, against "scientific" medicine, which is anything but scientific. Humanity's physical welfare, so far as drugs are concerned, lies in Homoopathy.

THE TWO METHODS.-"Two similar cases with decidedly dissimilar results: Dr. Sanford, young man, appendicitis, operated upon, died; Dr. Van Meter, much older man, appendicitis, not operated

DOES RHEUMATISM PROTECT AGAINST CONSUMPTION?-A subscriber, "M. H.," writes: “I saw in a treatise on consumption a statement that it was observed by the highest authority that sufferers from rheumatism or gout are particularly immune from consumption," and wants to know if it is true. We never heard the statement made before and cannot answer the question. It is, however, probably true. Has any reader any knowledge on the subject.

"SUICIDE BY SMALL-POX."-Several subscribers have sent us copies of an editorial from the Philadelphia North American of March 18, under above heading. The editor among other things said:

"Dr. J. F. Schamberg, in his lecture at the Central High School on Wednesday evening, presented facts which ought to obliterate opposition to the Jennerian method. Of more than 3,000 small-pox patients treated at the Municipal Hospital during the last three years not one had been recently successfully vaccinated."

That is a fact. Vaccination is designed to protect against small-pox. When a vaccinated person, therefore, contracts small-pox, the vaccination is not "successful." Great stress is laid of late on the necessity of “recent” vaccination. The reason for

this is that the protection afforded by vaccination is the disease-state it sets up in the system. As long as this lasts you are protected. When health again returns you are no longer protected. It will be observed that Dr. Schamberg says that none of the more than three thousand had been "recently successfully vaccinated." vaccinated." But says nothing of how many had been vaccinated. A person who has never been vaccinated is very rare in our large cities, owing to the fact that no child is allowed to go to school until it has undergone the operation.

Personally we know quite a number of persons who have had small-pox and every one of them had been vaccinated repeatedly.



As one of your subscribers, I take the liberty to send you the inclosed cutting from one of our city daily papers, containing the official report of our City Board of Health for the past year, which I hope

will receive your attention.

During the year our city was violently attacked by a rage of the small-pox, which so affrighted our people that our very numerous physicians were largely engaged in the work of vaccination, the city government requiring the same to be adopted, and the general feeling being in its favor, I especially so, when the plague made its appearance in so many different parts of the city. The result is reported in

the official statement which I inclose, which in a

word is that not a vaccinated individual was attacked, altho' 157 cases called for treatment. The two reported exceptions, where the remedy had been applied 40 and 23 years previously, are no exceptions

to the truth of the general statement.

I have been a subscriber to your paper for several

years, and have been very much interested in its perusal and have profited from its teachings. But I have very much regretted the course you have adopted with reference to the subject of "vaccination." The evidence which our experience affords is so conclusive of your error in opposing the existing remedy, I have felt it my duty to do as I am doing, and I cannot but hope it will be effective.

I can hardly imagine how you can overlook the great principle upon which the whole subject is based, a principle which underlies and sustains the whole system of Homœopathy and from which it is named, viz., “ Homœo-pathy "—" Like cures like." Small-pox impregnated cures small-pox de facto

from its start. In other words, vaccination is a homeopathic term, and like other homœopathic remedies or preventives is a sure remedy for the disease in question.

I hope you may give the subject your calm consideration and oblige You old subscriber,


Bangor, Me., March 17, 1904.

One of the curious things about this never-ending question is that every health official reports that practically all the cases of small-pox coming under their observation occur in the unvaccinated. Some of them vary the formula by asserting that not a "successfully vaccinated" person was to be found in the list, which leaves a loop-hole through which you could drive a circus parade. Per contra we have taken pains to ask every one whom we have met, had been vaccinated and without a single exception of late years, who had had small-pox, whether they had been vaccinated, many of them re


peatedly. Let each one look into this matter for himself or herself. Ask everyone who has had small-pox this question.

sends is to be found in the following paragraph : The kernel in the report our esteemed subscriber

"We would like to drive a nail right here in favor of vaccination, for in all the cases that we had during

the past year there were only two persons who had

the other 23 years ago. This speaks well for vaccination, and shows that it protects."

ever been vaccinated and one of these was 40 and

As we said before, ask everyone who has contracted small-pox whether he or she has been vaccinated! Furthermore, we wish our health board officials

and gatherers of statistics would ascertain how many of the vaccinated have contracted consumption or cancer. The real truth on this point might appall the world.

All the ENVOY is fighting for on this point is for liberty over one's own person. No man has the right to force a medical treatment on his fellowman, and no just man attempts to do so.

A Frenchman has discovered that boiled potatoes are superior to soap, when washing very fine linen and delicate textures generally. He rubs the potatoes well into the materials, and then rinses the latter very thoroughly. Silk, cotton, and linen are al! said to be improved in look by this change of treatment.


Subscriptions received at the following Homœo-
pathic Pharmacies:


[blocks in formation]

Philadelphia: 1011 Arch St., 125 South 11th St. and lids are red and inflamed. 15 N. 6th St.

New York: 145 Grand St., 129 West 42nd St. and
634 Columbus Ave.

Chicago: 57 Wabash Ave.
Pittsburgh: 627 Smithfield St.
Baltimore: 228 N. Howard St.
Cincinnati: 204 W. 4th St.

Washington, D. C.: 1007 H. St., N. W.


Philadelphia: 1216 Girard Ave.


Newark, N. J.: Broad and W. Park St.


Minneapolis: 604 Nicollet Ave.

WARRICK'S HOMOEOPATHIC PHARMACY, East Orange, N. J.: 4 Washington St.


To foreign countries, except Canada, one shilling and sixpence. Direct subscriptions, communications, exchanges, etc., to


P. O. Box 921,
Philadelphia, Pa.

Allium Cepa. The coryza is still more watery than in Arsenicum; it is so severe that the water drops into the fauces while the patient is lying down.


In this form of catarrh there is no flow from the nose; on the contrary, there is an oppressive dryness. The external use of Menthol is often useful in such a case, as it restores the glandular secretion.

Pulsatilla is indicated when there is a loss of the power of smelling.

Sambucus is useful where there is frequent sneez


Many homœopaths use Mercurius in coryza, but I use it but rarely.

After a longer or shorter time the coryza changes into a full catarrh. The flow from the nose is yellowish green, the acute symptoms have passed; this is the period calling handkerchiefs into use. We must not be in too great a hurry to dry up a catarrh, as this would call back the inflammation.

HOMOEOPATHIC TREATMENT OF NASAL In the stadium of this puriform mucous secretion



Numberless are the local remedies for treating the inflammatory affections of the nose. They may give assistance to the internal medical treatment, but the latter of itself is quite effective, and is especially of great value in the treatment of children.



In the beginning of this ailment many homoeopaths justly recommend Nux vomica. This remedy is recommended by Dr. Jousset, and I myself have proved the efficiency of this remedy in numberless I generally prescribe the 3 C. and it is best to give a dose every quarter of an hour, so as to check or mollify the catarrh as quickly as possible. As further remedies in the commencement of the ailment, Aconitum, Gelsemium and Ferrum phosphor, are recommended.

If the catarrh cannot thus be cut short, or if the treatment commenced too late, the ailment will present various forms requiring different remedies. Watery flow from the nose, or flowing coryza. Arsenicum, when the flow is watery like clear water and has the characteristic of making the

nothing is as useful as Hydrastis Canad. I do not mean that it dries up the mucous membranes quickly, but it dries them up safely and without complications. This same remedy remains a precious standby when the nose is stuffed up, with a sensation as if the nose was stopped up with an accumulation of mucus, but only if you have the patience to wait three or four days. It is also of great service when the inflammation is complicated with a swelling of the tissue of the mucous membranes or an obstruction of the frontal cavities. If we give Hydrastis the time to thoroughly act, it will be sure to act. I always use the sixth centesimal.

Another remedy well recommended for the puriform mucous period is Alumina.

Complications: The chief complication, and I may say the complication which is always very annoying, is the descent of the nasal inflammation into the upper part of the fauces, into the larynx and into the bronchial branches.

With most persons who are receptive subjects, a common cold more generally sooner or later descends into the chest. Like all my colleagues I have sought long for a remedy to keep the cold from changing into laryngeal or bronchial catarrh.

After trying several remedies, I have for several years now used Kali bromatum to guard against this extension of catarrh. I owe the knowledge of this remedy to my American colleagues, among others to the late Dr. Ivins. My prescription is usually as follows: Nux vom. 3. in the beginning of a coryza and Kali bromatum 3. as soon as the cold shows any tendency to extend itself downwards. I give it either by itself or in alternation with Nux vom. in pretty frequent doses. My success with this remedy has been great. Of course Kali brom. is of no use when the cold from the first seizes upon all the mucous membranes from the nose to the laryux; but even then Kali brom. will prove of relative use.


Chronic catarrh is a consequence of the faulty treatment or of the frequent repetition of acute attacks of catarrh.

If the chronic catarrh is the unbroken continuation of a puriform mucous catarrh due to an acute cold, Hydrastis is again first indicated. This remedy should be given in the sixth potency for at least

two weeks.

If the chronic catarrh is a consequence of ulcerative processes in the nose Kali bichrom. 6. or even 30. should be given. If this chronic catarrh is accompanied with a troublesome dryness, extending to the upper part of the fauces, Sanguinaria is indi


The characteristic symptom for Sanguinaria is the lack of saliva. When the throat is examined, it appears shining as if varnished and dry; the mucous membrane of the nose is equally dry and inflamed. Ignatia is indicated by a sensation as if the nostrils were pinched together, or as if something between the eyes were troubling and disturbing (as of sand in the eyes.-Ed). In case of the chronic pains in the frontal caverns, which often drive specialists to despair, I would not hesitate to begin with Hydrastis.

Nasal catarrh with hypertrophy of the mucous membrane: In consequence of a long continued chronic catarrh with a prolonged swelling of the erectile tissue the nasal mucous membrane may become hypertrophied. The special treatment of such cases is external. Of internal medicaments Kali bichrom. in small doses remains a great remedy. We adduce in addition the remedies given by Ivins in his work (on Diseases of the Nose and Throat): Alumin., Ammon. mur., Arsen., Iod., Carb. veg., Ferrum Iod., Mercurius sol., and Silicea.

Nasal catarrh with atrophy of the mucous membrane: Chronic catarrh with atrophy exists independently from ozæna, but since the latter, distinguished by the fetid odor, so frequently accompanies atrophic cases of longer duration, it may be well to consider them together.

In this atrophic form with dryness of the mucous membranes, Sanguinaria heads the list of remedies. When there is ozæna Aurum is recommended by all homoeopaths. If the case is of a syphilitic nature we should not hesitate to use Kali jod.

In these dry catarrhs, the crusts that form in the nose are disturbing features. Graphites stands foremost among internal remedies, while externally Graphites cerate should be used; then also Kalı bichrom., Kali jodat. and Mercurius.

In atrophic catarrh of the nose Ivins recommends: Alumina, Argent. nitric, Arsenic, Iod., Aurum, Aurum mur., Calcar. carb., Cuprum, Elaps, Graphites, Kali bichrom., Kali iod., Mercur. corros., Petroleum, Phytolocca, Psorin., Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea, Sulphur, Theridion and Thuja.—From Revue Hom.



The best remedy for asthma, the one that meets most cases, is Natrum sulph. 12x.

The classical treatment of croup is Aconite, followed by Hepar sulph. and then Spongia. These three in succession will cut short almost every case. Arundo maur. 3x is the best remedy for hay fever.

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Dr. John V. Allen, of Frankford, Phila., in answer to our inquiry, says the best remedy for 'pus eye," i. e., where the eye is inflamed and lids. glued together in the morning, is Mercurius nitrosus 6x.

He also said that Kali muriaticum 12x was a splendid remedy for deafness of the Eustachian tube.

Also one further hint from same authority. When the baby awakes and rubs its face and eyes with both hands Sanicula is the remedy.

Nearly all diseased conditions of the rectum are benefited by the internal use of Ratanhia 3x, and the same remedy, in the form of suppositories or ointment, externally.

In convulsions or "fits" turn the patient on his left side. Gives quick relief, says Dr. Hammond.

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