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BALTIMORE: 228 N. Howard St.
CINCINNATI: 204 West 4th St.

Business Established in 1835.

Their Peculiar Nature and Their Homœopathic Cure. (Theoretical Part Only.)

By Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.

Translated by REV. L. H. TAFEL. 269 Pages. Cloth, $1.25. Postage, 10 cts.

It has been truly said that no man can truly comprehend the full scope of Homceopathy who has not read and re-read this wonderful book.



Vol. XV.

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Entered at Lancaster, Pa., as Second-class Mail Matter.

NOTICE.-Friends of Homœopathy, in various parts of the country, frequently subscribe for the HOMOEOPATHIC ENVOY, to be sent to individuals, or entire communities. If any one, therefore, receives the paper without having subscribed for it he or she may know that the subscription has been paid by some friend.

Subscribers can always ascertain the date to which their subscriptions are paid by referring to the date on the mailing tag.

The receipt of the renewal of a subscription is acknowledged by changing the date on mailing tag.

SCIENTIFIC MEDICINE. Recently Dr. Behring, of diphtheria-antitoxin fame, got off a theory about the origin of tuberculosis-what it was is not to the point here. He published it and at once a Dr. Flugge disputed it and also a Dr. Cornet; the latter experimented on 4,000 animals," to prove his point. A goodly number and representing considerable misery for the animals. And after a certain result is obtained on a dog or cat does that scientifically demonstrate that it would be the same on man? Four thousand experiments on animals by Cornet, how many by Behring is not stated, but

he is a dabster in that line, and the result a flat contradiction. Great is "Scientific Medicine!"

DICTATORIAL HEALTH BOARD. - The Health Board of Indiana has issued an edict that all school teachers afflicted with tuberculosis must be discharged and the Fort Wayne Medical Journal says that 250 will have to quit―become paupers, and all for an unproved theory. Unless the disease is in you you cannot "catch it," and if it is in you you cannot escape it save by the aid of Homœopathy, pure air and sunshine. It is amazing to see how seriously the world takes vagaries of the germ theorist, and gives him power to bring ruin on the helpless as he has done in Indiana and elsewhere.

No. 5

CURES THAT SLOWLY KILL." According to the findings of life insurance statisticians, one-fourth of all who have typhoid fever and recover,' die prematurely of consumption! So that, of the 200,000 typhoid fever patients who do not die of the disease and the treatment, about 50,000 die of consumption, making, all told, 95,000 needless deaths every year, from this one disease."-[Prof. Victor C. Vaughan, of the University of Michigan.]

And, practically, all this reasoning applies, more or less, emphatically to all the acute diseases. Each of these diseases kills a few; bad treatment kills many and injures the prospect of future health in all cases, as we have seen it true in typhoid fever.—Dr. Charles E. Page.

Genuine Homoeopathy never kills nor never injures those committed to its care, and their chances of life are greatly increased as well as the chances for enjoyment of good health. Get out of the notion that you must have "strong" medicine you see what happens in typhoid.

HEALTH FADS ON THE BRAIN.-To get all sorts of health fads on the brain is a disease in itself. It is a very prevalent disease, too. With a few foolish rules to observe, a whole lot of hygienic quirks to adjust and a schedule of superstitious sanitary notions diligently followed by day and dreamed of by night, is a malady which begins as a mental derangement and ends in a complete physical fizzle. No room left for a spontaneous life, no place for free joyous liberty. Not a minute's peace for free, rollicking disregard. Everything fixed, every minute disposed of, introspections without number. Forebodings, misgivings, hovering vaguely about the mind, like flocks of carrion crows. Such a life is not worth living. One might a thousand times better go back to the reckless regime of a rough rider.-Medical Talk.

RETAINING YOUTH.-Some one once asked a woman how it was she kept her youth so wonder

fully. Her hair was snowy white, she was eighty years old, and her energy was waning; but she never impressed one with the idea of age, for her heart was still young in sympathy and interests. And this was her answer:-"I knew how to forget disagreeable things. I tried to master the art of saying pleasant things. I did not expect too much of my friends. friends. I kept my nerves well in hand, and did not allow them to bore other people. I tried to find any work that came to hand congenial. I retained the illusions of my youth, and did not believe 'every man a liar' and every woman spiteful. I did my best to relieve the misery I came in contact with, and sympathized with the suffering. In fact, I tried to do to others as I would be done by, and you see me, in consequence, reaping the fruits of happiness and a peaceful old age."-Health.

WHAT IS THE MICROBE GOOD FOR?-Dr. Charles E. Page maintains, with reasons worth considering, that the so-called germs of this, that and the other disease are quite the reverse of what they are held to be by the advocates of the "germ theory;" they are, in fact, Nature's scavengers, her means of eliminating disease-producing waste and effete matter. "But for them," he says, "the diphtheritic or far gone consumptive patient would smother in a single night."—Modern Medicine.

RATHER POSITIVE." The golden days of the Borgias never equalled the general poisoning now going on in the name of microbian medical science. With septic vaccine and rotten serums, no wonder that small-pox and the plague are spreading.”— Lancet-Clinic.

HOW ABOUT IT?—A physician with twenty-five years, or more, experience back of him intimated the other day to the ENVOY man that vaccination was largely responsible for the great epidemics of typhoid that has cursed the country lately. Not much attention was paid to the remark until the Medical Record of June 4 came to hand. That That gave the official figures. In 1894 the cases per 10,000 inhabitants in New York City were, by per cent., 4.37. Vaccination, by order of our HEALTH BOARDS, began shortly after the Spanish War. Well, the percentage of typhoid per 10,000 inhabitants rose to 12.29 in 1902, and 11.26 in 1903.

Quite an increase. Perhaps there was nothing in our friend's remark! Who knows? The above is truthfully reported and the figures taken from the paper of one who deplores the fierce opposition to the old rite by the average layman, who rightly or wrongly, fears it more than he fears small-pox.

SMALL-POX IN GERMANY.-Germany is constantly held up as a shining example of the beauties of vaccination. We are repeatedly told by journals, medic and laic, that vaccination has exorcised the smallpox from that happy and beaurocratic land. To be sure there comes an occasional murmur to the effect that the Government does not recognize any save the very worst cases of small-pox, the mild ones going as skin diseases.

But now happily comes something official. The British Government sent an official recently to investigate the vaccination wonder of the world and to convince the sceptics that they should all bare their arms, and those of their babes, to the vaccine poison, with the incidental risk of lockjaw, loss of an arm and certainly a lowering of the general health, and this, in short, is what he found :

During the years 1891 to 1902 there were 607 deaths from small-pox in Germany. Allowing a death rate of five per cent. this would run the number of cases up to near 13,000, quite a goodly showing for a country where we are told that the disease has ceased to exist.

Incidentally, Germany is noted as a country in which cancer is steadily increasing.

HURRAH!" A word about vaccination. It is a preventive and a positive preventive, notwithstanding the claims of the persistent crank, the antivaccinationist. The Health Department have vaccinated in the neighborhood of 5,000 people. I have yet to see a single death result from vaccination, or the loss of an arm or a leg, nor have I seen or heard of a single case of syphilis, or, in fact, any case of incurable skin disease. I do not think there is a physician in the City of Portland who cannot vouch for my statement. for my statement. Look at Germany today, look at any of the countries where vaccination is in force and you will find that small-pox is almost unheard of. We have a specific for syphilis, a cure for tuberculosis, in the outdoor life of the Southern climate, and a positive preventive for small-pox; but let us not rest until we have found the means to

control that dread disease cancer, then we can retire and rest assured that we have done all in our power to alleviate the sufferings of the human race."-Dr. James C. Zan, in Medical Sentinel.

Perhaps when the clouds of ignorance have rolled away, doctor, it will be revealed that the chief cause of cancer is in your fetish vaccination.



Since Homœopathy has become a standard and recognized practice in the domain of medicine her advocates have not found it necessary to be always aggressive and acting continuously on the offensive. The educational campaign inaugurated by the early pioneers in the field has borne a bountiful harvest. The homœopathic physicians today are among the most prominent in the profession. Their practices include within their clienteles, people of the highest refinement and education in all walks of life. In fact, it is from the ranks of the wealthy and educated that Homœopathy draws the majority of her patrons. Her physicians have become busy and influential men and from this very fact arises the reason for writing this paper.

Our homoeopathic physicians have become so well supplied with patients that a large majority of them never mention the word Homœopathy to their friends. They make as many nice cures as of old, and quietly let the credit of such be placed to their own personality, but give no mention of the system which enables them to accomplish these things with such apparent ease after their allopathic competitor has tried his skill in vain. No one wishes to deny that the credit for these cures is due to each physician who performs them. It is no child's task to make an accurate homoeopathic prescription. It requires much study and a careful attention to details. Each case requires careful individualizing, and, therefore, the physician deserves all credit for each cure he makes. That does not require discussing, for each patient receiving such benefit usually unhesitatingly gives due credit to his or her physician for the relief obtained.

However, there is another side of the question to be considered, and that is the complete ignorance of

our patients of the power that is benefiting them— of the truths of Homœopathy. This works an injustice to the cause of Homoeopathy as well as to the patient. One of our patients whom we have cared for for years moves to another city. She there is taken ill and calls in a physician. She does not know but that they are all the same, and chances to call in an allopath. She gets larger doses of medicine and does not derive the benefits that she did from her former physician, so she attributes the result to-perhaps her own changed condition, but very likely that her old physician, who had doctored her so long, understood her requirements." So she continues with the crude methods, not knowing that she is being treated by another system and she is left suffer and her influence is lost to the cause of Homœopathy.


It is our duty as physicians to educate our patients in this matter, not for the purpose of a personal end, or for the aggrandizement of the Homœopathic School as a sect, but we owe it to the public because the principles of Homoeopathy are true and are of inestimable value to the laity in preventing suffering and curing diseases. The calling of a physician is the highest and most sacred of any walk in life. He is our first acquaintance at birth. is our confident, friend and adviser during life, and is usually in attendance to close our eyes in death. It is his duty throughout our lives to allay our sufferings, both mental and physical. So it ill behooves an individual so trusted to refrain from informing the public of anything that is for its welfare. And if he does refrain from educating the people along such lines, it is not with any selfish end in view. It is because he is either too busy or is thoughtless in the matter.


The best friends that Homoeopathy has ever had are the women-the mothers. Homœopathy has always been known as especially useful for children. Much of this credit was given by those self-same mothers. The child's mother has alway been the keenest observer and the best interpreter of her baby's symptoms. Her naturally keen observation is sharpened by that most sacred of all passions, mother's love," and she sees the danger signals of illness in their very incipiency. If she then has a few simple homoeopathic remedies at hand, with a very superficial knowledge of how to use them, she nips the trouble in the bud and prevents what might otherwise have proved a serious illness.Montreal Homeopathic Record.

HOMEOPATHIC ENVOY. correspondence with her doctor, and from him

Subscriptions received at the following Homœo

pathic Pharmacies:


received regular reports of my condition.

After several months' stay in Paris, my friend became acquainted with the immortal Hahnemann,

Philadelphia: 1011 Arch St., 125 South 11th St. and and shortly after became one of his most enthusiastic

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New York: 145 Grand St., 129 West 42nd St. and 634 Columbus Ave.

Chicago: 57 Wabash Ave.
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Baltimore: 228 N. Howard St.

Cincinnati: 204 W. 4th St.



Philadelphia: 1216 Girard Ave.


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A recital of my own case may prove of interest, and so I will briefly state the facts that you may judge for yourselves. I was born in Paisley, Scotland, December 4th, 1823. My father was a weaver, of what is known as Paisley shawls, and at eight years of age I became a weaver's draw-boy.

Between ten and eleven years of age I took a very severe cold which finally settled upon my lungs, bringing with it the usual night sweats and cough. For over a year I was confined to bed, growing weaker and weaker and occasionally was visited by the local doctor, who pronounced my case hopeless. About this time, a Miss Sterling, a lady of wealth, came to see my father about some church business, and during her stay the sick boy was discovered, and from the very first she showed great interest and sympathy. The day following this providential visit, this kind lady returned with her family doctor, who attended me constanty for many months, and on the first day made an examination of my lungs and pronounced the disease fatal.

This devoted friend of mine shortly after left for a year's visit to Paris, and while there kept up a

converts. Like all new converts, her faith was strong and active, and her loving heart must seek out those who were in the valley and shadow of death, and bring them to the great physician she had found.

Miss Sterling at once wrote home to her doctor, and made earnest inquiries as to my strength and ability to travel to Paris. His answer was emphatic, had no uncertain sound. "The lad's strength is nearly gone, and he would probably die before reaching the city." Such a decision would have chilled almost any heart, but her love grew stronger, and another letter came with this request, "Call in other doctors and let there be an exhaustive con

sultation, and decide if the trip could be made in safety by the boy resting frequently on the way."

During the period between the first and second letter, I had rallied some and the consultation was favorable to my immediate trip to Paris. Such a journey in those days was tedious and to an invalid. tiresome, and, but for love inspired by hope, it never could have been undertaken. In those days travel was confined to stage-coaches and steam-boats, for as yet the iron horse was an unknown factor in the land. After resting a few days in Edinburgh, I was taken by a steamer to London, where I rested for two weeks at a for two weeks at a palatial home of Sir Andrew Clark, who after became the Queen's doctor. While staying with Sir Andrew Clark, I was several times examined by him, and at the conclusion of the last, heard him say in a whispered conversation with his lady, "There is not the slightest hope for recovery, he will never return alive, and it is too bad to drag him so far from home."

After a weary journey and painful in the extreme, I at last arrived in Paris, and on the second day Dr. Hahnemann drove in his carriage to pay me a visit, and find my true condition. I was requested to strip and go to bed, so that he could the better have command of my person, and find to what extent the dreaded disease had developed. His examination of my lungs was similar to that of Dr. Andrew Clark and others, with the exception that Dr. Hahnemann was longer and more exhaustive. I think that I was in his hands from first to last about one and a half hours.

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