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He would pound me on the front of my chest and then on the back, and have me count figures from one and upwards, then put the stethoscope to my lungs for quite a long time, and listen intently. The whole operation was painful, and I fretted a good deal while it was going on. The darkest hour of the night is just before the light floods mountain and valley, and so it was with me when the ordeal was ended, and the grand old man turned around to speak to my friend, who was anxiously awaiting the result of his examination.

Ae spoke to the lady in French, but I saw from the luminous glow on his face that it spoke of life and hope. He had been down in the depths of my being, and now knew just what the damage was, and that the craft would yet float free of the breakers, and sail o'er many a sea. You who have been in the storm blast and drifting among the breakers, know something of the joy of the heart, when a ray of light and hope sweeps over the drooping soul. Such was my happy experience when the doctor's face, gleaming with a satisfied joy, brought rest and peace to my lonely heart.

And I was not disappointed, for just as soon as he stopped speaking, my dear friend joyously said to me, "The doctor says, 'I am glad that the lad has come to me in time, I will cure him, but it will take a little while.'"

Dear friends, it took a long time to travel from Paisley to Paris, and to me there was nothing but gloom and death as I journeyed. Besides, I had left home and friends, and was among a people whose language I knew not. Under these conditions I hear words of life and cheer from the great healer, and a glad song fills my soul. I am to live, I shall see my loved ones again, and Scotland shall be dearer than ever to my heart. Home, sweet home, will have a deeper and more sacred meaning as I shall hear the welcome as I return from a foreign shore, to the hills of my native land, and her bonny blooming heather. The sunshine of that glad hour still fills my life, and like a spiritual gulf stream will continue to flow through my sentient being until the spirit shall speed away to a brighter clime,

where disease and death are forever unknown.

to the goodness of heart, who, having restored health, and treated me like a prince for nine months, yet refused to accept the slightest recompense for his invaluable service? All hail to our hero! All hail to the man! Though dead he liveth for evermore.-Extract from paper in Medical Advance.


Picric acid in olive oil, according to Dr. L. C. Wells, Cambridge, O., cures burns rapidly and markedly mitigates the pain.

For lingering cases of malaria there is nothing better than Natrum mur. I2X. Headache. No thirst, during fever calls for it.

For genuine hay fever Arundo maur. 3x is as near a specific as we may hope for. Its proving is a complete picture of the disease.

If the baby has a large head which sweats freely and it is not very vigorous Calcarea carb. 6, or, better, 30th, will aid it.

Where there is leucorrhoea and rheumatism in women, shifting pains, Caulophyllum 1st may bring relief. The Indians named it "Squaw root."

Where there is the peculiar condition of ills worse before a thunder storm and fearful dread of same Rhododendron 3 is the remedy.

A broad generality is that when one's physical state will not permit him to rest and he (or she) is better from motion Rhus tox. 6 may give the sought for relief.

Child's nose is dry and breathing through it is difficulty or impossible, Sambucus 3 may give relief.

Thin, watery discharges from sores, ulcers, cancers, etc., Silicea 30. Patient dreads cold and wants head wrapped up. wants head wrapped up. Headaches where patient wants head wrapped up.

Dry, barking, whistling, rough cough, Spongia 6. Extreme exhaustion, Stannum 30.

A preparation, "Anti Rhus," is said to be excellent for rhus poisoning. So is Anacardium 6, internally.

Such a healer as Hahnemann was to humanity All sorts of bleeding wounds that are not the rethe brightest star of all the centuries, a star increas-sult of blows, concussions or sprains, are best healed ing in power and brilliancy as he is studied by the by an application of Succus calendulæ. intellectual minds of this glorious age in which we live. How can I be otherwise than grateful to the man who saved me? How can I ever be indifferent

Do not ever put pure Arnica tincture on the skin, as it is poisonous; dilute it one part to about twenty of water for the best results.

Calcarea fluorica 12x has cured many cases of cataract; this failing, try Cannabis sativa?

For simple diarrhoea with no especial symptoms, Chininum ars. 6x is the remedy.



Child of three years has polypi in nose, came from contracting a catarrh cold. Can this be removed For children who cannot digest milk, Magnesia without any operation, and, if so, what could be

mur. 12x.

NEW YORK, June 9th, 1904.


Believing that my experience with homoeopathic medicines in the treatment of a canary for loss of song would not be uninteresting to your readers, I send you this account of the restoration of the song of our pet.

On leaving the city in the summer for our vacation, we took our singer to a bird store, and boarded him for two weeks. On our return we brought him home, only to find that he had caught a bad cold and could not sing a note. I prescribed in a loose way for him for several months, but without success; he finally developed asthma. My wife gave up all hope of hearing him sing again, and bought two good singers, and even suggested chloroforming our old friend. I pleaded for his life and reminded her how long he had sung for us. She then dosed him with all the manna, song restorers, and bird tonics to be found in the drug and bird stores, but without avail; he refused to sing and his wheezing and sneezing continued.

I then took him in hand again, and gave him, first, Aconite, then Spongia, then Hepar s., then Phosphorus and a few other remedies, but without success. I finally agreed that I did not shine as a bird doctor, and decided to study up his case and took home a copy of the Poultry Doctor, and studied it, and selected Coralium rubrum. I gave a few pellets of the 200th in his drinking water in the evening. In a day his wheezing stopped, also his sneezing; he continued to improve and in a week's time his asthma was cured. His voice then became stronger, and in a few weeks he attempted to sing; his song grew longer and stronger week by week, and now he is the noisest one of our trio, and this was after he had lost his song for fully six months, and had been dosed with everything which the bird fanciers said would restore it.

If this seems worthy of a place in your little journal, I shall feel fully repaid if it will help to restore the song to even one of our little yellow friends. G. H. T.

used? After operation does it ever come back? What would you advise?


Such cases have been cured with medicine, notably with Teucrium marum, 1x or 6x, or with Thuja 30th.-Editor ENVOY.


Notes by Wm. Boericke, M, D., San Francisco, Cal. Tuberculinum.-Should not be given lower than the 30th, preferably in higher potencies and in infrequent doses. According to Dr. Nebel it is contraindicated in the aged, in arterio-sclerosis, in nephritis unless preceded by other remedies, and in chilaren with dry, harsh skin.

Antimonium crudum.—Is'an excellent remedy for the vocal cords. When, after laryngitis or fatigue of the voice, a singer has a harsh and badly pitched voice, this remedy will certainly give suppleness to the vocal cords [Cartier]. Cough worse coming into a warm room, with burning and itching of the chest. Loss of voice from becoming overheated.

Ipecacuanha.-Dr. Cartier say that this is the remedy for hoarseness more or less complete in inflammatory laryngitis. It rapidly dissipates hoarseness at the end of a cold. Nearly no cough, but complete aphonia. I have happened to give Ipecac. 30 several times every half hour, resting the voice several hours. When the voice returns and the cough increases, we must stop Ipecac. Its place is in inflammatory aphonia.

Carbonicum sulphuratum.—Is to be remembered in peripheral neuritis. Gradual failure of muscular power, showing itself chiefly in the extensor muscles of the extremities, with formication and rheumatic pains, numbness and icy coldness of the extremities. Remember it also in sciatica.

Secale. Is the only drug that presents lesions akin to those observed in locomotor ataxia, a slow degeneration of the posterior columns of the spinal cord; impossibility of standing with the eyes closed, girdle pains, absence of the knee jerk; formication, anæsthesia and severe pains.

Thallium.-Relieve the violent pains of locomotor ataxia, more markedly, however, lancinating pains,

like electric shocks.

and bowels like electric shocks.

Lactic acid.-Diabetes, with rheumatic symptoms. Constant nausea, letter by eating. Specially suited to anæmic, pale women. Locally, in tuberculous ulceration of vocal cords.

Abrotanum.—In metastasis of rheumatism to the heart, shown by sharp and severe pain in region of heart, weak small pulse and a troublesome cough, this is the remedy.

Paraplegia. Pain in stomach nursed. I advised them to use the long-tried mixture of a pint of milk and a teaspoonful or more of Maizena cooked in it and gave beside Calcarea carb. This was on February 7th. On February 17, I already heard the report: "I can tell you to the great joy of my wife and myself, that our offspring (supposed to be suffering from tuberculosis of the mesenteric glands), after using your powder and the food directed by you, milk and Maizena, is prospering finely. The boy now drinks, every day, two quarts of milk with a pint of water and five teaspoonfuls of Maizena. With this food he became somewhat constipated, but an enema of warm water removed this obstruction. The most important item for the anxious mother's heart is this, that the infant's weight has increased in the ten days from eight pounds to nine pounds. He sleeps better and the disease seems gone." The report closed with thanks for my aid in "this severe case." But the disease had, of course, not been of a tuberculous nature at all.

The Abrotanum patient has piles, with a burning pain when touched and when pressing. These get worse as his rheumatic pains abate, the rheumatism in turn comes on as the diarrhoea is checked. Hæmorrhoidal colic, with the pain in sacrum, ebullitions with general heat and distended veins in forehead and hands. Evil results of checked diarrhoea or suppressed piles or ulcers.

Lemna minor.-Asthma from nasal obstruction, worse in wet weather. Nasal polypi. Atrophic rhinitis when crusts and muco-purulent discharge is abundant. Foul smell from nose and foul tastes. Worse in heavy rains.

Lobelia Cerulea.-Gives a perfect picture of sneezing influenza, involving the posterior nares, palate and fauces. Dull aching pain over root of nose. Eustachian catarrh.-Medical Century.


From Allg. Hom. Z.

A young girl of hirteen years was suffering from chronic enuresis. After all the other remedie monly used and indicated had been giv n in vain,

PSEUDO-TUBERCULOSIS OF THE MESEN- she r ceived also Sabal Serrulata. This remedy



Translated for the HOMOEOPATHIC ENVOY from Leipziger
Pop. Z. f. Hom., February 1902.

"Quick is youth to speak the word, That cutteth like a razor's blade." This citation from Schiller's Wallenstein may often be applied to a certain category of doctors. They belong to the pessimists of their calling, and besides this they announce such diagnoses and prognoses of disease thoughtlessly in the presence of the patients or their relatives, causing, of necessity, great depression. Thus the mother of an infant of seven months lately came to me, very unhappy, because her doctor had declared the baby was suffering from tuberculosis of the mesenteric glands.

The child had been vomiting, was alternately suffering from constipation and from diarrhoea, and its weight amounted to only eight pounds. The trouble evidently was, that they had not yet discovered a suitable food for the infant, which was not

had a decided effect and she was entirely cured of her affliction. She could now attend school without trouble, she made great journeys, and there has been no relapse. It was a permanent cure

This is a brilli nt confirmation of the good effects of this remedy in this ailment which so often pr、 ves


WOULD RATHER HAVE SMALL-POX.-Dr. T. W. Dorsett, of Willacoochee, Ga., in Medical Brief, writing on the small-pox in his practice, concludes as follows: "I will state here that a vast majority of the laity prefer the elephant itch,' as they call it (will some one kindly explain fully that disease; it was omitted in my books), to vaccine virus. Some express a desire to have it. This is the second epidemic I have seen like this, and I write this paper to show that we may sometimes run upon a very mild epidemic of the genuine small-pox, called by the laity elephant itch, swine-pox, etc.

True Animal Iron

Physicians everywhere are looking for a BLOOD reconstructant that contains every element of nutrition of the animal, mineral and vegetable kingdom, viz: ANIMAL IRON; a reconstructant that will supply every deficiency in the blood of anæmic patients in adequate quantity and quality: one that will nourish-stimulate-assimilate-without tax on the digestive organs. These requirements are all found in perfection in


It Contains 10% Animal Iron.

20% Coagulable Albumen, and all the constituents of healthy BLOOD.

It is thoroughly sterile, requires little or no digestion, and produces blood corpuscles that MATURE. Corpuscles of fullness and integrity. Herein lies its great superiority over any and all the preparations of inorganic iron. Your microscope will prove the truth of these facts. Our scientific treatise on Hæmatherapy for the asking. It contains reports of hundreds of cases.

[blocks in formation]

In addition to being the best oil for table use, and for cooking, it is also better, and far more palatable than cod liver oil in physical ills. It is especially useful for those persons liable to colds, coughs and catarrh; for the nervous, irritable and and hysterical; after hemorrhages; where the skin and hair are dry and scurfy; in eczema; indigestion; dyspepsia; chest troubles; constipation; flatulence; in all eruptive diseases; sleeplessness; consumption. It is also very beneficial to rub the bodies of rickety, sickly babies with this oil and also give it to them internally. Its use builds up the whole system, and tends to make life brighter in consequence of better health.

As it is practically a food it can be used freely. A teaspoonful is a dose. Take two or three times a day. For infants, 20 drops two or three times a day.

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The most concise, complete, and up-to-date Family Medical Guide ever given away will be sent prepaid to anyone asking for it. Free sample of either Headache, Digestive or Liver Tablets will accompany Manual. When sending request state which sample is desired.

Fresh, active, homeopathic medicines


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Homœopathic Pharmacists, Importers
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Received the only Prize Medals awarded to
Homœopathic Pharmacists at the three Great
American International Expositions, Philadel-
phia, 1876; New Orleans, 1884-5 and Chicago, 1893.

In medicine everyone should get the best and
the best in Homoeopathy is found at the Pharma-
cies of Boericke & Tafel. All inquiries receive
prompt attention. Call on, or address as below.
PHILADELPHIA: 125 South 11th St.
PHILADELPHIA: 15 North 6th St.
NEW YORK: 145 Grand St.
NEW YORK: 129 West 42nd St.
NEW YORK: 634 Columbus Ave.
CHICAGO: 57 Wabash Ave.
PITTSBURGH: 627 Smithfield St.
BALTIMORE: 228 N. Howard St.
CINCINNATI: 204 West 4th St.

Business Established in 1835.




Leather, 75 cts.

100 pages.

48 pages.



50 cents.

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NOTICE.-Friends of Homoeopathy, in various parts of the country, fre- decrepit and health boards are not doing their duty

quently subscribe for the HOMEOPATHIC ENVOY, to be sent to individuals, or entire communities. If any one, therefore, receives the paper without having subscribed for it he or she may know that the subscription has been paid by some friend.

Subscribers can always ascertain the date to which their subscriptions are paid by referring to the date on the mailing tag.

The receipt of the renewal of a subscription is acknowledged by changing the date on mailing tag.

WHERE WILL IT END.-The Board of Health of Philadelphia has sent out notices to physicians that if they fail to report any of the subjoined diseases that may come under their care they are liable to a fine of $50, or sixty days' imprisonment. Here is the list:

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Whooping cough,

in permitting the old people to spread the germs of
old age among the young.

Anthrax, or carbuncle, being contagious, pimples
must be also, so why not isolate all the pimply ones
in the land?

There is one germ we are earnestly praying may soon be discovered; we do not know its name, but it is the opposite of the microbe of common sense.

CONTAGION.It is quite possible that the day may
come when the contagiousness of disease, as we un-
derstand it today, may no longer be held. Even to-
day the most pronounced germ theorist must admit
that some men are not susceptible" to certain
germs, are in fact "immune." Why? If a germ-
Tuberculosis (in any of its the product of disease and, Great Logic! the cause
of disease—if a germ, causes a given disease in one
man why not in another? Arsenic or Cyanide
of Potassium and several other drugs will always do
business promptly and without regard to persons, so
why not the germ?



Puerperal fever,





We would suggest that our Health Czars issue an edict that doctors must report every call they receive, including office visitors, as this would give them supreme control of everything in sight.

We often wonder how many "scientific" doctors honestly believe in the contagiousness of such diseases as are reported above, and if they do so believe, what manner of minds must be theirs. A few of the above list seem to be contagious, but isn't it the quintessence of absurdity to class tetanus as a "catching" disease? If it is contagious so is tooth

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in heredity. Given a man with a psoric heredity
and the germs of any disease will work in him, and
even if they never come near him he will be a sick
man all the same; but given a man with a clean
heredity and germs do not affect him. If every one
could receive constitutional homoeopathic treatment
for their heredity it would not be many years
before the germ would cease from troubling and
boards of health would be at rest, but so long as
men regard disease as a material something that al-
ways comes from without so long will vanity and
vexation prevail in medicine.

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