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body in the stomach" and patient was cut open and
also his stomach. Twenty-five foreign bodies were
extracted, comprising eight coffee-spoons, the lower
portion of a three-pronged fork, one staple (pattefiche),
two bodkins, one tooth of a comb, one blade of a
knife, one needle, and one key, the total weight be-
ing 230 grammes. Whether all this is true or not
is the question. "Eight coffee spoons
"Eight coffee spoons" is a big
dose to swallow, both physically and mentally. The
account says that the patient was discharged in per-
fect health on the twentieth day, after the operation.

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"It is probably for more than one reason that it rages pre-eminently in winter. In the first place, if the contagious principle gains access to a house, it is more shut in in winter, and consequently acts with greater concentration on the inmates; in the second place, since heat and moisture of summer are wellknown to be inimical to the preservation of energy in vaccine, we may well suppose that the coming of winter tends equally to sustain the vitality of the small-pox virus, a virus analogous to that of vaccine, if, indeed, the two are not really modified forms of one and the same poison."

Admitting they are "one and the same poison," is it any wonder that small-pox so persistently lingers?

BOXING THE EARS.—The drum of the ear is as thin as paper, and this is stretched like a curtain between the air outside and that within, and thus, having nothing to support it, and being extremely delicate, a slap with the hand on the side of the face, made with the force which sudden and violent anger gives it, has in multitudes of cases ruptured this delicate membrane, resulting in the affliction of deafness for life. As the right hand is almost always used it is the left ear which is stricken; this aids in accounting for the fact that the left ear is more frequently affected with deafness than the right.-joyed the best of health until she went to live with


WAS NOT REPORTED.-A gentleman who served on a jury this year told of a case that came before A man sued for damages on the ground that a vaccinator, backed by policemen, forcibly entered his house and forcibly vaccinated himself and family. His baby did not escape, of course, and the vaccine virus killed it. The judge refused to let the jury have the case "much to our regret" and threw it out of the court.

On the same day this was heard the newspapers reported the discovery of four cases of small-pox in one family, (Philadelphia Evening Telegraph). The report read that six weeks before one member of the family contracted the disease and was taken to the Municipal Hospital. The other members of the

EFFECT OF VACCINATION.-"If there are in this city any parents who contemplate having their children vaccinated, I suggest as a precautionary measure that they first visit the home of Daniel O'Neill, at No. 806 Niagara avenue, of this city, or communicate with Mrs. O'Neill, the mother of Marie O'Neill, a child of twelve years, who had always en

an aunt in New York City, where she was vaccinated without the knowledge or consent of her parents, both of whom are healthy people. Shortly after having been subjected to the vaccine operation Marie's health began to fail, running sores broke out on her body, she became emaciated, anæmic and debilitated until she was a physical wreck and a chronic invalid. It is just three years since this little girl, then in the bloom of health, was subjected to vaccine inoculation. I saw her last Friday at her home. She is thin, pallid and puny, presenting a striking contrast with her two sisters, who are hale and hearty, neither of the latter having ever been vaccinated. On Marie's body I found three running sores of long standing, which are painful and require the daily attention of her mother. The condition of this little sufferer is most pitiable.—Dr. J. W. Hodge in Cataract Journal, Niagara Falls.

WHAT DOCTORS THINK OF VACCINATION.-The that alcohol may be systematically denied to editor of Medical Talk recently sent out a lot of arthritics and as systematically prescribed to the queries to doctors, as registered in Polk's Directory, scrofulous. as to what they believed concerning vaccination ; the first hundred replies pan out as follows:

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WHO MAY OR MAY NOT USE ALCOHOLIC DRINKS.-Dr. E. Devaux, in Bulletin Medical, January, contributes a paper on that subject. In brief the "arthritics" are those who cannot and should not use alcohol in any form, for if they do they are "destined to early scleroses of every description; to him alcohol is a poison and a virulent one." On the other hand, to those who tend to a scrofulous constitution, alcoholic drinks are a positive benefit and a means of prolonging life. Devaux thinks

What is one man's meat is another man's poison. Broadly speaking, the arthritics are the gouty and rheumatic, those suffering from diseases of the joints.


Translated for the HOMEOPATHIC ENVOY from Leipziger Fop. Z. f. H., Nov. 1, 1903.


Some three years ago, I had occasion to note a peculiar morbid phenomena: the patients affected felt a violent tickling irritation in the larynx, which caused a troublesome dry cough, depriving them of their nightly rest. This symptom was peculiar, since there was no objective cause adducible, and it had appeared in a form almost epidemic. I prescribed Belladonna 4, which caused the irritation to disappear quickly. This almost momentary effect reminded me involuntarily of the effect of Morphine, which is equally rapid. But who would not prefer Belladonna, which, in such a dilution, is quite harmless, to the poisonous Morphine? In the latter remedy it is also very questionable whether its effects would also have been lasting.


A disease which all physicians have a frequent opportunity of observing is dyspepsia in its various forms. An excellent remedy against it, especially where it is based on nervousness is Nux vomica, taken in a low potency (3-6 D.). It has nearly always a good effect, frequently a strikingly good effect, and if combined with a proper diet and corresponding hygienic measures, it is even alone able to remove this disease, if it is not too much inrooted and neglected. And even in the most stubborn cases it yields excellent services. Nux vomica must, therefore, never be omitted from the remedies to be used in treating this disease. In my practice I have often had persons come to the Ambulatorium to ask for the drops which so much helped them or their relatives. Nux vomica is especially efficacious in cases of nervous dyspepsia. It incites the stomach to increased work, and at the same time it invigorates the entire nervous system, which generally in dyspepsia is sympathetically affected.


Subscriptions received at the following Homœo-
pathic Pharmacies:


and at the same time very restless; great anxiety; two hours after the first attack the drowsiness had become insensibility, with constant muttering delirium; did not recognize the members of her family;

Philadelphia: 1011 Arch St., 125 South 11th St. and she was now covered, in patches, with an eruption

15 N. 6th St.

New York: 145 Grand St., 15 West 42nd St. and
634 Columbus Ave.

Chicago: 44 East Madison St.
Pittsburgh: 627 Smithfield St.
Baltimore: 228 N. Howard St.
Cincinnati: 204 W. 4th St.
Washington, D. C.: 1007 H. St., N. W.


Philadelphia: 1216 Girard Ave.


Newark, N. J.: Broad and W. Park St. MINNEAPOLIS PHARMACY CO.

Minneapolis: 604 Nicollet Ave.

East Orange, N. J.: 4 Washington St.


To foreign countries, except Canada, one shilling and sixpence.
Direct subscriptions, communications, exchanges, etc., to

P. O. Box 921,
Philadelphia, Pa.



of miliary rash, with efflorescence between the points of the rash, all of a dark, almost a livid, color; the patches between the points of the rash were of a dingy, dull, opaque appearance. The eruption was more profuse on the forehead and face than elsewhere, and especially on the forehead. The whole aspect of the eruption and the whole condition of the patient were so just like those so many times seen in cases of this variety of scarlet fever that the case was unhesitatingly recognized as an example of it, and in its most violent and hopeless form. The pulse was now small and so rapid as hardly to be counted; the surface had become cold and dry; the livid color of the skin, when pressed out with the finger, returned very slowly; the whole was a most complete picture of torpor, and seemingly a perfect instance of that manifestation of it which immediately precedes dissolution in those rapidly fatal cases of scarlet fever. There was apparently no prospect of the patient's living more than a few hours. Such cases in the practice of the writer had always gone to a fatal termination, and this had been more rapid in its progress than any he had ever seen. The patient being his own child he had opportunity for most carefully watching the case. In about three hours from the first appearance of the eruption the livid color began to lose something of its dark hue; the restlessness and anxiety diminished; the pulse became more distinct and less frequent; consciousness partially returned; the eruption became a brighter red; and the whole train of symptoms so similar to this pernicious form of the fever gradually gave place to a train of phenomena scarcely less remarkable, but not at all like those of any variety of scarlet fever. Both the experimenters were made ill with similar symptoms, but the symptoms were much less violent in the patient's friend. It is a singular fact that this patient has been attacked by a similar miliary rash "A girl, fifteen years of age, rose in the morning each year since this poisoning at the season of the feeling slightly ill, dressed, and went immediately to blossoming of the ailanthus, and is now always more the breakfast table. She could take no food; the She could take no food; the or less ill each year from this cause. That it was sight of it made her feel so much worse; she imme- the result of the ailanthus poison is sustained by the diately left the table and went to her room. She fact that the juice of the green stalks was introduced was seized suddenly with violent vomiting, severe into the mouths of the two girls, that they both soon headache, intolerance of light, dizziness; hot, red after sickened, suffering from similar symptoms, difface; inability to sit up; rapid, small pulse; drowsy, fering chiefly in degree of severity rather than kind;

There can be no better proof of the superiority of Homœopathy over other systems of medicine than in the ability of its practitioners to utilize cases of poisoning for the furtherance of therapeutic knowledge, and this ability arises from the fact that Homoeopathy is a law of nature. A rare case of poisoning presents itself to practitioners of other schools and to them all there is in it is the fact that the poisonous substance presents such and such physiological effects and symptoms, and there the matter rests. But to the homoeopath these symptoms often point out new and immensely valuable remedies for the healing of disease. In illustration of this let us quote two cases of poisoning related by the late Dr. P. P. Wells, of Brooklyn, and printed in the American Homeopathic Review years ago.

and in the case of my patient showing subsequently a train of symptoms precisely like those witnessed in the case of a lad who was poisoned by taking the seeds of this tree."

The two girls afterwards said that they had been playing with the tender shoots of the Ailanthus glandulosus tree and had got the juice into their mouths repeatedly.

The cases were not malignant and fatal scarlatina, but very similar, and, guided by this involuntary proving, the homoeopaths gained a remedy for a disease that before had almost invariably been fatal.

In practice it confirmed the truth of the proving, for it has cured many cases of malignant scarlet fever since.

This is but one instance in many illustrating the ability of men learned in Homoeopathy to utilize involuntary cases of poisoning for the benefit of humanity.

"Had the following case not come under my observation I would not have thought it possible that phthisiophobia could be productive of such cruelty. The husband of a woman of beautiful character, and devoted as only a woman can be, declared that since there was no longer a doubt that his wife was suffering from consumption he would have to leave her, for he would take no chances. The little sweetfaced sufferer proved to be a most conscientious patient and most eager to carry out all the precautions which would render her a safe companion to associate with.

"I wonder if the Surgeon General of the Marine Hospital Service and his advisers, our solons at Albany, and our distinguished Governor ever realize the sufferings of mind and body they have caused by fostering this new disease, phthisiophobia? Heart-rending as the results of this senseless fear, senseless ruling, and senseless legislation have been to the unfortunate persons afflicted with tuberculosis, still more serious are the results of this official

THE PREVALENT DREAD OF CONSUMP. phthisiophobia in its sequel of an exaggerated fear

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On January 6th there appeared a paper by Dr. S. A. Knopp, in the Medical Recard, under the title of "A Plea for Justice to the Consumptive." The dread of consumption by the public which is so sedulously fostered by many, Dr. Knopp terms phthisiophobia," and he believes that it is not only a medical error but a very cruel one in its effects. We quote the following from his excellent paper: "Private phthisiophobia has resulted partially from the Federal and State phthisiophobia just discussed, and partially from the excessive caution of those who are not sufficiently educated in the matter. Let me give you a few instances of the form it takes: Poor sewing women have been discharged, not be

cause they were consumptive themselves, but because they were imprudent enough to mention in the presence of their employers that they were living with or related to some consumptive. Employees in offices, having an innocent cough, are discharged for fear of contagion. Of the number of cases of phthisiophobia which came under the observation of Prof. A. Jacobi, of this city, and which he was good enough to relate to me, one seemed particularly pathetic. A man with a large family to support, but strong, vigorous, and of excellent physique, was discharged from employment because of a nontuberculous cough which, however, did not get well fast enough to suit his employer.

of the presence of consumption considered from another point of view. Individuals who suffer with the early symptoms of tuberculosis, or others who feel themselves in danger of becoming consumptive, will hesitate to seek medical advice for fear of being declared to suffer from a dangerous contagious disease and becoming subject to social ostracism. What a fearful loss of life a retarded diagnosis in pulmonary tuberculosis means, I need hardly dwell upon in an audience of this type. All our hopes in phthisiotherapeutics are centered on the early recognition of report as many as 75 per cent. and more of repulmonary consumption. Our American sanatoria coveries of incipient cases. How very much lower the percentage of cure is when the patients have passed the incipient stage we all know only too



Allopathic doctors seem to save but few of their distinguished patients. I have got to the point that when a distinguished man is taken sick and has a number of doctors I give him up. I have watched the cases of Thos. B. Reed, Wm. C. Whitney, Marcus Hanna, and others, and I believe intelligent homoeopathic treatment might have saved them.





The following was clipped from the Philadelphia North American. No comments!

CHICAGO, January 28.

"Drug treatment is useless in cases of pneumonia. The medical profession, so far as medicines are concerned, can be of no assistance in the fight against this disease. The sooner the profession will acknowledge this to the public and set to work to discover some specific to save pneumonia patients the better for all concerned."

This statement by Dr Arthur D. Bevan, who stands high in the profession, stirred up the members of the Chicago Medical Society at their meeting today.

Several physicians sprang to their feet to protest against the arraignment. All had to admit, however, that there is no definite remedy known, and they based their protests solely on the contention that they might influence the patient favorably by easing him somewhat and by the moral effect of their presence.

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Translated for the HOMOEOPATHIC ENVOY from Leipziger
Pop. Z. f. Hom.



Eight weeks ago a girl about twenty years of age came to my office, who was, and perhaps still is, suspected of an inclination to phthisis, but who has since then improved so much that it seems worthy of being reported.

The two remedies used had already before been warmly recommended by the late Dr. Lorbacher.

She received nothing during the whole treatment but Kali carb. 12 D. and Phosphorus 12 D. With this treatment she has steadily improved, so that today, August 8th, I could hear normal vesicular respiration on the right side as well as on the left.

Her monthly periods are regular; her bodily weight has at least not diminished, if it has not increased. A great satisfaction in such a treatment is found in the fact that we can thus do without the horrid (allopathic) preparations of Kreosote, which entirely destroy the appetite and have never yet cured a single case of tuberculosis.

The remedy for "mouth and hoof" disease in According to my practice in such cases, I put five cattle, sheep and all animals with split hoofs is drops of the medicine in fifty grammes of water and Acidum nitricum Ist dil. It is also well to give it get the patient to use this in half a week by taking as a preventive where the disease is feared. two teaspoonfuls morning and evening. The second Spongia 15 will both cure and prevent roup in half of the week I substitute Phosphorus for Kali carb. Such clinical experiments would be very apt


Ailanthus gland. 1st. will save cases of malignant to make proselytes for Homœopathy. For there is scarlet fever, if anything will.

Kalmia latifolia is said to be a good remedy for

"tobacco heart."

Strong Nitric acid, carefully applied to a felon and not allowed to run on the surrounding skin, will at once allay the terrible pain. So says Dr. Hirsch, of Germany.

a sensible and rational Homœopathy as well as an unscientific and irrational Homœopathy. Only the latter could be called by Bock, the professor of pathology, "the medicine of lay-folly." But he knew of no other than the irrational kind, and, as has been

historically demonstrated, he was unwilling to try historically demonstrated, he was unwilling to try any experiments. For it had once been agreed that he should take a low potency of Ipecacuanha, and he was told what symptoms would show themselves, but he backed out at the last moment.

Perhaps he will feel more inclined to try an experiment with Kali carb. and Phosphorus?


In a recent letter, writing of Tuberculinum, Edith K. Neel, author of Cats, How to Care for Them in Health and Treat Them in Disease, says: "I have found this remedy cures pus in about five days. These pus collections occur in cats and kittens following distemper, sometimes in the eyes, on the tail, in the ears, and not infrequently the lungs suppurate. On the 26th of July Mrs. von brought her I have seen eyes decay and run out inside of a week. little four-year-old boy to me. He is delicate and inI have just cured a four-year-old cat of a rectal ab-clined to rickets, and now he has a very peculiar scess as large as an egg by daily doses of Tuberculinum; after four doses the whole thing disappeared.

ulcer on the left side of the palate. The ulcer is of the size of a pfennig, has a fatty-looking base, and

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