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are entirely prevented, and the shock of surgical operation greatly relieved by high rectal
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It should be administered with salt solution, heated to 70°F, an hour prior to operation, during same if shock is evident, and after returning patient to bed. The quantity of the injection must be suited to the individual case, varying from 2 ounces to 6 ounces of each. The salt solution renders the absorption of the Bovinine more rapid, and the heart action is immediately improved; the sustaining effect is continuous for two to three hours. The circulation which has become non-aerated through ether administration is oxygenated by the Bovinine, and rapidly restored to normal condition. Hence the absence of nausea and emesis. A postal will bring you our scientific treatise on Hæmatherapy, with reports of

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As it is practically a food it can be used freely. A teaspoonful is a dose. Take two or three times a day. For infants, 20 drops two or three times a day.

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In medicine everyone should get the best and
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Business Established in 1835.

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A popular manual based on the best homoeopathic practice. 160 pages. Leather, gilt edges, $1.00. Postage, 5


The Value of Vaccination.

By G. W. WINTERBURN, M. D. 182 pages. Cloth, 75 cents. Postage, 6


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For Sale at All Pharmacies.

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Entered at Lancaster, Pa., as Second-class Mail Matter.

NOTICE.-Friends of Homœopathy, in various parts of the country, frequently subscribe for the HOMOEOPATHIC ENVOY, to be sent to individuals, or entire communities. If any one, therefore, receives the paper without having subscribed for it he or she may know that the subscription has been paid by some friend.

Subscribers can always ascertain the date to which their subscriptions are paid by referring to the date on the mailing tag.

The receipt of the renewal of a subscription is acknowledged by changing the date on mailing tag.

"SCIENTIFIC MEDICINE."-Some readers say that the ENVOY is too severe on "scientific medicine;" that there have been enormous advances made in it over the past practice and continue to be made. Yes, that is true, most true. The "scientific medicine" of half a century ago, when called to a case, bled it first and then gave Calomel, Calomel, Calomel. That is not done now. The "scientific medicine" of a quarter of a century ago, when called to a case, gave germicides to kill the "germs" that caused the disease in the patient. That is not done now. The dropping of these therapeutic measures-to say nothing of many others-is, in itself, a great advance in the treatment of disease. But isn't it a negative advance?

Today the patent, "made in Germany" coal tar products are the fashion, but, like their predecessors, there is a warning flag going up against them-they allay pain, but how "heart failure" is ominously increasing since they became the rage! When they drop out of sight it will be another (therapeutic) "advance"-negative, that is. "Serums?" one can see their sun has passed its zenith.


Surgery, of course, is barred from all this, for in that branch there have been real, genuine and enormous advances made. So, too, in preventive medicine-sanitary science and hygiene, etc.

And in Homœopathy?

No. 10

No, not much, if any, advance. When you learn two plus two equals four you have learned a fact. You cannot "advance" it. But you can learn other similar facts. So it has been with Homoeopathy, it has enlarged and is enlarging its borders of fact and, when rightly applied, is curing all curable cases of disease is working the physical regeneration of humanity.

We have no quarrel with "scientific medicine," but we object to its terming its ceasing to do therapeutic evil "advance."

INOCULATION VS. PROVINGS.-The homoeopaths voluntarily prove drugs on themselves. The socalled "scientific" set prove them on the helpless. A professor in the Wyoming University is reported to have said: "If cats and guinea pigs can be put to any higher use than to advance science we do not know what it is. We do not know of any higher use to put a man to,"-. e., vivisection.

A doctor in the Charity Hospital, in Stockholm, experimenting with small-pox found calves too expensive, so he "concluded to use the children of the Foundling Home, and obtained kind permission to do so from the head physician." He selected fourteen children who were inoculated day after day, etc.

A physician now resident in San Francisco writes as follows to the New York Medical Journal: "I inoculated (in Honolulu) with the virus of syphilis the arms of six leper girls under twelve years of age. On December 14, I inoculated fourteen lepers. Since coming to San Francisco I have tried on several occasions to get the opportunity (to inoculate a leper with syphilitic virus), but so far without success, etc., etc."

He also tells of his success in inoculating a healthy boy with germ consumption. "I cannot yet say," he writes, "whether the boy will be consumptive in consequence of my treatment."

Insane patients in Voralberg, Austria, were inoculated with various poisons. The result of oneHyoscyamine sulphate-was so terrible, the report

states, that "when the physicians attempted to repeat the experiment the victims fought like wild men. Many begged the doctors, on their knees, to let them die rather than inoculate them with this terrible medicine."

Another "scientist" inoculated thirty-five pauper women in a Leipsic Hospital with foul germs. Another incculated new-born babies with "very considerable quantities of Staphylococci." Another inoculated "purulent bacteria" into eighty two poor women awaiting confinement. Another took bacilli from the decomposing corpse of a patient who had died of an infectious disease and injected them into thirty-five women and three babies.

These assertions we find in The Animal Defender for September and October (double number), published at Boston. It is hardly possible to believe these statements. Yet they come from a journal controlled by responsible people.' If they are true, no comment is needed, for the bald recital is horrifying enough.

Compare that vile "science" with the opening paragraph of Hahnemann's Organon-the cornerstone of homoeopathic science:

"The physician's high and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to cure, as it is termed.”— Dudgeon Translation.

If anything ever came of all this cruelty for the relief of sick humanity there might be some faint excuse for it, but it goes on year after year with

what results?


The proving of Aconite alone has done more towards alleviating human illness than all this sort of experimenting ever has or ever will do.

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VACCINATION AND THE SCHOOLS.-Blood poisoning has won in New York. The Court of Appeals has handed down a decision that the school and health authorities have the unqualified right to exclude any child from the schools who has not been

vaccinated. As soon as the decision was made known the health commissioners (so-called) at once gave out that no child could longer attend school unless vaccinated. It is curious how some Courts uphold that health killing old rite, while others do just the reverse.

The people of the United States will never regain personal liberty and rights in this matter until, as was done in England and Switzerland, it is carried into politics. If put to vote today it is doubtful if one in ten would uphold compulsory vaccination.

HAVE THE SICK ANY RIGHTS?-The latest disease at least we think so-to be pronounced "infectious," or, in everyday vernacular, "catching," is diarrhoea. Out in Portland, Oregon, they have had a good many cases of that disease and The Medical To be sure some physicians say that they practice Sentinel says: for "public health and protection; " but other phy"We understand that the question of isolation will sicians say it is a physical curse to humanity and probably be taken up by the State Board of Health, at its next meeting in December, and in the meantime we will be very glad of any further information as to the infectious or non-infectious nature of the disease, its prevalence, and the best means of diminishing it, which the profession of the Pacific Northwest are inclined to give."

the cause of the steady increase in tuberculosis and cancer. This being so, what manner of man must he be who upholds compulsion in a matter where there is such fearful disparity in views?


Judging from the past there will be no doubt but sailor in the army and navy is vaccinated on enlist

ing. The vaccinated "never" contract small-pox, we're told. The newspapers of November tell of a seaman on the battleship Alabama being removed from the vessel because of having contracted smallpox!

"THE OTHER SIDE."-"The man who accustoms

himself to read the other side of all questions, regardless of his prejudices for or against anything, will broaden his mind, strengthen and develop his character. Such growth must exercise a favorable in

fluence on his vocation. No man can be either great, good or successful who allows his prejudices to dominate his nature."-Medical Brief.

A NEW WAY OF LOOKING AT IT." Man is by nature prone to alcohol, and some individuals are more prone than others by virtue of that accidental variation which obtains throughout the animal and vegetable world, and is the basis of evolution according to the Darwinian theory. Now, excess is injurious, and the more alcoholic die sooner than the less alcoholic, and consequently the use of alcohol tends constantly to racial sobriety by the elimination of the drunkards and the survival of the fittest, who transmit their moderate tendencies to their children. It follows that the longer a race is exposed to the action of alcohol the more sober it beHence attempts to promote temperance by abolishing or diminishing the supply are really schemes for the promotion of drunkenness, because they tend to the preservation and perpetuation of the more alcoholically inclined who would otherwise die out."-Dr. Archibald Reed.


TUBERCULOSIS.-Health Boards are engaged in very laudable" crusades" against tuberculosis and in "educating the people." Unfortunately, in the latter they are succeeding only too well and a man or woman suspected of being tuberculous is looked upon by the mob as a species of leper. Board of Health science tells the people that the "germ" causes the disease and that the dried germ is just as potent as one in the lungs. Of course, this is sheer nonsense, for even admitting that the so-called germ is necessary for the development of the disease it must have the proper soil on which to develop or it will have no power. Germs are powerless against a wholesome and healthy constitution. Now anyone who has undergone the operation of vaccination

knows full well, even the most rabid pro vac, that it is followed by a lowering of the tone of the system, if not by days and weeks of severe illness. In this condition germs, assuming Board of Health science is correct-which we do not,-have found their proper soil, and each particular germ is free to work his specialty. If none happen along, and the be, according to Board of Health science, exposed to man returns to his full tide of health, he must again small-pox, for the state of the vaccinated is distinctly a diseased one and the only "protection" it affords is on the principle that the greater ill suppresses the


Hence, Boards of Health, in their rigid enforcement of this operation, are the indirect cause of many of the ills against which they "crusade."

SMALL-POX IN GERMANY.-J. R. Williamson, of London, says, that, since the year 1835 vaccination has been compulsory in Germany. Every one, without exception, had to be vaccinated and revaccinated. Yet in 1871-72, following the war with France, "small-pox carried off 124,948 of the inhabitants." This probably means that there were that many cases of the disease. Small-pox persisted in Germany until the Government gave positive orders that every case, and house where a case occurred, should be isolated. To this, and to the constantly improving sanitation, is due the decrease of the disease in Germany. But let Germany get into a war with some European power and small-pox, or some other pestilence, will follow in its wake, as it did in 1871-72. Notwithstanding that every victim of the disease had been vaccinated.

THE METHODISTS AND VACCINATION." In regard to vaccination before attending public school, we do not believe in it at all. Small-pox is not a very prevalent disease and cleanliness is the best preventive. To insist on poisoning every little pure boy and girl with the virus from a sick cow is shameful and disgusting. Why not inoculate them with every one of the serums which are being discovered against diphtheria, consumption and a score of other diseases much more common than smallpox? Some of the results of vaccination poisoning which have come under our observation are horrible beyond description, and one such case out of a multitude is enough to sicken us of the whole practice."-Burning Bush.

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Benjie, do you know that certain of the modern so-called scientists resemble a hen who has laid an egg? After that important function said hen goes at once into a cackle of glee and soon all the other hens and even the roosters are adding a glad pæan to the refrain.

What's a pæan? said Benjie.

Pæan pæan - why, of course, it's a song of triumph and vanity, did you not know that? Wait until I talk, please.

if its circumference or its length differs from other
eggs that have been laid before, or if its shell is any
finer sort of lime. Professor Tryall has found that
which will be of more benefit to mankind than all
the rest of the things ever discovered. The news-
papers take it up, explain the merits of this great.
discovery after the wise fashion that the sensation
reporter has for making scientific matters plain to
the people. Then folks know that the thing is
true. A man meets one of his fellows and says:
Have you read of that most wonderful discovery
that Prof. Tryall has just made? It is marvelous,
you will find a long article about it in the Daily
Mendax. Strange that no one ever thought of it
before. I tell you, we live in an age of progress.
This man tells another man, and so it goes on. And
men accept as a truth that which is at best but a
theory. And this is the way in which most of the
late discoveries in medicine are made nowadays.
And some of those in hygiene, said Benjie.
The most marvelous fact to me is, said Benjie,
that our Regular friends when a new thing is dis-
covered in medicine expect it to cure every thing.

And everybody, I said. But no, that is not quite the fact; they do not expect one thing to cure every disease, but they do think that the one remedy will cure every case of one disease. Quinine for Grippe, Koch's lymph for consumption, Salicylic acid for rheumatism, anti-toxin for diphtheria. They seem to lose sight of the fact that each person is dif ferent in habits of life, hereditary taints, and natural characteristics from every other person; that one man's meat is another man's poison, that one fellow can thrive on cold and the other will freeze to death, that one man can live in the water and the other man is ill every time he takes a bath. In short, that every man, woman, and small child in the world is different from every other one and needs each a peculiar treatment according to personal

But I really do not understand what you are talk- idiosyncrasy. ing about.

Benjie, if you can keep still for a few minutes and let me talk I will make it plain to your obtuse wits. As I said, these discoverers of the laboratories, after a period of sage seclusion, come out in much the same manner as did the old eureka chap, crying, "I have found it, I have found it." And then all the other fellows shout also with loud voices, he has found it, he has found it. It does not matter particularly whether the tape measure of experience has been used to measure this new laid egg, to find

Hahnemann told us all that, said Benjie.

Yes, Hahnemann told us all that, but the trouble is that it is such a plain, simple fact that these abstruse philosophers who are looking into space through the long tube of a telescope, hunting for marvels, fail to see that the truth is near enough to be visible to the naked eye. It's too simple. I admit that every remedial agent has its place and its good place, only the one agent will not do over-time work without making somebody uncomfortable. You must remember that as no two blades of grass

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