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are exactly similar, so the same disease does not follow the same course in any two persons. It must be modified in each by the person's habits, build of body, power of disease resistance, and many other circumstances. Therefore it is most absurd to suppose that any one drug or medicine will fit every Hahnemann was right when he told us that each person would be affected favorably by one remedy or class of remedies. The Irishman needs Belladonna, the cross man Nux, the mild, tender, blue-eyed maiden requires Pulsatilla, the red faced man wants Ferrum, the long, slim, beanpole chap needs Phosphorus. In fact, though a dozen persons may have the same disease according to the Regular habit of naming diseases which is, after all, just an arbitrary arrangement of symptoms, yet the disease will not be exactly the same in any two persons nor will the same remedy be suitable for any two cases. There are the minute differences of temperament and habit to be accounted for, and some unique symptoms are sure to exist in each case. Then, find the remedy that will produce just these symptoms, never mind the classification of old Brown or any other of the nosologists, and that remedy will cure that disease even if you do not label the case and send the label to the cryptic archives of a political board of health. That is how the ten fellows of our

carefulness. Do you suppose that the homœopathic school would be where it is today, with its great hospitals, colleges, State institutions, and thousands of practitioners, numbering its patients among the most intelligent of the community; in fact, do you suppose there would be any homoeopathic school if the pioneers of the system, the men who followed Hahnemann, had not been careful, painstaking, patient, in finding the remedy that exactly fitted the symptoms in any given case? There is not much of value in life gained by laziness. And the pioneers of Homœopathy were glad enough to discover an improvement upon the purging and bleeding-the Calomel and Jalep. Even if they did have to learn German first-in order to read the homoeopathic materia medicas.

Well, said Benjie, it is a mighty fortunate thing for Homœopathy that its first practitioners were willing to spend time, that they had trained analytical minds, and that they had not been hypnotized by the patent medicine venders.

Ah-but Benjie-the patent medicine men of that early and primitive day had not the gentle and overpowering suavity, the comprehensive wisdom of these latter day apostles of sulponal-triacol-glandularextract pharmacy.

For my part, said Benjie, good, honest, everyday Homœopathy is good enough for me.

homœopathic school were able to say that Lycopo-
dium would cure that case we were talking about
the other day. Yes, it was dyspepsia, but our men
did not go for it thinking it just dyspepsia, an ab-
stract disarrangement of the stomach, they studied
the symptoms as symptoms; worse at four o'clock,
a little food filled the stomach, and though the
patient was hungry he could not eat because of this
distension. Now under the symptoms set down as
having been produced by Lycopodium when given
to a healthy person, our ten physicians found just
exactly the symptoms set down in the letter describ-
ing the case. So, they all sent word that Lycopo-
dium was the remedy. But our Regulars-the
symptoms suggested no certain way out of the diffi-
culty—so “each in his separate star" set down the
prescription that was his pet prescription for dyspep-ing.
sia. And, therefore, there were as many prescrip-
tions as there were physicians and each was different

from the other.


The remedy which I used most frequently last winter for coughs was Bryonia. It gave splendid results in the dry or partly dry coughs. There is soreness or coughing behind the sternum, it hurts to cough; children cry when they cough; can't take a deep breath; epigastrium and hypochondria sore; sharp pains in chest; chilly feeling; head hot; frontal headache, as if the forehead would break open. Patient lies on the affected side in pleurisy or pneumonia. The old symptom motion was successfully verified in a case of beginning whooping cough where motion caused constant, violent cough

Antimonium tartaricum was perhaps the remedy most frequently used after Bryonia. Its sphere of action is in bronchitis down to pneumonia. The

But it takes patience and time to study up all sixth decima! potency was used mostly. In chilthis, said Benjie.

Of course it does, but most things of value in this world are the result of patience and painstaking

dren particularly Antimonium tart. is worth its weight in gold. "Praise Tartarus, Thee, Emeticus!" the old style allopaths used to exclaim when they

used it for its expectorant qualities. Many times it got the best of them on account of its depressing after effects when used in crude form. We use it for the following characteristic symptoms: Coated tongue, drowsiness, rattling of phlegm in trachea and bronchial tubes, labored breathing, difficult expectoration, nausea, vomiting and general depression. Kali bichromicum from the first to the sixth decimal potency relieved the croupous form of cough. Children who took cold and became croupy; stringy expectoration; hoarse, barking cough; pharynx red; voice hoarse; tickling in pharynx and larynx as of a vapor aggravation after midnight till morning.

Ipecacuanha for a loose, rattling cough; profuse expectoration; clean tongue; nausea and vomiting; hot sweat; dyspnoea; asthma.

or inhaling cold air we do well to begin our treatment with Aconite, which will help materially toward equalizing the circulation and will clear the track that the remedies mentioned above can carry the case through to recovery in a pleasant and sure and quick manner. Dr. Carl Greiner in Medical Councillor.



From Leipziger Pop. Z. f. Hom.

A distinguished gentleman, who last summer visited Karlsbad in order to get cured and who has no need of calling in a lay-physician, had been for years suffering from a catarrh, with sneezing and obPhosphorus: Dry cough; dry feeling in larynx;struction of the nose. He takes snuff and this may larynx sensitive; sensation of weight on chest; expectoration scanty; bloody; can't lie on left side or back; great prostration and weakness; dyspnoea; hoarseness; cough halting.

Hyoscyamus: To quiet a dry, irritable cough, going to bed, lying down.

Hyoscyamus is a good preparation to use, for those dry, constant coughs, with no intermission and which tire out both patient and doctor.

Allium cepa will help where the cough is painful; it feels as if the larynx were torn to pieces; the patient dreads to cough; the nose discharges an irritating mucus while the discharge from the eyes is bland. Useful after exposure to cold, wet

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Ammonium bromide is another useful remedy in irritable coughs. The seat of the malady seems to be in the larynx and upper trachea. There is great hoarseness, difficulty in using the voice which is a mere whisper.

Lycopodium relieved the afternoon and evening aggravation of a distressing laryngeal cough.

As important as the use of the indicated homoeopathic remedy is in the treatment of coughs we must supplement it by the proper hygiene. The patient should only inhale air, which is pure, moist and warm. He should wear comfortable, warm clothing. He should avoid the drinking of very cold fluids. If the cough is accompanied by chilliness and cold skin after suppression of perspiration

be the cause of his nasal catarrh; somewhat peculiar is the fact that he can only breathe through his nose in the open air, but as soon as he enters a warm room both nostrils are obstructed. He is not willing to give up his old habit of taking suff, so agreeable to him, and on this account also is he disgusted at the obstruction of this organ. The case is worse at night, as he can only breathe through his mouth, and frequent suffocating fits disturb his sleep. His supposition that he had a polypus in the nose was disputed by his physician; and when menthol and other olfactory remedies refused to act, his physician advised him to consult a specialist in Vienna. Before determining on this course, the patient wished to hear my advice. I brought him Kali carb. in pellets, 12 D., to take some pellets several times a day. Farrington recommends this remedy, saying:

"Sometimes we find a chronic form of catarrh, where the nostrils are obstructed, and the patient can only breathe with open mouth. This obstruction is relieved in the open air, but returns as soon as the patient enters a warm room." The remedy acted so promptly also in this case, that the patient, much to his astonishment, could breathe through the nose in a few hours. Only twenty-four hours later he dared to take a pinch of snuff, which caused no harm. Kali carb. was not only suitable in this case to "cover" the symptom of obstruction of the nose, and also to cure it, but it was also indicated because the patient frequently suffered in his throat, having complained for years of a scratching in the throat as from a splinter. The chronic ailment is steadily decreasing.



From Leipziger Popul. Zeitschr. f. Hom.

I. "The drops you sent me for my weak spells are doing good. I do not tremble near as much as before and also feel stronger. God grant that it may continue."

The patient who had been cured through Zincum from epileptic convulsions which had lasted for years had afterwards received Avena sativa. This tincture is easy to take. Ten drops in a wineglassTen drops in a wineglassful of water is frequently sufficient. It is to be taken in sips during the day. This we do with patients that are recovering slowly, or who are weakened from any cause, just like China and Chinin. After a few days the remedy is discontinued.

II. The longer we practice the more frequently we notice that the unexpected breaking out of an exanthem coincides with the cure.


A miner who had been suffering from shortness of breath and dyspnoea wrote to me: "The lamentable wheezing and obstruction of the chest has again appeared whenever the weather changes. I have been intending to write you from month to month. But a few weeks before Christmas an eruption broke out on the right side of my chest, anteriorly on the chest and between the shoulder blades, after which I felt all right. Ever since then I have not had any trace of oppression of the chest, not even when the weather changed. I now feel quite strong and vigorous. I have not lately increased much in weight, but every one who sees me, tells me that I have full cheeks and a better

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of soda and phosphates. The seeds contain tannin. Grape juice from its constituents is a veritable natural mineral water. In taking the grape juice cure the quantity a first taken is small and is gradually increased, the length of the time of treatment being from three to six weeks. Walking and exercise in the open air assist very much in bring

ing about good results during the time of this cure. The general health is improved, the appetite is increased, and the digestive functions are greatly imThis proved. The patient usually puts on flesh. cure is especially indicated in affections of the digestive organs, visceral congestions, ascites, jaun

dice, in cases of hepatic calculi, diarrhœa, habitual constipation, in certain skin troubles, and in neurasthenia; pulmonary tuberculosis is benefited by this treatment, but the intestines must be in good

condition. It seems contra-indicated only in persons who are too fat or have a tendency to become so,

and during the period of menstruation.-Health.

WORSE THAN SMALL-POX.-" One of the worst things that we have to contend with in our work against the deadly vaccination is the general belief in vaccination. The people have been taught that vaccination prevents for many years, and unless they have met with some disagreeable results they still believe in it. believe in it. Whenever there is a solitary case of small-pox in a town or city it is blazoned abroad with great assiduity, and the people are told that vaccination is the only preventive. People do not take time to consider that nine-tenths of the population are naturally immune, ninety-five per cent. escaping the fiercest epidemics. Its contagiousness is exaggerated beyond truth or reason, but this is necessary in order to get the people to become vaccinated."

"People should be taught the truth in regard to both small-pox and vaccination. If this were done, the people would know that vaccination causes more than sixty deadly diseases; among them are cancer, tumor, syphilis, scrofula and others equally bad. They would be taught that small-pox is not in the least dangerous if treated right, and not a single case need prove fatal if the treatment is as it should be. It is easier to treat than the measles are, nor does it leave a single scar or poc mark if the room is kept dark and the skin bathed as it should be. The cry that small-pox is so dangerous is all foolishness and is the very thing that scares the people and causes them to be vaccinated."-R. Swinburne Clymer, M. D., in Success.

True Animal Iron

Physicians everywhere are looking for a BLOOD reconstructant that contains every element of nutrition of the animal, mineral and vegetable kingdom, viz: ANIMAL IRON; a reconstructant that will supply every deficiency in the blood of anæmic patients in adequate quantity and quality one that will nourish-stimulate-assimilate-without tax on the digestive organs. These requirements are all found in perfection in


It Contains 10% Animal Iron.

20% Coagulable Albumen, and all the constituents of healthy BLOOD.

It is thoroughly sterile, requires little or no digestion, and produces blood corpuscles that MATURE. Corpuscles of fullness and integrity. Herein lies its great superiority over any and all the preparations of inorganic iron. Your microscope will prove the truth of these facts. Our scientific treatise on Hæmatherapy for the asking. It contains reports of hundreds of cases. THE BOVININE CO., 75 West Houston St., New York.

Boericke & Tafel's ASEPTICON Hay Fever.


The latest, most improved and

Its prevention and Cure. By PERRY DICKIE, M. D. 173 pages. Cloth, $1.00. Postage, 6 cents.

OLIVE OIL. best non-toxic antiseptic in the Indigestion.

market, of the "Listerine" class

Guaranteed to be Absolutely Pure Delightful as a mouth wash and

In addition to being the best oil for table use, and for cooking, it is also better, and far more palatable than cod liver oil in physical ills. It is especially useful for those persons liable to colds, coughs and catarrh; for the nervous, irritable and hysterical; after hæmorrhages; where the skin and hair are dry and scurfy; in eczema; indigestion; dyspepsia; chest troubles; constipation; flatulence; in all eruptive diseases; sleeplessness; consumption. It is also very beneficial to rub the bodies of rickety, sickly babies with this oil and also give it to them internally. Its use builds up the whole system, and tends to make life brighter in consequence of better health.

As it is practically a food it can be used freely. A teaspoonful is a dose. Take two or three times a day. For infants, 20 drops two or three times a day.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

for the teeth, sweetening and cleans-
ing. Good for Catarrh.
cents per bottle.

Price, 60

[blocks in formation]

Received the only Prize Medals awarded to
Homœopathic Pharmacists at the three Great
American International Expositions, Philadel-
phia, 1876; New Orleans, 1884-5 and Chicago, 1893.

In medicine everyone should get the best and
the best in Homœopathy is found at the Pharma-
cies of Boericke & Tafel. All inquiries receive
prompt attention. Call on, or address as below.
PHILADELPHIA: 125 South 11th St.
PHILADELPHIA: 15 North 6th St.
NEW YORK: 145 Grand St.
NEW YORK: 129 West 42nd St.
NEW YORK: 634 Columbus Ave.
CHICAGO: 57 Wabash Ave.
PITTSBURGH: 627 Smithfield St.
BALTIMORE: 228 N. Howard St.
CINCINNATI: 204 West 4th St.

Business Established in 1835.

Its causes and Cure. CLARKE, M. D. 147 pages. cents. Postage, 5 cents.

Cloth, 75

Manual for the Biochemic
Treatment of Disease.

BY DR. SCHUESSLER. 25th edition. 178 pages. Cloth, $1.00 Postage, 7 cents. Sexual Ills and Diseases.

homoeopathic practice.
A popular manual based on the best
160 pages.
Leather, gilt edges, $1.00. Postage, 5


The Value of Vaccination.

By G. W. WINTERBURN, M. D. 182 pages. Cloth, 75 cents. Postage, 6


Herbal Simples.

Approved for modern uses of Cure. By W. F. FERNIE, M. D. 631 pages. Cloth, $250. Postage, 16 cents.

For Sale at All Pharmacies.

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NOTICE.-Friends of Homœopathy, in various parts of the country, frequently subscribe for the HOMEOPATHIC ENVOY, to be sent to individuals, or entire communities. If any one, therefore, receives the paper without having subscribed for it he or she may know that the subscription has been paid by some friend.

Subscribers can always ascertain the date to which their subscriptions are paid by referring to the date on the mailing tag.

The receipt of the renewal of a subscription is acknowledge by changing the date on mailing tag.

"STINGY PRESCRIBING."-A correspondent writing to Medical Summary on "Stingy Prescribing"

concludes as follows:

"Almost every day patients of other physicians call on us declaring that Doctor So-and-So gave them a few pills and acted as if nothing much was the matter. It does not pay to undertreat a patient, give him all the quantity he feels that he wants. It is easy to gauge a patient's taste and prejudices. A wise doctor does this and does just what he wishes to do with the least possible antagonism."

That reads as though the only end in view was the patient's fee, and many of them. Read what "J. Titus" and "Benjie" have to say this month.

DIFFICULTY OVER VACCINATION.-"The Board of Health of the city of Altoona, Pa., has entered criminal suit against a number of directors and principals of the public schools for permitting children to attend school who have not been successfully vaccinated. More than 100 children were discovered as pupils who had not been vaccinated, and they were promptly sent to their homes. Besides, a number of fraudulent vaccination certificates were discovered. The principals permitted a number of the dismissed children to return to school, and hence the suit."-Medical Record.

No. II

If there is anything "criminal" in this affair it is the action of the board of "health" demanding that the children must undergo a surgical operation that very frequently is followed by acute illness, prolonged ill health and sometimes death as a condition necessary for attendance on school. A child with a vaccine sore is a far greater "menace" to the public health than a child with uncontaminated blood.

SCABIES ITCH. Dr. E. Wood Ruggles, of Rochester, N. Y., has an interesting paper on "A Recent Epidemic of Scabies." It is published in the December number of the Buffalo Medical Journal. This disease, so prevalent about 100 years ago, had apparently almost died out. In a certain big city it was, in 1880, rated at 1-2-3 per cent. in the dispensaries, but this has gradually arisen to 141⁄2 per cent. This distressing but not dangerous disease is caused by the acarus, or itch mite, burrowing under the skin and causing such an itching that the victim nearly scratches himself bloody. Sulphur ointment externally and homoeopathic Sulphur 6 internally are the best remedies.

THE LABORATORY CONCEPTION OF TUBERCULOSIS.-"Supported by statistics of Naegeli, that numerous autopsies prove that practically all dying beyond thirty years of age give evidence of having been at some time hosts of the tubercle bacillus, Von Vehring, in a recent article, takes strong ground in favor of the view that the tubercle bacillus enters everybody's system early in life through food, and that it depends upon the subsequent reaction of the individual's system whether or not tuberculosis is set up after thirty or forty years. This view, says the N. Y. State Journal of Medicine, would relegate the bacillus to pathology and make it play an insignificant rôle in etiology, and our present methods of dealing with the bacillus before it enters the human system will prove but an iridescent dream."-N. Y. Med. Times.

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