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in a syphilitic clinic there would have been little question of its nature and cause. But the circumstances are different when the case occurs in an aristocratic family. It may nevertheless be a contribution toward the later forms of syphilis. I had not, however, any positive reason for such a supposition. As curious as the ulcer under such circumstances was its cure by the mere internal use of purely homœopathic remedies-Acid. nitri., followed by Mercurius sol. 6 in a few days. What would an allopath have done under these circumstances?


"Dreadful burning in the urethra while urinating." The patient complains much of absolute sleeplessness for the last three days. As Terebinthina is a well-known specific, I returned to it, and gave the second decimal, being warned against larger doses by the clinical experience of Prof. H. Schulz. This time (Aug. 6) the patient could report progress. "The pains in the urethra have diminished."

The instructive feature consists in the improvement following on the slighter dose of Terebinthina, while a more massive dose had caused aggravation. I, of course, kept to Terebinth. 2 D. A year later (Aug. 11th, 1903) the patient wrote: "Albumen



A teacher in the middle period of life had ulcers on his throat which would not heal. All the allo-05, otherwise I have nothing to complain of.” pathic remedies used could not keep the ulcers— there was really only one larger one-open. The ulcer continually appeared more suspicious, as if it tended to cancer or cancroid. Not even such homoopathic remedies as Silica and Mercurius had any effect. Then I gave Kali jodatum, which is also very useful in chronic ulcers of the legs. I had it prepared anew, 0.3 grammes with 10 grammes of alcohol. Five drops in the morning and evening-6-30. quite a different dose from the modern massive allopathic doses. By using this remedy there was a strikingly rapid improvement leading to a complete

Translated from Allg. Hom. Zeit. Itching, worse in bed at night; after scratching there ensues burning: Sulphur 6-30.



It would be a great thing if the younger allopathic physicians (the older ones from their conservatism are unwilling to do so), would convince themselves how small a dose of a specific is necessary for a cure. Larger doses above this amount can only prove injurious. A gentleman was suffering from Bright's disease (albuminuria) in the last stage. It was a peculiar fact, that he could still walk about, use the railroad, and make the impression that he was not suffering from such a dyscrasy. Only his pale, waxcolored face betrayed to the adept his consuming disease.

Acidum nitri, Mercurius sol. and Apisin effected no lasting diminution in the proportion of the albumen; just as little had been effected by the remedies given by a previous homœopathic doctor: Colocynthis, Merc. sublim., Naphthalin, Thuja. Also Turpentine had been given, but evidently in doses that were too strong; for it had caused aggravation. A treatment of milk and perspiration had reduced the proportion of albumen to five per cent. On July 28th, the patient wrote that his state was much changed and his strength had much diminished.

Unbearable itching all over the body, worse on getting warm in bed at night, dry skin: Alumina

Itching of a part of the body, when it gets cold: Rumex 6.

Burning itching in debilitated persons: Arseni


Biting itching (as if from vermin); on scratching, the itching reappears elsewhere; Pruritus vaginæ. Itching in old people: Rhus.

Itching of the urethra after gonorrhoea; also the vulva: Nitric acid.

Burning or biting itching; the skin is inflamed and swollen: Kreosote.

Violent itching, with desquamation of the skin : Petroleum.

Itching on the genitals: Carbol. acid.

Itching of the pudenda before the period; of the scrotum: Graphites.

Itching, with swelling of the pudenda: Sepia. Pruritus vulvæ with the pregnant, with constipation and hæmorrhoids: Collinson.

Pruritus vulva: Caladium.

genitals: Carbo veget.; with itching of the labia:
Soreness, itching and burning on the interior
Apis, Coccus cacti.

Itching on the mons veneris: Berberis.
Itching on the anus: Lycopodium.
Itching on the pudenda: Ambra.

Violent itching and crawling on the anus and rectum: Ignatia.

Burning itching on the anus, lancinations as from needles: Alumina.

Tissue Building



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Vol. XV.


No. 2.




Entered at Lancaster, Pa., as Second-class Mail Matter.

NOTICE.-Friends of Homœopathy, in various parts of the country, fre

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the dried sputum being blown about in the dust, scattering contagion everywhere. Well, now comes Dr. Lawrence F. Flick in Medical News, Feb. 20th, who holds that the most striking thing about the communicability of tuberculosis is that it depends almost entirely upon the house. An enclosure of some kind is so necessary for the conveyance of the disease from one person to another that contagion is impracticable without it.

And he might have added that unless you have the predisposition for the disease even an ideal house for conveying the disease will not cause you to contract it.

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HOMEOPATHY. When one considers the 'serums," the "inoculations," the "vaccinations," the "antitoxines," the "antiseptics," the "antipyretics," and the other "antis," and "ines" and other shadows that go to make up the "regular," the "scientific" and the allopathic treatment of today-a contradictory and heterogeneous, muss— one wonders why any sane man, or woman, can employ anyone but a straight out homoeopathic physician for his, or her, ills, or for those of the family. Koch invents a remedy and the whole medical ("regular") world, and a large part of the lay world, goes mad over it: result? Worse than useless. A Frenchman, Italian, Englishman, or man of any nationality, "discovers " a "sure cure," or a "serum," or what not-result, the same! And yet the farce goes on. In the meantime straight Homœopathy cures the curable, if applied according to the law laid down in the Organon of Hahnemann, or, at worst, lets the patient die in peace. And yet, with all this folly, constantly exposed (to their credit by the high priest of it) Homœopathy is regarded as not "up to date." Fudge and folly!

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CONTAGIOUSNESS OF TUBERCULOSIS.-Probably every one has read the more or less hysterical warnings against consumptives expectorating on the street on account of the danger to the public health;

SURVIVAL OF THE "UNFITTEST."-Dr. Reutoue, of London, claims that it is all wrong to prevent lunatics, or any one else, from committing suicide, as these are degenerates and the sooner they are out of the world the better for the world. "In our efforts to check suicide by protecting and controlling would-be destroyers, in permitting many to beget a tainted offspring, in spending immense sums of money upon the upkeep of the unfit, do we not in reality actively support the survival of the unfit?"

So we go! Many of these poor creatures could be restored to health by really skillful Hahnemannian treatment.

BACTERIOLOGICAL SCIENCE.-Dr. Archdale Reed, in a lecture at Portsmouth, England, said, "Bacteria has built up the mighty British Empire. By living closely together in civilized communities we have

rendered ourselves immune from diseases like conwith us when we found colonies, and in the operasumption and small-pox. We carry those diseases tion of the law of the survival of the fittest, the na

tives are attacked by these diseases and killed. Thus more room is made for the Anglo-Saxons." Quoted from Daily Medical. In the first place there is room on the earth for all. In the second place the Anglo-Saxon is not immune from small-pox and consumption, as many know from bitter experience.

In the third place, are not Dr. Archdale's brethren straining every nerve to have consumption, to which he says we are "immune," placed on the list of contagious diseases? Wonderful are the ways of bacteriologists?

"IN THE INTEREST OF SCIENCE." BOSTON, Mass., March 7.-There was a sensational scene yesterday in the State House when the antivivisectionists were given a hearing before a committee of the Legislature.

Herbert D. Ward, the author, read to the committee a statement published in the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal by Dr. Arthur H. Wentworth, a Harvard man, in which he told of "experiments" made in a certain hospital in this city on some forty pauper children.

The experiments consisted of puncturing the spinal canal, and were performed some forty-five times upon some forty infants and eight or ten of them died. Then he read an abstract of five cases of this experimental work made from Dr. Wentworth's article.-Press Dispatch.

GOOD ADVICE IN THE TREATMENT OF PNEUMONIA.-I merely want to jot down a few things to be remembered in the treatment of this very easily managed disease. There are unshakably solid, fundamental and practical reasons for the do's and dont's I shall submit, but I have not the space to spare for them.

Don't commence the treatment of pneumonia with a cathartic or even a laxative. If the bowels must

be moved, use an injection.

Don't forget that the patient's recovery must depend upon his possession of enough of vital energy, and therefore do husband this vitality to the utmost. Don't ever use that devil's invention, the ice pack. Don't use any sloppy applications on the patient's chest.

Don't use any poultices or anything else of appreciable weight on the thorax. The lightest of them will force the respiratory muscles to lift at least a ton every twenty-four hours.

Don't in any stage of the disease whip the tired heart with Digitalis, Strychnia, etc. Go for the cause; the effect will take care of itself.

Don't give antipyretics for the symptom-fever. In Homœopathy the investigator experiments on They are all cardiac depressors, just what you don't himself and not on his patients.

DRUGS USELESS IN THE TREATMENT OF PNEUMONIA, DECLARES A CHICAGO DOCTOR.-CHICAGO, January 28." Drug treatment is useless in cases of pneumonia. The medical profession, so far as medicines are concerned, can be of no assistance in the fight against this disease. The sooner the profession will acknowledge this to the public, and set to work to discover some specific to save pneumonia patients, the better for all concerned."

This startling statement by Dr. Arthur D. Bevan, who stands high in the profession, has stirred up the members of the Chicago Medical Society at their meeting.

Several physicians sprang to their feet to protest against this arraignment. All had to admit, however, that there is no definite remedy known, and they based their protests solely on the fact that they might influence the patient favorably and cure him solely by the moral effect of their presence.-Press Dispatch.

In the meantime why should not these gentlemen turn their pneumonia cases, which they cannot cure, over to the homoeopaths, who can cure many of them?


The only rational treatment is causal treatment. Do not waste time and the patient's life in vain attempts to combat effects. It almost never happens that palliative treatment is justified.

Don't hypermedicate. Do for heaven's sake (including the patient's and your own) let your patient get well.-C., in Medical Gleaner.

(And Do give the indicated potentized homœopathic remedy.)

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WHAT HOMEOPATHY DOES. Blessed be the name of Hahnemann, who has taken the science and art of healing out of the muck heap of sectarian regularism and placed it where it is of value to the world, and where men, grasping its truths under the law, can secure a "rapid, gentle and permanent restoration of the health, or the removal and annihilation of the disease in its whole extent, in the shortest, most reliable and most harmless way, on easily comprehensible principles."-M., in the Critique.

A CURIOUS ADMISSION.-Dr. Wilder says that the New York Board of Health in a recent "manifesto "

made a curious admission, or assertion, as you please, namely, "That it has been discovered that small-pox occurs in a majority of cases among persons who have not been re-vaccinated after a proper interval, and not among those who have never been vaccinated." According to Dr. John V. Allen, of Frankford, Philadelphia, the vaccinated are far more liable to succumb to contagious diseases than the unvaccinated, who retain their health unimpaired by (( 'virus," "i. e., "contagious or poisonous matter" (Webster), and now the New York Board of "Health" confirms his statement, even applying to small-pox. If the vaccinated are more liable to the disease than the unvaccinated, how can the Health Boards consistently advocate infant and child vaccination?

A COUNTRY TO AVOID." Hitherto vaccination has not been compulsory in France; a new law, however, which will become operative on April 7th of this year, requires every resident in France, native or alien, to be vaccinated during the first year of life, revaccinated at the eleventh year, and again at the twenty-first year. A new knife cuts deep, for I know of no other compulsory vaccination law that affords the three-ply protection that the Frenchman contemplates. Moreover, any Eddyite or Dowieite or other lusus nature will do well not to visit France when this law takes effect, for, should compliance be refused, their deportation will ensue

THE WORK OF "HEALTH OFFICERS.”—This is a clipping from the press dispatches:

PUEBLO, Col., March 5.-The aftermath of the vaccination wails are still being heard in the city health office, and every day some of the children who submitted their arms to the needle point come in to have the evidence of the "taking" of the vaccine dressed. Yesterday, as all the children were free from school, was an especially busy day with Drs. Taylor and Marshall. They were engaged in listening to the many complaints of the fond parents of the little children, who in some cases, they say, would lose their arms from the work of the health physicians. Many of the arms were in bad shape, etc., etc.

Death, the loss of an arm, and the possible ruin of physical health is as nothing, however, compared with the "stamping out" of small-pox-which, incidentally, is prevalent where vaccination is enforced and rare where the rite is not believed in.



"For the actual attack of the croup the mother may wring out flannels from very hot water and place them on the child's throat, changing them often so as to keep them hot. If he does not quickly become relieved she should make a tent over his

instanter.”—Paris Letter of N. Y. Medical Journal. crib by means of a sheet, or an open umbrella, over

THIS PICTURE AND THAT.--The Medical Examiner of February, says: "It has been suggested that the life insurance companies, instead of merely asking: Have you been vaccinated? were to add the question, When? and refuse to take risks on persons where the interval elapsed left them liable to contract small-pox. Many losses would be saved the companies, and such action would help to protect the community from this dread disease, which would thus lose most of the human material which it now finds available to carry on its existence and aid its power to do harm."

The other picture is this: Many physicians of wide experience positively assert that vaccination very materially weakens the system and a vaccinated. person will more quickly succumb to disease than one whose blood has not been contaminated. Also, that it is a most potent factor in spreading tuberculosis and cancer. Take your choice!

which a large sheet is thrown, and she should then allow the steam from a croup-kettle or a tea-kettle to pass in under the sheet so that the child may inhale the steam. She should also give him two teaspoonfuls of Castor oil, and if his bowels have been at all constipated an injection of warm soapsuds. If he is much distressed for breath she may give him half a teaspoonful of syrup of Ipecac and repeat in fifteen minutes until the child vomits."

The above clipping is from a well-known magazine that has secured the services of a female M. D. to write a series of articles on "home treatment of every day ills."

It reads very odd to a person who is familiar with homoeopathic treatment.

It seems to me that a child that can stand steaming, hot water applications, Castor oil, soapsuds injections, and Ipecac every fifteen minutes, all within an hour, would be able to live through almost anything.


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