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In regard to the particular business you inquire about, viz, the sugar industry, I may say I found much to astonish me. The methods of cultivation are such as would have ruined the country long ago had there not been such an enormous amount of virgin soil to fall back upon. The yield of sugar cane does not average more than 25 tons per acre, and this cane (by their methods of treatment) does not average more than 2 tons of sugar. By the introduction of proper methods and more intelligent labor these averages might be nearly doubled.

I found no attempt at fertilizing the lands or improving the yield and quality of the sugar cane. The system in vogue is that known as the central factory," and the cane is all bought by weight (without regard to quality) and paid for in proportion to the price of sugar. The labor used is a combination or result of the changes that have been made in the country by the abolishing of slavery and the introduction of Chinese and others. The price for labor is very high during the few months of the year the factories or mills are at work, and during the "dead season" (as it is called) there is little done, the growth of the sugar cane being left pretty much to the generous efforts of nature. With a population of 1,500,000 people they are able to produce less than 1,000,000 tons of sugar per annum, although one man's labor is generally considered quite sufficient to produce 10 tons.

With every natural advantage in its favor Cuba stands to-day almost on the brink of ruin. But few of its plantations are really remunerative; its mining industries are practically stopped; manufacturing is at a standstill, and its towns and cities almost without business. The administration of the Government is defective to extremes, and the lack of intelligence, lack of comfort, and even lack of cleanliness among the lower classes are all certainly in very great contrast to Hawaii.

If you ask my opinion as to why this is so, I answer, because of the "Americanism" which has been instilled into Hawaii, even to its lowest strata. And if this Americanism shall be allowed to grow and increase under the fostering influence of a close commercial and political union or relationship with the United States, Hawaii will make another star in the galaxy, not less bright, and repay tenfold the favors that have been lavished upon her.

That is why I am an "annexationist."

S. Doc. 231, pt 6-74

[blocks in formation]

Aid to United States steamer by authorities of Jamaica. (See Susquehanna.)
Amelia Island. (See Slaves.)

American nations, to promote progress and prosperity of...

Peace Society. (See Arbitration.)
seamen. (See Seamen.)

Annexation. (See Acquisition.)

Arbitration, international

Armed vessels, for the exclusion of foreign.

Arrest of William Walker in Nicaragua. (See Walker.)

Assistant Secretary of State, to create office of. (See State.)


105, 107, 221

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Congo Free State, recognition of. (See Recognition.)

Consular system, to remodel the. (See Diplomatic.)

Consulate at Mogadore, for the establishment of a.


Cooper, Edward K., to allow occupation of guano islands by. (See Guano.)

[blocks in formation]

Florida, to enable the President to take possession of
Foreign armed vessels, for the exclusion of. (See Armed.)

11, 16

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