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and if they failed to do so, it was to be used to defray the expenses of a new insurrection. The suit was settled out of court by paying Artacho $5000.

have been taken to introduce the reforms. More than 2000 insurgents who had been deported to Fernando Po and other places are still in confinement, and Aguinaldo is now using the money to carry on the operations of the present insurrection."

No steps



General Whittier's statement shows that Aguinaldo even refused to take money for his personal expenses when asked to return to Manila by the American Consul at Singapore, Spencer Pratt, who offered him. money for that purpose. Did the Spanish government keep its pact? It is known before General Rivera left Manila in April, 1898, the chiefs in Hongkong had been paid $300,000. What further pacification they have received is not clear.


It now became apparent that the government, believing that the rebellion was conquered, the forces scattered, the fortifications surrendered, and the rebels without arms, thought it could treat with impunity the rights of the people in utter disregard of its promises and pledges. The public mind was soon again in a ferment, and the agitation was becoming tense. At this time, March 25th, occurred what is known as the "Tragedy of the Calle de Camba." A large number of Viscayan sailors were assembled in one of the outskirts of Manila, and in a little carnival, were vehemently discussing the national wrongs. A passer-by informed the police; the civil guard attacked the place, and, without warning, shot down seventy of the Viscayans. Within nine days from this time an army of insurgents in Cebu, in the Viscayan group, 5000 strong, organized and took the city, except the fort, Government House, college and the foreigners' houses; the government places were kept in a state of siege. Reinforcements came from Manila and the rebels were driven from the city. At Labangan another great battle was fought, in which the rebel loss was reported at 1000.

In Luzon Island rebellion was again rife. In the provinces adjoining and north of Manila the looting and killing was like that of savages. A Spanish force of about 1000 men, under General Monet, was sent against the rebels; but still the violence and destruction was not abated. General Basilio Augustin now succeeded Rivera in command in the Philippines.

Upon the breaking out of war with this country the Spanish policy towards the natives was at once changed, and every effort made to attach them to the Spanish cause. Relying upon their attachment to the Catholic church, the strongest appeals were made to them by the church authorities. The following "allocution," issued by the archbishop of Madrid, may serve as an example of these documents which were strongly reinforced by the resident prelates and the press. It was sought to convince the Filipinos that a Protestant army was coming to devastate their homes and destroy their religious liberty.



The cursed hunger for gold and the unquenchable thirst for power have combined to tarnish that flag which the great Queen Isabella raised, by the hand of Columbus, in the West Indies. With justice trodden under foot, the voice of the Pope unheeded, and the interventions of the nations despised with arrogance, every road to the counsels of peace has been barred, and the horrors of war have become a necessity. Let heaven be witness that we are not the authors of this disaster, and let the responsibility before God be on that vain people whose dogma seems to be that money is the god of the world. There, ploughing the seas,

go our soldiers and our sailors. Have no fear, let no one weep, unless, indeed, it be for fear of arriving too late for the fray. Go, braves, to fight with the blessing of the Fatherland. With you goes all Spain, from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, from Irun to Tarifa. With what envy do we contemplate you weighing anchor to leave our shores! Oh! why does juvenility, or decrepitude, or duty deprive us of the joy of taking part in your enterprise? But no! with you goes our Spanish heart. May the Immaculate Virgin, whose scapulary hangs around your necks and whose blessed image floats on your flags, protect you under her mantle in the moment of danger, deliver you from all evil, and shower blessings upon you! May Saint James, patron of Spain, and the martyr Nicodemus and Saint Telmo and Saint Raymond and the King Saint Ferdinand, go before you and ever march in the vanguard wherever you may go and make you invulnerable to the bullets of the enemy, so that you may return victorious to tread once more this noble soil and kiss the cheek of the weeping mother who bore you! We, who cannot go to take part in the battles, will hold and brandish the arms of prayer, like Moses, who prayed on the mountain whilst Joshua slew his ferocious enemies in the valley. God has triumph in His hand and will give it to whom He pleases. to Spain in Covadonga, in Las Navas, in El Salado, in the river of Seville, on the plain of Granada, and in a thousand battles which overflow the pages of history. Oh, Lord, give it us now! Let the nations see that against the right of might there is the might of right!

He gave it

To all beloved sons, from our heart we have pleasure in sending you our pastoral benediction, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Given in our palace in Madrid on the 23d of April, 1898. JOSE MA, Archbishop of Madrid-Alcalá."


At Hongkong, in the meantime, there had been established by Aguinaldo and his self-exiled followers, a junta known as the "Philippine Patriotic League." In view of the alleged Spanish violation of the pact, it was seeking foreign help and recognition with the intent to again attack Spanish rule in the Philippines. The breaking out of the American war seemed to open a new prospect for the

attainment of Philippine independence. Aguinaldo at once sought to open communication with the American representatives at Hongkong, who were of course ready to forward any enterprise directed against Spain. The manner in which this meeting was brought about, with a summary of the agreement alleged to have been made, is given as follows by John Foreman, F. R. G. S., an English author then in Hongkong:

"The Filipinos were now anxious to co-operate with the Americans in compelling the Spaniards to evacuate the archipelago. The American Consul in Hongkong, Mr. Wildman, accepted the honorary post of treasurer of the Patriotic League Fund. Emilio Aguinaldo and suite went to Singapore, where they found Mr. Howard W. Bray, an Englishman and old personal friend of mine, who had resided some years in the islands. Aguinaldo and his party were obliged to travel incognito,

because secret paid agents were on his track

to endeavor to fetter his movements, and in


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Singapore a Malay police sergeant was illegally employed to investigate the private acts of a Filipino. The editor of the Singapore Free Press and Mr. Bray Bray had had become acquainted. The editor introduced Mr. Bray to the American Consul-General, Mr. Spencer Pratt, and Mr. Bray presented Emilio Aguinaldo to the Consul-General. The midnight meeting of the above-named four persons took place at The Mansion,' River Valley Road, Singapore, on the 24th day of April, the day following the outbreak of American-Spanish hostilities. The original idea in making Aguinaldo and the Consul-General known to each other was to utilize Aguinaldo's services and prestige with the armed natives to control them and prevent reprisals when the American forces should appear before Manila. It was hoped that, in this way, the lives of many Spaniards in the islands would be spared. The result of this Singapore meeting was that a draft agreement between Consul-General Pratt and Emilio

Aguinaldo was drawn up, subject to the approval of Commodore Dewey and subsequent confirmation from Washington. The essence of this provisional understanding was as follows, viz:


1. Philippine independence to be proclaimed.

2. A Federal republic to be established by vote of the rebels; pending the taking of this vote Aguinaldo was to appoint the members of that government. 3. The Federal republic to recognize a temporary intervention of American and European Administrative Commissions to be appointed by Commodore Dewey. 4. The American Protectorate to be recognized on the same terms as those fixed for Cuba.

5. Philippine ports to be open to all the world.


Precautionary measures to be adopted against the influx of Chinese.

7. The existing judicial system to be reformed.

8. Liberty of the press and right of assembly to be proclaimed.

Ample tolerance of all religions and sects, but abolition and expulsion of all monastic orders.


Measures to be adopted for working up the natural resources of the


11. The wealth of the country to be developed by the construction of high roads and railways.

12. The obstacles operating against the development of enterprises and employment of foreign capital to be removed.

13. The new government to preserve public order and check all reprisals against the Spaniards.

14. Spanish officials to be transported to another safe and healthy island until there shall be an opportunity for their return to Spain.

15. This agreement is subject to ratification (by telegraph) by Commodore

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cation with Commodore Dewey, which he did, and Commodore Dewey, before he left China for Manila, gave orders to Consul Wildman to see that Aguinaldo and his staff followed on in an American war-ship."

Whatever the actual facts attending this meeting, they have never been officially disclosed by the United States government. There can be no doubt that what Aguinaldo had in mind was the independence of the islands, with himself as the President or Sovereign. It would

be very natural to suppose that with the Spanish fleet still safely at Manila, the fighting powers of Spain still undetermined, and no thought of the conquest of the Philippines in the mind of any American, our Consular and other officers might have assumed that the policy of the United States towards those islands would be precisely that solemnly announced with reference to Cuba-the independence of the islands under the friendly supervision, and possibly, the protectorate of the United States. That Consul-General Pratt made any promises is impossible, for he had no authority, and Aguinaldo knew that he had none. The summary as given by Mr. Foreman in fact expressly provides for the ratification of the agreement at Washington. It is very likely indeed, however, that both Consul-General Pratt and Commodore Dewey believed at the time that the agreement was desirable on the part of the United States, and would be ratified at Washington. It may be considered as certain that this was expected by Aguinaldo.



Neither President McKinley and his advisers, however, nor Congress were apparently prepared to say yes or no. They knew little of Aguinaldo and less of the Filipinos. They did know that hostilities in the Philippines had been conducted by the most brutal methods, and were probably not willing to become responsible before the world for a warfare conducted with savage barbarity, and certainly no conditions existed-nor did they exist before the ratification of the Treaty of Paris-which would warrant the President in acknowledging independence or even belligerency on the part of the Filipinos. Beyond this, the President himself had no authority except during war, as a military commander. He could not pledge the course of the United States except as to the conduct of military affairs during the existing war with Spain, and for whatever Aguinaldo and the Filipinos might do while serving under the direction of an American commander, the United States would be responsible, pecuniarily and otherwise to neutral nations, and morally to the Spanish government and the world, for the treatment of Spanish citizens.

What apparently happened was this: Admiral Dewey, and subsequently the commander of the army, were given, or assumed, the authority to make whatever use they deemed possible of the Filipinos against Spain, so long as it could be assured that the war would be conducted in accordance with the usages of

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