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An active and successful young lady tells her food experience:

"Some three years ago I suffered from nervous prostration, induced by continuous brain strain and improper food, added to a great grief.


"I was ordered to give up my work, as there was great danger of my mind failing me altogether. My stomach was in bad condition (nervous dyspepsia, I think now) and when Grape-Nuts food was recommended to me, I had no faith in it. However, I tried it, and soon found a marked improvement in my condition as the result. I had been troubled with deathly faint spells, and had been compelled to use a stimulant to revive me. found, however, that by eating Grape-Nuts at such times I was relieved as satisfactorily as by the use of stimulants, and suffered no bad effects, which was a great gain. As to my other troubles-nervous prostration, dyspepsia, etc.-the Grape-Nuts diet soon cured them. "I wish especially to call the attention of office girls to the great benefit I derived from the use of GrapeNuts as a noon luncheon. I was thoroughly tired of cheap restaurants and ordinary lunches, and so made the experiment of taking a package of Grape-Nuts food with me, and then slipping out at noon and getting a nickel's worth of sweet cream to add to it. I found that this simple dish, finished off with an apple, peach, orange, or a bunch of grapes made a lunch fit for a king, and one that agreed with me perfectly.

"I throve so on my Grape-Nuts diet that I did not have to give up my work at all, and in the two years have had only four lost days charged up against me.

"Let me add that your suggestions in the little book "Road to Wellville" are, in my opinion, invaluable, especially to women.) Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. "The Road to Wellville" in each pkg.

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Conducted by the Roycrofters in connection with the work at the Roycroft Shop

UT-OF-DOOR Sleeping Rooms with In-Door Dressingrooms attached, Electric lights, Steam Heat, Turkish baths, Running water, Art Gallery, Chapel, Camp-in-woods, Library, Music Room, Ballroom, Garden and Wood Pile.

There are Classes and

Lectures covering the following subjects: Art, Music, Literature, Physiology, Nature-Study, History, Right - Living, Daily walks and talks a-field-Trips to the Woods, Lake, Roycroft Camp, etc., etc.

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Straight From Coffeedom

Coffee can marshall a good squadron of enemies and some very hard ones to overcome. A lady in Florida writes:

"I have always been very fond of good coffee, and for years drank it at least three times a day. At last however I found it was injuring me.

"I became bilious, subject to frequent and violent headaches, and so very nervous that I could not lift a spoon to my mouth without spilling a part of its contents; my heart got 'rickety' and beat so fast and so hard that I could scarcely breathe, while my skin got thick and dingy, with yellow blotches on my face, caused by the condition of my liver and blood. I made up my mind that all these afflictions came from the coffee, and I determined to experiment and see.

"So I quit coffee and got a package of Postum which furnished my hot morning beverage. After a little time I was rewarded by a complete restoration of my health in every respect. I do not suffer from biliousness any more, my headaches have disappeared, my nerves are as steady as could be desired, my heart beats regularly and my complexion has cleared up beautifully-the blotches have been wiped out and it is such a pleasure to be well again." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason.

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