The Social Studies, Volume 5, Issue 4Albert Edward McKinley, William Glenn Kimmel McKinley Publishing Company, 1914 Includes section "Books on history and government published in the United States," and other bibliographical material. |
From inside the book
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Page 102
... pupil to realize that the men and women of other times were living , human creatures not unlike those with whom he comes into contact daily . AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO NCE UPON A TIME , so the story goes , a boy ...
... pupil to realize that the men and women of other times were living , human creatures not unlike those with whom he comes into contact daily . AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY NEW YORK CINCINNATI CHICAGO NCE UPON A TIME , so the story goes , a boy ...
Page 103
... pupils , rouse and inspire them , you must give them what they crave in history- the facts and action of it - the poetry and glamour of it . Later they will learn the reason of it all . For successful work in teaching grade history of ...
... pupils , rouse and inspire them , you must give them what they crave in history- the facts and action of it - the poetry and glamour of it . Later they will learn the reason of it all . For successful work in teaching grade history of ...
Page 106
... pupil . If the top of the map is always " up " and the bottom is always down , " then rivers in ancient days ran up hill . If Syracuse was founded by Corinthians , because the text - books say so , then the teacher does not really know ...
... pupil . If the top of the map is always " up " and the bottom is always down , " then rivers in ancient days ran up hill . If Syracuse was founded by Corinthians , because the text - books say so , then the teacher does not really know ...
Page 109
... pupil should read the whole Iliad or the whole Odyssey or parts of the Iliad and most of the Odys- sey . Unfortunately the best translations that we have the Iliad by Lang , Leaf and Myers , the Odys- sey by Butcher and Lang , are in ...
... pupil should read the whole Iliad or the whole Odyssey or parts of the Iliad and most of the Odys- sey . Unfortunately the best translations that we have the Iliad by Lang , Leaf and Myers , the Odys- sey by Butcher and Lang , are in ...
Page 113
... pupils will enjoy hearing about them ( Apol- lonius , Argonautica , translated by R. C. Seaton in the Loeb Classical Library , 1912 ; William Morris , The Life and Death of Jason ; Gayley , Classic Myths in English Literature ) . For ...
... pupils will enjoy hearing about them ( Apol- lonius , Argonautica , translated by R. C. Seaton in the Loeb Classical Library , 1912 ; William Morris , The Life and Death of Jason ; Gayley , Classic Myths in English Literature ) . For ...
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