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the gesture follows it by a corresponding descent; and, in the level and monotonous pronunciation of the voice, the gesture seems to observe a similar limitation, by moving rather in the horizontal direction, without much varying its elevation.

Some writers say, that, "in calm discourse, the words and the gestures should generally accompany each other; but, in impassioned discourse, the feelings of the speaker should first be manifested in the eyes; then, by the countenance; next, by the gesture; and, lastly, by the words." This is not just. In all discourse, whether calm or impassioned, the words and the gestures should accompany each other. As, in beating time in music, the beat is made on the accented part of the measure, so in speaking, the stroke of the gesture should fall on the accented syllable of the emphatic word. The emotion which calls forth the word, at the same moment, prompts the gesture. Hence, the muscles of gesticulation should move synchronously and harmoniously with those of the voice. When gesture is not marked by the precision of the stroke, in the proper places, it is very offensive. The arms, like those of a person groping in the dark, seem to wander about in quest of some uncertain object; and the action is of that faulty kind which is called sawing the air. Even graceful motions, unmarked by the precision of the stroke of the gesture, as sometimes seen, particularly among singers on the stage, lose much of their force, and very soon cease to afford pleasure. All the unmeaning motions of public speakers are attended with the same ill effect as a mouthing and cantting tone of declamation, which lays no emphasis with just discrimination, but swells and falls with a vain affectation of feeling, and with absolute deficiency both in taste and judgment.



THE arms, as well as the hands, may be employed, in gesticulation, separately, or together, each using similar, or dissimilar actions.

[blocks in formation]

Each arm may perform
similar gestures when
the body of the speaker
is presented towards
person addressed
precisely in front (Fig.
92); but when the
body is not so pre-
sented, the gestures
will not be similar
(Fig. 93); and, as such
posture and gestures
are not graceful, they
are not frequently

The advancement of one hand before the other is an indication of precedence, as is, also, in general, its higher elevation. The advanced hand, therefore, is said to perform the principal gesture. In general, the elevation of the retired arm is a whole position lower han that of the advanced arm; and, though the ges ture of the retired hand occasionally resembles that of the advanced hand, yet its action is performed with less energy and authority. For these reasons, the action of the retired hand is called the subordinate ges


There is a class of gestures called significant gestures:*

As this word has long been applied to a certain class of gestures, and as there is some difficulty in procuring a better, I have followed my predecessors in its use. The objection to the word is obvious-it conveys the idea that all the gestures which do not

the extending of the index-finger towards persons, or things, points them out; the laying of the hand on the breast refers to the feelings of the speaker; the placing of the finger on the lips signifies an injunction of silence, &c.

But gestures, in general, are too vague to be comprehended under this description: they denote a sort of general relation in the expressions their power to do this is derived from the time and manner of their application, from the place in which they are used, and from their various combinations. Some are used at the beginning of a sentence, merely to indicate a commencement in action, as well as speech; some are used for description; some, for explaining, extending, or limiting; and some, for enforcing the predominant idea; some, for keeping the audience in suspense, till the more decisive gestures; and some, for marking the termination of the sense, and the final result of the reasoning. These various gestures may be divided into five classes:

1. Commencing gestures. 4. Suspending gestures. 2. Discriminating gestures. 5. Emphatic gestures. 3. Auxiliary gestures.

1. Commencing gestures are made simply by raising the hand from rest; and that, in general, not higher than the horizontal position. They are used at the beginning, and at the divisions of a discourse.

2. Discriminating gestures comprehend all those gestures which serve to indicate persons and objects, as well as those which are used for explaining, extending, limiting, or modifying the predominant idea, and those which are employed in question and answer, when made without vehemence. They are performed in the intermediate degrees of the range of the gesture, with

fall into the class of which this is the distinctive name, are insignificant, or unmeaning; a conclusion by no means correct.

moderate force, and at small intervals. In colloquial intercourse they are frequently confined to the motions of the head.

3. Auxiliary, or alternate gestures, serve to aid, or enforce the gesture of the advanced hand. They are performed as follows: after the advanced hand has made its gesture on the emphatic word, instead of pass. ing to another gesture, on the next emphatic word, it remains in the attitude of the last stroke till the retired hand is brought up in aid of it, either by a similar gesture, or by a more decisive one. In this way, variety and extraordinary energy are given, at once, to passages which admit of such gestures. Of course, these gestures are used with great advantage in high passion; they are also frequently employed in description, where they are executed more tamely.

4. Suspending, or preparatory gestures, are so called because they hold the audience in suspense, by the elevation or contraction of the arm, preparatory to the stroke which is to fall on the emphatic word.

5. Emphatic gestures mark, with force, words opposed to, or compared with, each other; and, more particularly, the word which expresses the predominant idea. Their stroke is generally arrested on the horizontal elevation. Sometimes, however, emphatic gestures are directed to the highest point in their range; at other times, to the lowest. When they are directed to a high point, they often serve as suspending, or pre paratory gestures, to the next emphatic gesture; and, when made at the close of a sentence, they serve a: terminating gestures; because, when the last important. idea is marked, no other gesture should be added, to weaken its effect; the arm should then fall to rest.

As a sentence is an epitome of a complete composition, having a beginning, a middle, and a conclusion, among single sentences illustrations of these different gestures may be found. In the following sentence the gestures for the right hand, only, are noted.

[blocks in formation]

The first is a commencing gesture; the second, a suspending gesture; the third, an emphatic gesture; and, as it is the last, it is a terminating gesture also; and the arm falls to rest Should a deaf person observe the gestures, as noted above, made by a speaker in a public assembly, he would conclude that the orator had performed what may be termed a regular period of gesture, by the commencement, the suspension, and the emphatic close of the action. Should the sentence be rendered more complex by the introduction of other members, discriminating gestures will be introduced.




ihf nIt is an old observation, but not, therefore, the less true, that



no man is wise at all times.t

[blocks in formation]

shf st

emph. & ter.




The beautiful reply of St. Paul to Agrippa, entering as such, at once, into the subject abruptly, without exordium, has no commencing gesture.

Bsef sp

Bshf p

[ocr errors]

I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear

[merged small][ocr errors]


[blocks in formation]

me this day, were both almost and altogether, such as I am,

[blocks in formation]

The notation letters, shf, signify, the hand supine, the arm horizontal forwards; nef, the hand natural, the arm elevated forwards; shf st, the hand supine, the arm horizontal forwards striking; R, rest, the arm in its natural position, by the side.

The letters, shf, signify, supine horizontal forwards; ief, index elevated forwards; ihf n, index horizontal forwards noting; shq, supine horizontal oblique; nef, natural elevated forwards; shf st, supine horizontal forwards striking; R, rest.

Bsef sp, both hands supine, the arms elevated forwards springing; Bshf p, both hands supine horizontal forwards pushing; q, ob

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