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[The Rinaldo at sea-gale terrible—the Ambassadors and Secretaries rolling on the deck.


Steward, I say! be quick, and bring a basin.


Two, and- O Lord! make haste for me and



Rebellion's working upward-pray bring three.


Bring four-bring four-oh! what a horrid sea!


Respectfully dedicated to Mr. Bigelow, of the "Bigelow Papers."

OIN' abroad to sell your country,


Was you, gentlemen? Do tell!
Got tripped up afore you done it—

My! 'Twas something of a "sell."

Folks that do sich dirty business,
Travellin' on the devil's route,
Ort to ask theirselves the question:
"Does your mother know you're out?"

Reckon we're a leetle smarter

Than they took us for afore; Anyhow, my boys, we've nabbed 'em! Show 'em in an' shet the door. 'Tis n't jest the kind o' quarters They'd 'ave chose, I tell you what; Never mind, they're very welcomeJest as lives they'd stay as not.

Give 'em bread and water plenty,
Maybe it 'ill bring 'em round;
"Taint the beverage they're used to,
Where they come from, I'll be bound.
Shouldn't wonder if they're homesick;
Folks are apt to be, but still,
They've a mighty pleasant prospect,
Lookin' out on Bunker Hill.

Wonder ef it ever strikes 'em

How their fathers fought an' bled,

Settin' up the glorious Union

They're a knockin' in the head.

Reckon 't must be quite refreshin',
Layin' wide awake o' nights,
Callin' back them grand old struggles,
Them old Revolution fights.

Well, they say the world's progressin' ;
May be 'tis-but an't it queer,
While old Bunker Hill is standin,'
We should have sich doins here?
Rebels fightin' 'gainst their country,
Traitors crossing ocean's wave,
All to damn the blessed Union
That their fathers died to save!

I'm not over-'cute in guessin',
But I reckon I can tell

Pretty nigh the bone you're after,

Messrs. Mason and Slidell.

It's "no go," depend upon it.

You can't come it quite-cause why?
We're as wide awake as you are;
Guess you'll learn it, by an' by.

Stranger, when yer suit of homespun
With its Yankee buttons blazed,*

Mr. M., it is said, has worn for a year or two past "a coarse suit of gray clothing, claimed to be home-spun in Virginia, as

Didn't think you'd come to this now,

Did you
?an't you some amazed?
Well, things do turn out the 'cutest,
And, for one, I'm mighty glad
Jest to welcome ye to Boston,

And, for two, you're mighty mad!

Never mind, my boys, we've got 'em,
And I take it 'tis a sign
Of the blessed futur' comin',
Only stand and toe the line.
Their "peculiar institution,"

Knock it into pi, and see

What a mighty power and plucky

Lays in those two words: "BE FREE!"

Mr. President, your pardon,

But to me it's plaguey clear,

Ef we'd meet 'em with that weapon,
It would settle all this 'ere.

'Tan't no use to treat 'em tender;
Pitch right into 'em, I say,

Ef they call their black folks cattle,
Confiscate 'em, right away.

indicative of his extreme Southern views, but which was covered

all over with Connecticut buttons.

That's the talk; it's no use wastin'
Words to prove the tother side;
God Almighty's in the business,

Ef we shirk it he'll decide.
And I tell you what, my hearties,
When he takes the matter up,
Whatsoever draught we mingle,
You and I must drink the cup.
-Salem Register.



AIR-Root, Hog, or Die.

WAS out upon 'mid ocean that the San Jacinto hailed

An English neutral vessel, while on her course she


Then sent her traitor Fairfax, to board her with

his crew,

And beard the "British lion" with his "Yankeedoodle-doo."

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