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The attempt has been made, in preparing this volume, to give, within a convenient compass, the most interesting and material occurrences and events in the history of the rise of a great Free State from a wilderness. Harrowing details and discreditable

happenings have been purposely omitted.

The story has been told as a record of courage and steadfastness, and increasing devotion to the principles of human freedom and national union

Events have been arranged, as nearly as possible, in the order of the years, with an occasional arrangement of the years in periods or groups, with no further classification or subdivision.

No attempt has been made to "write down" to the supposed intellectual capacity of children. Students old enough to enter upon the study of the history of an American State, it is believed, will find all the statements and conclusions comprehensible.

It is to be hoped that the reader or student will consider this small and necessarily limited history of one State, as a help and introduction to the study of the history of the American Union, which should be the pride and privilege of every American citizen in youth and age.

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