THE LONDON MAGAZINE. JULY TO DECEMBER, 1822. Why should not divers studies, at divers hours, delight, when the BEN JONSON'S Discoveries. VOL. VI. London: Printed for TAYLOR AND HESSEY, 93, FLEET-STREET. - 1822. ALPHABETICAL TABLE Candles, why they burn blue in the pre- Caxton, his eulogium on the Earl of Wor- Characters: W. Warpentree, 65-Baillie Burnewin, 67-Lowrie Linchpin, 70- 159-a Hypochondriac, 250-Suett, 349-Munden, 350-Tom Barnes, 390 -Walking Stewart, 410-Cosway, the painter, 409-Boatswain Borthwick, 425-Joseph Paice, 454-the Sailor's Bachelor's complaint of Married People, Charles I., his courtship of the Infanta of Childhood, on revisiting the scenes of, 549. Chinese Tale, Hoti and Bobo, 245. Christmas, a Few Words on, 495-Christ- Benefits of Singers, extraordinary number Clare, J. Wanderings in June, 5-Sonnet, of Tickets given away at, 90. Bertaut, Jean, French Poet, 361. 272-The Last of Autumn, 413. Books and reading, detached thoughts on, 33. Books, new, (м. R.) 6, 21, 38, 54, 71, 86. Cockpit Royal, 389 - qualifications o Cocks, 393-description of the Cockpi Coleridge, Mr. his superiority to Masou Colleges, education at, 167-first institu- Commercial Report, (M. R.) 2, 18, 34, 50, Confessions of a Drunkard, 117. Copenhagen, Thorvaldsen's sculptures at, 288. Interior of Drury-Lane, 466-Changes in the Management of Govent Garden, 468-Infringement of Theatrical Cove- Dramatic composition, decline of, 174. Legend, King Bruce's Bowl, 229. Dramatists, Beauties auties of the Living, 37. Drunkard, confessions of, 117. Cosway, the painter, singular character of Dumfries, description of, 64. 409. Dinner parties, 30. 387. Drama, JULY. Kean; Roman Actor, Ecclesiastical Preferments, (м. к.) 10, 26, Edgeworth, Mr., his acquaintance with Darwin, 521-letter to, from ditto, 523. Egotism, 114. Elia, Reprints of, 99-Sonnet to, 151- Praise of, 251-Papers by, viz.: De- tached Thoughts on Books and Reading, 33-Confessions of a Drunkard, 119- A Bachelor's Complaint of Married People, 261-The Old Actors, 349- Modern Gallantry, 453-the Gentle Elizabeth, Qucen, 553-her school studies, 553-translations, 554-letter to Gen. English Smugglers, 101. 294. Etiquette, on the moral influence of, 456- Faces, 322. Poets: Etienne Jodelle, 80- Philippe Desportes, 204-Jean Bertaut, 361-Maurice Sceve, 413-Guillaume Pretensions, 293-national cha- racter, 294-patriotism, 295-poetry, 296-music, 297-painting, 298-use- Fonthill Abbey, 405. Funny Joe, plot of, 134. Gall and Spurzheim's System, 198-Aber- Gibson, sculptor, 288. Gray, his character of Mason, 12-like- ness of, 13-his poetry, 563. Markets, (M. R.) 14, 30, 46, 62, 78, 94. Marmaduke Maxwell, review of, 460.- Marriages, (M. R.) 9, 25, 40, 56, 75, 91. Married People, a Bachelor's complaint Hamilton, Sir W. his second collection of Marshal Soult and his Murillos, 114. Mason, Rev. W., Life of, 10-remarks Matthews, his Gallery of Actors, 349- 462. Maundevill, Sir John, 243. Hobhouse, Mr., incorrect in his censure of Melancholy, Atrabilious Reflections upon, Eustace, 79. 277. Mermaid, account of the, 569. Meteorological Journal, (M. R.) 11, 28, 43, 59, 72, 89. Modern Gallantry, 453. being the original of the human race, Montgomery, his Songs of Zion,' 564. Moral Influence of Etiquette and Parade, Mountains, 215-mountain scenery, 216. 450. Munro, John, singular character, 569. Music, Report of: general remarks on the |