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Why should not divers studies, at divers hours, delight, when the
variety is able alone to refresh and repair us ?

BEN JONSON'S Discoveries.



Printed for




C. Baldwin, Printer,

New Bridge-street, London.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bachelor's complaint of Married People, Charles I., his courtship of the Infanta of

[blocks in formation]

Benefits of Singers, extraordinary number Clare, J. Wanderings in June, 5-Sonnet,

of Tickets given away at, 90.

Bertaut, Jean, French Poet, 361.

272-The Last of Autumn, 413.

Books and reading, detached thoughts on,


Books, new, (м. R.) 6, 21, 38, 54, 71, 86.
-, preparing for publication, (M. R.)
5, 21, 37, 53, 69, 85.


Interior of Drury-Lane, 466-Changes

in the Management of Govent Garden,

468-Infringement of Theatrical Cove-
nants respecting Actors, 469-Demands
of Performers; Miss Stephens, 470-
Mr. Young, 271-new performers, Mrs.
Hughes, Miss Chester, 272-Ali Pacha,
273-DEC. Drury Lane, Kean and
Young, 570-The Two Galley Slaves;
Braham; Provoked Husband, 571-
Covent Garden, the Galley Slaves, Miss
Lacy; Miss F. H. Kelly's Debut, 572.

Dramatic composition, decline of, 174.

Legend, King Bruce's Bowl, 229.

Dramatists, Beauties auties of the Living, 37.

Drinking, remarks on, 29.

Drunkard, confessions of, 117.

Cosway, the painter, singular character of Dumfries, description of, 64.


[blocks in formation]

Dinner parties, 30.
Diodorus Siculus, his character of the Gauls,

Dissertation upon Roast Pig, 245.

Drama, JULY. Kean; Roman Actor,
85-Mountaineers; Kean and Kemble's
Octavian, 86-The Waterman, 87-
projected alterations at Drury Lane;
Haymarket Theatre, 88-Bill of Fare;
Mrs. Chatterley; Oxberry; Beggar's
Opera, 89-AUG. Summer Theatres;
English Opera-house, 185-Haymarket;
Liston, John Buzzby, Peter Fin, 186-
Love among the Roses; All in the
Dark; Gil Blas, 187-SEPT. English
Opera-house; Gil Blas, 279-Gordon,
the Gipsy, 280-Oct. English Opera-
house; remarks on the present state of
the Drama, 313-Gretna Green, 314-
Fair Gabrielle; the Haymarket; Morn-
ing, Noon, and Night, 375-Nov. New


Epitaphs and Monuments, 567.

Etiquette, on the moral influence of, 456-
anecdotes of, 458.
Eustace de Ribaumont, 325.
Eustace, Mr. incorrectly censured by Mr.
Hobhouse, 79.

Faces, 322.
Falls of Ohiopyle, 48.
Fishing, Cockney, 507.
Flaminio, translation from, of a Hymn to
the Morning, 77.
French, passage from Diodorus Siculus, il-
lustrative of their character, 387.

Poets: Etienne Jodelle, 80-

Philippe Desportes, 204-Jean Bertaut,

361-Maurice Sceve, 413-Guillaume

Des Autels, 416.

Pretensions, 293-national cha-

racter, 294-patriotism, 295-poetry,

296-music, 297-painting, 298-use-

ful arts, 300-politeness, 302-travel-

ling, 499.

Fonthill Abbey, 405.
Foreign Exchange, (м. в.) 13, 29, 45, 61,
77, 93.

Funny Joe, plot of, 134.

Gall and Spurzheim's System, 198-Aber-

nethy's opinion of, 200.

Gallantry, Modern, 453.

Gentle Giantess, the, 529.

Ghosts, 133.

Gibson, sculptor, 288.
Glyptotheca, at Munich, 484.

Gray, his character of Mason, 12-like-

ness of, 13-his poetry, 563.
Guiraud, M. his tragedy of Les Macha-
bées, 341.

[blocks in formation]

Mason, Rev. W., Life of, 10-remarks
on his writings, 16.

Matthews, his Gallery of Actors, 349-
anecdote of, with a Scotch nobleman,


Maundevill, Sir John, 243.

Hobhouse, Mr., incorrect in his censure of Melancholy, Atrabilious Reflections upon,

Eustace, 79.

Homer, 509.

[blocks in formation]

Memoirs of a Hypochondriac, 249, 352.
Sir Charles Sedley, 265.

Mermaid, account of the, 569.

Meteorological Journal, (M. R.) 11, 28,

43, 59, 72, 89.

Miscellany, the, 561.

Modern Gallantry, 453.
Monkeys, Darwin's hypothesis as to their

being the original of the human race,

Monuments, 567.

Montgomery, his Songs of Zion,' 564.

Moral Influence of Etiquette and Parade,

Mountains, 215-mountain scenery, 216.
Muller, German engraver, anecdote of,


[blocks in formation]

Munro, John, singular character, 569.
Murat, Napoleon's character of, 56.
Murillos, Soult's collection of, 116.
Museo Borgia, 484.
Music, French, 207-compared with Poetry
and Painting, 354.

Music, Report of: general remarks on the
present state of music, concerts, 90-
Catalani, Mr. H. Field, Master Ormsby,
Oratorio, 91-Mansion-house concert,
Kiesewitter, Mori, new publications,
The Grace Book, The Law of Java,
Bishop, 92-Mr. J. Cooke's Overture,
93-the Royal Academy of Music, 181
-Concerts, 183-Mr. Moschelles's, Mr.
Lafont's, new publications, Stiebelt,

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