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South Church in Andover. Thus, when the seminary was founded, the academy was already maintaining a kind of embryonic theological school. And, further, the board of trustees consisted at that time, and for many years thereafter, of clergymen and of laymen who were especially interested in theology and in the preparation of men for the gospel ministry. The board was, therefore, profoundly interested in the welfare of the seminary, and its members were eminently fitted to guide and control such a school. Indeed, if either school suffered any real or seeming neglect during the period in which the seminary was most flourishing, it was the academy rather than the sem

school demanded the division of the board of control, and this division was made, as has already been stated. But this seemed to involve the necessity of the removal of the seminary, not only for reasons already stated, but also because two boards could not expect to secure the best results in conducting two distinct schools, of such a different character, in such close proximity, whose interests in the past had been so closely interwoven. The buildings and land could be used by the academy to much better advantage than by the seminary, and the trustees of the academy were ready to pay a fair price for all this property. The seminary was not asked to sacrifice its own interests

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inary. Certainly, the chief interest centred in the latter.

But as the seminary declined and the academy increased in numbers and importance, and as a smaller number of the academy students were expecting to enter the ministry, and the teaching necessarily became less theological, it was inevitable that the time and interest of the trustees should be more absorbed in the case of the academy, and that some of them should feel themselves but imperfectly equipped to conduct the affairs of such a professional school as a theological seminary. The trustees decided, therefore, that the best interests of each


to the interests of the academy, but it was proper that the good of the academy should be considered in this change. It is now a source of much consolation to those who felt the deepest regret in the removal of the seminary from its beautiful location, with all the joyful and sacred memories which cluster about it, to see its grounds and buildings swarming with youth who are preparing themselves for good service in their country and the world, and in the kingdom of God.

The conditions upon which the seminary entered, in Cambridge, upon the second century of its life seem to the trustees and faculty, and to many of

the alumni and friends of the institution, as exceedingly favorable for its usefulness and wide influence. The terms agreed upon by the Andover trustees and the Harvard Corporation preserve the "autonomy and independence" of the seminary. They affirm that "the organization of the seminary shall be maintained without change, all its trusts being executed as at present." The trustees affirm, in their final action in removing the seminary, taken on the twelfth day of March, 1908: "The terms of alliance involve no change in the charter, constitution, or ganization or independent status of the seminary." As from the first, the professors are elected by the board of

the Harvard Corporation and overseers, may receive into their classes students in the Divinity School and post-graduate department; and in some cases undergraduates; and courses thus taken may be counted for Harvard degrees. On the other hand, Andover students may, with the approval of their faculty, take courses under the professors in the Divinity School and in the Department of Arts and Sciences. This gives both unity and diversity to their theological discipline, and provides excellent instruction in every department which any man preparing for the ministry may feel that he needs. Besides this, the great libraries and other facilities of the univer

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trustees and confirmed or rejected by the board of visitors, and Harvard University has no part in their nomination or election to the Andover faculty. The seminary will own land and buildings in Cambridge, and will have ample accommodations for all its work. The faculty controls the studies of all Andover students, and every candidate for its degree must take at least one course under each Andover professor, and his choice of other courses must be approved by the Andover faculty.

At the same time, the affiliation with Harvard University is quite complete. Andover professors, when approved by


sity are open to Andover teachers and students, upon the same terms upon which they are offered to those connected with the university. They enjoy also all the educational and social privileges and the opportunities for Christian culture and service which close contact with the varied and inspiring life of a university town and the centre of a great population offers.

Nearly a year and a half have passed since the professors of Andover Seminary began to give instruction under these conditions in Cambridge-a period long enough to make somewhat definite impressions, and to provide some data for forming opinions con

cerning the probable outcome of this experiment. It may be profitable to put certain facts and impressions on record. The reception which has been given to the Andover men by those connected with the Harvard Divinity School, and by all officers of the university with whom they have had to do, has been most cordial and gratifying. They have been treated, not as strangers, nor even as guests, but as members of one household, working together for one common end. There has been no evidence of anxiety or suspicion, and no suggestion that any theological instructor should feel the least limitation or embarrassment in teaching his own views in his own way. They have been made to feel that they share fully in all the religious and intellectual opportunities of the university. During this period, in which the seminary has had no building of its own, the Divinity School has opened its lecture rooms to their classes, and provided rooms for Andover students in its dormitory.

During the first year, as was anticipated, the number of students registered as Andover students was smallbut five names appear in the catalogue. But the Andover professors gave instruction to twenty-four men, a larger number than has appeared in their classes since the year 1900. This year eleven are enrolled, and from thirty to forty are receiving instruction. The majority of these expect to enter the ministry. Others, post-graduate and undergraduate students in the university, will enter other professions and

callings. The seminary is certainly fulfilling the hope of its founders if it trains such men to become intelligent leaders and members of the Christian churches, and quickens in them the passion for Christian service.

Sixteen months of actual experience may not demonstrate the wisdom of this change, or prove that Andover in Cambridge is to render so large a service in the future as it has rendered in its illustrious past. But this brief experience has quieted fears and kindled hopes in the minds and hearts of all who have shared in it. When the new building is done and occupied; when the library is removed and the work of the seminary thoroughly organized; when the friends of the seminary have learned where to find it, and the seminary can make abundant provision for their reception and entertainment, there is reason to anticipate a large increase in its influence and usefulness. It is the confident hope of those connected with it that it may not only instruct a goodly number of young men to become, as its pious founders hoped, "learned and able defenders of the gospel of Christ," but will also be a centre from which inspiration and instruction. shall go forth to the churches and to men already in the ministry. It is expected that its library will attract scholars, and will continue to render increasing service to the pastors of New England churches, and that much may be done in the way of seminary extension to increase the knowledge and stimulate and guide the labors of ministers and other Christian workers.






N connection with a national move

ment directed especially to child labor, which growing in strength throughout the country for the past few years, a number of questions of an allied nature have arisen and have come into prominence. In order to understand these questions as a whole, and to see clearly to what they are gradually leading, we should study the entire field covered by child life. We should then take up each factor of the child problem, and thus prepare the way for arriving at the desired goal, which is manifestly vital, not only for the rights of the child itself, but for the performance of our duties toward the world in general, by wisely training young human beings to be physically and mentally good citizens.

There is no question but that thousands of children throughout our land have, for many years, been treated shamefully, and that this is still going on at the present time. If we intelligently look at the different stages of a child's life, from the time when it is born until it has become an adult, we cannot but be struck with the almost brutal inadequacy of the time and attention given to these stages. We also shall appreciate how neglected is the study of the best methods to protect, by efficient research and the wise adaptation of such research, a being, who, absolutely helpless at birth and always at our mercy for good or evil, has by the laws of nature come into our power.

It is extraordinary, and, in fact, al

most incredible, that the wonderful

discoveries in matters scientific and the almost miraculous application of such discoveries for the use, comfort and good of developed human beings have for centuries been carried on with ever-increasing impetus, while so little brain work has been applied to developing the very hands that must take charge of all these discoveries in the future.

The world is more ignorant today of the beginning of its own living kind than it was of inanimate nature a century ago. Millions of dollars are expended on inventing and developing a complicated piece of machinery which in cotton mills or steel plants will bring comfort and luxury, work and profit to developed men and women. Brains and money without limit are expended on scientific observations of the heavens to gratify, sometimes perhaps practically, the curiosity of developed man.

Money without stint and ingenious brains are being devoted to explorations of the air, of extreme interest and satisfaction to individual scientists and pleasure-seekers, but of questionable world utility. Millions, again, are being expended on naval armaments to satisfy the pride of nations in overawing other nations. The pleasure and self-satisfaction of the adult man are well supplied with money and thought for the development and protection of art, of music, and of luxurious transit on land and water. Finally, millions are expended all over the world for founding and expensively

supporting hospitals for the care and cure of disabled adults.

A remarkable anomaly in the world's record, however, is shown if we compute how much of the world's money and brains have been expended on that intricate marvel, the human infant, without which the world would have in it little of comparative value.

Is it not, then, inconceivable that the inventive genius and wealth of adults are not directed to the preservation of young human beings, heirs to the world's discoveries and final arbiters of the world's progress?

Very little extended study and real research work on early life has been done in the world in comparison with such study and research work in almost every branch of utilitarian investigation. The infant at birth is so frail, is so easily affected to its detriment by new external influences and dies so easily, that we would suppose that every means would be employed for protecting its life in the wisest way for our own future use and our own personal ambitions.

There is no question but that the real scientific study of young human beings, as to their anatomy, physiology, vitality, resisting power, vulnerability to disease, recuperative power and reaction to treatment, has been neglected to a great degree in the past. It certainly has not to any degree kept pace with the exhaustive research work and careful analytical study which have been, and are being to-day, carried out. on adults. Fully equipped adult hospitals are continually being supplied with funds to cover the expense of their free beds, and endowments are continually forthcoming to allow of the most costly operating theatres and research laboratories.

On the other hand, very little money has been forthcoming for the building and endowment of hospitals devoted to the young, or to special libraries devoted to all that pertains to early life.

The feeding and nutrition of infants, the study of which has so much to do with the very high proportion

ate mortality of young human beings, have been neglected to a marked degree.

From a humanitarian point of view. this is to be wondered at. From a utilitarian standpoint it would seem. that the world must be infant blind. We can never know that a sick baby, however feeble or immature, is not one who may become, if its life be preserved, one of the greatest scientists or practical benefactors of future generations.

To train and wisely guide young human beings through the different periods of their lives, from birth to completed development, would surely each year save the world millions of expenditure. Weaklings, by their lack of resisting power, are a tax on the community in which they live. Even if they happen to have been born with normal tissues, they have had those tissues so injured by ill-advised systems of feeding and education that they become easily vulnerable to disease. As citizens they are handicapped and prevented from aiding and protecting their fellow-men by that abnormal metabolism of brain and body which can destroy the usefulness of the best mental capacity.

Witness the ravages of the hookworm among the children of the South, the terrible death rate from infant feeding on impure milk and patent foods, and the opening of portals to berculosis in factories, schools, mines and other improper surroundings.

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In no other philanthropic work is there such a self-evident need of a greater knowledge of all the factors of the problem as in the protection of early life. Following the general rule that the real research work and study of early life for its eventual good has for centuries been neglected, the humanitarian, educator and philanthropist seek to govern the child's life, each in his own way.

So long as physicians continue to take the responsibility of feeding infants without understanding what immense strides have been made in the modern research work connected with

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