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speaker was lifted. He saw and heard the representative of his political master. "The gentleman from Swenton!" he exclaimed.

For a moment the tumult subsided.

"I move that, in conformity with the report of the State Returning Board," bellowed the Gentleman for Swenton, "that the seat of the Representative from the Town of Stonestead be declared vacant."

In vain the speaker belabored his inoffensive desk with his mallet, and the officials of peace strode stern-faced and warningly up and down. Members of the opposition grew red-faced and, bent in contortions, demanded to be heard upon the motion; the gallery was in an uproar, the voice of the seconder of the motion and the voice of the speaker putting the motion to vote was drowned completely. Cries of "fraud” met and blended with cries of "good, put him out"; demands for roll call mingled with loud presentments of substitute motions and amendments, and the general uproar was punctuated by shrill whistles, cat-calls and cries. of mingled approval and derision.

A messenger plowed his way through the central aisle to Glen's desk, where "the Gentleman from Stonestead" sat, pale, but calm-faced, surrounded by a score of impassioned friends.

"A special engine had gone to Manchester to get Judge Wakefield's signature," he exclaimed over Glen's shoulder. "Hold 'em as long as you can and we may get the ruling in time. The Major is on the special and will wire you from the other end."

Tall, graceful, and his young form and stern-set features commanding, even in such a seething caldron of human emotion, Glen rose from his desk and stood looking over the sea of upturned faces.

The commotion ceased, ebbing away into the furthest corners, where loud talking for a few moments continued.


"Mr. Speaker," Glen was saying, in a strong, even voice that carried his words to the furthest part of the great

hall of legislation, "I ask for the privilege of the floor for a few moments to speak upon a matter somewhat personal and which, therefore, none the less than because of the nature of the motion which I understand to be now before the house, is hardly in order, except through the indulgence of the members."

The Speaker, himself, had stepped from his place into the coat-room, at the call of the towering individual who had come from his desk in the Sheriff's office to be near to the scene of conflict, and an administration member had been called temporarily to the chair. Amid the bewildering confusion the new presiding officer was unequal to the unexpected emergency and "the Gentleman from Stonestead" was recognized.

A complete stillness fell upon the assemblage and even the Speaker, hurrying in with perturbed face to carry out his new orders and stem the tide of opposition, tiptoed to his place on the platform.

"I recognize," Glen continued, bowing to the Speaker in appreciation of his privilege and smiling faintly, "the right of this house to expel from his sitting any member and to declare elections void upon conclusive evidence. I do not propose to presume upon your accorded privilege of the floor to argue that phase of the situation. I should, however, feel I had been sadly remiss of duty, not only to my townspeople but to myself, if I did not here and now endeavor to state publicly the convictions which animate me and to place myself squarely before this chamber upon the matter in issue."

Cries of "good, go on," sounded from the gallery, and the Speaker fidgeted in his chair. One member on the administration side attempted to interrupt with an objection but was silenced by a clamor of disapproval.

"In all fundamental fundamental principles," Glen went on, his voice strengthening as he proceeded, "I am of the party of my fathers; that glorious party party of Webster, Lincoln,

Woodbury and- Adams, whose glorious history is the history of the nation in its most imperishable parts. But, Sir, while my allegiance to that party is deep-rooted, I feel we have a greater, a holier duty to serve-a duty and fealty to our State, to her interests and her hallowed soil in which is enshrined all our loftiest hopes and most precious memories. I deem it, Sir, a duty to myself to state, that upon this question which now agitates us, I believe it of transcending importance that the man who next represents our State in the Senate of the United States should be chosen solely upon his knowledge of State needs, upon his ability to present them urgently, and upon his inborn loyalty to the grand old Commonwealth which shall move him, in spite of all opposition, to vote right upon the issues now so vitally affecting the people of the country. These qualities, Sir, I believe to be more important in our next Senator than that he shall be accredited to any party or fraction of party."

Deafening applause from the gallery and the opposition side of the chamber obliged the speaker to pause for a moment, and he could not resist a fleeting smile of pleasure at this token of approval. He had not addressed a formal assemblage since his school days, when he used to take part in lyceum debate. His delivery was, in consequence of that early training, a trifle too oratorical, perhaps; his phraseology too academic; but they suited very well the occasion and the temper of the attendant crowd.

"I am asked," Glen continued, taking a little pardonable license from the friendly attitude of his hearers, "to cast the vote with which I have been entrusted for a man who, notoriously, has and can have no real sympathy with nor understanding of the prime needs of the State which he aspires to represent; a man who has constantly refused to answer the pertinent questions I and my friends courteously addressed to him during the campaign, which, if answered, would have placed him in his true light as a candidate

for this high office. I am asked to cast that vote, given to me under solemn pledges, for a man whom I here charge, as I and others have heretofore charged him, with being a trafficer in votes, a despoiler of free suffrage and an aider and abettor of a system of spoilage which has here grown up and which threatens the fair name of our State with debasement. This I am asked to do, and in default of complying, I am to be punished.

"Sir," and Glen's straight young form seemed to heighten and broaden and his face to take a compelling look of honest sincerity, "rather would I take that punishment an hundred fold, and be driven from this chamber discredited by an overwhelming boughten vote, than be so untrue to my better impulses, my State and my friends as for one instant to entertain the perfidious thought of casting my vote for such a candidate."

The opposition members at this, together with the large majority of the on-lookers in the gallery who were in sympathy with the young man, rose to their feet and brandished hats and papers, cheering him to the echo. The Speaker, in desperation, pounded his marred desk anew and administration spokesmen clamored for the original question. But "the Gentleman from Stonestead," now aroused thoroughly, had the bit in his teeth, as the saying goes, and without heeding the call to order, went on.

"Sir," he exclaimed, and his strong young voice quelled the tumult of his admirers, "the gaze of a nation to-day is upon this gathering. Shall we, as chosen representatives of the people of this State, advertise to the world that the contumelious inuendoes which enemies have leveled at our fame are true? That men of riches may come here and buy political preferment?

"Our State has suffered, grievously and long, at the hands of men who have. no higher aim than personal gain and aggrandizement. She needs, Sir-desperately needs-the good offices of loyal sons to represent her here and elsewhere, as one of the foremost,

noblest States of all the whole grand Sisterhood. She shall be no rich man's plaything this State of ours; her hallowed soil shall not be apportioned out as idle playgrounds for idle people, and, Sir, if the American spirit of independence stil survives, which, please God, it does and shall, and if love of home still finds a place in the hearts of absent sons and daughters, neither shall this soil, in which repose the forms of those who gave their all to its redemption, pass over into alien hands, to be the citadel of non-American institutions."

The pity of it was that dear old Major Terrill had not been present to hear "his boy" lay down the principles he had so often tried to inculcate. Unheeding all save his determination to set himself aright before the question and to carry out the injunction imposed upon him to delay a vote to the last extremity, Glen refused to give way to other speakers, but continued forcibly to have out his say in detail.

He told his hearers that that spirit of independence on which our forefathers founded this great nation was degenerating; that men had come to feel that they were not expected to speak out what they think; that there are better and higher aims than those of commercialism, and he urged the young men especially to rise and keep alive the flame of liberty of speech, the individuality and the ideas of morality and character of the men who made the nation. He said that when a nation stands for commercialism and material gain, ordinarily known as success, at the expense of individual independence, then the day of decadence had set in.

Reverting to State issues, he urged upon distant sons and daughters the imperative need to themselves and to the State for their return to the home of their childhood, the reclaiming of the soil from alien hands and the rearing here again of American families to make impossible, by their votes and presence, the further abuse of the State by unprincipled politicians.

As to the particular question at issue, he said that the State needed as her representative in the the highest branch of national government, a man who intimately knew the needs of the plain people of the State; one who had the courage of his convictions and who would lead a crusade for restriction of that undesirable immigration which is pouring into the country to undermine the opportunities of native sons, forcing them through unfair competition into menial positions and loss of their heritages. A large and increasing number of these immigrants, he urged, now bring with them from the scenes of political and social conflict in Europe, tendencies adverse to the principles of American civilization. At more than one point, he cited, there have been disturbances arising from just this source, and he asked if the republic could feel secure that at any critical moment calling for military or other action in defence of public order or national honor, these European substitutes for the "embattled farmers" of old would respond loyally at every cost. With the average American deteriorating physically in the stifling stifling cities, cities, and the farming sections, nurseries formerly of noblemen and heroes of conflict, turned over to a foreign people imbued with. no deep or heroic sense of patriotism, he thought, he said, that it was time. to call a halt and put only such men on guard as would strive to alter and better the conditions.

The speaker referred, briefly, to the inpouring of Asiatic tribes to the Pacific coast states to the number of nearly a thousand every month, who were gradually moving eastward across the country. With such a stream of yellow hordes poured upon our western coast and over a million of immigrant aliens dumped upon our eastern seaboard within the year, was not incumbent upon the native American, the speaker asked, for him to stop and ponder what his position would soon be between the upper and nether millstones?

(To be continued)


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The death on August 16th of Mr. R. H. Stearns, the Boston merchant, makes a wide gap in many walks of life.

Mr. Stearns was born in Ashburnham, Dec. 25, 1824. He began his business career in Boston at the age of twenty-one, when he accepted employment with R. C. Burr at a salary of $150 a year. After two years he entered into business for himself, and his first year's receipts amounted to only a few hundred dollars, but the growth into the present great establishment was rapid and tinuous.


Mr. Stearns was called upon to fill many positions of trust, the most important, from a financial standpoint, being those upon the boards of directors of the National Hide and Leather Bank and the Massachusetts

Loan and Trust Company.

earliest presidents of the Congregational Club of Boston and a member for a long time. He was also deeply interested in and a generous contributor to the Boston city missionary society, and a liberal giver to many other philanthropies, although as a general thing his charities were of a quiet character and unknown to the public.




The death of George Cabot Lodge at Tuckanuck Island, August 22nd, removes a widelyknown and brilliant writer of very considerable accomplishment and greater promise. He was born Oct. 10, 1873; graduated from Harvard University, and continued his studies at the University of Paris. He had served in the Spanish War and displayed a strong aptitude for public life. Something of his style of thought and literary manner may be gathered from the following brief quotation from his poem, "Death":


In religious affiliations Mr. Stearns was a Congregationalist and was prominently connected with many of the activities of that denomination. He was a member of the Old South church, where he served for many years as deacon, and was at one time superintendent of the Sunday school, a position afterward held by his son, Richard H. Stearns, Jr. He was also one of the

He said: "The refuge of defeat is rest; "A soul's dishonor is the price of peace! "From star to star the flight shall never


"The Truth, perforce, is long and last and best;

"Thro' life and death, with bruised, defenceless breast,

"We seek the sunrise of the soul's re


And so he lived and almost died, and died:

The night, the silence and the solitude Left him magnificent and unsubdued And we, who kept the vigil by his side, Saw, when at last the door was opened wide.


Inasmuch as a military expert is following the militia maneuvres about Boston as a special representative of THE NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE, and we will publish a richly illustrated and comprehensive account of them in our next issue, we will refrain from other comment at this time than to call attention to the need that has already been revealed, although we are now writing at the close of the first day of active operations. In the more technically military discussions that will occupy the minds of experts the need of good roads may be overlooked. But it is a very obvious and pressing one. The heavy traffic of military supplies and sight-seeing automobiles literally tore the roads into ploughed fields. Without good roads the automobile as a military adjunct may be practically eliminated. Good roads are a military necessity of the first order, and money expended for them is as beneficial in peace as in war.


The 29th Annual Newport Lawn Tennis Tournament opened Tuesday, August 17th, with the largest number of entries in its history. Among the 164 drawings are champions and ex-champions, whose well-known names will do much to ensure a large attendance. The beautiful courts in the Casino afford an ideal opportunity for watching the games, and the great number of young and unknown players will in

troduce the exciting element of uncertainty. But in lawn tennis the chances are always in favor of the maintenance of established leadership. That this is so is clear evidence that it is a game which upbuilds rather than exhausts the physique. The fact that its champions are able to maintain the highest standard of fitness year after year, puts the game in the not-too-large class of athletic recreations which are tonic and helpful. No game that we know of possesses less of trickery and develops a more cordial feeling of friendship between opponents. In setting, in spirit, in action, it is the game beautiful.


The Public Service Commission, of New York, has denied the application of the Central New England Railway Company for consent to execute a mortthe basis of which some twelve millions gage of twenty millions of dollars upon

of dollars in bonds were to have been

issued, largely for the cancellation of old interest deficits. This was a part by the New Haven Railroad. Among of the re-organization scheme planned other reasons for denying the application the decision of the Commission

says that: "No sufficient reason is shown why unpaid interest should be made a capital obligation of the applicant."

Such a decision is to be hailed with the utmost satisfaction by the community of small stock owners whose holdings are so often rendered valueless by the short-sighted policy that has so overloaded our American railroads and other "financed" enterprises with an artificial capital debt.



Another fairy tale by Grimm for grown-up American readers would be a proper subtitle for Harold Mac

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