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SOMETHING NEW-ERASABLE LEAF TABLET.-We have received a sample of these Tablets. It is finished so that pencil marks can be easily erased and leave the Tablet as good as new. It will not be long before it will be considered an indispensable article in Banks, Stores and School-rooms. See advertisement.

MAPPING PLATES.-In sets of nine. Price 60 cents. Every student in Geography should have these. Parallels are drawn showing latitude and longitude, which is a valuable aid in map drawing, especially to beginners.

DISSOLVED. Our readers will see from the advertisement that the firm of Andrews & Bigelow have dissolved partnership. Business will now be carried on by A. H. Andrews. Any one desiring School Furniture will do well to correspond with this accommodat ing House.

Publisher's Department.

We are sorry to inform the teachers of Wisconsin that they arc not doing their duty. The teachers of every state should feel bound to support an educational journal; and yet the JOURNAL of this state is supported mainly by advertisers. We appeal to the Superintendents for aid. They have always been subscribers, contributors and workers for the JOURNAL; we hope they will always remain so. If each Superintendent will send us twenty subscribers the JOURNAL will live and the publisher feel liberally rewarded for his labors. We will furnish the twenty copies for $20 to any Superintendent. At the Spring Institutes and examinations, or if these have already been held, whenever the County Superintendent visits a school, we hope he will insist upon it, that it is each teacher's duty to subscribe for an educational journal and if he can not convince him of his duty, then fine him to the amount required. We are loosing over $100 per month on the JOURNAL, and we wish to see that our endeavors are appreciated if our works are not, We have sent the JOURNAL to most of the old subscribers, and have

received about one hundred new subscriptions. We hope those, who have not already remitted, will do so at once.

Superintendents Coombs of Racine Co., and Dreury of Sheboygan Co., have our thanks for the lists of new subscribers that they recently sent us.

OUR ADVERTISEMENTS.-E. H. Butler & Co. continue their advertisement of Mitchell's Geographies; Brewer and Tileston advertise Hillard's Readers, Worcester's Dictionaries, &c.; Sargent, Wilson & Hinkle-their Eclectic Educational Series consisting of a complete set of school books; Ivison, Phinney, Blakeman & Co., the American Educational Series, contianing Robinson's Arithmetics and Algebras, Kerl's Grammars, Union Readers and Speakers, Gray's Botanies, &c., they also advertise Spencerian Copy Books and Charts; J. B. Cowperthwait-Green's Grammars, Warren's Geographies and Colburn's Arithmetics; A. H. Andrewssuccessor to Andrews & Bigelow-School Furniture of all kinds; American Tablet Co.-Griswold's Patent Erasable Tablet; John Atwater-School Government and School-Room Mottoes. Letters

of inquiry in regard to Books, Furniture, &c., to any of these advertisers will be promptly attended to.

Wisconsin Journal of Education.

TERMS: $1:25 per year, in advance; or, five copies for $5.

SPECIAL OFFER: By an arrangement with the publishers, we will furnish the Atlantic Monthly, Harper's Monthly, or Harper's Weekly, and the JOURNAL, for $4, which is the subscription price of each of the three periodicals above named. We will also furnish Our Young Folks and the JOURNAL, for $2:25; North American Review and the JOURNAL, for $6; Every Saturday and the Jour NAL, for $4:50.

TERMS OF ADVERTISING: The annexed table shows the terms of ad vertising in the JOURNAL OF EDUCA



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Attention is asked to the following points:


THE LEADING FEATURES OF THE BOOK IN THE SERIES 1. MITCHELL'S FIRST LESSONS IN GEOGRAPHY.-This little work has been propared with special reference to the wants of children who are first commencing The study. It presents only the outlines of the subject.

2. MITCHELL'S NEW PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. This is designed to follow the First Lessons, and is suited to the wants of pupils in advanced primary or sec ondary schools.

3. MITCHELL'S New IntermediATE GEOGRAPHY.-The New Intermediate is adapted to the wants of common or grammar schools. It contains all that is necessary to impart a general knowledge of the subject, and can be completed in less time than any other work prepared for the same grade of schools.

4. MITCHELL'S NEW GEOGRAPHY AND ATLAS (just published)-A very full andcomplete work for the use of High Schools, Academies, and Colleges. It com. bines instruction in Physical, Political, and Mathematical Geography. The Atlas is.compiled from the great Atlases of Keith Johnston, Kiepert, the Geographical Institute of Weimar, the United States Coast Surveys of the War Department, and other reliable authorities, and contains forty-four copper-plate maps.


DESCRIPTIVE MATTER.-This differs in style and compass in the several books, only such matter being presented to the respective grades of pupils as is best adapted to their capacity. Great care has been taken to give the most important facts in the best and most interesting manner, and to avoid all needless detail and repetition.

In the First Lessons and New Primary, some historical matter is interspersed. for the purpose of making the study more entertaining, but the more advanced works contain nothing that does not properly belong to the science of Geography. 2. Arrangement of the Descriptive Matter. The descriptive matter is judiciously arranged under topics, and is therefore more casily taught and learned.-For those who prefer it, a list of leading questions is printed at the foot of every page. By this arrangement the topical and catechetical method of instruction, are combined, and either may be pursued."

3. The Maps-They are among the finest specimens of copper-plate engraving extant. No better can be made. The names are all clearly cut, the boundary lines are fine and distinct, and where the maps are most crowded, there is no confusion. Places of little importance are generally omitted, thereby giving greater prominence to the general outlines and more important features. the late changes and discoveries, both in our own and foreign countries, are correctly indicated.


4. Pronouncing Vocabularies.-The vocabularies are extensive and reliable.The New Atlas alone contains a vocabulary of ten thousand geographical names. The standard of pronunciation is that adopted by the most distinguished linguists and travellers. For greater convenience, the pronunciation of many of the more difficult names is also given in the body of the text.

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The Geographical and Statistical Tubles.-The Statistics are compiled from the latest official reports, and may be fully relied upon.


The Circulation of Mitchell's Geographies is greater than that of any other series in the United States, if not in the world. They have been thoroughly tested in more than ten thousand schools, with the most satisfactory results. MITCHELL'S (old) SERIES OF GEOGRAPHIES: Revised up to date, are still published. They are Mitchell's (old) Primary Geography; Mitchell's (old) School Geography and Atlas, and Mitchell's Ancient Geography and Atlas.

For sale by S. C. WEST & CO., Milwaukee, W. B. KEEN & CO., Chicago, and all the Booksellers in Wisconsin. Published by E. H. BUTLER & CO., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 3m-nl.




JUNE, 1866.


Some of the Mistakes of Educated Men.

"My first advise to young men pursuing or completing a course of liberal studies is, to take care of your bodily health. Without this your intellectual attainments will be shorn of more than half their value. I dwell upon this point, and emphasize it, because on every side of me, in professional life, and especially in the clerical profession, I see so many helpless wrecks. Verily there is some grievous mistake among us in this matter. Whether it be our climate, or our habits of student life, or our social and domestic habits, I am not prepared to say. But of the fact I make no doubt. Our educated men do not achieve half that they might achieve for the want of the necessary physical vigor. It is painful to see the dyspeptic, sore-throated, attenuated, cadaverous specimens of humanity that student-life so often produces among us-men afraid of a puff of air, afraid of the heat, afraid of the cold, afraid to eat a piece of pie or good roast beef-men obliged to live on stale bread and molasses, who take cold if they get wet, who must make a reconnoissance of a room to see that they can secure a place out of a draft before they dare to take a seat-men who by dint of coaxing and nursing and pampering drag out a feeble existence for a few short years, and then drop into a premature grave-martyrs to intellectual exertion!

"I do not recommend the fox-hunting carousals of the old time English clergy. We need not go back to the material apotheosis

of the classical ages. But verily we have something to learn in this matter. We have to learn that high mental exertion taxes most severely the life-force. We have to learn that the man of superior intellect, who puts forth his power with resolute vigor, requires more bodily health and force to sustain the strain than an ordinary laboring man does. Instead of being pale, delicate, feeble, and sickly, the student needs to be stalwart and hardy. He should have tougher thews and stronger sinews, and a more vigorous pulse than the man who merely plows the soil. He need not have the brawn and bone of the athlete and the gladiator. He need not be a Spartacus or a Heenan. But he should be of all men a man of good, sound, vigorous, working bodily health."

He then passes to the importance of the habit of being beforehand in whatever you undertake, to the necessity of holding on to the calling one chooses, to the value of some fresh intellectual acquisitions every day, to the beneficial effects of a varied and liberal culture apart from one's speciality, and the propriety of cultivating the art of conversation. On the latter head he says truly:

"Excuse my dwelling a little on this point. There is among our best educated men, I am sorry to say, a large amount of vis inertice in regard to this matter of conversation. Very many such persons are disposed to rely for their success and their position in society solely upon their professional skill and industry. General conversation is a bore to them. They have never duly considered the advantages it might bring them. They are disposed to leave all that to those more ambitious of social distinction. When they are in company, they speak, indeed, if appealed to, or if it comes entirely in their way to do so, but they feel no responsibility for keeping conversation afloat. Allow me to say, gentlemen, this is all wrong. Independently of all considerations of interest and policy, there is a clear duty in this matter. Every man who mingles in the society of his fellows is bound to contribute his quota to the common entertainment, just as much as in a joint excursion of any kind he would be bound to pay his share of the reckoning. Educated men, beyond all others, should settle it as a clear duty to learn how to talk well in company. Conversation is an art; but it is an art which can be acquired, and depend upon it no acquisition gives a surer or more ample return for the amount of effort needed."-New York Evening Post.

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