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Talent is something, but tact is everything. It is the open eye, the quick ear, the judging taste, the keen smell, and the living touch.

ǎf feet', to act upon; to feign.
eăn' o py, a roof-like covering; an

ornamental projection.

de lib' er ate, to consider; to weigh

in the mind; grave.

mĭs' chĭev oùs, hurtful; inclined to mischief.

mi li' tia (-lish' a), soldiery; citizens enrolled in an authorized military company.

ĕf' fi cȧ çy, potency; power to pro- mûr' mûr, to mutter; to grumble. duce.

ĕp' i thět, an expression describing some quality or attribute.

ere (air), before; sooner than.

ex clå ma' tion, a loud outery; the mark (!).

fa tïgue', weariness; to tire.

fi' er y, ardent; pertaining to fire. fōre bōde', to foretell; to prophesy evil.

im pu' ni ty, freedom from harm.

in ex haust' i ble, unfailing; not to be exhausted.

lu' nå tie, one mentally deranged.

Ni ǎg' å rå, a river between New
York and Ontario.

o pin' ion (-yun), view; idea.

quà drille', a square dance, or the music therefor.

quad' rụ ped, an animal having four


re buff', a sudden check.

reg' i ment, a body of troops, commanded by a colonel.

rinse, to wash lightly; to cleanse with

water after washing.

rough (ruf), not smooth; coarse. trop' ie al, pertaining to the tropics.



ȧ chieve' ment, successful perform-| eăp' i tal ist, one who has money for ance; accomplishment.

investment, or money invested.

ǎp prais' al, the act of placing a value cheat, to defraud; to swindle.

on goods, etc.

as sume', to take upon one's self; to

arrogate; to suppose.

aue' tion, a sale to the highest bidder.

com bi na' tion, an alliance; a union.

cō-Ŏp' er a tive, working together for joint benefit.

eight' i eth, next after the seventy- mū' tu al, shared alike; reciprocal. ninth. pay' er, one who pays.

fraud' ū lent, characterized by, founded on, or proceeding from, fraud.

hälve, to divide into two equal parts.

în sti tū' tion, an establishment or corporation.

plå eärd', to make known by means of placards.

plǎe' ard, a poster.

prompt' ly, in a prompt manner.

re bate', to make a discount from; a deduction.

im pōrt', to bring into one country sal' å ble, capable of being sold. from another.

meas' ure, estimated extent or limit. mō nop' o ly, the exclusive power, right or privilege of dealing in some article, or trading in some market.

sāles' man, one who sells anything. trăf' fie, to buy or sell goods; to bargain; the amount of business done by common carriers.

trăf' fick ing, trading; bargaining.



NOTE: The second word in each pair is opposite in meaning to that of the first.

făç' ile (fǎss'-), easy to do; pliant.

dif' fi cŭlt, hard to do; not easy.

in jū' ri ous, hurtful; harmful.
ad văn tā' ģeoŭs, profitable.

ím pôr' tant, valuable; significant.
im mà të ri al, unimportant; trifling.
på thět' ie, full of pathos, or sadness.
lu' di erous, comic; droll.

sem' blançe, likeness; similitude.
dis păr' i ty, inequality; difference.

e nôr' mous, vast; immense. di min' u tive, very small.

in fer' nal, fiendish; diabolical.

an gel' ie, divine; pure.

răr' e fy, to make thin, or less dense.
con dense', to make more compact.
ǎd mit' tançe, entrance; admission.
ex elu' sion, debarment; ejection.
beaū' ti fỹ, to embellish; adorn.
de face', to disfigure; spoil.
de licious (-lish' us), savory.
nau' seous (-shus), unpalatable.
hăr' ass, to vex; to tire; to worry.
soothe, to solace; to comfort.

vacancy vagrant


Give synonyms of:


workman wreckage



The teacher may illustrate the further use of these rules by giving the pupils additional words.

Put y for ie before ing, and e for y before ous; as, die, dying; pity, piteous; duty, duteous; beauty, beauteous; plenty, plenteous; bounty, bounteous.

The final consonant, if single, of words accented on the last syllable, is usually doubled when a suffix is added; as acquit, acquitted, acquitting; annul, annulled, annulling; metal, bimetallism, bimetallic; control, controlled, controlling; commit, committed, committing; begin, beginning; enrol, enrolled, enrolling; medal, medallion.

When the accent is thrown backward or forward, the final consonant is not doubled; as, confer, conference; refer, reference; equal, equality; prefer, preferable.

Illustrate the use of the following words in sentences:

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af fee ta' tion, a false display. căp size', to overturn.

chăl' lenge, to defy; to object to. con çeal', to secrete; to hide.

děs per a dō, a man of desperate


i dol' ȧ try, worship of idols.
mā' ni ǎe, one violently insane.
min' strěl, a traveling musician or

per tāin', to have relation or refer-
ence to.

dis sǎl' lå ble, a word of two sylla- pi' e ty, reverence for God. bles.

en hånçe', to make higher or greater in degree.

pûr su' ançe, the act of pursuing or prosecuting; a following out or after.

en dūr' ançe, ability to bear; to with- res' eue, to deliver; to set free. stand.

ĕr rō' nē ous, incorrect; false.

e va' sion, the act of avoiding or eluding.

ex çept', to exclude.

ex on' er ate, to relieve from blame. fi' nite, bounded; limited.

sär' eăşm, a taunt; a cutting jest.
těch nie al, relating to any art, sci-
ence, or business.

trea' tise, an essay; a discourse.
Vě su' vi ŭs, a volcano in south Italy.
vol un tēer', one who gives service of
his own free will; to offer.

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ǎe erue', to increase naturally, as | ǎr rears', behind in payments. money at interest.

ǎs sèss' ment, a sum levied.

ǎe eü' mu late, to increase greatly; as so ci a' tion, a union of persons; a

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dis trib' ute, to allot; to divide among | or găn Ĭ za' tion, a systematic arseveral. rangement for use or action.

div' i dend, a distributive sum, share, pěn' al ties, fines; forfeitures.

or percentage.

earn'ings, gains; money earned.
ex ǎet' ness, accuracy; nicety.
fôr' feit (-fit), to lose the right to.
in erease', to grow; to multiply.
in stall' ment, part of a debt paid.
man' age ment, control; the act of

rep re sent å tive, agent, deputy, or
substitute; one who represents;
showing a similarity; typical.
see' re ta ry, one employed to write
letters, orders, etc.

sē' riēs, order; a succession of things.
sue ees' sive, consecutive; one after
another in regular order.

mil' li něr y, articles made or sold by ŭn for tu nate, not successful; una milliner.




ǎd' ȧ mănt, a very hard substance.

in' fi del, an atheist; an unbeliever. li' ar, one who falsifies.

al read' y, previously.

dis si pā' tion, a dissolute course of mys te' ri ous, obscure, unexplained.

life; the act of scattering.

du' pli eate, a counterpart; are production.

dy' ing, expiring.

păn o rä' må (or-rā' må), a complete
view; a continuous picture.
păn' to mime, a dumb show; repre-
senting in mute actions.

dye' ing, staining; art of coloring pär' lançe, talk; speech.


pěd' i grēe', lineage.

če ele şi ǎs' tie al, of or pertaining to per eŭs' sion, act or effect of striking. the church.

plăn' et, a celestial body.

flip' pant, trifling; talkative; shallow pro pi' tious (-shŭs), favorable.

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