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When you

"Good attention is the secret of good memory. It is like focusing a camera. have a good focus you have a good picture. A poor focus means a dim and indistinct picture."

åg' gre gate, whole amount.

ǎv oir du pois' (-er-), a system of weights for coarse commodities.

bo năn' zȧ, a mine of wealth; anything yielding a large income.

en' ter prise, an undertaking. eq' uĬ tå bly, justly; impartially. fōr' ger y, act of counterfeiting; thing counterfeited; fraudulently making or altering a writing.

elĕr' ie al, of or relating to a clerk or in ĭ' ti à to ry (-ish'-e-a-), introduccopyist, or to writing.

com' mērce, extended trade or traffic. con stit' u en çy, a following; a clientele.


jus' tiçe, just treatment; impartiality. lu' ere (-ker), profit; riches; gain in money or goods.

erē děn' tials, that which gives nu mer a' tion, act or art of number

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děf' al că tor, a defaulter or embez- pěn' ni less, destitute of money; poor. zler.

draw' er, one who draws a bill of


ē eon' o mize, to use frugally.

e lev' en, the sum of ten and one. ĕm băr' rass ment, financial difficulty; perplexity.

prěp ȧ rā' tion, readiness; act of preparing.

pǎnet' u al, precise; prompt.

quan' ti ty, bulk; amount.

ree' ti fy, to make right; to correct. war' rant, to make secure; to indemnify in case of loss.



Words frequently misspelled.

be lieve', to credit; to accept by faith. | en cōre' (än kore'), once more; again;

eăn' dor, frankness; sincerity.

çel' lar, a room under a house. com pěl', to drive by force. dis miss', to send away. ĕd' i ble, fit to be eaten.

a call for a repetition.

ex çel', to surpass in good deeds; to


ex erès' çençe, a protuberance; an unnatural growth.

ex pěl', to eject; to drive out. fierce, furious; violent.

in eon sist' ent, contradictory; fickle. in di vis' i ble, that cannot be divided. mis spell', to spell incorrectly. mov' å ble, that which may be moved;

not fixed or stationary. piērçe, to penetrate; to perforate. prae' ti eå ble, that which can be done; feasible.

re lieve', to aid; to lessen; to display by contrast.

serv' içe å ble, beneficial. shoe' ing, act of putting on shoes. shriek, to scream; to cry shrilly. sim pliç' i ty, plainness; artlessness. un păr' al lěled (lěld), unequaled; matchless.

weird, unearthly; unnatural.

wheth' er, if; which of two; in case.



à dŭl ter a' tion, the act of mixing | ex pē' ri ĕnçe, knowledge obtained by

spurious articles with a genuine commodity.

ǎp' po site, very applicable; fit.

bus' tle, agitation; to be very active. com' pe tent, answering all requirements.

com pe ti' tion, rivalry; strife for superiority; common endeavor for the same object.

eon trōl', to govern; authority. con vẽrt' i ble, capable of being changed.

coun' ter sign, to sign as a subordi

nate officer; a watchword.

dai' ly, happening every day.

trial; test.

fif' teenth, next after fourteenth.

fun då měnt' al, elementary; important.

in dôrs' er, the person who indorses. in dùs' tri oŭs, busy; not slothful or idle.

in văl' id, void; null.

măm' mon, wealth; riches; also, the god of riches.

nick' el, a coin; a bright silver-like metal.

pe eun' ia ry (-yā-), relating to money


re main' der, balance; part left over.

dis erěp' an çy, disagreement; vari- stā' ple, a commodity for which there


di vi' sion, a partition; separation.

ē lěe' tive, exerting the power of choice; dependent on choice.

is a steady demand.

sys' těm ȧ tize, to regulate; to reduce

to a system.

un der rāte', to undervalue.

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Years they had marked for the joys of the brave;
Years they must waste in the sloth' of the grave.
All the bright laurels9 they fought 1o to make bloom 11
Fell to the earth when they went to the tomb.12
Give them the meed 13 they have won1 in the past;
Give them the honors their merits 15 forecast;
Give them the chaplets " they won in the strife;
Give them the laurels 19 they lost with their life.
Cover them over,-yes, cover them over,-
Parent 20 and husband21 and brother 22 and lover; 28
Crown in your heart these dead heroes 24 of ours,
And cover them over with beautiful 25 flowers.


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NOTE: The second word in each pair is opposite in meaning to that of the first.

ree' on çile, to reunite; to appease.
al' ien ate, to estrange; to separate.
ră' tion al, sensible; reasonable.
un rea' son à ble, exorbitant; absurd.
erěd' u loŭs, ready to believe.

dis săt' is fǎe' tion, displeasure.
con tent' ment, content; satisfaction.
dis sem' ināte, to diffuse; to scatter.
às sem' ble, to bring together.
hes' i tate, to falter; to waver.

skěp' tie al, doubting of everything. |ăd vȧnçe', to proceed; to progress.

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A person might know the size of the largest city, the length of the longest river, etc., and yet not be educated. Education is a developing of the mind, and not a stuffing of the memory.

bul' le tin, a public announcement of | pe ti' tion, a formal written request, addressed to those who have power to grant it; an entreaty.


căn' vass, to solicit; to discuss.

con çêrn', to interest; a firm and its pos sěss', to have as one's own; to business.

dăm' age, injury; loss.

dō' nor, one who gives or bestows.
eighth, next after seventh.
false' ly, erroneously.

fif' ti eth, next after forty-ninth.

frăn' chise, a certain right or privi

hold; to control.

pri' or, preceding in order of time; before.

pâr' chase, to buy for a price.

sem í-ăn' nu al, half-yearly.

sig nå ture, one's name written by himself.

lege granted by a government to in- | spěc' u lāte, to buy expecting gain;

dividuals or corporations.

măn u făc' ture, to make from raw material; to work into suitable forms for use.

ma tūre', ripe; full-grown; perfected,

as a mature plan.

mon' e ta ry, pertaining to money. ōwn' er ship, exclusive right of possession; proprietorship.

to consider.

su per serībe', to inscribe with a name or address.

syn' di cate, an association of capi

talists formed for business purposes. trăn scribe', to copy.

ǎl' ti mo, the last month preceding
the present; as, on the 2d ult.
văl' id, good; having legal force.



ȧ cous' tie (or -kōos'-), relating to hack' neyed (-nid), worn out; threadhearing or sound.


ǎp prō' pri ate, to take as one's own; hûr räh', a shout of joy or encourageto set apart; suitable.


browse (brouz), to feed upon twigs, in hȧ la' tion, an inhaling; what is grass, etc.; to nibble. inhaled.

Chau tau' qua (shȧ taw'-), a lake and im mov' à ble, that cannot be moved.

resort in western New York.

çir eu' i tous, roundabout.

eon erēte', to form into a mass.

con' erēte, a compound of gravel, cement, etc.; specific.

dif' fi dent, timid.

dis erim' i nate, to distinguish.

e mer' gen cy, a sudden occurrence or condition, calling for immediate action.

gǎl' lows, a frame for hanging criminals.

in ěl' e gant, not elegant.

mul ti plic' i ty, many; a large num-

non' sense, that which is without
sense; senseless behavior.
prěç' i piçe, a high, steep cliff.
pre dom' i nāte, to rule; to have su-
perior power.

rå vïne' (-vēn'), a deep gorge.

re li' ġion, a system of faith and worship.

squeal, to cry shrilly.

ğrăn' deur (-yūr), imposing dignity un dē' vi ā ting, unvarying; straight

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dis bûrse', to pay out; spend.
fôr' ti eth, next after thirty-ninth.
hon' est ý, justice; trustiness.
hō' ping, expectantly desirous.

in ǎe' eu ra çy, mistake; want of accuracy; fault; defect.

in eor reet', inaccurate; containing faults.

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