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stăm pēde', to run away in a panic. sue çēed', to come after; to prosper. sū per sēde', to replace.

sûrge, to swell; a large wave or billow. trăns fer à ble, capable of being transferred.



găl và nom' e ter, an instrument for | po lăr' i ty, the quality of a body by measuring intensity of an electric virtue of which it exhibits opposite properties.


ġen' er ā tor, an apparatus which gen-re sist' ançe, opposition to the passage erates or produces. of an electric current.

hē' lix, a spiral line, as of wire in a rhē' o stăt, a contrivance for regulatcoil. ing the strength of electrical currents.

ig nite', to kindle.

in can dès' çent, glowing with intense stăt' ie, name applied to frictional heat; an electric lamp.

in due' tion, electrical influence. in' su late, to prevent the transfer of electricity by using non-conductors. I' ons, elements of a body undergoing decomposition by electricity.

ki nět' ie, motory; moving or causing motion.

măg' net ism, the power of attraction. mō' tor, a moving power.

ōhm, the unit of electrical resistance. plăt'i num, a silver-colored, noncorrosive metal, possessing gr. at weight and density.


switch, a device for shifting an electrical current.

těl' e grăm, a message by telegraph. těl' e gråph, an apparatus for transmitting messages; to announce by telegraph.

těl' e phōne, an instrument to convey sound; to send a communication by telephone.

ther' mal, pertaining to heat. trăns mis' sion, the act of sending. trăns mit' ter, that which transmits. volt, a unit of electro-motive force.


"Be not simply good, be good for something."-Thoreau.

ǎb seond', to secrete one's self, or steal off in secret.

ăn te çēd' ent, going before. au' to graph, one's own signature.

ǎf få bil' i ty, courtesy; ease of man- bau' ble, a cheap, showy plaything;

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çĕr' e mō ny, outward rite.

elăn děs' tine, secret; concealed. elïque (klēk), a faction; a coterie.

de gen' er ate, to become worse; deteriorate.

hǎb' it à ble, that which may be inhabited.

lăb' y rinth, a maze; a place full of windings.

me trop' o lis, a chief city.

děl e tē' ri ous, hurtful; noxious; de- nōt' à ble, memorable; noted or dis

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e lĕe tion ĕer', to canvass for votes, of fi' ci ate (-fish' i-), to act as an of

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bass, a game fish of which there are pike, a large fresh-water fish.

many species.

căn' vas-bǎek', a species of wild duck. chick'en, a young bird or fowl. eod' fish, an edible fish especially abundant on the Grand Banks. dove, a kind of pigeon. goose (pl. geese), a web-footed bird. grouse, a game bird highly prized for food.

quail, a small game bird.

răb' bit, a small game animal, often kept as a pet.

sär dine', a species of herring. scal' lop, a marine bivalve mollusk, the large muscle of which is used as a food.

shăd, an important market fish of which there are many varieties.

guin'ea-fowl, a fowl of a dark gray snipe, a species of game bird found in


hâre, a small, rodent animal.

mǎck' er el, one of the most impor

tant oceanic fishes used for food. oys' ter, a bivalvular mollusk. pär' tridge, a species of quail-like, game bird.

phĕas' ant, a wild fowl.

pi' geon, a small dove-like bird.

meadows or near the water.

squir' rel, a small animal with a bushy tail.

sword' fish (sōrd-), a very large edible sea fish with sword-like beak. trout, an especially desirable game fish, generally found in brooks. tûr' key, a large fowl, either wild or domesticated.

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Hope nothing from luck, and the probability is that you will be so prepared, forewarned and forearmed that all shallow observers will call you lucky.”—Bulwer Lytton.

ǎb o rig' i nēs, first inhabitants.

ȧ pol' o ġy, an excuse.

il lib' er al, stingy; niggardly; narrow-minded.

ȧ sỹ' lum, a retreat; a refuge; a char-im mer' sion, putting into a fluid; a

itable institution.

bär bā'ri an, a savage; uncivilized.

blizzard, a furious snow and wind


dipping; engaging deeply.

im påss' å ble, that can not be passed. in def' i nite, not precise; vague. jõg' gle, to shake slightly.

brų nette', a woman with dark com- mus tȧche', growth of hair on the plexion. upper lip of man. Chěs' a peake, a large bay in Mary- ôr' tho dox, approved; sound in doc

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căn çèl lā' tion, act of cancelling or dis trib' u ting, assorting.


căr' ri er, a messenger; one who carries or delivers goods; as, a mail carrier.

col lee' tion, a gathering; act of collecting; an accumulation.

de liv' er y, giving or transferring; act of delivering over.

in' com ing, coming in; arriving. in spěet' or, one who supervises; an official examiner.

mail, letters, papers, etc., received through a post office; to post. měs' sen ger, carrier; a bearer of messages.

out' gō ing, going out; departing.

dē pärt men' tal, pertaining to a di- pōst' aġe, amount paid for convey

vision or department.

ance of mail.

a course.

post' al, pertaining to the post office route (root), the road or way traveled; service; a post card. pōst' märk, the official stamp on a ru' ral, pertaining to the country. letter giving date and place received | sehěd' ule (skěd-), a formal list. or mailed.

pōst' más tēr, one in charge of a post office.

pōst' pāid, having postage prepaid. pouch, a bag.

reg' is tered, formally recorded; particularly listed or attended to; as, a

registered letter.

post card

dead letter

special delivery

civil service

ǎn eläimed', not called for; not claimed.

un mail' à ble, not allowed in the mails.

un sealed', opened; not sealed; permitting inspection without destroying wrapper.

wrăp' pẽr (răp'-), covering.

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NOTE: The second word in each pair is opposite in meaning to that of the first.

erook' ěd, distorted; twisted.

straight, not crooked; direct.

mis lead', to deceive; to delude.
un de çeive', to free from deception.
măs' eu line, manly or manlike.
fěm' i nine, womanly; effeminate.
ree' ti tude, integrity; uprightness.
in iq'ui ty, sin; crime; injustice.

de te' ri o rāte, to impair.
ȧ mēl' io rāte (-yō-), to improve.
sus pense', doubt; cessation.

de ter mi na' tion, purpose; decision.

|å droit', skilful; clever.

awk' ward, clumsy; not graceful.

ǎg' ile, active; nimble.
elum' sy, awkward; uncouth.

al li' ançe, a union; a league.
di vōrçe', separation.

ĕm' a nate, originate; spring; rise. tēr' mi nāte, to finish; complete. eon' se erāte, to set apart as sacred. děs' e crate, to profane; misuse. de fôrm' i ty, distortion; misshapen. beau' ty, grace; comeliness.



"Discipline aims at the removal of bad habits and the substitution of good ones."

ab hor' rençe, extreme loathing; utter | ef fi' cien çy, effectiveness.


ad jā' çent, contiguous.

ȧ něm o ne, the wind flower.

anx i' e ty, solicitude; distress of mind.

äre' tie, frigid; far northern.

be něf' i çent, benevolent; bounte


eȧ prïçe' (-prēs'), a whim; a sudden
change of mood, opinion, etc.
eǎs' u al ty, accident; misfortune.
çěl' e brate, to observe duly.
chăsm, a deep opening or breach.

con' se quençe, that which is pro-
duced by a cause; effect.

e liç' it, to draw out; to bring to light. frig' id, cold; of low temperature. fūch' sĩ ȧ (-shĬ-), a beautiful flowering plant.

gra' tis, freely; without cost.

Hi mä' la yȧ (-mäh'-), a range of
mountains between India and

is' o late, to place by itself or alone.
mŭl'ti tūde, a great number.
oc eur' rençe, happening.

per suāde', to influence by argument.
shriv' el, to shrink.

stand' ard, a test; a banner; an upright support.

diş çèrn', to see; to perceive; to judge. tôr' toise (or -tus), a kind of turtle.

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Consult your dictionary for meaning of words.

The froward youth went forward 2 contrary to orders.


My ivory 3 headed cane is lying amid the green ivy.*

The glazier tells of a glacier of ice which destroyed his father's house.
The laver is full of pieces of lava from the volcano.

Do not touch the least of it lest 10 you be poisoned.

Since the last flash of lightning" the sky is lightening 12 in the east.

I loathe 13 such conduct but was loath 14 to tell her so.

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