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inton. R. J. The Repei invasion of Missouri and Kansas.

Chicago, 1865.

Listory of the Expeditions of Captains Lewis and Clark. Phila

elphia, 1814.

Holloway, J. N. History of Kansas. Lafayette, Ind., 1868.

Holst, Herman von. the United States. Hughes, T. H. The

The Constitutional and Political History of

Struggle for Kansas [in Ludlow's History

of the United States]. London, 1862.

Hugo, Victer. John Brown. Paris, E. Dentu, 1861.
Letters on John Brown. New York, 1860.

Hutchinson, C. C. Resources of Kansas. Topeka, 1871.
Hutchinson, William. A History of Lawrence. 1859.

Hyatt, Thaddeus, The Prayer of, to James Buchanan in behalf of
Kansas. Washington, 1860.

Impeachment Cases. Lawrence, Kansas, 1862.

Information for the People. Two Tracts for the Times. Boston, 1855.

Irving, Washington. Astoria.

Tour on the Prairies.

Journal of the Missouri Senate, 1858-59.

Kansas, History of the State of. Chicago, 1883.

Kansas State Rights. An Appeal to the Democracy of the South. Washington, 1857.

Lays of the Emigrants, as sung by Parties for Kansas on the Days of their Departure from Boston. Boston, 1855.

Louisiana, History of. From the French of M. Le Page du Pratz. London, 1774.

Lowman, H. E. The Lawrence Raid. Lawrence, Kansas, 1864. "Lynceus," Letters of, for the People on the Present Crisis. 1853. Magazine, The Kansas. Topeka.

Massachusetts Emigrant Aid Company. Boston, 1854.

Meline, J. F. Two Thousand Miles on Horseback. New York, 1868.

Miscellaneous Documents [Senate], 34th Congress, 1st and 2d
Session. Nos. 17, 32, 49, 58, 80.

[Senate], 34th Congress, 3d Session. Nos. 17, 48.
[H. R.], 34th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions.

82, 90, 100, 101, 103, 119, 120.

Nos. 3, 42,

Miscellaneous Documents [H. R.], 34th Congress, 3d Session.

Nos. 12, 13, 38, 49.

[Senate], 35th Congress, 1st Session. Nos. 140, 165, 194, 204, 206, 228, 232, 242.

[H. R.], 35th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. Nos. 37, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 50, 60, 80, 95, 103, 104, 120, 124.

[Senate], 36th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. Nos. 16, 23. [H. R.], 36th Congress, 1st Session.

[Senate], 37th Congress, 3d Session.

Nos. 6, 34.
No. 29.

New England Emigrant Aid Company. Boston, 1854.
New Haven Memorial, The, to the President. Boston, 1857.
History of American Conspiracies. New York.
Kansas and Nebraska Handbook. Boston, 1857.
Orations, Speeches, Lectures, and Letters.

Orville, J. V.
Parker, N. H.
Phillips, Wendell.

Boston, 1884.

Phillips, W. A. The Conquest of Kansas. Boston, 1856.

Pike, Major Z. M. An Account of Expeditions. Philadelphia [1808].

Rebellion Record, The. New York.

Redpath, J. The Public Life of Captain John Brown. Boston,

[blocks in formation]

Reports [Senate], 33d Congress, 1st Session. No. 15. [H. R.], 33d Congress, 2d Session. Nos. 36, 37. [Senate], 34th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. Nos. 34, 198,


[H. R.], 34th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. Nos. 3, 181, 200, 275.


[H. R.], 34th Congress, 3d Session.

Nos. 173, 186, 179,

[H. R.], 35th Congress, 1st Session.
[Senate], 35th Congress, 1st Session.

No. 377.


No. 82.

[Senate], 36th Congress, 1st Session. No. 278.
[H. R.], 36th Congress, 1st and 2d Sessions. Nos. 255, 665,

Richardson, A. D. Beyond the Mississippi. Hartford, 1867.

Robinson, Mrs. S. T. L. Kansas; Its Exterior and Interior Life. Boston, 1856.

Ropes, Mrs. H. A. Six Months in Kansas. Boston, 1856.

Sanborn, F. B. The Life and Letters of John Brown. Boston, 1885.

Life of John Brown [in Orcutt's History of Torrington, Conn.]. Albany, 1878.

[blocks in formation]

Seward, W. H., The Works of. Boston.

Smithsonian Reports, 1869.

Stephens, A. H. The War between the States.

Stringfellow, B. F. Negro Slavery no Evil.

Sumner, Charles, The Works of. Boston.

Ternaux Compans, H. Voyages, Relations et Mémoires publiés. Paris.

Thoreau, H. D. A Yankee in Canada, with Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers. Boston, 1866.

Three Years on the Kansas Border. New York, 1856.

Tice, H. J. Over the Plains and on the Mountains. St. Louis [1871].

Tomlinson, W. P. Kansas in 1858. New York, 1858.

Transactions of the Kansas Historical Society. Topeka, 1881. Tuttle, C. R. Centennial History of Kansas. Madison, Wis. War of the Rebellion, The. A Compendium of the Official Records. Washington.

Webb, R. D. Life and Letters of Captain John Brown. London, 1861.

Webb, Thomas H. Information for Kansas Immigrants. Boston, 1857.

Wilder, D. W. The Annals of Kansas. Topeka, 1875.

Wilson, Henry. The Rise and Fall of the Slave Power. Boston.


Abbott, J. B., 88, 179, 199, 242.
Abolitionists, the early, 15.
Atchison, D. R., 24, 25; designs in
Kansas, 56; course of in the Waka-
rusa War, 97, 98, 100; at Lawrence
May 21, 1856, 121, 122, 123, 124; ap-
peals of to the South, 173, 174, 188,
189; conference of with Governor
Geary at Franklin, 200, 201.
Atchison, town of, 28.
Atkins, Representative of Tennessee,


Babcock, C. W., 95, 96.

Bayard, J. A., on Emigrant Aid Com-
pany, 33; on the Topeka movement,
77; on the Lecompton Constitution,

Beecher, H. W., 165.
Bell, John, 9, 23.
Benjamin, J. P., 75.
Benton, T. H., 7, 11.

Biggs, Senator, of North Carolina,

Black Jack, battle of, 154-156.
Blood, James, 132, 143, 148, 185, 199.
Blue Lodges, 41.
Bourgmont, M. de, 20.
Branscomb, C. H., 34.
Branson, Jacob, 86, 87; arrest and
rescue of, 88, 89.

Brindle, General William, 230.
Brooks, P. S., 129.

Brown, John, speech of at Lawrence,
100, 101; relation of to Kansas his-
tory, 137; character and theories of,
138-141; raid of upon the Pottawa-
tomie, 142-154; fight of at Black
Jack, 154-156; foray of upon St.
Bernard, 156, 157; releases Pate,
159-161; narrow escape of from
capture, 171; at Lawrence, Septem-
ber, 1856, 199; declaration of to
Captain Snyder, 244; letter of to A.
A. Lawrence, 251; interview of with
Governor Robinson, 252; raid of
into Missouri, 252-255.

Brown, John Carter, 30.
Brown, John, Jr., 141, 142.
Brown, R. P., 72, 73.
Buchanan, James, 210, 211, 230.
Buford, Jefferson, 105, 106, 125.
Bulkley, Harrison, 87.
Bull Creek, 190, 198.
Bushnell, Horace, 31.
Butler, A. P., 8, 97, 105.
Butler, Rev. Pardee, 79-82.
Byrd, J. H., 65.

Cabot, Dr. Samuel, Jr., 30, 166.
Calhoun, John, 221, 229, 230.
Calhoun, J. C., 4.
Callew, Jake, 295, 296.
"Candle-box" election returns, the,
seizure of, 229, 230.

Carney, Governor Thomas, 271, 273,
287, 297, 298; confidential relations
of with Lane, 299-302.
Caskie, John S., 8.

Cass, Lewis, on the Compromise of
1850, 1; presents the Topeka me-
morial to the Senate, 74, 75; de-
nounces Sumner's speech, 128.
Cato, Judge S. G., letter to Governor
Shannon on the Pottawatomie raid,
152; course of toward free-state
prisoners, 202; a mandamus of, 219.
Census, first territorial, 43; second
territorial, 212.

Chase, S. P., 9, 10, 12.
Choate, Rufus, 13.

Church, Lieutenant J. R., disperses
John Brown, Jr.'s company, 141,
142, 147.

Clarke, G. W., raid of in the South-
east, 239, 240; arrest of, 248, 249.
Clay, Henry, 1.
Cline, Captain, 190.
Coates, Kersey, 50.
Coleman, F. N., 86, 87.
Committees, Eastern Aid, operations
of, 164.
"Commonwealth," the Boston, 299,


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