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Planning Agency, for the drainage basins within the United States of the Colorad River and the rivers flowing into the Pacific Ocean south of the California-Orego line, and the Great Basin, that is, the drainage basins of the rivers in the wester United States having no outlet to the sea; and (7) Columbia Valley Plannin Agency, for the drainage basins within the United States of the Columbia Rive and the rivers flowing into the Pacific Ocean north of the California-Oregon line Nothing in this Act shall be construed to limit the functions, powers, or dutie of the Mississippi River Commission as created and now functioning under th Act of June 28, 1879 (ch. 43, secs. 1 to 7, inclusive, 21 Stat. 37), as amended, and as compiled in sections 641 to 651, inclusive, of title 33 of the United States Code The President shall from time to time more specifically define or redefine the terri torial boundaries of the regional planning agencies as he finds necessary or appro priate to facilitate the regional development, integration, and coordination o plans, projects, and activities in accordance with the purposes of this Act and t obtain the advantages of natural and economic boundaries for such plans, projects and activities or any classification or classifications thereof.




SEC. 3. (a) For each regional planning agency, except the Tennessee Valley Planning Agency, there shall be established a regional planning director and regional conservation committee. The President may establish two or mor regional conservation committees for a regional planning agency if he deems such committees necessary or appropriate, considering the character and extent o the territory of such agency and the nature of the problems with which such agency must deal. If more than one regional conservation committee is established fo a regional planning agency, the President shall distribute and define the dutie and functions to be performed by each such committee under this Act.


(b) Each regional planning director shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall receive a salary at the rate o a year, and shall maintain his principal office at a convenient plac within the territory of the agency for which he is appointed. The regional planning director shall be a member of and, unless the President shall designate anothe member to act as chairman, shall act as chairman of the regional conservation committee or committees of such agency, and shall be the chief administrativ officer for the regional conservation committee or committees of such agency The administrative officer on the staff of each regional planning director, nex highest in rank to the regional planning director, may be designated by the regiona planning director as deputy regional planning director and as such shall perform the duties of the regional planning director, in the event of the absence or sicknes of the regional planning director, until such absence or sickness shall cease, and in the event of a vacancy in the office of the regional planning director, until successor is appointed. No regional planning director shall, during his con tinuance in office, be engaged in any business, but each shall devote himself t his duties under this Act. No person shall be appointed a regional plannin director unless he professes a belief in the feasibility and wisdom of this Act No regional planning director shall, during his continuance in office, have an financial interest, in any public-utility company engaged in the business of gener ating, transmitting, distributing, or selling electric energy to the public, or i any holding company or subsidiary company of a holding company as such term are defined in the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935.

(c) Each regional conservation committee shall consist of the regional plannin director and not less than two nor more than eight other members, as the Presiden may from time to time determine. The members of such committees shall b appointed by the President and, with the exception of the planning director, sha receive no compensation for their services other than a per diem, not to exceed $ per day, for time spent in the discharge of their duties, and shall be reimbursed fo expenses (including traveling and subsistence expenses) incurred by them i the discharge of their duties. Each regional conservation committee shall adop its own rules of procedure, including provision as to the number of members nece sary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. All matters of gener policy affecting a regional planning agency shall be considered and determined b the regional conservation committee having jurisdiction thereof, but the membe of such committee other than regional planning director shall not participate i the administrative work of the regional planning agency except to the exter

sions of

is Act. No person shall be appointed a member of a regional ing committee unless he professes a belief in the wisdom and feasibility of this No member of a regional planning committee shall, during his continuance ce, have any financial interest in any public-utility company engaged in the ess of generating, transmitting, distributing, or selling electric energy to the , or in any holding company or subsidiary company of a holding company eh terms are defined in the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. The powers and functions conferred upon the Tennessee Valley Planning ey by this Act shall be exercised and performed by the Tennessee Valley Authority as its Board of Directors shall direct.


. 4. (a) The regional planning agencies shall be subject to the supervision ontrol of the President, or of such national planning agency as the President designate, for the purpose of insuring appropriate conformity of regional to a national policy and appropriate coordination of regional plans, having gard for regional and local requirements and conditions. With a view to the coordination and integration of plans for projects, ties, and regional developments for the purpose of increasing efficiency and ating waste and duplication of effort, each regional planning agency shall and survey the projects and activities within its jurisdiction, undertaken or ed by the departments and agencies of the United States, relating to the e promotion of navigation, the control and prevention of floods, the safeing of navigable waters, and the reclamation of the public lands, and shall and survey the regional developments undertaken or planned by such tments and agencies for the conservation and prudent husbandry of the soil, mineral, and forest resources of the Nation, including the prevention of of the Nation's resources from droughts, winds, dust storms, and soil erosion, e control and retardation of water run-off and the restoration and improveof the absorption and infiltration capacity of the soil. Each regional plangency insofar as practicable shall endeavor to coordinate and integrate plans rojects, activities, and regional developments by devising and effecting ements for the cooperation of the field offices and services of the departand agencies of the United States. Each regional planning agency insofar as cable shall consult and cooperate with the field offices and services of such ments and agencies and may call upon such field offices and services for any ation or data relevant to such projects, activities, or regional developments shall be the duty of such departments and agencies to have their field and services take such action as may be necessary or appropriate to coe with each regional planning agency.

Each regional planning agency insofar as practicable shall consult and -ate with the States and with public and cooperative agencies in the making dies, the collecting of information and data, and the development of plans rrying out the purposes of this Act. Each regional planning agency may available to the departments and agencies of the United States and to the and the people thereof, and to public and cooperative agencies, such ation and studies, and such recommendations for State legislation, as the al planning agency deems advisable to aid in carrying out the purposes of ct. Each regional planning agency shall have power to constitute one or regional or local advisory committees to advise the regional planning agency lly or upon specific matters.

There shall be included in the plans submitted to the President by each al planning agency under section 5 such recommendations as the regional ng agency deems necessary or appropriate (1) for the economic and efficient ation in the carrying out of plans, projects, activities, and regional developamong Federal, State, regional, and local departments and agencies; and further legislation to promote the development, integration, and coordinaI plans, projects, activities, and regional developments of the United States e several States.


. 5. (a) Each regional planning agency, not later than October 15, of each or such earlier date as the President may designate, shall submit to the ent, or such national planning agency as the President may designate,

and the reclamation of the public lands (all as more praticularly described in t provisions of section 6), and such further plans for integrated regional develo ments as each regional planning agency finds necessary or appropriate in t national public interest for the conservation and prudent husbandry of the wat soil, mineral, and forest resources of the Nation, including the prevention of wa of the Nation's resources from droughts, winds, dust storms, and soil erosi and the control and retardation of water run-off and the restoration and impro ment of the absorption and infiltration capacity of the soil. Such plans sh indicate the order of preference and priority of the projects, activities, and region developments.

(b) If the President, after such study and investigation as he shall require the Director of the Budget, the National Resources Committee, and such oth departments and agencies of the United States as the President deems advisab approves such plans, or any of them or any part thereof, as necessary or desira in carrying out the purposes of this Act, the President shall refer such plans to t Congress with his recommendations. The President may at any time request regional planning agency to submit to him, for reference to the Congress, pla for such projects or activities as in his judgment may be necessary or desirable carrying out the purposes of this Act; and the regional planning agency, as soon practicable, shall submit such plans to the President. In the case of plans (su as those for the conservation of surface and subsurface moisture and the preventi of wind erosion in the Great Plains) which involve integrated developments traver ing the geographic region of two or more regional planning agencies, the Preside may assign or reassign the duty of working out such plans to any one of such gional planning agencies as he finds necessary or appropriate to obtain the adva tages of natural and economic boundaries in the planning of such integrated dev opments.


SEC. 6. (a) Plans submitted to the President by each regional planning agen pursuant to section 5 shall include, among others, such projects and activiti and such recommendations for the construction and undertaking thereof, as t regional planning agency finds adapted to the conservation and integrated develo ment of water, soil, and forest resources for the following purposes:

(1) The promotion of navigation by, among other means, the improveme of the channels of navigable rivers and their tributaries; the prevention siltation of such rivers and tributaries; the regulation of stream flow; and t development and coordination of navigation facilities.

(2) The control and prevention of floods to prevent destruction and inte ference with navigation, the facilities of interstate commerce, and the properti and functions of the United States, with due regard to the maximum protecti of life ani property, by, among other means, the storage, control, and dispositi of flood and surplus waters, and the control and retardation of water run-o and the restoration and improvement of the absorption and infiltration capaci of the soil. Plans for such purposes shall include, among other things, dam reservoirs, levees, spillways, and floodways; improved methods and condition of soil conservation, utilization, fertilization, and cultivation; and the conserv tion of forests and afforestation and reforestation of lands. In the case of pla involving the production of fertilizers or fertilizer ingredients, such plans, i sofar as practicable, shall provide for the construction and operation of plan and equipment in such manner as will make them of maximum usefulness f the production of munitions or war materials in time of war.

(3) The safeguarding of navigable waters and their use, by, among oth means, the prevention and abatement of pollution of navigable streams an their tributaries, and the provision of sewage-disposal and water-purificatio works, and structures and facilities in connection therewith.

(4) The reclamation of arid or swampy public lands, by, among other mean the irrigation and drainage and the economic development and use of su lands.

(b) So far as may be consistent with or necessary or appropriate for the pr motion of navigation, the control and prevention of floods, the safeguarding navigable waters, and the reclamation of the public lands, as provided in sul section (a), plans shall give due regard to the following among other consider tions: (1) The present and future development and conservation of water f

(4) the integration and interconnection of projects and activities, the ment of their multiple purposes, and the equitable distribution of the thereof; (5) equitable contributions to cost by States and subdivisions ncies thereof specially benefited by the projects and activities; (6) equitable tions, from the revenues of a project or otherwise, to compensate States odivisions and agencies thereof for special losses, not offset or mitigated fits, which may be occasioned by the carrying out of projects; and (7) such ic, social, and cultural values as may be affected or furthered by the and activities.

lans may include not only projects and activities to be constructed or ken by the various departments and agencies of the United States solely nds of the United States but also projects and activities to be constructed rtaken by such departments and agencies with contributions by State, regional agencies, and projects and activities to be constructed or undery such State, local, or regional agencies with contributions by the United Plans shall set forth the recommendations of the regional planning agency g such contributions and regarding the construction and undertaking of ojects and activities as between the departments and agencies of the States and State, local, and regional agencies.

lans shall classify the various construction projects with a view to the etion of projects in the order of their urgency so as most beneficially to the national welfare by stabilizing employment and relieving unemployPlans for reserved or less urgent projects shall be completed as expedias possible, and shall be modified from time to time as circumstances warthat such plans shall be available for prompt action whenever necessary nt or abate business depression and widespread unemployment or for any urpose of this Act. In the development and modification of plans, due shall be given to changing economic, industrial, and social conditions dvantages offered by technological and other developments.

ach regional planning agency shall have power to acquire, construct, maintain, and improve such laboratories and experimental stations, and rtake such educational, research, and demonstrational work, as the planning agency deems necessary or appropriate to develop plans, to emonstrate the feasibility of plans, or otherwise to carry out the purposes



. The consent of the Congress, subject to the provisions of this section v given the several States to enter into agreements and compacts between g any two or more States (1) to further and supplement on behalf of the e purposes of this Act; and (2) to carry out on behalf of the States approojects and activities in relation thereto. Any such agreement or compact become effective or binding upon the States party thereto unless and shall have been submitted to and approved by the President after con1 with the regional planning agency within whose geographic region the or activities contemplated by such agreement or compact are to be carried he President shall approve any such agreement or compact if he finds such nt or compact, and the projects and activities contemplated thereby, to ole, practicable, and appropriate to and consistent with the policies and of this Act and the national public interest. The appropriate regional agency shall, insofar as practicable, cooperate with and furnish informaassistance to the States for the purpose of negotiating, entering into, and out agreements and compacts pursuant to this section.


. It shall be unlawful for any person by any sewer, pipe, outlet, or other device, or practice to pollute or to make unsightly waters of or flowing igable streams or other streams over which the Congress has jurisdiction authority to regular commerce with foreign nations and among the several The Attorney General may, and at the request of the United States Health Service shall, bring appropriate proceedings in the district court nited States in the district where any violation of this section occurs or is ed, to enjoin such violation, or to require the removal of any polluter or


SEC. 9. For the purposes of this Act, each regional planning agency may se employ, and fix the compensation of such officers, attorneys, engineers, accounta special consultants, and experts as it deems necessary to carry out the funct and duties of the regional planning agency, without regard to the provision other laws applicable to the employment and compensation of officers or emplo of the United States. Each regional planning agency may, subject to the c service laws, appoint such other employees as it deems necessary to carry out functions and duties of the regional planning agency and shall fix their salarie accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, as amended. Each regi planning agency shall define the duties of its officers and employees, shall req bonds of such of them as the regional planning agency may designate, and s provide a system of organization to fix reponsibility and promote efficie Subject to the laws of the United States regarding employees of the United Sta each regional planning agency shall deal collectively with its employees thro representatives of their own choosing. The appointment, selection, classificat and promotion of officers and employees of each regional planning agency £ be solely on the basis of merit and efficiency, and no political test or qualifica shall be permitted.



SEC. 201. (a) Subject to the provisions of this Act the President is author and directed, whenever in his judgment the national public interest or the inter of economy or efficiency will be served thereby, to create and establish, by Ex tive order, corporate regional power authorities for the purpose of controll operating, maintaining, and improving facilities capable of producing hy electric power (together with appurtenant works) constructed, under const tion, or hereafter constructed by or on behalf of the United States. The Presid is further authorized and directed, whenever in his judgment the national pu interest or the interests of economy or efficiency will be served thereby, by Ex tive order to transfer, from any department or agency of the United States, entrust to a regional power authority functioning under this Act in the s transmission area or the same drainage basin, or to a newly created regi power authority under this Act, the duty of controlling, operating, maintain and improving any such facilities. In connection with any such transfer, President shall make such provision as he deems necessary or appropriate for transfer to such regional power authority of unexpended balances of approp tions available for use in respect of the facilities, together with personnel equipment and any power, duties, and obligations pertaining thereto. President shall, however, create or establish no more than one regional po authority for the administration of hydroelectric facilities and appurter works which are or may be economically interconnected by transmission li Each regional power authority created under this Act shall be an agency instrumentality of the United States, shall maintain a principal office at a venient place within the region in which it operates, and shall, upon the selec of the location of its principal office, file with the Secretary of State public no of the selection of such location.

(b) Within six months after the enactment of this Act, the President is aut ized and directed to create and establish under this Act a regional power autho which shall be known as the Columbia Valley Power Authority; such autho shall forthwith take over the facilities capable of producing hydroelectric p (together with appurtenant works) on the Columbia River near Bonnev Oregon, and all powers, rights, duties, functions, obligations, liabilities, personnel of the Columbia River Administrator created by and now functio under the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the maintenance and operatio Bonneville project for navigation and flood control, and for other purpos August 20, 1937. Such Administrator shall thereupon take all action necessa appropriate to transfer to such authority possession and control of the prope and activities theretofore in the possession and control of such Administra Such facilities and such properties and activities shall thereupon be dee entrusted under this Act to the Columbia Valley Authority, and all unexper

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