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When an internal mucous astringent is indicated, in such cases as cholera infantum, etc., Kennedy's dark pinus canadensis should be given in an alkaline medium.

The Paris Tribune Medicale says: Glycogen, whose properties were regarded at one time more or less as an illusion of Dr. Jacque de Nittis, has proved to have quite new and unexpected properties.

Sanmetto in Original Package.-Sanmetto proves an admirable success whenever prescribed in the original package, thereby getting the genuine article. Sometimes I give a prescription in smaller quantities, and am disappointed in the results, thereby convincing me that a spurious article has been palmed off on my patient.-S. B. Haygood, M. D., Marble Falls, Tex.

General Nervousness.-In a case of general nervousness and insomnia, due to uterine fibroid, Daniel's concentrated tincture passiflora incarnata produces perfect calmative action, quiets the general nervousness and induces natural sleep. In neurasthenia, bordering on nervous prostration, where the patient is wrought up to a high state of nervous tension, passiflora appeals promptly and directly to the abnormal condition, relaxes the strained nerves, and gives complete rest to the sufferer. Passiflora is indispensable in dysmenorrhea, during the menopause, and wherever the nervous system is deranged, and requires a reliable sedative and hypnotic. It proves satisfactory in those patients whose nervous condition has resisted other nerve remedies.

Physicians who use bismuth will find it to their interest and advantage to investigate the properties of lac-bismo. This is the most perfect, convenient and reliable preparation of bismuth for internal and external use. It is particularly valuable in the treatment of summer complaint, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera infantum, etc. Lac-bismo also finds wide and valuable application in the treatment of subacute gastritis, gastralgia, intestinal dyspepsia and irritation of the intestinal mucous membrane. Its mildly astringent and tonic properties particularly commend its administration in cholera infantum. Diluted with an equal volume of water and used as an injection in conjunction with hydrastin hydrochloride, zinc, sulphcarbolate or cocaine hydrochlorate in gonorrhea or leucorrhea, it gives most excellent results.

In the Therapeutic Gazette for February 15, 1903, the editor directs attention to the fact that "although tetanus is, comparatively speaking, a rare disease, it is sufficiently frequent and fatal to make





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We have 8,000 feet of ledge opened up by pits dug each 100 feet, showing ledge to be at surface from 10 inches to 5 feet wide and assays run from $100.00 to $5,000.00 per ton-the highest grade gold and silver ore strike we believe in the West. Seven full mining claims and a fraction. A bed of valuable turquoises on one of them. The mine is equipped with a gasoline hoist and developed with a fine double compartment working shaft 225 feet in depth. Cross-cuts have been run from the 100 and the 225 foot levels and drifting done upon the ore bodies and their value and extent determined beyond any question.

In sinking the shaft we passed through the following blind ledges in addition to the two surface veins which have been opened up and from which ore is being daily extracted: At 160 feet a 6-foot ledge with one foot of high-grade ore which ran as high as $15,000 to the ton; at 188 feet a 14-foot ledge was struck with ore running uniformly $80.00 per ton; at 211 feet an 8-foot ledge was passed through with ore running $4,400 per ton; at 221 feet a 3-foot ledge was passed through which averaged $100.00 per ton, and from the 225 foot level nearly 500 feet of cross-cuts have been made to the two surface fedges and drifting done upon them and one stope of ore already begun. Power drills and air compressor will now be installed and the mine sunk to the 1,000 foot level, and greater values and more magnificent ore bodies are almost sure to be encountered. With the magnificent ore bodies proven to exist through nearly two miles of this ground, by the time the railway reaches Tonopah we shall start forward and keep running at least one car of ore per day, and by September we expect to have a 100ton daily output, and with the known values of these splendid ore bodies, the daily production should then be more than $10,000. We now have more than $50,000 worth of ore sacked or on the dump, which includes ores only which run above $200.00 per ton.

We speak without fear of contradiction in saying that we have the greatest promise of a Bonanza Mine there is in the Desserts of Nevada. To equip this mine with adequate machinery, a limited block of stock will be sold at a reasonable price. Reports from eminent mining authorities upon it will be furnished.

We guarantee every share of stock we sell in this mine by a trust fund of 1,000,000 shares of other safe investments of a par value of $1,000,000. Consult leading Commercial Agencies for our own rating In the Amparo, one of our Mexican Mines, 1,000 men are now employed. In another of our mines in Idaho. $2,000,000 value in ore is blocked out and mine is paying 24% dividends. Our motto is "The Greatest Profit Consistent with the Greatest Safety, but Safety First." We are not brokers. We develop mines. Join us. Send for booklet of plans.

MAKEEVER BROS., 84 Adams St., Chicago, Ill.

170 Broadway, NEW YORK, N. Y. Journal Bldg, BOSTON, MASS.

411 Walnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. 222 Bedford St., JOHNSTOWN, PÅ.

82 Church St., NEW HAVEN, CONN. 88 N. Main St., CONCORD. N. H. Empire Bldg., PITTSBURG, PA. Schofield Bldg, CLEVELAND, O.

an antiseptic serum a much sought for remedy." He also pointed out the fact that the failure of antitetanic serum depended "not upon the fact that it was possessed of no virtue, but rather because it was used too late to combat the disease." The same writer expresses the view that "one fact stands out above all others, and that is that thoroughly good results can not be expected from antitetanic serum unless it be given in the very earliest stages of the infection." So true is this that experienced observers have insisted that its best results can be obtained only when it is administered immediately after exposure to infection, without waiting until the microorganisms have had a chance to develop in the body and produce early symptoms of poisoning.

Dr. R. Michel and Dr. E. Raimann report on their experience with veronal as a hypnotic. The second named tried the drug on himself and found it to be easy of administration, having a slightly bitter taste. Eight grains, taken during the day, had no effect, while 16 grains in the afternoon brought about a feeling of fatigue, which persisted even after a night's sleep of eleven hours. A waiter slept well after a dose of 8 grains and a neurasthenic patient took the same dose for five weeks with good effect. However, he soon became accustomed to the remedy and it did not help him. In 78 per cent of cases the author found 8 grains to be the average effective dose. Where this dose proved too small, 16 and even 32 grains were given with pretty certain hypnotic effect. A trial should always be made with the smaller dose.

At the December 8, 1903, meeting of the Philadelphia Pediatric Society, Dr. Edsall reported a case of chorea of the septic type treated with intravenous injections of collargolum, which apparently had a markedly favorable effect upon the temperature and a striking effect upon the child's general condition. The general septic appearance of the patient, together with the prostration, rapidly disappeared. The choreiform movements, also, soon improved greatly, although for a week previously the child had been treated with sedatives, salicylates, etc. She ultimately recovered entirely, except for a gravely damaged heart.

In view of the rigid methods of examination adopted under the new law, which condemns and excludes impure and misbranded foods and wines, it is pleasant to announce that Mariani's wine is found by careful analysis to be absolutely pure. Thus an additional recognition of merit is accorded this reliable preparation by an official en

dorsement of the United States Government. This excellent provision against the introduction of impure and adulterated foods is in conformity with similar stringent food laws operative in France, Germany, Russia and elsewhere abroad. The Coca Leaf, November,


In amenorrhea, delayed menstruation and dysmenorrhea, Ergoapiol (Smith) has acted in my hands in a most satisfactory manner. In scanty menstruation, I found it particularly valuable, and I shall enter in detail about one of a series of cases of this character, later on in this article, where this agent brought on a full menstruation and the general health of the patient began to improve at once. When mental perturbation is a factor in these cases it is manifestly the duty of the physician to have the environments of the patient made as quiet as possible, and anti-spasmodic or nerve sedatives should be added to the treatment.

When amenorrhea is associated with syphilis, the uric acid diathesis or morbid condition must receive correct treatment. My experience with Ergoapiol (Smith) is such that I regard it as an indispensable remedy in all expressions of amenorrhea along with proper remedies for any diseased condition associated in the causation of the affection. Of course those cases where the amenorrhea is due to atresia of the cervical canal, and to any other condition which is remedial only by surgical means, drugs will prove of no avail. The same can be said of instances in the amenorrhea due to a rudimentary state of the female organs of reproduction.-E. C. Wiley, M. D., in Southern Practitioner.

Faulty elimination is a prolific source of trouble and the cause of many distressing symptoms pointing to no definite lesion, but complicating and obscuring the actual symptoms of a real disease. A cold is by no means a simple affair which, left to itself, will always speedily get well. The acute stage will probably spend itself, and the patient may think he is free from further trouble, but such attacks render him more liable to further infection, and pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and chronic kidney disease are some of the sequela of frequent colds. Therefore these apparently harmless colds are to be taken seriously and cured absolutely as soon as possible. To cut short these attacks and restore the tissues to normal powers of resistance the Dad Chemical Company, of New York, commend Respiton. It contains asclepias tuberosa and berberis. A teaspoonful in a glass of hot water every two hours will effect a complete cure in a few days.-Interstate Medical Journal, April, 1904.

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