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H. OF R.]

Day of Thanksgiving.

[SEPTEMBER 28, 1789.

ther a member would be permitted to bring upon which it is founded: the proposition is it forward at this late hour. He might be told, new and in some degree opposed to what has that the act of the Senate carried greater heretofore prevailed: the public mind has not weight in it than the motion of a member. yet been called to the consideration of it; nay, But he would place against that weight, the I believe it never yet has been contemplated by weight of the vote of this House, which on a the inhabitants of any one State: the eye of former day agreed to fix the seat of Govern-America should be indulged with an opportuniment on the banks of the Susquehanna; so that ty of viewing it before it be made their fixed the question may be supposed to stand on inde-abode. All the other places which have been pendent ground.

But there was a collateral observation he would make. If Germantown was the proper place for the permanent residence of Congress, it was so near Philadelphia as to prove that that city would be the proper place for the temporary residence, and of course they ought to move there immediately, and order the next session to be held there; but both these questions were of too much moment to be fixed by a hasty vote of the House.

mentioned as candidates for the seat of Government, on this occasion, have at different times, and in different forms, been held up to the public attention; two of them had not only employed the deliberation, but had obtained the favorable decision of the old Congress; now after all this, to take up and adopt, in a moment, a rival place, never before contemplated, is risking an improper and a dissatisfactory decision.

no other question had been involved in the bill: he could hardly suppose such a change of sentiment would take place without argument, as was necessary in order to get the Senate's amendment adopted, which he understood, was carried by a small majority indeed.

Mr. STONE reminded the House of the majority there was in selecting the Susquehanna, Mr. JACKSON had given his assent to the bill which he conceived to be the second best spot as it passed the House, after a fair opposition: in the United States; and how much greater he was satisfied his fellow-citizens would sub-that majority would have been than 31 to 17, if mit to what appeared to be the voice of their country; though they would have preferred the Potomac on account of its centrality and contiguity to the Western Territory, yet he acceded to the Susquehanna; but this was no reason he should vote for Germantown. Who are those that say to us, Germantown is the most proper Mr. WHITE would just add one observaspot that can be selected? They are the repre- tion, which was respecting the enormous price sentatives of the State sovereignties; where the of land in the vicinity of Philadelphia; and large and small States are equally represented, how imprudent it would be for Congress to subthe voice of the majority of the people is lost inject themselves to an exorbitant demand of this the inequality of the political branch of the Le-nature, by fixing upon the precise spot where gislature. He could not but think an alteration this Federal town should be. in the sentiment of the House, on this ground, would excite serious alarm in the minds of the people; to avoid which consequence, he should agree to the postponement.

The question was now taken on postponing the consideration of the amendment proposed by the Senate, until the next session; and the yeas and nays being called, are:

Mr. GERRY urged, as a reason for postponeYEAS-Messrs. Baldwin, Bland, Brown, Burke, ment, that North Carolina and Rhode Island Carroll, Coles, Contee, Gale, Gerry, Griffin, Jackwere out of the Union at present; and that, son, Lee, Madison, Matthews, Moore, Page, Paras there was a flattering expectation that at ker, Schureman, Seney, Smith, (of Maryland,) least one of those States would adopt the con-Smith, (of South Carolina,) Stone, Sumter, Tucker, stitution by the next session, it would be ex- and White.--25. tremely desirable to have their voice in determining this great question.

NAYS-Messrs. Ames, Benson, Boudinot, Cadwalader, Clymer, Fitzsimons, Floyd, Foster, Gilman, Goodhue, Grout, Hartley, Hathorn, Heister, Lawrence, Leonard, Livermore, Muhlenberg, Partridge, Van Rensselaer, Scott, Sherman, Sylvester, Sinnickson, Thatcher, Trumbull, Vining, Wadsworth, and

Mr. MADISON.-However different our sentiments, with respect to the place most proper for the seat of the Federal Government, I presume we shall all agree that a right decision is of great importance; and that a satisfactory deci-Wynkoop.--29. sion is of equal moment to the happiness and So it was determined in the negative. tranquillity of the Union: that even the manner A message from the President of the United and circumstances under which such decision States was received, enclosing a letter from the may take place, are worthy of serious consider-Governor of Rhode Island, written at the re ation.

Now, sir, the amendment proposed by the Senate, not only deserves the name of a new bill, but it proceeds on principles different from those which served for the basis of the bill sent up to them from this House: hence I presume, sir, it is not only necessary to examine the merits of the proposition, but to enter into a full and minute investigation of those principles

quest and in behalf of the General Assembly of that State; which being read, was ordered to lie on the table. And then the House adjourned.

MONDAY, September 28.

A message from the Senate informed the
House that they had agreed to the resolution

SEPTEMBER 28, 1789.]

Permanent Seat of Government.

desiring the President of the United States to recommend a day of general thanksgiving: also, to the resolution desiring him to transmit to the Executives of the several States of the Union, and also to the Executives of the States of Rhode Island and North Carolina, copies of the amendments agreed to by Congress to the Constitution of the United States. They have also come to a resolution appointing a committee to join with such committee as this House shall appoint, to wait upon the President of the United States, and notify him of the proposed recess of Congress.

Whereupon, the House ordered that a committee be appointed to join with the committee of the Senate, for the purpose expressed in the last resolution; and named Messrs. VINING, LEE, and GILMAN, accordingly.

The House then proceeded to consider the amendments proposed by the Senate to the bill for the establishing the seat of Government of the United States.


Mr. SHERMAN.-In our deliberations on this occasion, we should have an eye to the general accommodation of the Union, and the best way of defraying the expense. The place fixed upon by the Senate, he presumed, was known to the members generally; hence they were able to judge of its eligibility at the first view; it certainly possessed some advantages over the other situation; and he believed it was as central, if not more so than the Susquehanna, as it respected the present inhabitants; the air, the soil, in that neighborhood, were quite as agreeable as the other. But there was an access by water, from every part of the United States, which furnished a very great convenience; but beside this, those who came from the Southern States, had generally an inland navigation, with a short distance to come by land from the head of the Elk; so the citizens of the Eastern States, in like manner, would be accommodated by coming through the Sound and crossing to Amboy, on which route they would have but about 70 miles land carriage; a distance nearly equal with the other. He admitted that Germantown was not quite so near to the Western Territory as the Susquehanna was; but he contemplated a very distant day before it would be settled, and much longer before the inhabitants would have frequent occasion of travelling to the seat of Government. Added to the advantages he had mentioned, there were good buildings, and convenience for arsenals and ship-yards, with abundance of artificers on the spot; these considerations, taken together, induced him to think it best to concur with the Senate.

[H. OF R.

sylvania would be benefited by this selection," beyond her equal proportion; and that she ought, therefore, to contribute something for the advantage it procured her.

Mr. SMITH thought the honorable gentleman rather inconsistent in his argument to-day. If he recollected right, the gentleman had formerly urged in favor of the Susquehanna, that it was not accessible by vessels from sea; and now he recommends this quality as an advantage in favor of the Delaware. The gentleman admits that this position is not quite so near the Western Territory as the one chosen by the House; but then he thinks no inconvenience will arise, inasmuch as it will be some years before it is peopled: but how does this comport with the principle laid down by an almost unanimous vote of the House? At the beginning of this business, we declared that a due regard should be had to the Western Territory; he now tells us, as an argument in favor of the Senate's amendment, that we should have no regard to it at all. He thinks the change made in the manner of obtaining the money favorable; but what advantage will accrue to the United States from Pennsylvania's granting 100,000 dollars, when Congress will have to purchase the land on which they are to sit down? Land in the neighborhood of Philadelphia, he had been told, was worth 40 or 50 pounds an acre. The 100,000 dollars, given by Pennsylvania, would not go far in a purchase at this rate. He thought the Government would have a better bargain in buying cheap lands on the Susquehanna; or perhaps they might have been got there for nothing. He thought this alteration unfavorable to the Public Treasury, which could illy supply such a demand upon it.

But he had an objection which would go against fixing in the neighborhood of any large city. The Federal town would, in such case, be no more than a suburb. Could any one expect Germantown to rival Philadelphia? No, it would be swallowed up by it. The public ministers, and all the officers of Government, who could afford it, would reside in Philadelphia; for they are generally found to prefer a large, handsome, well-built city to a small village. Now, he would submit whether it was consistent with the dignity of the nation to place themselves in such a situation. Beside, the State of Pennsylvania had fixed boundaries, into which they would not admit Congress; should the House, then, to show their deference and respect to her, go precisely to those boundaries, and say they are content? Why, if Germantown is central, do we not say we will go to Philadelphia? that city would undoubtedly afford better accommodation, and could be but five miles short of the centre. No, we are not With respect to the change which the Senate to go there, because the State of Pennsylvania has proposed in the mode of obtaining the mo- has proscribed us; we must go to the very line ney requisite to defray the expense of raising the she has marked out for us, and accept her cespublic buildings, he thought it a prudent alter- sion upon her own terms. It would be more ation, considering the present situation of the consistent with the dignity of Congress to select Treasury: the Senate, no doubt, considered this the place, and wait where we are well accomcircumstance, as well as that the State of Penn-modated, till the State shall consent to give it.

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He hoped the large majority which had agreed to the Susquehanna would continue firm, and not suffer a dereliction of the object they had so | ably supported.

Mr. SHerman begged leave to answer a few words of the gentleman. He was charged with inconsistency, because he had said the Susquehanna was safe from vessels of war; but this was not an objection, in his mind, to any place; he only mentioned it to obviate the objection in the minds of those who entertained it: for his part, he did not fear the effects of an invasion, because he believed and trusted that many years would pass away before the United States were involved again in war. The gentleman might also remember that the Eastern members always thought the Susquehanna south and westward of the true centre, but were content to go that far for the sake of accommodation; but now that the Senate had agreed with them in that opinion, he thought it but reasonable to meet them, and adopt their proposition..

Mr. WHITE had not been present when the question was discussed in this House; but he observed, from the minutes, and other publica*tions, that the great contest lay between the Susquehanna and the Potomac: he understood that the interest of the whole was consulted in the choice the House had made: he was so far | inclined to pay a deference to the opinion of this House, as to acquiesce in their decisions, although nis own sentiments were in favor of the more southern and western position: but he could never think that great national principles would induce them to stop short of the place which they had_approved.

Mr. MADISON contended that the amendment proposed by the Senate was a departure from would not trouble them with a recapitulation every principle adopted by the House; but he of arguments, which he feared would be unavailing; he wished, however, that the House would provide against one inconvenience, which was, to prevent the district in Pennsylvania, chosen by Congress, from being deprived for a time of the benefit of the laws. This, he apprehended, would be the case, unless Congress made provision for the operation of the laws of Pennsylvania, in the act by which they accepted of the cession of that State; for the State relinquished the right of legislation from the moment that Congress accepted of the district. The propriety of this proposition was so apparent, that he had not a doubt but the House would consent to it. He then moved the following proviso: "And provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to affect the operation of the laws of Pennsylvania, within the district ceded and accepted, until Congress shall otherwise provide by law."

Mr. LIVERMORE objected to this motion; because he supposed there was no necessity for it. The question was then taken, do the House agree to the amendment? and decided in the affirmative. The yeas and nays being demanded, are as follows:

[SEPTEMBER 28, 1789.

YEAS--Messrs. Ames, Cadwalader, Clymer, Fitzsimons, Floyd, Foster, Gerry, Gilman, Goodhue, Grout, Hartley, Hathorn, Heister, Huntington, Lawrence, Leonard, Livermore, Muhlenberg, Partridge, Van Rensselaer, Schureman, Scott, Sherman, Sylvester, Sinnickson, Thatcher, Trumbull, Vining, Wadsworth, and Wynkoop--31.

NAYS--Messrs. Baldwin, Bland, Boudinot, Brown, Burke, Carroll, Coles, Contee, Gale, Griffin, Jackson, Lee, Madison, Matthews, Moore, Page, Parker, Seney, Smith, (of Maryland,) Smith, (of South Carolina,) Stone, Sumter, Tucker, and White-24. the House had conferred with the committee Mr. WHITE reported that the committee of of the Senate, on the subject of writs issuing in the name of the President; but had come to no agreement.

A message from the Senate was then received, with the Process bill, to which an amendment was proposed by the Senate. The House then proceeded to consider the said amendment; and a motion being made to recede from their amendment, so far as to agree to the amendments of the said amendment proposed by the Senate, the yeas and nays being required, were:

YRAS-Messrs. Ames, Baldwin, Benson, Cadwalader, Carroll, Clymer, Fitzsimons, Foster, Gale, Gilman, Goodhue, Hartley, Lawrence, Lee, Leonard, Livermore, Partridge, Schureman, Scott, Sherman, Sylvester, Sinnickson, Smith, (of Maryland,) Thatcher, Trumbull, and Wadsworth--25.

NAYS--Messrs. Bland, Boudinot, Brown, Burke, Coles, Contee, Floyd, Gerry, Griffin, Grout, HeisPage, Seney, Smith, (of South Carolina,) Stone, ter, Jackson, Madison, Moore, Muhlenberg, Parker,

Sumter, Tucker, and White-25.

The votes being equal, it lay with the Speakwith the Invalids, and the Appropriation bills, er to decide, which he did in the affirmative. A message was received from the Senate, to which sundry amendments were proposed the House immediately considered and agreed to the same.

A message from the Senate was received, with the bill to explain and amend the act for registering and clearing vessels, with amendments; these amendments were agreed to by the House.

A further message was received, informing that the Senate had postponed the consideration of the amendment of the House to the act for establishing the seat of Government of the United States. Adjourned until this evening. EODEM DIE.

A message was received from the Senate, informing the House that they had passed the act to recognise and adapt to the constitution of the United States, the establishment of the troops raised under resolves of the old Congress, with amendments; which amendments were agreed to by the House; but when the last one was under consideration for striking out all that respected the number of the militia to be called into service for the defence of the frontiers, from the States of Pennsylvania, Vir

SEPTEMBER 29, 1789.]

Message from the President.

[H. OF R.

UNITED STATES, Sept. 29, 1789.
Gentlemen of the House of Representatives:
Having yesterday been informed, by a joint com-

ginia, and Georgia, and to insert a clause instead thereof, empowering the President to call out the militia generally, for the purpose of protecting the frontiers against the hostile in-mittee of both Houses of Congress, that they had vasion of the Indians, it was moved that the agreed to a recess, to commence this day, and to House disagree to the amendment of the Sen- continue until the first Monday in January next, I ate; and the yeas and nays being required, are: take the earliest opportunity of acquainting you that, YEAS--Messrs. Benson, Carroll, Clymer, Foster, considering how long and laborious this session has Gilman, Lawrence, Lee, Madison, Partridge, Sher- been, and the reasons which, I presume, have proman, Sylvester, Smith, (of Maryland) Stone, Thatch-duced this resolution, it does not appear to me expeer, Trumbull, and Wadsworth-16. dient to recommend any measures to their consideration at present. GEO. WASHINGTON.

NAYS-Messrs. Ames, Baldwin, Bland, Boudinot, Burke, Cadwalader, Coles, Contee, Fitzsimons, Floyd, Gerry, Heister, Jackson, Leonard, Livermore, Matthews, Moore, Muhlenberg, Van Rensselaer, Schureman, Scott, Seney, Sinnickson, Sumter, Tucker, and White--25.

A number of engrossed bills, and the proposed amendments to the Constitution, were brought in, passed, and signed: after which the House adjourned.

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UNITED STATES, Sept. 29, 1789. Gentlemen of the House of Representatives: His Most Christian Majesty, by a letter dated the 7th of June last, addressed to the President and members of the General Congress of the United States of North America, announces the much lamented death of his son the Dauphin. The generous conduct of the French monarch and nation towards this country renders every event that may affect his or their prosperity interesting to us; and I shall take care to assure him of the sensibility with which the United States participate in the affliction which a loss so much to be regretted must have occasioned both to him and them.


On motion of Mr. GERRY, it was ordered, that it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Senate and Clerk of the House, at the end of each session, to send a printed copy of the Journals thereof, respectively, to the Supreme Executive, and each branch of the Legislature, of every State.

A message was received from the Senate, with the resolution respecting JOHN WHITE; the bill for the establishment of troops; also a bill for allowing the Baron de GLAUBECK the pay of a captain, to which they requested the concurrence of the House; this bill was thereupon read a first and second time, engrossed, and read a third time, enrolled and signed, and transmitted to the Senate.

And then it was ordered that a message be sent to the Senate, to inform them that this House having completed the business before them, are now about to proceed to close the present session, by an adjournment on their part, agreeably to the order of the 26th instant; and that the Clerk of this House do go with the said message.

The Clerk accordingly went with the said message, and being returned,

The Speaker adjourned the House until the first Monday in January next.

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