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ELECTIONS, continued.

39: St. Pancras, [135], 41; Rother-
ham, [69], 12; Southport, [112], [133],

ELLIS, Mr. T., on the retirement of Sir W.

Harcourt, 6

ENGINEERS, Amalgamated Society of, sus-
pended, 52

ESTIMATES, Army, [40], [165]; Budget, 19;
Civil Service, [51]; Navy, [45], 14;
Supplementary, [34], [214], 64.


FIRES. AARHUUS, Jutland, 51
CASKIEBEN House, Aberdeenshire, 2
CLARENCE, reformatory ship, 46

CORK Company in the Minories, ware-
houses, 9

COTTAGE, The, Six Mile Bottom, 58
DAWSON City, Klondike, 23
DOUGLAS Gasworks, 75

ELSWICK Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 33
EXETER Street, Strand, 73

HIGH Wycombe, 44

HULL, grain storehouse, 47
HYDE Park Court, 22


[blocks in formation]

THEATRE Royal, St. Helen's, Lancashire,

63; Newcastle-on-Tyne, 70

VICTOR, Colorado, 52

VOLTA Exhibition, Como, 40

WEST Ham Technical Institute and Free
Library, 64

WESTHAMINETT Workhouse, 67
WINDSOR Hotel, New York, 16
XERES, Spain, goods station at, 52

FLEET Signals, inquiry on the two missing
volumes, 58

FOOTBALL Matches. Aston Villa and
Liverpool, 24; Devonshire and Nor-
thumberland, 21; England and Scot-
land, 14, 15, 21; England and Wales,
17 Ireland and Wales, 14, 16;
Oxford and Cambridge, 11, 73; Scot-
land and Ireland, 11, 18; Scotland
and Wales, 16; Sheffield and Derby, 22
FOREIGN Office, Cabinet Councils at, 55,
58, 59


in command of the troops in South
Africa, 50
FOUNDATION - stones laid, Assouan, St.

Mark's Church, 12; St. Deniol's
Library, Hawarden, 61; Gordon Me-
morial College, 2; Nile reservoirs, 9;

FOUNDATION-stones, continued.

Parnell monument, [242], 61; Post
Office Savings Bank, West Kensington,
36; Royal School of Art Needlework,
South Kensington, 36; Victoria and
Albert Museum, [107], 28


FRANCE. ACADEMY elections, 28.
giers, disturbances at, [247]. Assump-
tionist Fathers, [257]. BEAUREPAIRE,
M. Q. de, on the Dreyfus case, [246],
2, 3, 47. Bretonnet, Administrator,
his death, 66. Brugère, Gen., Governor
of Paris, [254], 40. Budget, [247],
[259]. Bureau des Longitudes, on
the close of the century, 76. CASSA-
TION, Court of, decision in the Dreyfus
case, [252], 8, 31. Chabrol, siege of
Fort, [256]. Chambers, prorogued,
[255], 39; supplementary session,
[258], 69. Christiani, Baron F. de,
assaults Pres. Loubet, 33. Claretie,
M., his address at the Lyceum, 41.
Conspirators, domiciliary visits, 12;
trial, [256], [258], 41, 57, 68. Creuzot,
strike at, [257]. Criminal Procedure
Bill, [247], [250], 9. Cuverville, Adm.
de, superseded, 35. DELCASSÉ, M.,
leaves for St. Petersburg, 47. Dé-
roulède, M., attempt at a revolution,
[249], 12; his trial, [252], [258], 30;
rearrested, [256], 50; sentenced, 69,
75. Deschanel, M., re-elected President
of the Chamber, [247]. Dreyfus, Capt.,
revision of his case, 13, 30; leaves the
Île du Diable, 32; conveyed to Rennes,
38; trial, [172], [255], 49, 50; sen-
tenced, [174], [256], 55; pardoned,
[256], 57; protest, 72. Dupuy, Cabi-
net, resignation, [253], 33. Duruy,
M., suspended, [251], 25. ESTERHAZY,
Major, arrives in Paris, 4; leaves for
Rotterdam, 7; on the bordereau, 31.
FALLIÈRES, M., elected President of
the Senate, [250], 13. Faure, M. Félix,
his death, [248], 10; funeral, [249],
12. Fête, national, 41. Figaro pub-
lishes the Dreyfus case, 19. Foreign
policy, debate on, 5. Foureau-Lamy
mission, 56, 70. Freycinet, M., on the
Army Estimates, 14; resignation, [251],
25. GALLIFFET, Gen. de, on Col.
Picquart's innocence, 59; his Army
Bill, 71. Gohier, M. U., summoned,
[250]; acquitted, 15. Guerin, M.,
defies the police, 50; surrenders, 58.
Guiseppe, Gen. G. di San, arrested at
Nice, 34; sentenced, 37; released, 41.
HENRY, Mme., her action against
M. Reinach, 6. KLOBB, Lieut.-Col.,
assassinated, 42. LABORI, M.. shot
in the back, [255], 50; recovery, 52.
Le Matin opens a subscription, 4.
Leagues, suppression of, 13. Loubet,
M., re-elected President of the Senate,
[247]; elected President of the Republic,
[248], 10; assaulted, [252], 31; at
Longchamps, [253], 33. MARCHAND,
M., at Jibuti. 28; Toulon, 30; in
Paris, [252], 31; awarded the Audiffret
prize, 23. Mercier, Gen., on the guilt
of Capt. Dreyfus, 34. Mayors, sus-
pended, 32. NÉGRIER, Gen. de, dis-
missal, [254], 45. Newspapers, attack

FRANCE, continued.

on Queen Victoria, 71. ORLÉANS,
Duc d', repudiates support of M.
Meyer, 74. PARIS, Chinese Embassy,
first secretary shot, 9; disorders in,
[246], [247], [255], 51; Exhibition,
desire to boycott, 56; newspaper cor-
respondent, expelled, 12; Venezuela
Arbitration Court, sittings resumed,
34. Pellieux, Gen. de, transferred to
Quimper, [254], 45. Picquart, Col.,
charges against, 13, 33; released,
[250], 32. REGIS, M. Max, his recep-
tion at Algiers, [246]; sentenced, [251],
58; Rentes, court martial, [255], 53,
54; verdict, [256]. SOCIALISTS, Con-
gress of, [259]; appeal to the "English
Proletariat," 4. TELEGRAMS, friendly,
with Germany, 40. WALDECK-ROUS-
SEAU, M., his Cabinet, [253], 35; vote
of confidence, [254], 37, 69. ZOLA,
M., returns to Paris, 32; ZURLINDEN,
Gen., removed from the command of
the Army, [254]

GERMANY.-ANATOLIAN Railway, [292].
Army, adoption of German words, 1.
Army Bill, [269], 10, 11, 16; passed,
[273]. BISMARCK, Prince and Princess,
coffins of, transferred to the mauso-
leum, 16. Bosse, Dr., resignation,
[277], 54. Bülow, Count, on the
Navy, [279]-[282]; on the agreement
with Great Britain, 12. Butchers'
meat from Belgium, prohibited, 42.
Cameroons Co., North-West, charter
granted to, [285]. Canal Bill, [274],
34, 51; rejected, [276]. Chinese con-
cessions, [293], 7. Coburg succession,
[273]. DELBRUCK, Prof., sentenced,
[273), 18. Deutsche Bank, 6.


closed, [276], 53. Dortmund and Ems
Canal opened, [275].50. "EISENZAHN'
produced at Wiesbaden, 27. Esti-
mates, [278]. 4; Colonial, [284].
FOREIGN policy, [286]. HAMMER-
STEIN, Baron von, on the sugar trade,
[273]. Hohenlohe, Prince, his edict,
[276], 53; on the Navy, [279], 73.
Horst, Baron von der Recke von der,
resignation, [277], 54. KNORR, Adm.
von, resignation, 14. LIPPE-Detmold
question, 2. MUNSTER, Count, raised
to the dignity of prince, 52. NAVY,
proposed increase, [279], 3. OFFICIALS,
dismissal of, [276]. PARLIAMENT,
opened, 69. Pan-Germanic League,
congress at Hamburg, [278], 65.
Penal Servitude Bill, [277], 70. Posa-
dowsky, Count, on the most-favoured-
nation treatment, [290]. Postage rates
to the Colonies, reduction of, 29.
RHODES, Mr., agreements with, [289].
Rhynsburg, Spinoza Museum opened,
18. Richter, Herr, on the Navy,
[282]. SAMOA, commission ap-
pointed, [286]; convention signed,
[287] Schleswig, North, Danes ex-
pelled, 1. Social Democratic party,
congress at Hanover, [283]. Socialist
triumphs, [283]. Societies, coalition
of, 72. Spain, cession of islands,
[292]. Strikes, [277]. TELEGRAMS,

GERMANY, continued.

friendly, with France, 40. Thielen,
Herr, on the Canal Bill, [274]. WAR,
Minister, on the Army Bill, [269]-

Emperor of, on the Canal Bill,
[275]; his visit to the Iphigenie [293];
reviews the Hanoverian regiments, 6;
at the dinner of the Brandenburg
Diet, 8; assumes command of the
Navy, 14; on the Peace Conference,
28; letter to Dr. Hinzpeter, 41; at
Strasburg, 55; on the navy, 63; his
order to Prussian officers, 68; on the
close of the century, 76

Emperor and Empress of, visit to
England, [226]; at Portsmouth, 69;
leave Sandringham, 71

Empress of, at a meeting to extend
the number of sanatoria for consump
tives, 3; accident, 43

GLADSTONE, Mr., national memorial to,

GOLF Championship, result, 30, 32
GREECE. ATHENS, Syngros, Mme.,

her gift to improve the water supply,
17. ELECTION, general, [321]. MIN-
ISTRY, resignation, [321]; the new,
[321], 21

rebellion of the

second regiment, 26

GUILDHALL, performance of "Beauty's
Awakening" at, 37; meeting at,
[95], [203], 63

HAMILTON, Lord G., appointed Captain of
Deal Castle, 17

HARBERTON, Viscountess, and the land-
lady of the Hautboy Hotel, case of,


HARCOURT, Sir W., resigns the leader-
ship of the Liberal party, [13], 6
HEATON, Mr. H., presented with the free-
dom of the City of London, 43
HERSCHELL, Lord, his funeral, 17

[362]. KAU-LUNG, Chinese Maritime
Customs, notice to, [361]; riots, [362],
20, 22; occupied by the British [362].

HONOURS Conferred, Cromer, Lord, 1;

Elgin, Earl of, 7; Home, Earl of, 10;
Northumberland, Duke of, 26

HOPE or Tavernier blue diamond, applica-
cation to sell refused, 28, 42
HOSPITAL Fund, Prince of Wales', re-
ceipts for the year, 75

HYDE PARK, mass meeting at, 57


IMPERIAL Institute, Kensington, taken over
by the London University, 46
INDIA.-BENGAL, Darjeeling, disaster at,
[353]; Cavalry (native), the 3rd, sub-
scription to the War Fund, 76.
BAY, Northcote, Hon. Sir H. S., ap-
pointed Governor, [352], 65. Budget,
[356]. CALCUTTA, Elgin, Earl of, fare-
well dinner to, 1. Colombo graving
dock, first sod cut, 13. Currency,
[356], 55; report of the Committee,
[355], 36. Curzon, Lord, of Kedleston,
Governor-General, [355], 2. DAW-

INDIA, continued.

KINS, Mr. C., on the currency, [356],
55. Dravid, the brothers, assassina-
tion of, [352], 9. FAMINE, [353], 47,
72. LAW, Sir E. F., appointed
financial member of the Council,[357].
Legislatlon, [355], 17. MADRAS,
riots, [354], 34. NATIONAL Congress,
Lucknow, [355], 76. Native States,
[354]; offers of help, [355], 76. North-
West Provinces, Agra, finances, mis-
management of, [354]; Elgin bridge
opened, [354]. PLAGUE, epidemic
[353]. Punjab, punitive expedition,
8. RAINFALL, a general, 56. TRADE,
[357]. WESTLAND, Sir J., on the
Budget, [356]

INDUSTRIAL Contract Corporation, investi-
gation into, 72
Society, [244]. Agriculture and In-
dustries, new Department of, [244], 67.
Ashbourne, Lord, on the Land Com-
mission, [243]. BANTRY, farmer and
his son murdered, 22. COMMISSION
of the Peace, removal of chairmen,
[242]. Connaught, Duke of, ap-
pointed Commander-in-Chief of the
Forces, 76. County Councils, the
new, [241], 20. EMLY, Lord, deprived
of his rank as Deputy-Lieutenant,[242],
72. FITZHARRIS, J., and others re-
⚫leased, 52. LAND Commission, re-
sult, [243]. Local Government Act of
1898, result, [240], 4. PARNELL
memorial, meeting for the proposed,
46. Plunkett, Rt. Hon. H., ap-
pointed Vice-President of the Agricul-
ture and Technical Instruction Depart-
ment, [244], 67. TITHE Rent Charge
Bill, [244]. UNITED Irish League,
ITALY. AMNESTY declared, [269].
Anglo-French agreement, protest
against, [74], 19. Army reforms,
[267]. BUDGET, [260], [269].
elections, [269]. CHINAGLIA, Sgr.,
elected President of the Chamber, [264].
Chinese question, [262]. FRANCO-
Italian treaty of commerce, [261].
LEGHORN, anarchists arrested, [261].
MARTINO, Sgr, recalled, 15. Minis-
try, resignation, [263]; the new, [263].
NOTARBARTOLO, assassinated, [267]
73. PALIZZOLO, Sgr., arrested, [268],
73. Parliament reassembled, [264];
obstruction, [265]; prorogation, [266],
37, 38; reopening, [268], 69. Peace
Congress, [261]. Pelloux, Gen., re-
signation, [263], 25; forms a new
Cabinet, [263], 27. Public Safety
Bills, [262], 37. ROME, Anarchist
outrage, 15; St. Bede's College, con-
stitution granted to, 3; Chamber of
Deputies, scene in the, 30; Forum,
discoveries in the, 4; "Holy Year'
inaugurated, 76. SICILY, Maffia, in-
quiry into, [267], [268]. Socialist
deputies, election, [262]. VESUVIUS,
eruption of, 4. ZANARDELLI, Sgr.,
resignation, [264]


King and Queen of, visit Sardinia,
[262], 21; review the squadrons, 23

JAPAN. BERESFORD, Lord C., his visit
to, [263] KANOYE, Prince, his tour,
[363]. NAVY, increase of the, [363].
TRADE [363]. Treaties, revised, [363]
JUDGES, appointments, Bucknill, Mr. T.
T., 1. Cozens-Hardy, Mr., 11. Far-
well, Mr. G., 64. Lushington, Mr. F.,
50. Romer, Mr. Justice, 11

KELVIN, Lord, resigns the chair of Natural
Philosophy, Glasgow, 41

KIMBERLEY, Earl of, appointed Chancellor
of London University, 19

KITCHENER, Lord, grant and vote of thanks
to, [117], 31, 32; appointed Chief of
the Staff to Lord Roberts, [233],
[371], 74
KOREA.-CABINET dismissed, [362]. CON-
CESSIONS to Russia and Japan, [362].
TRADE, [362]

LANDSLIPS, Amalfi, 75; Dover, 61
LAW Courts, opening of the, 65
LICENSING question, report of the royal
commission on, [101]

LIPTON, Sir T., his yacht Shamrock at
New York, 51

LITERATURE, retrospect of, works of the
season, principal-

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

ABBOTT, Dr. L., "The Life and Letters
of Paul the Apostle," 83. Adeane,
Miss, "The Early Married Life of
Maria Josepha Lady Stanley," 90.
Aston, Mr. W. G., A History of
Japanese Literature," 79
BAILLIE-GROHMAN, Mr., "Sport and
Life in Western America," 91. Bate,
Mr. P. H., "The English Pre-
Raphaelite Painters," 93. Beavan,
Mr. A. H., 'James and Horace
Smith," 88. Beers, Mr. H. A., “A
History of English Romanticism in the
Eighteenth Century," 79. Beesly,
Mr. A. H., Life of Danton," 87.
Belloe, Mr. H., "Danton," 87. Ben-
son, Mr. A. C., Edward White Ben-
son, Archbishop of Canterbury," 88.
Bishop, Mrs., "The Yangtsze Valley
and Beyond," 91. Bonar, Mr. J., and
Mr. J. H. Hollander, "The Letters of
David Ricardo to Hutches Trower and
Others, 1811-1823," 82. "Bridges,
the Poetical Works of Robert," 78.
Browning, Mr. R. B., "The Letters of
Robert Browning and Elizabeth Bar-
rett," 89. Bruce, Prof. A. B., "The
Moral Order of the World in Ancient
and Modern Thought," 83. Bullen,
Mr. F. T., "The Cruise of the Cacha-
lot," 91; Idylls of the Sea," 91;
"The Log of a Sea Waif," 91
CAIRD, Dr., "The Fundamental Ideas
of Christianity," 83. Churchill, Mr.
W. S., "The River War," 82. Clim-
enson, E. J., "Passages from the
Diaries of Mrs. Philip Lybbe Powys of
Hardwick House, Oxon., 1756-1808,"
87. Coghill, Mrs. H., "The Auto-
biography and Letters of Mrs. M. O.
W. Oliphant," 89. Colvin, Mr. S.,

"The Letters of Robert Louis Steven-
son to His Family and Friends," 90.
Copland, Mr. C. T., "Letters of

LITERATURE, continued.

Thomas Carlyle to His Youngest
Sister," 90

[ocr errors]

DILKE, Lady, "French Painters of the
Eighteenth Century," 92. Dobson,
Mr. A., A Paladin of Philanthropy
and Other Papers," 78. Douglas, Sir
G., "History of the Scottish Border
Counties," 81. Doyle, Mr. J. A.,
"Memoir and Correspondence of Susan
Ferrier," 88. Duff, Sir M. Grant,
"Notes from a Diary," 89
EARLE, Mrs. C. W., More Potpourri
from a Surrey Garden," 91. Elton,
O., "The Augustan Ages," 79.
Ewart, Miss K. D., Cosimo de
Medici," 87


[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

FAIRBAIRN, Dr., "Catholicism: Roman
and Anglican," 84. Festing, Miss G.,
Hookham Frere and His
Friends," 90. Fisher, Mr. G. W.,
"Annals of Shrewsbury School," 82.
Fitzgerald, E. A., "The Highest
Andes," 91. Fitzpatrick, Mr. J. P.,
"The Transvaal from Within," 82.
Fortescue, Hon. J. W., "A History
of the British Army," 82. Foster,
Sir M., and Prof. R. Lankester, "The
Scientific Memoirs of Thomas Henry
Huxley," 85. Fry, Mr. R. E.,
"Giovanni Bellini," 92
GARDINER, Dr. S. R., "Oliver Crom-
well," 86. Gardner, Dr. P., "Ex-
ploratio Evangelica,' 83. Gore,
Canon, Practical Exposition of the
Epistle to the Hebrews," 84. Gosse,
E., "The Life and Letters of John
Donne,' 87. Graham, Mr. H. G.,
"Social Life in Scotland in the
Eighteenth Century," 81. Grey, Sir
E., "Fly Fishing," 92
HARRISON, Mr. F., Tennyson, Ruskin,
Mill, and Other Literary Estimates,"
78. Hill, Dr. B., "Unpublished
Letters of Swift," 90. Hodgkin, Dr.
T., "Italy and Her Invaders," 79.
Home, Hon. J. A., "Lady Louisa
Stuart,' 87. Hull, Dr. C. H., "The
Economic Writings of Sir W. Petty,"
82. Hunter, Sir W. W., "History of
British India," 81. Hutton, Mr. R.
H., "Aspects of Religious and Scien-
tific Thought," 83. Hyde, Dr. D.,
"A Literary History of Ireland," 78
JEKYLL, G., Wood and Garden," 91.
Johnston, Rev. J. O., and Rev. W.
C. E. Newbolt, "Spiritual Letters of
Edward Bouverie Pusey," 83. Jowett,
Prof., Sermons, Biographical and
Miscellaneous," 84


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

LITERATURE, continued.

[ocr errors]

Literature," 79. Lyall, Sir A.,
'Asiatic Studies: Religious and
Social," 84
MACAULAY, G. C., "The Complete
Works of John Gower," 79. Mackail,
Mr. J. W., "The Life of William
Morris," 88. Manners, Mr. W. E.,
"Some Account of the Military, Poli-
tical and Social Life of the Right Hon.
John Manners, Marquis of Granby,'
86. Maxwell, Sir H., "Life of Wel-
lington," 86. McCarthy, J., "Re-
Meakin, Mr. B.,
"The Moorish Empire," 81. Millais,
Mr. J. G., "The Life and Letters of
Sir John Everett Millais," 88. Moore,
Dr. E., "Studies in Dante,' 79.
Müller, Prof. M. "The Six Systems
of Indian Philosophy," 84;
Lang Syne," 89. Munro, Dr. R.,
"Pre-historic Scotland and Its Place
in European Civilisation," 86
PALGRAVE, G. F., "Francis Turner
Palgrave," 88. Parker, Mr. C. S.,
"Sir Robert Peel," 86. Payne, Mr.
E. J., "The History of the New
World Called America," 85. Phillips,
Mr. S., Paolo and Francesca," 78.
Prothero, Mr. R. E., "The Works
of Lord Byron," 90


RITCHIE, Mrs. R., "The Biographical
Edition of Thackeray," 79. Roberts,
Canon P., Conformity and Con-
science," 84. Rooses, M., "Dutch
Painters of the Nineteenth Century,"
92. Roscoe, G. S., and H. Clerque,
"George Selwyn, His Letters and
His Life," 90. Rossetti, Mr. W. M.,
"Pre-Raphaelite Diaries and Letters,'
92. Round, Mr. J. H., "The Com-
mune of London and Other Studies,"

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

History of the Church Missionary
Society," 84. Swete, Dr., "The Gos-
pel according to St. Mark," 84. Swin-
burne, Mr., "Rosamund," 77
THOMPSON, Rev. H. L., "Memoir of H.
G. Liddell, D.D.," 89. Trevelyan,
Sir G. O., "The American Revolution,
Part I., 1766-1776," 80. Trevelyan,
G. M., "England in the Age of
Wycliffe," 81

[ocr errors]

VERNEY, Miss, "Memoirs of the Verney
Family from 1660 to 1696," 87
WARD, Mrs. H., and Mr. C. K. Shorter,
"The Haworth Brontë," 79. Ward,
Prof. J., "Naturalism and Aguos-
ticism,' 83. West, Sir A., "Recol-
lections, 1832-1886," 89. Wheatley,
Mr. H., "The Diary of Samuel Pepys,'
79. Wheeler, S., "Letters of Walter
Savage Landor," 90. Willard, A. R.,
"History of Modern Italian Art," 92

LITERATURE, continued.


Williamson, Dr. G. C., Bernardino
Luini," 92
YARNALL, Mr. E., "Wordsworth and
the Coleridges," 88. Yeats, Mr. W.
B., "The Wind among the Reeds,"
"Poems," 78
LLEWELLYN, Mr. E., bequeaths money to
the poor, 5

LORD Mayor of London, appeal for a sub-

scription for the sufferers in the West
Indies, 50; election, 59; procession,
68; his proposal on providing a regi-
ment, 75

Lucania reaches New York in safety, 8
REFORMS, domestic, [325]

MACDONALD, Col. H., presented with a
sword of honour, 26
MALTA.-AMERICAN troops at, 14. POST-

AGE, adopts the penny, 18
MANOEUVRES, naval, 47; volunteers, 20
MARRIAGES.-CREWE, Earl of, 23; Or-

leans, Prince Jean d', 66; Orleans,
Princesse Isabelle d', 66; Primrose,
Lady Peggy, 23

MARTIN'S, ST., Townhall, meeting at, 17
MAY Day labour celebrations, 24.
MAYORS, election of, 68

METEORS, Leonid, seen in small numbers,

[396]. TRADE, [396]

MONUMENTS unveiled, Copenhagen, 56;
Prussian Guards, St. Privat, 51
MUSIC.-Retrospect of :-
CHAMBER Music, 125

CHORAL Concerts, 123

CRYSTAL Palace Concerts, 124

OPERA, Grand, 125; light, 126
ORCHESTRAL Concerts, 125
PROMENADE Concerts, 123
RICHTER Concerts, 125
SYMPHONY Concerts, 123
WAGNER Concerts, 124


Hilversum, rioting, 52. HAGUE, Peace
Congress at the, [326]-[329]; meeting,
54. SOCIAL democrats, meeting, [326].
States-General, reassembling, [326].
TOEKOE Oemar, Atchinese chief, killed,
10. WORKMEN'S Insurance Bill [325].
Earl, Governor, [406]. Budget
[407]. COMMONWEALTH Bill, [407], 49.
DROUGHT, [406]. FEDERAL Bill, [405],
13, 23, 35. Federal Enabling Bill,
405]. KOSCIUSKO, Mount, observatory
established, [408]. MINISTRY, resig-
nation, [407], 55; the new, [407], 56.
Moran, Card., on the Samoan Islands,
[406]. POPULATION, [408]. REVENUE,
[407] VOLUNTEERS for South Africa,
[407], 62, 74. WANT, Mr., resignation,
406]. Wine duties, protests against,
[406]. 22

grants, [414] BUDGET, [414]. ELEC-
TIONS, general, [414]. FEDERATION

NEW ZEALAND, continued.

question, [413]. OLD Age Pensions
Bill, result, [414]. PARLIAMENT
opened, [414]. REVENUE, [414].
STOUT, Sir R. appointed Chief Justice,
[415]. VOLUNTEERS for South Africa,
Budget, [395]. FRENCH shore rights
question, 2. MORINE, M., resignation,
[395]. SEAL fishery, [395]


NORTHCOTE, Sir H. S., appointed Governor
of Bombay, 65

programme, [350]. FLAG question
[348]. STANG, M., on the Union
question, [347]. Storthing, reassem-
bled, [347], [349]

King of, on the flag question, [349],
63; at Haplund, [349]


174; Abdy, J. T., 168; Achenbach,
H. von, 159; Acworth, Rev. W., 129;
Addy, Col. J., 178; Akers, Very Rev.
Canon G., 164; Aldworth, Col. R.,
166; Aldworth, Col. R. W., 136;
Alexander, Major-Gen. Sir C., 153;
Alexander, Major-Gen. W. R. A., 131;
Allen, G., 172; Alleyne, Major-Gen.
Sir J., 148; Andrewes, Col. W. G.,
129; Annenkoff, M. N., 130; Anson,
Rev. T. A., 170; Antelme, The Hon.
Sir C. A., 155; Antrobus, Sir E., 145;
Anzino, Mons. V., 141; Appleton, W.
H., 172; Arbuthnot, Gen. C. G., 147;
Ardagh, Gen. R. D., 148; Armitage,
B., 183; Armstrong, Sir A., 158; Arm-
strong, Rev. Sir E. F., 151; Armytage,
Sir G., 141; Arran, Dow. Countess of,
148; Ascroft, R., 156; Ashburnham,
Sir A., 182; Athlumney, Lady, 129;
Austen-Leigh, C., 171; Averoff or
Avyheris, G., 160

BAILLIE, E., 138; Baillie, R., 146;
Bamberger, L., 142; Baring-Gould,
Rev. A., 168; Barnes, Major-Gen. J.
W., 147; Barnes, W., 143; Bassett,
F., 155; Bates, Sir E. P., 186; Bates,
H., 132; Bausa, Card., 147; Baynes,
C. R., 139; Beaufort, Duke of, 145;
Beck, T., 167; Beechey, Rev. Canon
St. V., 164; Berkeley, Baroness, 183;
Berry, Rev. C. A., 132; Berthou, Rev.
E. L., 173; Bertrand, E., 186; Bing-
ham, Gen. G. W. P., 143; Binns, Sir
H., 155; Blackhall, Rev. S., 177;
Blackburn, Rev. R., 130; Blaikie,
Rev. W. G., 155; Blair, J. I., 183;
Blake, H. W., 157; Blanco, Gen. A.
G., 160; Bland, R. P., 156; Blom-
field, Sir A. W., 173; Blumencom, L.
von, 157; Blunt, Rev. H. G. S., 143;
Bolingbroke and St. John, Viscount,
176; Bonaparte, C. N., 137; Bonheur,
M. R., 153; Borlase, W. C., 144;
Boudier, Rev. J. G., 184; Bourke,
Hon. C. F., 146; Bowen, Rt. Hon. Sir
G., 135; Bowen, Major-Gen. W. T.,
168; Bowron, Sur.-Major J., 141;
Boyd, Very Rev. A. K. H., 140;
Boyle, Major-Gen. R., 174; Boynton,
Sir H. S., 146; Bradshaw, Vice-Adm.

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