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Acts of the Apostles, critical views of, Bengel, 114; on Rom. v. 12, 357; 500.
Beyschlag, W., 27, 28, 39, 51; on the

247 sq.; discourses of, 278 sq.

[ocr errors]

Adam, Paul's doctrine of, 349 sq.; the
second " or "last Adam," 392 sq.
Adeney, W. F., 513, 595.

Alford, H., 84, 306, 307, 484.
Allen, A. V. G., on the ministry in the
apostolic Church, 459.
Andrews, S. J., 391.

Angels, Jesus' reference to, 80 sq.;
mediation of, 365, 491.

Antichrist, in the Apocalypse, 550 sq.,
559 sq.; in John's epistles, 588.
Apocalypse, the Johannine, critical
questions concerning, 523 sq.; the
partition hypothesis, 527 sq.; out-
line analysis of, 529 sq.; on the per-
son of Christ, 536 sq.; on the Church,
543 sq.; on faith and works, 546 sq. ;
its doctrine of Antichrist, 550 sq.; on
the "millennium," 555; conflict of
good and evil, depicted in, 557 sq.;
the resulting victory, 561 sq.
Apocalypse, the Pauline, 472.
Apocalyptic element in the Gospels,

154 8q.
Apollos, 482.

Apostasy, in Hebrews, 521 sq.
Ascensio Mosis, 314.

Asceticism, Jesus' freedom from, 115;
Paul's attitude towards, 347 sq., 449
Augustine, 307.

Baldensperger, W., 39, 594.
Baptism, Paul's view of, 358; 461 sq.
Barnabas, 482.

Bartlett, S. C., 305.

Bartlet, J. V., on "the Son of man," 48.
Barton, G. A., 528.

Baur, F. C., on the meaning of "ran-
som, 127, 307; on "the spirits in
prison," 308; 325, 377, 401, 593, 594.

[ocr errors]

meaning of "Son of man," 52; 53;
on the title Son of God," 61, 62;
on the fatherhood of God, 72, 81;
122, 124; on the idea of ransom, 126
sq.; 157, 166, 174, 176, 185, 199; on
Jesus' sonship to God, 201; on his
preëxistence, 209 sq.; 225, 251, 253,
254, 266, 270; on the death of Christ,
271; 288, 290, 297, 298; on Christ's
death, 302; 307, 340, 377, 378, 391;
on Christ's preëxistence, 393, 395,
396, 401; 444, 445; on Paul's doc-
trine of marriage, 449; 486; on the
Christology of Hebrews, 503, 504,
526, 527, 528; on the Christology of
the Apocalypse, 539, 540, 541; on
John's Christology, in the prologue,
582-584, 593.

Binding and loosing, 142 sq.
Birth, or Begetting, from God, 590,

Bleek, F., 484, 486, 495, 500, 526, 539,
540, 551.

Book of Wisdom, 432.

Bousset, W., 17, 528, 539, 540, 551, 594.
Bovon, J., 108, 174, 176; on the doc-
trine of the Holy Spirit, 216; 247,
298, 302, 305, 308, 340, 398, 527, 593.
Briggs, C. A., 28, 34, 49, 58; on the
Lord's supper, 125; on the Church,
138; on the apocalyptic passages in
the Synoptics, 157; on "the bread
of life," 224; 299, 395; on Everett's
theory of Christ's death, 405, 406;
527; on the Apocalypse, 528, 529,
533; 539, 540, 584, 596.
Broadus, J. A., 83.
Bruce, A. B., 28, 35; on the phrase
"Son of man,' 42; 86, 132, 164; on
Paul's doctrine of the election of

Israel, 381, 388; 398; on Everett's' Edersheim, A., 116.
theory of Christ's death, 406; on
Paul's doctrine of justification, 428;
432, 486, 489; on the words" shadow"
and "image" in Hebrews, 496; 500;
on the eternal priesthood of Christ,
508, 594.

Election, Paul's doctrine of, 380 sq.
Ellicott, C. J., 306.

Buttmann, A., 306.

Calvin, J., on foreordination, 386.
Celibacy, Paul's view of, 449.
Charles, R. H., on the title "Son of

man," 43 sq.; 48 sq.; 313, 316.
Childship, to God, in John, 591, 592.
See Sonship.

Church, doctrine of, in the Synoptic
Gospels, 135 sq.; Paul's doctrine of,
458 sq.; the unity of, 464 sq.; in
Apocalypse, 543 sq.
Clarke, J. F., 597.
Clemen, C., 596.

"Coming" of Christ, in John, 234 sq.
Community of goods in the early
Church, 263 sq.

Cone, O., 272; on Rom. ix. 5, 398; 432,
594, 595.

"Conscience, cases of," Paul's treat-
ment of, 454 sq.
Cook, F. C., 307.

Covenant, Old and New, in Hebrews,
490 sq.; play on word, in Hebrews,


Criticism of the Gospels, 6 sq.

Dalman, G., 15.

Dalmer, J., 595.

Davidson, A. B., 492.

Death, of Christ, in early apostolic
teaching, 268 sq.; in Paul's theology,
403 sq.; Paul's view of, 351 sq., 474;
ethical, to sin, in Paul, 423 sq.
Delitzsch, F., 500.

Enoch, Book of, its doctrine of the
"Son of man," 44; on the " Son of
God," 58; 308, 315, 316.
Epistles of Paul, criticism of, 325 sq.
Ernesti, L., 282, 595.

Eschatology, of Jesus, 150 sq.; of
Paul, 470 sq.

Esdras, fourth book of, on the title
"Son of God,” 58.

Eusebius, Ecc. Hist., 249, 255, 482,
525, 527.

Everling, O., 595.

Everett, C. C., on Paul's "gospel,"
405, 406, 594.
Ewald, H., 234.

Faith, in Paul, 419 sq.; doctrine of, in
Hebrews, 515 sq.; in the Apocalypse,


Family, Paul's views of, 447 sq., 457.
Farrar, F. W., 253, 255, 307, 484, 486,
495, 526, 527.

Fatherhood of God, 658q.; whether uni-

versal, 69 sq.; in John, 179 sq., 572 8q.
"Flesh and Spirit," in John, 189 sq.
Flesh, Paul's doctrine of, 338 sq.
Forrest, D. W., on the unity of the
Church, 469.

Frommann, K., 595.

Fulfilment, Jesus' doctrine of, 17 sq.;
107 sq.

| Future life, grounds of, in Jesus'
teaching, 99 sq.

Gebhardt, H., 539, 540, 541, 551, 596.
Gess, W. F., 540.

Gifford, E. H., on Phil. ii. 5-11, 397, 595.
Gifts, spiritual, 434 sq.
Gloag, P. J., 246, 298.

De Wette, W. M. L., 237, 306, 307, 484, Gloël, J., 340, 444; on Paul's doctrine
500, 503, 526, 551, 584.

Diaconate, supposed origin of, 264 sq.
Diatessaron, of Tatian, 138, 170.

Dickson, W. P., 595.

Divorce, Paul's view of, 449 sq.

Doctrine and Life, the author's, cited,

Dorner, I. A., 401.
Drummond, J., 42.

Du Bose, W. P., 596.

Düsterdieck, F., 526, 539, 540, 551.
Dwight, T., 171, 236, 306, 321, 399, 500,
503, 584.

of the Holy Spirit, 432, 595.
God, the fatherhood of, 65 sq.; idea of
in fourth Gospel, 177 sq.; Paul's
doctrine of, 376 sq.; in John's
epistles, 569 sq.

Godet, F., 225, 236, 391, 398, 486, 526.
Gospel of Peter, 170.

Gospel, the fourth, authorship and
character of, 167 sq.; subjective
factor in, 172 sq.

Gospel, the, in relation to Judaism,
17 sq.; the Synoptic and Johannine
discourses in, 171 sq.

Gospels, the Synoptic, origin of, 1 sq.; | Israel, God's election of, 380 sq.

historical basis of, 6 sq.
Grafe, E., 374, 595.

Gunkel, H., 308; on the doctrine of the
Holy Spirit in Paul, 431, 432, 436,
440, 441; 528, 595.

Harnack, A., 245, 246, 254; on Paul's
epistles, 326; 401, 485, 486, 526, 527,

Hase, C., 167.

Hatch, E., on the ministry in the

apostolic Church, 459.
Haupt, E., on the eschatology of
Jesus, 157, 162; 573, 584, 594.
Hausrath, A., 401.

Hebrews, the Epistle to the, critical
questions relating to, 483 sq.; au-
thorship, 483 sq.; destination, 485
sq.; aim, 487; relation to Paulinism,
488; to Philonism, 488, 489; on the old
and new covenant, 490 sq.; on the
person of the mediator, 498 sq.; on
the high priesthood of Christ, 506
sq.; its doctrine of faith, 515 sq.; of
love and hope, 519 sq.
Heinrici, C. F. G., 393.
Hilgenfeld, A., 196, 325, 401, 595.
Hill, J. H., 138, 170.

Holiness, of God, 184.

Holsten, C., 329, 339, 401, 444, 594.
Holtzmann, H. J., 10, 11, 34, 42; on
the meaning of " Son of man," 52;
74, 77, 81, 83, 84; 154; on the idea of
Satan in John, 197; on Christ's pre-
existence, 211; 219, 235, 237, 246; on
the death of Christ, 271; 298; on the
doctrine of Christ in 1 Peter, 300;
302, 307, 308, 321, 326, 339, 377, 393, |
395, 396, 398, 401; on Dr. Everett's
theory of Christ's death, 406; 432,
447, 453, 485, 486, 526, 528; on the
millennial idea, 555; on John's pro-
logue, 584, 593.

Holtzmann, O., 196, 528, 596.


Issel, E., 27, 444.

Jacob, L., 17.

James, Epistle of, 245 sq.; doctrinal
contents of, 276 sq.

Jesus Christ, his modes of teaching, 8,
9; his relation to the thought of his
time, 11 sq.; his attitude towards
the Jewish law, 17 sq.; his doctrine
of the kingdom of God, 27 sq.; as
Son of man, 41 sq.; as Son of God,
54 sq.; aim and method of his teach-
ing, 76 sq.; his doctrine of sin, 92 sq.;
his doctrine of righteousness, 104 sq.;
attitude towards civil duties, 117;
his prediction of his death, 123;
his teaching concerning his coming,
150 sq.; his doctrine of judgment,
163 sq.; 183 sq.; his self-testimony in
John, 199 sq.; his preëxistence, 205
sq.; as "the bread of life," 224; his
coming and judgment, in John, 234
sq.; early disciples' view of his
death, 259 sq.; as Jehovah's servant,
265 sq.; doctrine of, in James, 287
sq.; in 1 Peter, 297 sq.; his death,
according to 1 Peter, 301 sq.; Paul's
doctrine of, 389 sq.; his preëxist-
ence, 392 sq.; his humiliation, 396
sq.; his deity, 397 sq.; doctrine of
his death, in Paul, 403 sq.: his per-
son, in Hebrews, 498 sq.; his saving
work, 506 sq.; doctrine of, in the
Apocalypse, 536 sq. See Messiah;
Son of man; Son of God; Logos.
Jewish thought, in Jesus' time, 11 sq.;
respecting God's kingdom, 28 sq.
Johannine Theology, the author's,
cited, 175, 191, 206, 227, 229, 235, 237,
587, 591, 596.

John, the apostle, Gospel of, 166 sq.;
characteristics of his thought, 564 sq.
"Jonah, sign of," 77, 226.
Jowett, B., 373.

Holy Spirit, nature of, according to Jude, Epistle of, 253 sq.; its theo-

Paul, 442 sq.

Hope, in Hebrews, 520 sq.

Hort, F. J. A., on the Church, 140;
173, 251; on the ministry in the
apostolic Church, 459; 486, 596.

Horton, R. F., 594.

Huther, J. E., 307, 321, 584.

Imputation, in Paul, 430.

Irenæus, on the Gospels, 3, 4; 527.

logical contents, 317 sq.

Judgment, Christ's doctrine of, 163

sq.; inseparable from Christ's work,
183 sq.; in John, 241 sq.; in Paul's
teaching, 480 sq.

Jülicher, A., 11; on the historicity of
the fourth Gospel, 167; 246, 254, 325,
326, 485, 486, 527.

Justification, in James, 288 sq.; Paul's
doctrine of, 417 sq.

Kabisch, R., on Paul's idea of spirit, | Lütgert, W., 27.

444, 595.

Kendrick, A. C., 500.

Kingdom, the theocratic, 57 sq.; of God,

[ocr errors]

Luthardt, C. E., 234.
| Luther, M., 321, 482.

ministry in the apostolic Church,
460; on baptism for the dead, 461;
485, 486, 528, 593.
Macintosh, R., 17.

Jesus' doctrine of, 27 sq.; Old Tes-McGiffert, A. C., 247, 327, 333; on the
tament idea of, 28 sq.; the Son of
man" as head and founder of, 50 sq.;
relation of, to the Church, in Jesus'
teaching, 135 sq.; relation of, to
Christ's parousia, 150 sq.; in Paul,

[ocr errors]

Man of sin," Paul's view of, 473.
Mark, Gospel of, 3.

Kingman, H., on the apocalyptic pas- Marriage, Paul's treatment of, 447 sq.

sages in the Gospels, 158.

Klöpper, A., 325, 377, 393.

Knowling, R. J., 335.

Köhler, H., 596.

Köstlin, K. R., 595.

Krummacher, F. W., 197.

Kühl, E., on Paul's doctrine of elec-
tion, 387.

Laidlaw, J., 596.

Matheson, G., 594.

Mathews, S., 594.

Matthew, Gospel of, 4, 5.

Mayor, J. B., 246, 250, 251, 252.

Mead, C. M., on the fatherhood of
God, 181; on Dr. Everett's theory of
Christ's death, 406.

Mediator, doctrine of, in Hebrews, 498
sq.; his humanity, 499; his eternity,
501 sq.

Lamb of God, in the Apocalypse, 536 Melchizedek, priesthood of, 506, 507.

sq.; in John's epistles, 588.

Lange, J. P., 84, 219, 234.

Law, the Jewish, in relation to the
gospel, 17 sq.; Paul's doctrine of,
362 sq.

Lechler, G. V., 220, 247, 253, 294, 298,

302, 307, 308, 539, 541, 593.
Leviticalism, in Hebrews, 493.
Life, eternal, in John, 224 sq.
Light, John's use of, 570 sq.
Lightfoot, John, on "binding and
loosing," 143; on "the bread of
life," 226.

Lightfoot, J. B., 171, 251, 373, 395; on

the ministry in the apostolic Church,
459; 527.

Lipsius, R. A., 377, 392, 398, 400, 595.
Logia, of Jesus, 2; of Matthew, 4 sq.
Logos, John's doctrine of, 577 sq.; roots

of the idea in the Old Testament,
577-579; in Philo, 579, 580; use of, by
John, 580 sq.

Ménégoz, E., 325; on the development
of Paul's theology, 331; 340; on
Paul's doctrine of "the flesh," 342;
on Paul's idea of sin, 353; on Paul's
doctrine of law, 364, 374; on God's
love, 377; 388, 393; on the person of
Christ, 394, 395, 398; on Paul's
Christology, 400, 401; on Paul's doc-
trine of justification, 417, 418; 485,
486, 488, 498, 595, 596.

[ocr errors]

Messiah, Jewish doctrine of, 14 sq.;
relation of Son of man" to, 52 sq.;
"Son of God" in relation to, 59 sq.;
the Messianic consciousness, 62 sq.;
doctrine of, in the primitive apos-
tolic theology, 259 sq.; in 1 Peter,
294 sq.; Jewish rejection of, 381 sq.
Messner, H., 598.

Meyer, H. A. W., 33, 42; on the mean-

ing of "Son of man," 46; 74, 77, 81,
83, 164, 185, 199, 220, 225, 234, 236,
237, 306, 367, 370, 377, 390, 398, 526.

Lord's supper, Paul's view of, 461, Millennium, 555.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Neander, A., on "the Son of man,' 447, 485, 486, 526, 528, 540, 593,
46, 593.
Neighbor, meaning of, for Jesus, Plummer, A., 236, 584.

111 sq.

Plumptre, E. H., 307, 321.
Porter, F. C., 308.

Oehler, G. F., on the traditional divi- Possession, demoniacal, 86 sq.; view
sion of the Mosaic law, 365.

of, in John, 193 sq.

Old Testament, its idea of God, 65 sq. Potwin, L. S., 84.

Olshausen, H., 391.

Origen, 482.

Orr, J., 205, 482.

Papias, on the origin of the Gospels,
3, 4.
Parables, of Jesus, 9-11; implying the
sonship of Christ, 54, 55; use of
popular language in, 79.
"Paraclete," meaning of, 213 sq., 589.
Parousia, Jesus' doctrine of, 150 sq.;
Paul's view of, 448; its nearness,
470 sq. See "Coming" of Christ.
Patton, W. W., 306.

Pauline Theology, the author's,
cited, 333, 336, 349, 358, 359, 415, 427,

Paul, the apostle, his theology, 325 sq.;
his religious history, 327 sq.; his
conversion, 329 sq.; the development
of his theology, 331; his education,
332 sq.; his knowledge of the his-
torical Christ, 334 sq.; his doctrine
of "flesh and spirit," 338 sq.; his
attitude towards asceticism, 347 sq.;
his view of Adam and the race,
349 sq.; his view of death, 351 sq.;
his doctrine of the law, 362 sq.; on
the divine purpose, 374 sq.; his doc-
trine of election, 380 sq.; on the
person of Christ, 389 sq.; on Christ's
humiliation, 396 sq.; on his deity,
397 sq.; on Christ's death, 403 sq.;
his doctrine of justification, 417 sq.;
his doctrine of the Holy Spirit,
431 sq.; on social relations, 446 sq.;
on the Church, 458 sq.; his eschatol-
ogy, 470 sq.; his doctrine of the
resurrection, 474 sq.
Peabody, A. P., 171.

Peter as the "rock" of the Church,
137 sq.; teaching of, in 1 Peter,
293 sq.; epistles of, 245 sq.; the
the first, its doctrinal contents, 293;
the second, its teaching, 318 sq.
Pfleiderer, O., 246, 254, 298; on Christ's
preëxistence, 300; 302, 307, 308, 329,
339, 367, 370, 377, 398, 401, 432, 444,

Preexistence of Christ, in 1 Peter,

298 sq.; in Paul, 392 sq.

Priesthood of Christ, in Hebrews,
506 sq.; doctrinal significance of,
512 sq.

Prologue, of Luke, 2 sq.

Property, private, Jesus' attitude
towards, 117; Paul's view of, 453.
Propitiation, Paul's idea of, 412 sq.;
in John's epistles, 589, 590.
Purpose, the divine, Paul's doctrine
of, 374 sq.

Ramsay, W. M., 246, 249, 527, 528.
Ransom, idea of, in Jesus' teaching,
126 sq.

Reconciliation, Paul's doctrine of,
409 sq.

Redemption, Paul's doctrine of, 409 sq.
Renan, E., 484.
Rendall, F., on the destination of the

Epistle to the Hebrews, 486; on the
word dia@kn in Hebrews, 511, 596.
Resurrection, in fourth Gospel, 238 sq.;
Paul's doctrine of, 474 sq.

Reuss, E., on "the Son of man," 47 ;
on the title "Son of God," 62; 175;
on the doctrine of the Holy Spirit,
216, 217;234, 236; on the eschatology
of John, 237; 247, 307, 398, 541, 593.
Riehm, E. K. A., 492, 498, 500, 503, 596.
Riggenbach, E., 595.
Righteousness, in Jesus' teaching,
104 sq.; "of God," in Paul, 378;
view of, in Paul's teaching, 418 sq.
Ritschl, A., on the idea of ransom,
127 sq.; 251, 302, 377, 398, 444, 484.
Robinson, J. A., 170.

Roman power, view of, in the Apoca-
lypse, 554 sq.

Romanes, G. J., on demoniacal posses-
sion, 90.

Row, C. A., 86.

Sabatier, A., on the development of

Paul's theology, 331; 340, 393, 395,
528, 594.

Salmon, G., 253, 254, 484, 526, 528.

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