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The New "Ideal Purgative."


Infant Purgen for Children,

Adult Purgen for Chronic Constipation.
Strong Purgen


for Invalids.

Containing respectively 4,1%, and 71⁄2 grains of Purgen.
Packed in Boxes only, bearing the above Registered Label.

the New SYNTHETIC APERIENT, was brought before the notice of the Medical Profession in England at the British Medical Association's Meeting in Manchester, July, 1902, and aroused, both on account of its pharmacological history and therapeutic uses, the greatest interest. PURGEN is the mildest aperient known, is pleasant in taste, not drastic but certain in its action; it is not absorbed, and therefore, even in large doses, is harmless. It is non-irri.ating, and hence should be the purgative chosen in pregnancy and the puerperal state, and in diseased or irritable kidneys.




Physicians when prescribing PURGEN should be very careful to write "KIRBY" after the word PURGEN" in order to ensure their preIscriptions being properly dispensed, as we regret to have to warn the Profession against the imitations of certain large advertising Firms who have not hesitated to copy as closely as possible the colour, shape, and flavour of our PURGEN preparations in addition to adopting our distinguishing terms, "Infant,' "Adult," and "Strong."


Packed in Boxes only, bearing our Registered Label-see above.
SMALL BOXES, for Retailing at 1-, 10/- per dozen; the Infant
and Adult Strengths having 25 tablets in the box, and the
Strong 6 tablets.

IN BULK, for Dispensing only:-Infant, 18/- per 1000;
Adult, 22/- per 1000; Strong, 50/- per 1000; also
in quantities of 100 at 2/6, 3/-, & 6/6,


Purgen may be obtained from

W. LLOYD WOOD, Toronto,

General Canadian Agent,

Who will be glad to supply Medical Men with Samples and Literature Free of Charge.

H. & T. KIRBY & Co. Ld. Wholesale Manufacturing Chemists, 14, Newman St., Oxford St., LONDON, W.

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Being leaders in the manufacture of Bateriological Apparatus and Sterilizers for years, we have never known an article to meet with such instant approval and immediate adoption by physicians as has the

Rochester Sterilizing Outfit

It fills a long felt want surely and successfully-that's why.
An Instrument Sterilizer

FOR IT COMBINES A Dressing Sterilizer and ALL IN ONE
A Water Sterilizer

Heated by gas or gasoline; either style of burner furnished; or a shelf for Primus oil stoves, as you prefer. The neat, attractive appearance of the strong, heavily enameled frame to which the Sterilizers are fitted makes a handsome addition to any office. Your Instrument Dealer will tell you about it, if you ask; or you may address the manufacturers,

WILMOT CASTLE CO., 20 Elm Street,

Rochester, N.Y.

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This Food has long been used in the Royal Nurseries of England and Europe, and is daily becoming more popular throughout Canada.

A booklet giving most interesting nursery matter, and some delicious reapes,
mailed free to all parts of Canada,

F. MAGOR & CO., Canadian Agents, 403 ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL

When writing advertisers, please mention THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY.



Our claim that Ferrol is the ideal Infant Food is
based on the following good and sufficient


1. FERROL Contains the elements necessary to a
perfect nutrient; thus no part of the system
is developed at the expense of the rest.

2. FERROL is palatable and is more easily assimi-
lated than any other food, with the possible
exception of mother's milk.

3. FERROL contains the maximum of nourishment
in the minimum of bulk.

4. FERROL leaves no residue for decomposition;
the importance of this fact cannot well be
over estimated.

5. FERROL invariably agrees with Babies, no
matter how weak and puny.

By the judicious use of FERROL the appalling
mortality amongst Infants may be appreciably
reduced. We invite any Physician who has
not used FERROL in the treatment of his Infant
patients to try it at our expense; we shall
gladly furnish a bottle for trial.

The Ferrol Co., Limited

124 King Street West, Toronto

When writing advertisers, please mention THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND Surgery.

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