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HE various Medicated-Petrogen combinations, in addition to producing the usual local effects of the particular drug, are immediately carried by this rapidly penetrating vehicle through the integument and mucous surface into the general circulation, exerting the full constitutional properties of the medicament without the danger of gastric irritation which usually follows its use by the mouth.

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Iodine and other drugs, when combined with this bland vehicle, may be rubbed on with the hand or massaged once or twice daily for a period of several weeks. This is not possible with the Tincture of Iodine, as several applications result in such extensive irritation that its further local use is seldom permissible. Clinical experience will substantiate our claim with reference to this new product, and we shall be glad, upon application, to supply samples to physicians for their personal demonstration.


Put up in 2-oz. and 7-oz. bottles

Camphor-Petrogen 20 per ct. Ichthyol-Petrogen

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10 per ct.. 5 66

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20 per cent.



When wring adverusers, please mention Til: CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE A D SURGERY.


IN bronchitis, "winter coughs," catarrhal and croupous pneumonia, Angier's Petroleum Emulsion employed with universally good results.

Its therapeutic action in these diseases is to be explained upon the wellrecognized sedative and antiphlogistic influence of the remedy upon the respiratory tract.

Angier's Petroleum Emulsion is equally effective in both the acute and chronic forms of bronchitis.

It is first of all a lubricant.

It loosens the tenacious adherent and viscid secretions and renders their removal by expectoration an easy process.

By reason of its capillary action petroleum is capable of passing from the pharynx through the glottis into the larynx and even far down into the bronchi.

It disperses local congestion rapidly and relieves the frequent dry, hacking cough, promotes easy expectoration and allays the sense of constriction and rawness in the throat and chest, and the mucous membrane is restored to its normal condition.

It also has a pronounced beneficial effect upon the general nutrition of the patient, thereby enabling the constitution to resume its wonted vigor.

Phillips' Phospho-Muriate of Quinine Com ound.-This preparation supplies the necessary elements required for phosphatic nutrition, and is applicable to a large class of pathological conditions. It is particularly recommended as a general tonic for the nervous system, and to stimulate the digestive functions. In pulmonary disorders, anemia, impotency, fevers, convalescence, and diseases due to malarial poisoning, its action is prompt. In exhaustion and debility, especially in the spring and summer, Phillips' PhosphoMuriate of Quinine Compound will be found especially valuable. Each fluid drachm contains phosphoric acid, 2 grs., the phosphate of potassium, of magnesium, of calcium, and of iron, of each four grains, muriate of quinine, 4 grain, and strychnine, 1-120 grain. It is made by The Chas. H. Phillips Chemical Co., New York, City.

Capsicol.--Dr. M. Jay Brown, of Salina, Kansas, wrote recently to The Norwich Pharmacal Co. as follows: "Enclosed find draft for one dollar, for which you will send Capsicol in tubes to the address given. I travelled forty miles last evening and saw Capsicol do the finest work I ever saw performed by any remedy in any case. It was in a case of neuritis, affecting the dorsal portion of the spinal column." Capsicol is an ideal counter-irritant, a solidified embrocation prepared with an oleaginous base and put up in convenient collapsible tubes-always ready for use. It has been thoroughly tested clinically, and is found to contain just the necessary degree of counter-irritant effect, combined with active anodyne property. It not only relieves localized painful or inflammatory affections by its direct topical action, but is equally effective in removing congestion from internal organs or distant parts by reflex action through the nervous system, and the vaso-motor, or circulatory system. Capsicol is invaluable in the external treatment of all affections in which a linment or counter-irritant may be indicated.

Gold Medal Awarded,

Woman's Exhibition,


For Infants, Growing Children, Invalids, and the Aged.


"An excellent Food, admirably adapted to the wants of infants and young persons."-Sir CHARLES H. CAMERON, C.B., M.D., Professor of Chemistry, R.C.S.I., Medical Officer of Health for Dublin, City and County Analyst.

Dr. BARNARDO says: "We have already used Neave's Food in two of our homes (Babies' Castle and the Village Home), and I have no hesitation in saying it has proved very satisfactory."-July 27th, 1901.

"Characterized by an excellent rich proportion of nitrogenous food substances and of valuable mineral ingredients."-The Lancet,

"Well adapted for children, aged people and invalids."-British Medical Journal.

"Neave's Food is not so binding to the bowels as many of the farinaceous foods are, which is a great recommendation."-Fro. "Advice to a Moth r on the Management of Her Children," by PYE HENRY CHAVASSE, F.R.C.S., etc.

Purveyors by special appointment to H.I. M. the Empress of Russia.


The LYMAN BROS. & Co. Limited,
Toronto and Montreal.


JOSIAH R. NEAVE & Co., Fordingbridge, Eng.

When writing advertisers, please mention THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY.


THE following statements, as to the use of Pill Cascara Compound Robins and to Pill Cascara Compound Robins "Strong," come from physicians in high standing and speak for themselves.

No. 1 states: They are as natural as nature. The best pill I ever prescribed. Splendid for women in confinement, owing to freedom from unpleasant effects. You can obtain an action from almost anything, but to have a pill you can carry around with you and get rid of with a great deal of comfort is very rare. Pill Cascara Compound Robins will do that very thing. I have used in my family four to five hundred of them in the last twelve months."

No. 2: "My patients frequently tell me that those pills (Cascara Compound Robins) are the most comfortable things they ever took.“

No. 3: "They are splendid. I have a patient who has not had a natural action for ten years without the use of an enema, from whom I obtain natural actions by giving one pill Cascara Compound Robins every hour until the desired effect is produced."

Feeding the Convalesce it. After days or weeks of medication, as the case may be, more than mere passing consideration is due the stomach of the convalescent. The diet must contain not only the food elements necessary for repair of all the tissues, but it must be annetizing. The addition

of Egg-o-See, the flaked whole-wheat food, to a diet of milk, eggs and fruit, is a most welcome departure and will be not only eagerly acceptable, but will materially aid the reconstruction processes by supplying to the cells the diversified food elements which are more abundant in wheat than any other product of the soil. Order Egg-o-See for your patient and witness the resultant satisfaction. If you have not eaten Egg-o-See, address the Eggo-See Cereal Co., Quincy, Ill., and receive full size package free of cost.

A Prescription Drug Store.-Attention is called to the advertisement, appearing on page xlvi., of this issue, of J. G. Templeton, 142 King Street West, Toronto. The Central Pharmacy is first and foremost a prescription drug store, nothing but what the physician prescribes being ever dispensed. Mr. Templeton was for years intimately associated with the late Dr. Waters and Dr. Douglas, of Cobourg, men who were more than usually particular about the character of the dispensing done for them. The Central Pharmacy always have on hand a large stock of the pharmaceuticals of such houses as Parke, Davis & Co., Frederick Stearns & Co., and the II. K. Mulford Co., as also Merck's and Squibb's goods. Prescriptions sent or phoned to "Main 497" will be dispensed and delivered to any part of the city without any delay, and at any hour, day or night. J. G. Templeton also keeps a complete line of perfumes, sponges, toilet preparations and theatrical specialties, and will be pleased to hear from the medical profession or have them call and inspect for themselves one of the most up-to-date and best equipped drug stores in Canada. Reliability" is the motto of The Central Pharmacy.


Glyco-Thymoline and Bermingham Nasal Douche. In Stock with the following Wholesale Druggists:

Lyman Sons & Co., Montreal. Lyman Bros. &
Lyman, Knox & Co., Montreal and Toronto.

Co., Toronto. Simson Bros. & Co., Halifax.
Kerry, Watson & Co. Montreal and London.

Sole Agents for Great Britain: Thos. Christy & Co., 4, 10 and 12 Old Swan Lane, London, E.C

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