TO UNCLE TOM'S CABIN; PRESENTING THE ORIGINAL FACTS AND DOCUMENTS UPON WHICH TOGETHER WITH CORROBORATIVE STATEMENTS VERIFYING THE TRUTH OF THE WORK. BY HARRIET BEECHER STOWE, AUTHOR OF "UNCLE TOM'S CABIN." LONDON: SAMPSON LOW, SON, & CO., 47 LUDGATE HILL; THOMAS BOSWORTH, REGENT STREET. 1853. [The Author reserves the right of Translation of this Work.] ADVERTISEMENT. THE Publishers believe they consulted the wishes of the great English Public, no less than the interests of the Author of "Uncle Tom's Cabin," when they undertook to secure for her the protection of English Copyright Law in favour of the present Work. The unequalled circulation obtained by "Uncle Tom's Cabin" in this country of upwards of One million of copies within the year, needs no comment as to the estimation in which the Author is held, and it is believed the fact will be hailed with general satisfaction that her position as regards this and future Works is identical with that of the first Authors of our own country. On the other hand, in justice to the thousands and hundreds of thousands who have been amused, delighted, and instructed by the perusal of" Uncle Tom's Cabin," and are anxiously waiting now to read or hear all that pertains to that extraordinary work, and naturally so that which is to explain and justify what appeared incredible-to such therefore as have enjoyed the privileges of cheap editions in the former case, it may be right to state the present ליב |