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Crib in far corner of room with canopy over it. Steam kettle; gas stove (leaky tubing); room at 80° F. Many gas jets burning. Friends in the room, also the pug dog. Chest tightly enveloped in waistcoat poultice. If child's temperature is 105° F. make a poultice thick, hot, and tight. Blanket the windows, shut the doors. If these do not do it, give coal tar antipyretics and wait.


PRACTICAL DIETETICS.-DIET IN HEALTH AND DISEASE. By A. L. BENEDICT, Buffalo, New York, Member American GastroEnterological Association, Medical Society State of New York, etc. 12 mo. 400 Pages. Green Buckham, Gilt Side Title and Top. $1.50 Net. Chicago: G. P. Engelhard & Company.

Dr. Benedict has given us in this duodecimo a series of straightforward and simple definitions of the general forms contained in the dietary of diseases. No attempt has been made to give a very exhaustive dissertation but the important outlines of dietetics have been very carefully presented.

We can cordially recommend the work to physicians who naturally balk at reading an enormous volume.

SURGICAL TREATMENT OF BRIGHTS DISEASE. By DR. GEO. M. EDEBOHLS, A.M., M.D., LL.D., Professor of the General Diseases of Women of the Post-Graduate Hospital, New York City. F. F. Lisiecki, publisher, New York.

Dr. Edebolhls has extended his modest little contribution® ɔn the Renal Decapsulization into a volume of three hundred and ninety or more pages. It consists principally of a series of reprints of his papers which have appeared from time to time, also notice of results in operations of seventy-two (72) patients with complete history.

He shows that, whereas seven of these patients have died within two weeks following operations, and twenty-two died at periods more or less remote from the operation, forty are known to be living. These seventy-two cases embrace all of his operations for chronic Brights disease up to and through 1903. From his own synopsis, it cannot be said that the results have been striking. Seventeen cases cured-it being doubtful whether any were really cured or not.

At all events, notwithstanding the author's point of view, the results obtained by a number of foreign specialists along the same lines, and the present precedent will do much toward bringing into prominence the form of treatment for the heretofore intractable diseases, and as such are worthy of extended study.

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You must consider digestion. If foods pass through inert, all treatment necessarily will fail. The whole system of the emaciated, tubercular and neurotic patient cries out for fat. Nothing but fat will satisfy.

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It needs but little physiological knowledge to see how, in case of diabetes mellitus for example, in which disease cod liver oil is the "sheet-anchor," the use of substitutes for cod liver oil would be attended with disagreeable results. Cod liver oil possesses all the good qualities that the proposed substitutes lack, and none of their defects. The highest grade of pure cod liver oil is admirably combined with hypophosphites of lime and soda and glycerine in Scott's Emulsion.

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Inflammation in any form attacking the tonsillar region gives rise to symptoms of most distressing character, and at the same time provides a most favorable soil for the entry into the system of other infections. It is well to remember that at first this disease is only a local disturbance affecting the capillary system and glandular structures, and, if promptly and efficiently treated, will remain local. The constitutional symptoms, such as fever, headache, etc., only develop when there is considerable infection taken up.

In treatment the first indication is to increase local capillary circulation. A local remedy must fill two requirements, i. e., a detergent antiseptic and a degree of permanency in effect. Many of the remedies which have been advocated for the varied forms of Tonsillitis are antiseptic, but they are not sufficiently exosmotic in their action to increase the circulation, or else their effect is too transient. Glyco-Thymoline frequently applied in a 50 per cent. strength with a hand atomizer produces a rapid depletion of the congested area through its well defined exosmotic property, reestablishing normal passage of fluids through the tissues, promptly relieving the dry conditions of the membrane and giving an immediate and lasting anodyne effect. As a gargle a 25 per cent. solution hot may be effectively used, providing the process does not cause undue pain. The external application of cloths dipped in hot water and Glyco-Thymoline in 25 per cent. solution greatly increases the venous circulation.

THE AMERICAN POCKET MEDICAL DICTIONARY. Edited by W. A. Newman Dorland, M.D., Assistant Obstetrician to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Containing the pronunciation and definition of the principal words used in medicine and kindred sciences. with 566 pages and 64 extensive tables. Fourth revised edition, greatly enlarged. Philadelphia, New York,, London: W. B. Saunders & Company, 1903. Flexible leather, with gold edges, $1.00 net; with thumb index, $1.25 net.

In this little work, now in its fourth edition, we have a pocket dictionary equalled by none on the market. It is a wonder to us how the editor has gotten so much information in such a small space. In this edition several thousand of the newest terms that have appeared in recent medical literature have been added, and the entire work subjected to a careful revision. Since the work has come to us for review we have had many occasions to refer to it for definitions of new words, and in no instance have we been disappointed. We believe that the work in its new form will meet more fully than ever a real demand on the part of physicians and students.

[graphic][merged small][subsumed]

Don't lose sight of the great value of Dr. BRUSH'S KUMYSS at this season. It is the Safest and Best food for Invalids and Convalescents. Don't endanger your practice with inferior brands and imitations. Always prescribe Dr. BRUSH'S KUMYSS from your Best druggist. If interested write for book. E. F. Brush, M.D., Mount Vernon, New York.


Telephon Dr. Brush, 217 West 123d St., New York

A number of years ago Dr. James J. Sullivan (University Medical College), New York City, applied the remark "An Eligible Combination" to a then new preparation of well-known synergetic remedial agents. It is almost unnecessary to state that the preparation to which he referred is now well and favorably known as Antikamnia and Codeine Tablets, each tablet containing 14 gr. codeine and 434 grs. antikamnia. A fact which should not be overlooked is that the codeine used in this tablet is specially prepared and purified, is non-constipating, and does not induce a habit. These are some of the particularly advantageous features of the Antikamnia Chemical Company's codeine, and are well worth bearing in mind.

In the harrassing cough of phthisis, or in the pain of pleuritis, in the painful sensation accompanying bronchitis when the tubes are dry and irritable-as they usually are-the blending of the two drugs composing Antikamnia and Codeine Tablets will not be found wanting in action, but will give results that are gratifying to both the patient and the medical attendant. This tablet is a sedative to the respiratory centers in both acute and chronic discrders of the lungs. Cough, in the vast majority of cases, is promptly and lastingly decreased, and often entirely suppressed. In diseases of the respiratory organs, pain and cough are the symptoms which especially call for something to relieve, and this tablet does the work. In addition, it controls the violent spasms accompanying the cough which are so distressing.

LONDON, England.

I beg leave to state that I have tried VALENTINE'S MEAT-JUICE with the very best results, especially in cases of wasting diseases, such as Tabes, Phthisis and Strumous affections of children. I am at present using it in three cases of Cancer, and have every reason to be pleased with the results. I shall certainly recommend it in all such cases in the future. EDWARD R. TENNISON, M.D., L.R.C.P.

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