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til desquamation is over, then not so often. A great many of my cases were malignant and quite a number ushered in with convulsions. In some of my malignant cases I gave double the prescribed dose. It prevents in a large degree the disintegration of cellular tissue, and will not disappoint any who may use it in scarlet fever.-The New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal.

A NEW INVENTION. Something new, and yet old, is the use of Amber plates in a Static machine. Amber was the first product in which Electricity was found, and this because it was, and is yet the most Electric product known; yet it has never been used in Electric machines until the Sorensen Mfg. Co., in Ravena, have started to use it this summer as revolving plates for Static Machines. Of course it is a great success, as, it cannot break, and gives many times more current than any other product known.

ALETRIS CORDIAL is indicated as a prophylactic remedy against post-partum hemorrhage, uterine weakness, great development of the fetus and of the adnexa, and in those cases in which there is a disposition to hemorrhages.


The St. Louis Post-Dispatch poet hurls the following bit of wit at our wise and prudent course:

'Way back in '83 or '4,

Ere science had become a bore,

We had no germs and things to bite us,

Knew nothing of appendicitis,

Nor did remarks about bacilli

Give us a feeling damp and chilly,
And keep us guessing merrily
And puzzled temporarily,
Embarrassed, addled and perplexed
To know what bug would chew us next.
Then we could take a juicy steak
And eat it for our stomach's sake.
Without a fear; and we could drink
From cistern, well or kitchen sink,

Or from the spring beside the road
Down on the farm-our late abode-
And never once in terror squirm



are entirely prevented, and the shock of surgical operation greatly relieved by high rectal injections of


It should be administered with salt solution, heated to 70°F, an hour prior to operation, during same if shock is evident, and after returning patient to bed. The quantity of the injection must be suited to the individual case, varying from 2 ounces to 6 ounces of each. The salt solution renders the absorption of the Bovinine more rapid, and the heart action is immediately improved; the sustaining effect is continuous for two to three hours. The circulation which has become non-aerated through ether administration is oxygenated by the Bovinine, and rapidly restored to normal condition. Hence the absence of nausea and emesis. A postal will bring you our scientific treatise on Hæmatherapy, with reports of numerous cases.

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The Bovinine Company,

75 West Houston Street, NEW YORK.

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Or tremble at the wicked germ
Or any other bug or worm.

At night we never seemed to see
Unseemly bouts or revelry

Or any conduct riotous

To trouble or disquiet us

Upon the part of any bug

Within our gizzards buried snug,
Or any germ malevolent,

As classified by scientists benevolent.
Ah, no! But then we drank and ate
And never once regarded fate,
And we were just as happy then
As ever we shall be again—

Yea, happier; for then we sought
For brightness only, as we ought,
And heeded not nor gave a thought
To all the very latest news"
Or scientific bugaboos,

But took as many drinks and chews
Of meat or milk or rock and rye

As nature seemed to justify.

But now the sharp appliances
Of all the modern sciences,

With their unheard-of rules and laws,
As Hamlet said, "must give us pause."
No man is safe. We must inspect,
Devitalize, tear up, dissect,

Steam, sterilize and oft reject
What else were seeming proper food,
But which by science is tabooed
Since with bacilli it is rife,

And teeming with malignant life— With countless animalculae

Inimical to you and me.

It makes us weary, sore and sick
And fidgety and splenetic

To witness all this sort of stuff,
Which seems to us, at best, a bluff.
But science has us on the hip;
If we ignore her rules, or skip

Her regulations, she will fall
Upon our necks and curse us all,

For heretics and Johnnie Wises
With all her soul the dame despises.

What though we frown and bid defiance?
That cuts no ice at all with Science,

And with the germ we still must rassel,
For every body is his castle.

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Bath Rooms, Stables, Hospitals, or other public buildings. 5th.-As a finish in Dining Rooms, Kitchens, Hallways, Bath Rooms and Interiors of Railway Cars,over grained work or on hard wood it is superior to any article in use. Nothing else will stand on Refrigerators.



Our "Architectural Hand Book," giving prices and full particulars, sent free on application.

Water Proof Floor

For Interior Floors, Oll Cloths
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and left with an egg shell gloss,
whi h is superior to wax finish-
ing and costs less.

Bath Room Finish.
A new specialty for varnishing
Toilet, Bath, Engine. Refriger
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Houses, Yacht Cabins and Sal-
oons, Breweries, Stables, Lab-
oratories, Kitchens, Pantries
and Water Closets. Not affect-
ed by frequent contact with
chemical gases, immersion in
salt water, or washing with bot
or cold water and soap.

Five Practical Reasons

Architects, Builders, Govern.
ment and State Institutions

should use the

David B. Crockett Co.'s.

Spar Composition:

The only genuine article of its kind in the market.

1st.-As a finish on exterior woodwork on Yachts, Steamboats and Railway Cars it has no equal.

2d.-On Front or Vestibule Doors, over grained work or on natural woods, it will outwear all other materials used for such purposes.

3d.-It will not crack, turn white or blister.

4th. It will stand washing with hot or cold water and soap 5th.-The extreme toughness and durability of Spar Composition make it superior to any article of the kind ever offered.

All our goods can be rubbed and polished or left with an egg shell gloss.

If local dealers cannot supply you, send direct to Bridgeport, Conn., U.S.A., SAMUEL SWAN, President. W. B. LENT, Vice-President. CHAS. P. TOWNER, Sec. & Trans.

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