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He was often admonished by his friends, but would not amend his conduct.

The first edition of the book contained a few errors. The second edition was amended.

The boys wished to have some of the rules of the school altered, but the master said they were all necessary, and he could make no amendment.

A mendș, n. something which is given or done to make up for an injury or loss.

Edward accidentally broke the slate of the boy who sat next to him, and made amends for it by giving him his own.

A mi a ble, a. that in the mind which makes a person worthy of being loved.

She is kind, affectionate, and obliging. She has a very amiable disposition.

A mount', v. n. to come up to by degrees, or by adding one thing to another.

He spent six cents a day for cigars, and was surprised to find that, at the end of twenty years, it had amounted to four hundred and thirty-eight dollars.

He said one thing after another against the plan, but it all amounted to very little.

He has paid off the whole amount of his debts.

Am phib i ous, a. able to live either

in air or water; as frogs, beavers, and crocodiles.

Am ple, a. large enough in quantity.



He has a large family, but his house is of ample size for their accommodation.

The college has a well chosen and ample library.

A mūşe, v. a. to keep the mind

We were made to live for something more than mere amusement.

An ces tor, n. Richard had a father and mother; and they had their fathers and mothers; and these had their fathers and mothers, and so on. All these persons, from whom Richard is descended, excepting his father and mother, are his ancestors. His ancestry, so far back as we know, is very respectable.

An cient, a. that which was a very

long time ago.

In ancient times, cities were surrounded by high and strong walls.

The Bible is the most ancient of all books.

An ec dote, n. some one thing that is told in the way of a story, and which is short, interesting, and striking.

His conversation is full of instructive and amusing anecdotes,

An' guish, (ăng gwish,) pain.

n. violent

A man was pressed to the ground by a heavy tree which had fallen upon him; and he lay there in great anguish before any one came to help him.

When Hagar saw her son Ishmael nearly dying for thirst in the wilderness, her heart was full of anguish.

Ăn i mal, n. that which lives, feels and can move of itself.

Adam gave names to all the animals which God had created.

Of all animals man only has the power of speech.

pleased by drawing its attention to An i mal, a. that which belongs or something agreeable.

A father told his children interesting stories to amuse them.

relates to animals.

Some persons eat no animal food; they live wholly on vegetables, bread, and such things.

We have a body, which is our animal na- | Án nu al, a. that which returns every ture, and a soul, which is our spiritual na


An i mate, v. a. to give life and activity to.

The master promised the boys a holiday, which animated them much in their studies.

The long voyage had disheartened the sailors, when Columbus animated them again to new exertions, by telling them he saw signs that land was near.

The preacher spoke in a very animated and interesting manner.

The whole city was full of joy and animation on the arrival of LaFayette.

An něx, v. a. to join to the end of a thing.

He wrote a history, to which he annexed an appendix.

The penalty of death is annexed to the law against murder.

to join a small thing to a greater.

He gave his son fifty acres of land, to which he afterwards annexed a small pasture. An ni věr sa ry, n. a day returning at the same time yearly, on which something remarkable happened that is kept in mind by a public celebration.

The fourth of July is the anniversary of American independence. An nounce', v. a. to tell openly, to

make known in a public manner. The arrival of the Governor was announced by the ringing of the bells.

Angels were sent from heaven to announce the birth of Christ.

An noy', v. a. to continue to vex or trouble.

The musketoes were very numerous and annoyed us much.

His sleep did not refresh him, he was so annoyed by unpleasant dreams.

He came so often to our room when we


The passover among the Jews, was an an nual feast.

The Congress of the United States meets annually.

not living over to the next year.

Most of the vegetables in our gardens are annual.

An nŭl, v. a. to make a thing as though it had never been.

Two men made a bargain about some land, which they were afterwards sorry they had made, and both agreed to annul it.

It was forbidden among the ancient Medes and Persians, for the Kings ever to annul their decrees.

An' swer, (an' ser,) v. a. to speak or write back to the person who makes an inquiry.


It is impolite not to answer a proper question.

Letters on business ought to be answered as soon as possible.

speak or write in defense of.

When Paul was accused and stood before Felix, he said that he answered the more cheerfully, because Felix had long been a judge among the Jews.

to suit or be fit for.

The ark which Noah built, answered admirably the purpose for which it was made. v. n. to be accountable to.

When James broke the window on purpose, Robert told him he would have to answer to the man that owned the house for doing it.

Even he who had but one talent given to him, was answerable for his use of it. An tag o nist, n. one who contends with another.

Ăn tic, a. odd, wild, full of strange tricks.

They had a monkey in the ship who was so antic that he amused the sailors very much.

wished to study, that it was a great annoy- An tic' i pate, (an tīs i pate,) v. a. to


take or do a thing before another


Two men wished to buy a certain field. One of them went to the owner for that purpose, but found that the other had anticipated him by buying it only a few minutes before. to take or do a thing before the time.

The nurse, wishing to go away, gave the medicine at two o'clock which the physician told her to give at three. She did wrong to anticipate the time.

to see and feel a coming good or evil beforehand.

Some persons are so unwise as to make themselves very unhappy by anticipating trouble.

A pious man often enjoys much of the happiness of heaven by anticipation.

An tip a thy, n. so strong and fixed a dislike to a thing, as to lead a person, at once, to abhor and shun it.

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An tiq' ui ty, (an tiq we ty,) n. ancient times.

The temple of Solomon was one of the most costly and beautiful buildings of antiquity. what was made in ancient times, and still continues.

The pyramids of Egypt are among the most remarkable antiquities.

Anx' i e ty, (ǎngzi e ty,) n. great trouble or care about something uncertain, or future.

When Joseph was sent to inquire after his brethren, and did not return, Jacob had much anxiety about him.

When the mother heard of the loss of the ship, she felt very anxious with regard to her son, lest he might not have been saved from the wreck.

being very careful.

to his charge, and felt much anxiety to do his duty towards them.

Jane seems always to be anxious to please her mother.

A põl o gize, v. n. when a person has done wrong, or is thought to have done wrong, to give an excuse or reason, to show why he ought not to be blamed, or to be blamed less than he is.

I took a letter out of the post-office and carelessly opened it. I apologized to the person to whom it was directed.

He made an apology for coming late to din


A pos tle, n. a person sent to do some important business, and especially one whom Christ sent out to preach the Gospel.

Our Saviour chose twelve of his disciples to be his apostles.

Ap påll, v. a. to dishearten and make pale with great fear.

We read in the Book of Job, that when a spirit passed before Eliphaz in the visions of the night, fear and trembling came upon him, which made all his bones to shake, and the hair of his flesh to stand up. He was greatly appalled.

Ap på rent, a. that which can easily be seen.

Her love of praise is very apparent. that which is not, but only seems to be.

As we were sailing down the river in a steam-boat, the trees on the shore seemed to move rapidly by us. But they really did not. Their motion was only apparent.

The accounts which the two boys gave were thought at first to be very different, but when they explained the matter it was found that the contradiction was only apparènt, and that they agreed.

A good man had several orphan children left Ap peal, v. n. to call upon one or more

for an opinion or declaration concerning something, expecting that it will be in our favor.

His account of what happened was doubted, and he appealed to several who were there at the time, to say whether he had not told the truth.

The lawyer's appeal to the jury in behalf of the prisoner, was very eloquent and affecting. v. a. to carry a cause from one court of justice to a higher one.

The case was appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Ap pear, v. n. to be in sight.

The fog broke suddenly away, and the sun appeared.

The trees were covered with ice, sparkling like diamonds, and had a most beautiful appearance.

to seem to be what it is not.

A fly seen through a microscope appears to be much larger than it really is. Ap pěn dix, n. something added, usually to a book at its end.

Robertson's History of Scotland has a valuable appendix.

Ap pe tite, n. the desire of, or longing after, that which is good or pleasant.

A healthy child has a strong appetite for food.

The appetite for tobacco which many have, is not a natural one.

He has a strong appetite for distinction. We should learn to govern our appetites. Ap plåud, v. a. to give praise to, often in a strong and loud manner, as by clapping and shouting.

It is much more common in England than in this country, to applaud those who speak in public.


Men often bestow their applauses, to-day, those whom they will hiss, to-morrow. Ap ply, v. a. to put one thing to another.

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The anecdotes which he told were well chosen; they applied to the subject.

He was addressing young children, but many of the remarks which he made were more applicable to older persons than to them.

to ask something from one.

The lame man at the gate of the temple, applied to Peter and John for alms.

There were many applicants for admission into school, but only a few could be received. Ap point, v. a. to fix upon.

Mr. Jones appointed Saturday afternoon to take his children to ride.

The master went out of the school, and appointed Edward to be monitor while he was

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storm was approaching, and had every thing | Ar' bi tra ry, (år bi tra ry,) a. acting

put in order to meet it.

Her mother is very apprehensive that she may have the consumption.

Ap pren tice, n. one who goes to live with another for the sake of learning a trade.

The apprentice is usually bound to work for the master, for a certain number of years; and the master is bound to provide for him, |

and to instruct him in his trade.

Ap prișe, v. a. to tell a person of something which he ought soon to know.

Paul's nephew apprised the Roman governor, that more than forty men had banded together to kill Paul.

Ap prōach, v. n. to come, or go near. The boys saw the cars on the rail-road approaching rapidly, and got out of the way.

At the approach of winter, many birds fly from a colder to a warmer climate.

Ap prove, v. a. to like or be pleased with.

I do not approve his plan of sending his son

to sea.

The approbation of God is better than the praise of men.

or done without any fixed law and according to mere will.

He was so arbitrary in his conduct, that he found it difficult to get persons to work for him.

His government of his family was very arbitrary, and at one time he would punish severely what he would take no notice of at another.

Arch, (årch,) n. part of a circle, and not more than one half.—a part of a building, or bridge, made in that form.

Arch (arch,) a. chief, when used as the first part of a compound word; as arch-bishop.-cunning and playfully roguish.

He is an arch boy, and makes a great deal of sport among his playmates.

Ar' dor, (år dor,) n. strong and warm feeling.

Peter's ardor led him to say that he would lay down his life for Christ's sake; yet he soon after denied him.

Though the two friends have not seen each other for a long time, their attachment is as ardent as ever.

to speak of something as right or good. Ar gue, (år gu,) v. n. to try to show

The master approved the conduct of Samuel before the whole school.

Apt, a. fit, or suited to.

His address at the meeting was full of apt remarks.

to be in danger of, or exposed to. An empty barrel left in the sun, is apt to become leaky. inclined to.

Robert is much too apt to laugh at little things.

quick, ready.

He makes rapid progress in his studies. He is a very apt scholar.

Aq' ue duct, (ăk we duct,) n. a con

veyance made for carrying water.

by reasoning that a thing is so. Charles wished to be a sailor. He tried to make his father think that it was best. He used one reason after another. He argued a long time with his father, but did not get his


The Bible is shown to be true by a great many strong arguments.

We expected a lively and entertaining address, but it was rather argumentative and dull. Arm, (årm,) n. a limb of the body.—a

narrow branch of the sea, running up into the land.-might, power; as the arm of God, meaning the power of God.

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